Monday, February 27, 2012

Navis Pictures founder and filmmaker Jim Morlino ...

... his wife, Frances, and their six homeschooled children ...

"Holy Losers: What the little - known martyrs of the Vendée can teach us"

Random snippets from the Catholic Answers Magazine's Tim Ryland interview with filmmaker Jim Morlino.

March - April 2012 issue.

Website: .

"In February, Navis Pictures released its latest film, The War of the Vendée.

"It tells the story of the short - lived resistance movement in the countryside of western France to the anti - Catholic Republican government sprung from the French Revolution in the eighteenth century.

"It is the second full - length feature for Navis Pictures, which in 2009 released St. Bernadette of Lourdes.

"The company works with a unique conceit: Its full - length, Hollywood - quality movies are peopled exclusively with nonprofessional child actors, teenagers and younger.

"Navis Pictures founder Jim Morlino lives in Connecticut with his wife, Frances, and their six homeschooled children.

"He spoke with Catholic Answers Magazine managing editor Tim Ryland about his latest release and the apologetic potential of filmmaking...."

Now, for more on Morlino's choice to use child actors!


"Do you think it might be a stumbling block for some viewers as to believeability?"

Morlino's reponse:

"Perhaps for some.

"But because of the genuine innocence and honesty of the performances, I've found most people just tend to forget they're they're watching children after the first 10 minutes or so..."

Way to go, good people! :)


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