Friday, August 18, 2006

Yahoo! MAIL

Subject: Transcripts of hearings
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:00:54-0700
From: "Moran, Christy D."
cc: "Moran, Christy D."


Hi there! I hope you are doing well. I received your leter in which you requested transcripts of both of your hearings. The Handbook of Operating Procedures states the following:

Chapter 1. Student Conduct and Discipline (Student Afairs) 1.11.5 (E)

"Ordinarily, a recording shall be made of the hearing under supervision of the dean. An accused student or his/her representative may listen to the recording under supervision of the dean. An accused student may have a professional court reporter present at the hearing to make a transcript of the hearing at the student's expense, but the student is not permitted to record by separate electronic means.The university may also, at its expense, have a professional court reporter present when necessary and appropriate."

Please let me know if you want to listen to the recording in my presence and/or if you want to invite a professional court reporter to come and listen to it (and transcribe it) in my presence. The University will not be paying for a transcription of either hearing. Thanks.

Christy :)

Christy D. Moran, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Students
University of Texas at El Paso
102 Union West
El Paso, Texas 79968
(915) 747-5648

Excert below from: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story
Copywright: 2005
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.

"At this precise moment in time, at least, Dr. Moran's behavior was still totally professional, with not even a trace of the bipolar reaction we had with Lisa when she chewed through her leash and went off in what seems to be her I'm the UTEP ho-in-control mode.

"Later on something rather odd was to happen, but why get ahead of our story?"

Snail Mail!

Date: Friday, March 18, 2005
From: Dennis Paul Morony
To: Dr. Christy D. Moran, Ph.D.
Re: Dr. Cheryl Howard's decision dated March 7, 2005
Copy to: Ms. Francie A. Frederick, U.T. Legal Counsel
In re: UTEP'S pending McLibel case: "Dr. Howard's decision formally commits the UT System to a long, legal nowhere PR war like that of the disastrous lawsuit, dubbed The McLibel Case, in which McDonald's took on two (2) members of London, England's Green Peace movement of the 1990s."

Dear Dr. Moran:

I would like to know if I could pick up copies, not only of the tapes for our hearing Monday, February 28, 2005, but also of the earlier hearing we had with your and Dr. Howard's predecessors Friday, August 15, 2003.

The reason for this is that when the subject of transcripts came up last time, your predecessor did nothing but hiss, stomp her pretty little foot and then all but went off in my face, saying something along the line of "You'll have to find all that out for yourself," or the same or similar such expression.

My guess is that she had (finally) realized that the way she had been recorded handling the situation was such she could be could be getting herself into some real, as in non-UTEP, legal trouble.

Dr. Howard's predecessor, by contrast, kept very quiet indeed. So quiet that she eventually blew off somewhere around fory-nine consecutive days prior to rendering the half dozen line decision she eventually came up with, in which she committed both the UTEP detective and myself to making statements that were patently absurb.

Thank you for any help you can give me, I can be around the area of your office by the end of this month, maybe either Easter Tuesday or Wedenesday.


Dennis Paul Morony


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