Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Knights? Not These Guys"

Do these Knights for Obama reflect our own over - 60 St. Mary Magdalene's K.C.s too?

At last! Open tribal warfare among the national K.C.s!

Adapted from this original source: Ms. Mary Ellen Barrett, October 30, 2008 @ 12:00 am in Pro - Life. .

" is a website decrying Knights of Columbus' Supreme Knight Carl Anderson's unequivocal denunciation of [US Senator] Joseph Biden's supposed Catholic take on abortion.

"I might add that Mr. Anderson's position is one shared by every Catholic bishop in the country [Don't count on it! Most don't even believe in Jesus Christ, much less His Word of Life!] and full[y] one fourth [25%] of them are speaking out strongly in favor of voting against the pro-abortion ticket."

Unhappily, Ms. Barrett's statistic also means 75% of these same bishops are following the lead provided us locally by Fathers Anton Quang Dinh Van and Pius Ezeigbo, which here in Brackettville, Texas, is to keep their own mouths shut and see to it that their St. Mary Magdalene's deacons do, too, except for any deacon aggressively and publicly promoting the Democratic liberal pro - abortion American Catholic line, while at the same time whipping his lack luster fellow K.C.s into groveling acquiescence.

Not that that's a hard sale, at least for those Brackettville K.C.s over 60 years of age!

Now, back to Ms. Barrett's story!

"The Knights for Obama, led by Rick Gebhard, a member of Knights of Columbus Council 853 at Guardian Angels Parish in Manistee, Michigan, depart from this position by declaring the foreign policy platform of the republican ticket makes them the less pro - life candidates.

"This is patently absurd.

"While you may ardently disagree with the war, our policies in Iraq or any decision that has been made pertaining to our policy on terrorists, the fact is that these decisions and policies may be wrong or they may be right but abortion in any form is never right.

"Senator Obama [now, President Elect!] has made a promise to make his first act as president to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, in the insane belief that it will decrease abortions.

"What it will do is open the floodgate to even more pro - death legislation..."

So do we really think our own St. Mary Magdalene's pro -choice K.C.'s didn't already know all this?

Not to mention our, through their deafening silence, pro - choice priests and pro - choice deacons?

Give me a break!


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