[Updated Monday a.m. 7/31/2007]
Now, the routing at the bottom of this letter indicates a "degree of concern" regarding a supposedly routine case involving the UTEP Dean of Student's Office that appears way out of line for the otherwise routine accusation of a UTEP student of predatory criminal sexual misconduct, however defined, a Class C Misdemeanor, inasmuch as the investigating officer who explained all this to me came within an ace of reading me my rights down at the UTEP Police Station, as well as offering me access to legal counsel on Monday am, July 21, 2003, albeit acting on tampered or contrived evidence.
This all struck me at the time as being much like a typical oldtime East Coast shake-down routine involving money-hungry big city police vice and narcotics officers acting as vigilant "daddies" for high-class hookers working as part of what we called in those far-off days as a protected operation.
When asked, however, and I think it's only fair to UTEP's Police Department to point this out, the officer denied being Viviana Marisela Cardona's "daddy" biologically or otherwise, but did grudgingly admit that that was her real name, so that "Yes, Mr. Morony, we are talking about the same person here."
While, perhaps unententionally, perhaps not, he made allusions to "problems of this kind" with additional material that may well have been a veiled, matter-of-fact reference to two main lines of both on-campus and off-campus UTEP hookers, he left out, for whatever reason, my someday new wannabe buddy, "Frank," as well as Dr. Richard Ford's longtime business associate, Mr. Estevan Gonzalez, and Ford, himself. Ford had stuck his big size 12 shoe into this business from ground zero, if a spirited exchange recorded live August 15, 2003, between Ms. Lisa D. Campos-Emmert and Ms. Viviana Marisela Cardona can be taken at face value.
Frank, in all fairness to him is just your typical, UTEP-created, run of the mill, so-called male ho. Forget safe sex. This clown's brains have long passed the point of no return. Specifically, when he came on to me sexually on the Number 10 trolley in November, 2004, much as the St. Patrick's ACTS Retreat male-ho-in-residence Carlos "Charles" [last name deleted for make-believe girlfriend's sake. 7/31/2006] would during Saturday Mens and Womens ACTS Retreat Monthly Mass at the Cathedral.
Later, "Frank" claimed to have been a 24-year-old Spring of 2004 UTEP Graduate in Psychology.
Thanks to UTEP's Dr. Josie Tinajero's Educational Department of Alternative Certification, "Frank" was even more. Can't you all just see it?
He's God's gift both to UTEP Alternative Certification's Special Ed, and to the El Paso ISD substitute teacher department, as well as, of course! God's gift to the UTEP male student populaton as a whole, or that part of it, like "Frank" himself, already brain-fried on amyl nitrate, in Frank's case most likely since he was working as a teeny-bopper hooker for some big city chicken trade.
"Frank" kept staring at me from maybe less than a foot away, turned back in his Number 10 trolley seat. "But how did you know," he kept saying over and over again. Over the past few months, "Frank" has popped up up now and again around the outside of St. Patrick's Cathedral, I'm not sure why, maybe he's on the way to getting religion. Fine by me if he is. Hell, I need to, myself. And that' s no jive!
Then, again, mayby there's more to this Mens ACTS Retreat business than meets the eye.
My guess would be that he was pretty cagey about this Dr. Ford--Mr. Estevan Gonzalez Business Partnership, for all the Corpus Christie Caller named one Estevan Gonzalez as being involved in a racket called Underground Entertainment, Ltd. (or whatever). Although "Frank" does seem to live in their area of town. He often times heads that way on the #14 Chapparral Bus.
However, unlike St. Patrick's Cathedral's Mens ACTS Retreat's "Carlos," "Frank" is shrewed enough as a commercially minded UTEP male ho to know when to back off, and stay backed off. While "Charles" is physically a clinger, literally hitting on anybody, from 18 to 58. This has created concern in at least one U.S. government MD Psychiatrist, who expressed his opinon that "Charles" acts like somebody who is more than merely militant and gay, rather this Men's ACTS Retreat male ho-in-residence is suffering from what the doctor calls early onset dementia.
But! Let's get back to the basics:
So far as that so-called "UTEP Chief of Police," Mr. William "Willie" Adcox was concerned, it took exactly one(1) phone to him by the legendary Mister J.J. Armes to cool that wannabe caveman's as* down, and in a heartbeat.
You can da*mn well believe it!
Anyway, the letter head even has the official:
Then, we read, printed across the page right below the seal:
Francie A. Frederick, Counsel and Secretary to the Board
201 West Seventh Street, Suite 820
Austin, Texas 78701-2981
(512) 499-4402
Fax: (512) 499-4425
Email: Ffredrick@uysystem.edu
October 23, 2003
Mr. Dennis Paul Morony
email: dkoko3@yahoo.com
Number such and such a street,
El Paso, Texas 79902
Dear Mr. Morony:
The Office of the Board of Regents for The University of Texas System received your complaint regarding a desciplinary matter at The University of Texas at El Paso.
It is our understanding from Mr. Richard Adauto, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at U.T. El Paso, that the Hearing Officer has now issued a ruling in the matter.
Please know that in accordance with the Handbook of Operating Procedures for U.T. El Paso and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of the U.T. System, you may appeal the decision of the hearing Officer to President Natalicio. The decision of the President is the final appellate review in student discipline matters.
Should you have any questions regarding youur rights, you may contact Vice President Adauto at Mail Code 00500, El Paso, Texas 79968, (915) 747-5555 or radauto@utep.edu .
Sincerely yours,
Francie A. Fredercik
Counsel and Secretary
c: Chairman Charles Miller
c: Members, U.T. Board of Regents
c: Chancellor Mark Yudof
c: Executive Vice Chancellor Teresa A. Sullivan
c: President Diana S. Natalicio
c:Vice President Richard Adauto
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