Russians smuggled into city to strip, feds say
By: Jennifer Shubinski
Newspaper: El Paso Times
Date: August 18, 2001
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Excerpt from: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story
Copyright: 2005
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York
"Like the sudden increase in the use of cell phones by prisoners in America, which was linked by National Public Radio investigators with corrupt prison staff members, neither Sardar Eldarovich Gasanov, UTEP's resident expert on cobra venom, and his wife and fellow UTEP researcher Nadira Gasanova could have ever made it to first base in their prostitution ring without the aid of such corrupt fellow UTEP staff members such as Doctors Eppie Rael and Siddartha Das.
"How much it cost UTEP directly or indirectly to have the feds insert the key weasel phrase: unwittingly prepare false documentation (US v. Sardar Eldarovich Gasanov and Nadira Gasanova, Case No. 02050566, United States Court of Appeals page 8) to keep both unindicted co-conspirators from facing the slammer along with the two Russian hoods is anyone's guess.
"Interestingly enough, Mr. Crawford, the then-FBI Chief for this area got a fabulous real estate deal (see the El Paso CAD website for proof of this) within days (or hours) of the release of El Paso Times article linked above, while both UTEP's Das and Rael had already received 15.9% and 19.9% raises respectively via the official UTEP 2001-2002 Budget. These raises were way above anyone else in their department that fiscal year except for that of Dr. James McKay, who got a flat 20.0%.
"Thus the question arose: for all both Doctors Rael and Das glibly claimed they didn't know Gasanov, much less what he was up to, when they obligingly signed off an any and all paperwork demanded of them by him, what's to say that Gasanov didn't know them? That they were for sale? And for how much?
"Not only that, but as this investigation of ours made its leisurely way thorugh the masses of oftentimes contradictory evidence, another disquieting factor arose: the curious, persistant linkage between the gay component of UTEP's overall prostitution scene with elements of Father Rick Mattey's Mens ACTS Retreat movement.
"Indeed, it became more and more evident as the summer of 2006 turned into the fall that such linkage did indeed exist. That there was almost certainly a hardcorps and aggressively militant homosexual component within Father Rick Mattey's Mens ACTS Retreat movement, and that as a so-called operating hypothesis there were at least two of these links between UTEP and Father Rick Mattey's Mens ACTS Retreat movement.
"They were "Frank" who claimed back in November of 2004 that he was a 24-year old 2004 UTEP grad in Psychology. Moreover, "Frank" was an all-American male hooker and UTEP Alternative Certification's contribution to Multidiversity and Special Ed., as well as to the approved substitute teachers' approved list of three (or more) area high schools, and UTEP's Dr.Richard Gutierrez.
"At first I was tempted to blow this last name off, as being too wildy improbable. That is, until the day he was so ill-advised as to send me an envelope with his home address on it.
"Afterall, there are many hardworking members of UTEP's gay community who loath having run amok sexual predators loose in their midst just as much as do the rest of us. While not claiming to condone their lifestyle, I had long learned that what other folks do is their business as long as they stay out of mine, and thus I find it easy to respect them accordingly even sharing much that is of mutual interest between us.
"The first problem for UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez was that he seemed to have the mother of all holds over one Father Rick Mattey. Unless, of course, it turned out the other way around. The second problem arose when UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez began to act like it. That indeed, it was he in the driver's seat. And herein hangs a tale.
"Because the more conservative elements among UTEP's gay academic community quietly began to swing into action. After all, just who in the the hell likes a slime ball black mailer in the first place?
"That Professor Richard Gutierrez had a role to play in this male-on-male sexual harassment business was painfully obvious, no matter who might have been on first base in the relationship between the two men.
"And this was made clear when he took it upon himself to delay any answer to my prompt and speedy email detailing the incident that occurred at the beginning of the special St. Patrick's Cathedral Mass the last Saturday in April 2006, when the designated ACTS Mens Retreat team members assigned to the so-called male ho-handler detail lost control of one of their more militantly aggressive male on male sexual predators and allowed him to literally chew through his leash and break loose.
"Our own information indicated that Father Rick Mattey had initially asked (witness name 4) if she had my phone number. She matter of factly told me her reply to Fr. Mattey was that she did not, that on her most recent class list I had indicated (as I always did) that I had no phone and instead listed my email address, most likely .
"By this time at least three loyal members of Father Mattey's St Patrick's Cathedral Palace Guard, all lawyers, one female and two male, were on the point of hyper-ventilating themselves.
"This I already knew as I had made sure of it myself, personally...."
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