Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28. Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas -- Priest and Doctor of the Church.

Enero 28. Santo Tomás de Aquino -- Presbítero y Doctor de la Iglesia.

Southwest Texas, U.S.A. ...

Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church.

Brackettville,  78832.

Good, supportive -- all around ministerial team -- rocks!

At last Saturday's deacon - less  5:30 p.m. Mass.

 Celebrant: Father Antonio Moreno.

Altar Server TEAM: Ms. Brianna Flores and Mr. Alex DeHoyos.

Extraordinary Ministers: La Señora Norma Sandoval, K of Cs Mr. Roland Boysen and Mr. John Carlson.

Before Mass Rosary Leader: Mr. George Nicolai.

Lector: Mrs. Frances Franklin.

Una pareja tan parejo: Mr. and Mrs. Javier and Lucila Valdez, for helping with the during - Mass baptisms of Israel and Roland.

Choir Director: Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Ushers: Mr. George Nicolai and Mr. Faustino Sandoval.  

Way to go, great and wonderful people! :)


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