Another gripping UTEP Online Blogger Novela!
"When she lost that UTEP Secret Hand Shake, her whole world changed."
The Doctor M. Susana Navarro Story
As told to us by the 2004-2005 and the 2006-2007 UTEP Budgets, and the Guys From the El Paso CAD website.
"Maybe having a diddlety-piddlety salary of $120,750 paid to her through UTEP's 2004-2005 Budget Account Number 26-RSCH-0009 was insulting to her intellect, the more so as the budget she supervised, known by the grandiose title of The University of Texas at El Paso RESTRICTED FUNDS CONTRACTS AND GRANTS - RESEARCH was worth a cool $20,495,404, a nice piece of change in anyone's language, pesos or dollars.
"Then, too, maybe her human side kicked in, and instead of being contented with her share of the rake-off she turned a little greedy and demanded it all, or least more than she was getting.
"Hell, if Dr. Ambler got a cool 20% of his entire budget, then why shouldn't she?
"People, think about it: 20% of roughly $20,000,000 equals a nice increase of salary, right?
"Like maybe $4,000,000, or so?"But, then she forgot something basic: Dr. Ambler, too, lost the UTEP Secret Handshake, as we've discussed here earlier!
"In any case, UTEP Professor M. Susana Navarro developed an attitude, and the wrong people noticed."By the time the UTEP 2006-2007 Budget came out, the handwriting was already on the wall: Dr. M. Susana Navarro was now employee number 8 on the UTEP Budget Account Number 14-1516-0001 payroll, known as The University of Texas at El Paso Ha! Ha! EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND FOUNDATION payroll, to be exact.
"And if that wasn't enough her loyal Co-Revocable Trust buddy [see previous posting], Dr. Arturo Pacheco, was employee number 5 in that same department, making 50% of his budgeted salary and yet still raking in a total of $116,977 yearly from both his part time jobs!
"To add insult to injury, the UTEP 2006-2007 Budget for her new department also showed her making the same $67,103 dollars a year she had been credited with on paper only as making in addition to her previous actual salary of $120,750 on the 2004-2005 UTEP Budget, two years earlier.
"Thus, with her fall from grace, Dr. M. Susana Navarro not only lost the UTEP Secret Hand Shake, she likewise lost over $50,000 a year in UTEP budgeted salary.
"Something had gone very, very, wrong....."
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