Wow! ¡Guau!
Forget UTEP's locally recruited so-called ENRON-style "Independent Auditor" financial-circus clowns!
When it's UC that wants whitewash, they bring in the Post 9/11 International Big Money Boys:
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Thanks to these tough, take-no-prisoners Post 9/11 Hired Guns, guess what UC "discovered?"
That their PWC hired guns nailed former U.C. Davis Medical Center Director Frank Loge for:
$47.08 administrative error in computing monthly retirement benefits!
"The error was fixed within six months of Loge leaving the medical center."
But! What did the audit leave out?
That all 22,000 Fall 2006 students here at UTEP might find both interesting and relavent?
Because here is what PWC "missed," much as UTEP's local wannabes would:
"However, the audit did not mention that Loge's departure followed a pattern that has come under increasing scrutiny.
"The year Loge announced he was leaving the [UC] medical center, in 1998, the [UC] regents had quietly settled two sexual harassment claims against him.
"Loge then accepted a job as special assistant to UC Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef at a salary of $147,000. Loge changed his mind a week later and turned down the job."
Source: Eric Stern of The Sacramento Bee, April 25, 2006. Picked up and published online by the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
"So, when will it be UTEP's turn again?"
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