¡Falando im dogma igreja, sim! ¡Sempre sim!
"Speaking of Church Doctrine, yes! Always yes!"
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Excerpt from: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story, copyrighted 2005, First Refusal Rights to Simon and Schuster, New York, New York:
Trust our loyal Brazilian friends, Catholic, non-Catholic, or pagan, to have long since picked up all the nuances of clandestine religious shineola, no matter how disguised, throughout all recorded history, and not just that found in their own 500 years or so of existence.
Whether in the violently anti-woman, militantly pro gay so-called Society of St. Pius X as it has been here in El Paso, Texas and elsewhere or the Mens ACTS Retreat movement likewise in Texas and New Mexico, certain patterns of semi-secret activities and agendas always proliferate in such religious cults and sects.
In any case, being ruthlessly unmasked and outted always, but always, su*ks, big time!
Nor would this so-called Mens ACTS Retreat movement be the first example in recorded history of how some well-meaning religious believers have set out to set up a parallel, semi-secret structure to the official Catholic diocese, drawing on fragments from esoteric pagan rituals, only to be destroyed from the inside in the end.
¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!
Homens montados: homossexualidade e simbolismo da possessao nas religioes afro-brasileiras (Matory 1988)
Bramblett and Associates, P.C., Attorneys at Law, get some mail, dated Wednesday, May 10, 2006....
"To: Bramblett & Associates, P.C., Attorneys at Law.
"Re: To see if your firm would be willing to take on a possible Sexual Harassment case between myself and the Catholic Diocese of El Paspo.
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
"Late Monday morning, May 8, 2006 we had a brief meeting with Dr. Salim Akhtar, M.D. Psychiatry in his office at the V.A. Clinic located at 5001 N. Piedras St. El Paso, Texas 79930, Phone: 915-564-6159, FAX: 915-564-7861,
"During this brief, already scheduled encounter, we discussed how I came to be sexually harrassed,or at least physically harassed. Dr. Akhtar commented to me when I explained what I thought might have been going on, that the other person [ Described elsewhere in this story as the so-called MENS ACTS Retreat-designated male ho in residence] may not be an example so much of what I was calling a while back in my initial email to UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez as late-onset psycho-pathology, but rather something more along the lines of some other cognitive-impairment psychotic-disorder like early-onset-dementia.
"What, if anything, Dr. Akhtar typed into his notes regarding our discussion of this case won't be known until we can get an ROI, which may not be until the end of next week.
[Actually the ROI wasn't downloaded until 9/11/2006, and the results forwarded to the office of Archbishop Gomez, in San Antonio, just this past Thursday]
"Anything else you might need initially I believe is contained in the attached emails, and form letters to two(2) lawyers I imagined to be automatically pro-Catholic Diocese of El Paso, as sort of a wake-up call regarding the need to have an established protocol for dealing with these tings, instead the Diocese seems to want to do nothing at all.
"As for my own personal take on this case and any pending litigation is concerned: I'm not really interested in the money. I am interested in knowing why the Catholic Diocese of El Paso seems to neither know or care about what goes on within their own churches, etc., even it is all nice and in the open, and with plenty of eye-witnesses to go around [WIT 01, and WIT 02, in initial incident], as seems to be the case here from a non-lawyer's point of view to be sure.
"Like I told Dr. Akhtar:
What if this deleted latches on to some hard case just out of the joint? And winds up yoked with a shank? People screaming bloody murder, panicing and turning St. Patrick's Cathedral into a Mini 9/11?
[This was more or less to actually happen on the afternoon of the first Monday of July, 2006, as we blogged immediately that same night. Father Fabian Marquez apparently suffered his very own little Mel Gibson moment after the 5:15 Mass that day, waving his arms and babbling along about goodness knows what: That the Blessed Sacrement Chapel was in immediate danger of being invaded by computer-generated alien space NAZIs, or whatever! He came back a few weeks later more or less acting as though he'd been medicated to the gills, hope it works! Yet, in all fairness, whenever he is able to function normally, he's really pretty cool. Kids all like him.]
"He went on to laugh with me when I told him I was tempted to cold-cock the deleted, but as a three-time Marine Vietnam War combat veteran (Nov. 1966-Nov 1969) I knew it would be me going to the slammer, and not the [Mens ACTS Retreat] deleted.
