UTEP Miners' Duke U-Style Pack Attack!
"¡Hey, Familia!" "¡Ora, UTEP!"
A Real Life UTEP - NMSU Collegiate Mystery!
Lt. Col. David Abbott, U.S.A.
And the fabulous Admiral's Statue.
The one that miraculously peed.
For three days straight. Part V.
Date: 9/22/2005 at 07:54 PM
To: Dr. Pat Williams
Position: NMSU Regent's Chief of Staff regents@nmsu.edu
From: Dennis Paul Morony dkoko3@yahoo.com
Re: Allegations of Harassment and Assault Against NMSU students at UTEP/NMSU Game.
"As a sometime UTEP student and a Miners' fan myself I was somewhat perplexed and concerned about a published account in the UTEP student newspaper, THE PROSPECTOR (Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005) by an eyewitness of incidents occuring September 3 at your stadium, in which uniformed NMSU ROTC cadets (presumably LTC David L. Abbott's unit) were being more or less shoved around and spit upon, incredible as that all sounds, like something out of some shake and bake Hollywood movie of the late 1960s, directed by the likes of Sam Peckinah, of Riot on Sunset Strip fame.
"Plus, the individual reported what appears to have been two(2) separate incidents in which NMSU female photographers were physically shoved around and verbally assaulted and abused by UTEP males; the second incident purportedly took place within ear shot of Coach Mike Price.
"My question is simply this: have any NMSU Campus Police reports been filed in this case, and if so has it been vigorously investigated?
"Yesterday's PROSPECTOR (September 21) had no more mention of the allegation at all, period.
"At the very least, given the nature of the alleged offense, i.e. Male on Female it stands to reason that at least one(1) or more female UTEP administrative staff members should have been on premises, even if not exactly physically present.
"Yet, so far, at this end, things are curiously quiet, and the allegations STILL unrebutted!
"Thanks in advance, for any help you can give me in this matter.
"I just don't think it should be automatically swept under the rug, IF TRUE, by either the Board of Regents for NMSU, nor by the corresponding members of the Board of Regents, the University of Texas System.
"Sincerely yours,
"Dennis Paul Morony"
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Excerpt: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story.
Copyright: 2005.
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.
"It wasn't long before we had a pretty good grasp of the women from UTEP's side of the equation who should have been nearby while all this was going on. What we didn't catch on to at first was that one of them would most certainly have been Coach Rebecca Cano Salcido, who has a cameo appearance as herself in Soul Shake Down, Shalonda Renee Russell and Her Golddiggers, along with cameo appearances as themselves of Golddigger Captains Rebecca Lee Fargo and Annette Cerros.
"Frankly, if Lt. David Abbott had had the common sense the Good Lord gives most jackasses, things may never have gotton this far. But Lt. Col. David Abbott, USA, didn't. Instead he lied. And, so far as yours truly was concerned, had his own a*s in a sling from that point on in our story.
"And if all that wasn't enough, NMSU's Doctor Pat Williams simply could not resist over reaching in her otherwise commendable attempts to buy her people time to effect the necessary cover up with her counterparts at UTEP. She did this by letting all ten cats out of the bag at once. Trust me! It made for some first class reading."
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