"¡Hey, Familia!"
"¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA!"
"¡Ora, Chicano Intelligence Agency: CIA!"
"Keep the information coming!"
"Don't just keep wearing!"
"Start flaunting those official CIA Tee-shirts!"
UTEP-NMSU'S Real Life Mystery:
Lt. Col. David Abbott, U.S.A. & the Admiral's Statue.
The One that Miraculously Peed for Three Days Straight.
Part IV
Dennis, Yes I am that Erica...
Yahoo! MAIL
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:59:36-0600 (MDT)
From: "Erica Elysse Suacedo"
To: "Dennis Morony"
Subject: Re: "Did you submit a letter to the UTEP PROSPECTOR?"
"Dear Dennis,
"Yes I am that Erica. I would not know if any UTEP employees were present at the incident although the first incident with the [NMSU] ROTC members did occur while the band and the Gold [D]iggers were still in their seats and UTEP Cheerleaders were on the sidelines."
[Note added 8/17/2006: UTEP cheerleader Brandon Dorado was probably a witness, as was his then-girlfriend Erin Houghton who was a UTEP Golddigger. Source: El Paso Times, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005. Either one or both may still be around on UTEP campus]
"I'm sure that I or the other people involved in the incident saw pictures of these 'women' we could point them out.
"The second incident with a [NMSU] Round-Up photographer, I am very sure that the reporter could point out the [UTEP] football players who sexually harrassed her, i[n] fact I think that she still has the pictures from that night.
"It is sad about what happened. Especially the fact that I myself am an ex miner. I attended UTEP 01-02 school year. If there is any other way I could help just email. Thank you very much for your interest in this incident.
"Erica Saucedo."
Dennis Morony wrote:
"My name is Dennis Morony and I was wondering if it might have been you who submitted a letter to the editor of the UTEP newspaper, THE PROSPECTOR.
"I find the situation you [d]escribe pretty sad, violently so, although I am a UTEP miners' fan myself and sometime student."
[Note of clarification, Aug. 16, 2006: after December 31, 2099, heh, heh! 'Cause that's when UTEP'S Dr. Christy D. Moran's disciplinary hold expires, at midnight, no less!]
"I guess basically I'd like to know if you or anyone else you know can place any one of three(3) of UTEP'S top Athletic Department women employees [8/16/2006: Congratulations, UTEP'S Dr. Julie Wong, you just got promoted on that day! ] at either scene, as it sort of looks like there are two(2) incidents involved here that you are describing.
"Forget the guys!"
[Added Note of 8/16/2006: Like that hardworking UTEP Band Director: "Hear no evil, See no evil, Say no evil," DR. Tredwell. His detractors would most likely agree that all any UTEP Sin Cara contract hood, or enforcer, would need to do is quietly notify him that some of his star performers, whether musicians or Gold Diggers were physically at risk if he, Dr. Tredwell, reported anything. More than likely he would then shut his mouth out of fear of what might happen to one or more of his charges.]
"If we can develope any solid information or leads along this line based upon what you -- or anyone else for that matter -- gives us, we will be sure to quietly follow the information or leads up.
"Because there is indeed a lot of 'stuff' going on here at UTEP, in and out of the classrooms and on and off campus, that no self-respecting Hollywood scrip writer could possibly dream up, much less commit to paper, for fear everybody else in the business would laugh themselves sick at her (or his) expense: it's that far out.
"And, yes! If your[sic.] not 'that' Erica, ooops!
"And I DO apologize.
"Thanks a bunch either way, o.k.?
"Dennis Paul Morony"
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