More of Dale Vree's gentle teasing of Dr. Scott Hahn:
"Feminist theologians and their queer cheerleaders have been campaigning for a feminine Holy Spirit for decades"
So, sins against the Holy Spirit are sins against the divine Mom.
"[R]abbis do not even believe in the Holy Spirit as a distinct divine Person as such..."
Adapted from pages 193 and 201 of attorney Christopher A. Ferrara's book, EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong.
Page 193:
"Hahn likens the role of the Holy Ghost in the Trinitarian family to the role of his wife, Kimberly, whom he describes as the Holy Spirit of our home.
"He then explains the theological basis on which he has taught his children why blaspheming the Holy Spirit is treated differently than [sic] every other sin and blasphemy by their earthly and heavenly fathers. Dad's first law is: You'd better not make Mom mad.
"So, sins against the Holy Ghost are sins against the divine Mom.
"What can one say?"
But! Our good Dr. Hahn doesn't just stop there!
"Hahn goes on to speak of the Holy Spirit's motherly role as comforter and consoler and claims that what a mother does in the natural order, the Holy Spirit accomplishes in the supernatural order.
"Hahn asserts that because the Hebrew word for spirit in the Old Testament, ruah, is a feminine noun, as is the Hebrew word for glory cloud, shekinah, For many rabbis, these usages were sufficient evidence for the bridal - maternal character of the Holy Spirit.
"So what?
"In the first place, rabbis do not even believe in the Holy Spirit as a distinct divine Person as such, but only as a manifestation or presence of God; hence rabbis do not address the issue of the proper gender reference to the Holy Ghost.
"At any rate, the New Testament was written in Greek, and as Hahn well knows the Greek word for spirit is pneuma, which is neither masculine nor feminine.
"As Hahn also knows, in the official Latin Vulgate text of the Bible, canonized as normative for the Church by the Council of Trent, the word spirit has for 1600 years been translated as spiritus, which is a masculine noun..."
Page 201:
"Hahn's thinking serves quite well the aims of feminist theology.
"As Vree rightly observed in his NOR piece: Feminists theologians and their queer cheerleaders have been campaigning for a feminine Holy Spirit for decades. How odd -- how depressing, actually -- to see Dr. Hahn jump on the bandwagon..."
And so, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, one thing for sure:
Now even Brackettville can NOW rest assured that it's Catholic community has been brought into the "Dr. Hahn Church," and is now ready to docilely accept the "fact" that:
Just as Heather Has Two Mommies,
At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church,
Jesus Does, Too!
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