Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Peter-pansy Latin Mass Liturgies?

You bet!

Like maybe: "Gilbert & Sullivan be do'in the Tridentine Latin Mass?"

Right on!

"Yet, what else could Father John Paul do? Our own bishop sent him over in the spring of '03 to learn the correct way to say the Tridentine Latin Mass himself, what else could even the Bishop of El Paso do? He himself mantains cordial contact by telephone with Father Paul Tague, believe it or not! Hell, at least once, I admitted one of his own diocesan seminarians to the portico of the office of Jesus and Mary Chapel, who was posing as a possible defector to our side. This was most likely in the early winter of '03."

Like a giddy do-it-yourself parody of some Gilbert and Sullivan production, Fr. Tague and Co. of El Paso's Society of St. Pius X entertain themselves by do'in the Tridentine Latin Mass, do'in it every day, maybe they even be do'in it now!

FAX to: Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, US Catholic Bishops' Conference.

Date: March 05, 2003
To: 618-277-0387
FAX'ED from: Kinko's -West, El Paso, Texas
Sender: Dennis Paul Morony

Comment on first page: "I think the US bishops would do well to reserve the right of each ordinary to decide for himself whether to accept or to reject overtures from so-called Society of St. Pius X priests in his own diocese."

FAX page two, regarding: "What seems to be a falling apart of the so-called Society of St. Pius X, at least here in El Paso, Texas, etc.

" Enclosures: (2) -- largely self-explanatory.


"(1) Beautiful painting of the Guadalupana unceremoniously placed on the walls of a latrine with toilet open to the four walls and in constant use by all ages and sexes. That of Last Supper in the private latrine of Brothers' Novitiate, over shocked protest.

"(2) Young High School girl (minor), tired of being harrassed by openly gay clerical staff member, lets him know what she thinks, and then has letter of abject apology posted on public wall for entire 9-month school term.

"(3) From page 97 of the Nineteen Eighty Five (1985) Roman Catechism.

"(4) Self-explanatory, and from both sides of the border.

"Sincerely yours: Dennis Paul Morony...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Same date:

Q: "What are the primary characteristics of the Society of St. Pius X's manifestation of Neo-Albigensianism at their chapel and priory in El Paso, Texas?"

ANS: "An aberrantly sexualized spirituality, expressed in numerous ways, but most often publicly viewed in the context of one of the Society's Peter-pansy Liturgies.

"These are often improvised rubrical travesties that occasionally smack of some such buffoonery as:

"Gilbert and Sullivan do the Tridentine Latin Mass!

"They be do'in it every day!

"They be do'in it now!

"And with about as much traditional authenticity.

"The tragedy, quite frankly, is that the consecrations are undoubtedly valid, as even Rome implied when recognizing the validity of Archbishop Lefebvre's episcopal consecrations of 1988.

"Thus, while the faithful who receive Holy Communion do in fact receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and the sanctifying grace that goes with It, one can only wonder as to how the souls of the officiating priests are faring."


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