Friday, August 11, 2006

With UTEP'S Biology Department being run wide open?

And full throttle?

Here's one prediction!

For UTEP's 2006-2007 Budget

And the winner is..

Ms. Doctoral candidate,

Lisa D. Campos Emmert!!!!


But, how?

"Her Significant Other, of course. It would be something hokey like this, a la Brenda Lynn Castaneda, if done under Option One:"

2006-2007 UTEP Budget. $49,973. UTEP Appt. Contract # so and so, --

Defining an effective paradigm for determining academic problems related to researching the collection of Orangutang Pee in Sumatra: a Classic Hostile Class III Orangutang Pee Collection Environment.

If under Option Two, the $$$ might be even more, but it would be handled off the books, as a part of UTEP'S so-called ENRON-Style Shadow Payroll, either Level 1 or Level 2.

Level 1 would be the simple presence of Lisa's Significant Other in UTEP'S electronic staff data base.

Level 2 would be literally deep cover with no visable manisfestations, whether printed or web, period.

For Example: Comrade Gasanov was either Level 1 or Level 2. For damn sure he wasn't on the UTEP Budgeted payroll, at least not in the years leading leading immediately up to the arrest in August 2001.


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