Tuesday, September 09, 2008

FAX to: Ms. Senior Parish Administrator

Friday, Sept 5, 2008.

Re: Santeros plan to nail Fr. Pius

Copies to: Their Excellencies, The Most Reverend Archbishops Pietro Sambi & José Gomez.


"Ms. Senior Parish Administrator!

¿Qué dice?

"¿Qué tranza joy?

"Number One: The Santeros - through either one of their Anglo - deacon henchmen, Mr. Joe Goeble or Mr. James Bader, are preparing to blindside Fr. Pius at Communion time at the 6:30 pm Mass tomorrow, Saturday.

"Here's how:

"They'll send the two young guys we all know -- whose father is a white - magic practioner -- and who have never had their First Confesion and First Communion up to receive.

"I've already told you about the older one and what I believe I saw him doing last Saturday night Mass.

"Number Two: I used the term Type II Catholic Pentecostal yeterday in reference to Dr. Don Smith.

"I was wrong!

"He's a Type I Catholic Pentecostal.

"Type II Catholic Pentecostals are more or less New Age Revolutinaries like the Faith Sharing

"Number Three: In the last letter we got directly from Archbishop Gomez last December, he told me he'd assigned Father Tony Vilano to check out the big [Name ] -- Deacon Joe Goebel mess.

"I suspect Fr. Vilano has, by now....


"Dennis ..."

NOTE: Her response time was almost immediate, and mostly consisted of a frosty reminder that, as Senior Parish Adminstrator, she had no time or patience for this nonsense.


Because as her own personal flunky, Archbishop Gomez's legally - appointed Parish Administrator had this FAX - reading detail.

I'll admit being taken aback, yet this IS an improvement over the preceeding Tuesday, when she called me right away and said "WE need to talk to you about that stuff you just sent us....etc...etc."

So? Go figure! :)


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