"The [El Paso Police Department] lady officer [a grey-eyed anglo with two corporal stripes and a face more on the vertical plane than it was on the horizontal] over on North Rayner, in the old Sears Building, agreed with me when I told her all this, and said that as long as the [St. Patrick's Cathedral Mens ACTS Retreat-deignated] deleted [in her own words] keeps his hands above the waist line, it's a civil thing, or words to the same or similar effect.
[This was a different person than the one I'd talked to previously in late March, 2003, she had been wearing civilian clothes. When queried about the Rev. Father Pffeifer, Society of St.Pius X's probable sexual hanky-panky with a disturbed and confused teenage boy, we'll call him Jesse, who's coed buddies claimed later was subsequently committed by his parents to Thomason's Pschiatric Wing, this El Paso PD employee pointed out two missing elements:
1) Had I seen both individuals actually having sex?
2) In any case, if the youth was under 18, something could be done, if right at 18 or over, it would be up to him.
3) Yet, since I hadn 't actually seen them engaged in sexual activity, that was that!
After all, it was Father Pffeifer, along with Brother Gabriel, plus a visitng monk (so-called) from New Mexico who were Father Paul Tagues most militantly active gays, although all four(4) men (yech!) thought keeping Our Lady of Guadalupe's picture facing an open toilet was cool, 'way cool. As was Brother Gabriel's insistence that the Last Supper should be in the Brother's Upstairs Dormitory Toilet.
Again, with the presumed approval of Fr. Francis Schmidberger, their over-all superior whose royal posterior is routinely kissed in the Traditional Catholic Press by his North American and European followers, believe it or not!
After all, he, too, spent several days on premises here in El Paso, in the Fall of 2002.
Just as with the women who are burning with sisterly affection for the Mens ACTS Retreat movements hardcorps homosexuals and their often flamboyant public manifestations of piety, the women all ga-ga over the hardcorps homosexuals of the misnamed Society of St.Pius X are themselves likewise real winners.]
"This would have been around noon on Friday, May 5, 2006. If we can assume she more or less works in the combined vice/intelligence section, her phone number would most likely be (915) 674-7100, as 654-7130 is some wild-sounding department, like commerical crimes--public inegrity unit.
"In any case, I'd appreciate hearing from your firm in this matter, if in your judgement, it is indeed worth pursuing.
"Here's thanking you in advance for any help you can give me..
"Sincerely yours,
"Dennis Paul Morony, Contributing parishioner of St. Patrick Cathedral Parish
"Enc. Copies of emails"
"I guess one of the biggest surprises to come out this case for me personally, was the way both the female El Paso Police Department sex crimes officer (or whatever she was) semed to agree with Dr. Akhtar, and vice versa:
What was wrong with the man in charge of that place? What was wrong with Father Rick Mattey?
"In time there would be the growing conviction within me that amplified this:
Just what happened in his own past that haunts Father Rick now?
Just what does the hardcorps militantly homosexual click within the ranks of his precious Mens ACTS Retreat team (or cadre) have on him that he is guaranteed to keep his mouth shut and stay out of their way?
A hold so complete that his own handlers can treat him with open contempt and yet he still dutifully turns red, loses it, and then goes off on his congregation as he did us a few weeks back, apparently upset that somebody had referred to his Mens ACTS Retreat personnel as arrogant, whatever that was supposed to mean!
To me personally his use of the word arrogant applied to such a semi-secret organization lusting to establish its own parallel infrastructure indpendent of any episcopal over-sight was far fetched.
To me, this so-called Mens ACTS Retreat hardcorps homsexuual click is just plain and simply all fu*k*d up. Period. Forget arrogance, unless it's the kind an old time French writer called something like l'esnobisme du vice -- the snobbery of vice, in describing pre-Revolutionary French High Society
"The answer, why to all the above, when it finally came, or in my own humble case, when the light bulb finally flickered, albeit dimly, was neither particularly inspiring nor original:
"That hidden inner control element within the infrastucture of the Mens ACTS Retreat movement, that hardcorps militantly homosexual clique, like their Afro-Brazilian equivalents, shared similar bizarre little secret rituals, rituals of darkness, candle light, and incense.
"And, moreover, these same militant homossexuals had a hold over one Father Rick Mattey.
"Indicating in turn, that what they had was plenty, whether called blackmail in English, or chantaje in Spanish.
"I guess you might say it even worked, at least up to a point.
"And that point came when they over reached themselves..."
To be continued....
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