LouAnne Johnson in the Raw!
"Dangerous Minds LouAnne Johnson? You bet!"
Still thinking about teaching English literacy skills?
Yet, you're tired of the usual UTEP Bravo Sierra?
Because we are not all so fortunate as to have Dr. Tom Boley's course?
¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, DESTINO!
Then dig this:
THE QUEEN OF EDUCATION: Rules for Making Schools Work
by: LouAnne Johnson. Cloth ISBN: 0-7879-7470-6
"Candidate must be able to take decisive action, cut through red tape, deflate the bureacratic bloat, wrestle with the diagnostic nightmare of ADHD, and refuse to sell out her students to the corporate fat cats.
"Though we have education presidents who give lip service to fixing schools, [Like the first President George Bush who trashed his Education Secretary Dr. Lauro Cavazos on behalf of unos cuantos vendidos!] what we really need is a Queen of Education who will get the job done. Anyone searching for such a candidate would put LouAnne Johnson's resume on the top of the stack of likely applicants."
Right now I'm still reading, as the very first UTEP reader, Johnson's fascinating and useful book of teacher resources, which has been gathering dust on the UTEP library shelves for the past year or so:
TEACHING OUTSIDE THE BOX: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains.
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