For the Reds, Polish Catholic Priest-collaborators must have been a gold mine!
Up to 25% were in contact with Communist Secret Police!
"Hummm .. so how many might have wound up on Pope Paul II's staff at the Vatican, between 1978, say, and 1990?''
Source: National Catholic Reporter, June 2, 2000
"Cardinal apologizes for Polish Church"
"Cardinal Josef Glemp of Warsaw apologized on behalf of the Polish church for communist-era collaboration by Catholic priests, as well as for anti-Semitism and luxury lifestyles among the country's clergy.
"In a May 20 [2000] sermon marking Jubilee celebrations in the Warsaw arcdiocese, Glemp said that some Polish priests had been importuned or blackmailed into supporting communism, while others had shown a far-reaching loyalty to communist power for the sake of a quiet life or a few wretched coins.
"Up to 10 percent of Catholic priests are believed to have collaborated with a regime-ruled Patriot Priest organization, although surviving communist archives have suggested as many as one in four [25%] were in contact with the secret police.
"[Cardinal] Glemp also apologized for priests' anti-Semitism and incompetent and arbitrary management of the church's goods.
"Anti-Semitic remarks by priests were frequently reported during the 1990's, while a national church synod cautioned clergy in 1999 to give up their luxury lifestyles and ensure accountability in finances."
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