Friday, January 08, 2010

The Sacred Host as a Psychiatric Placebo.

At St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas. 78832.

Part II.

Quick Summary:

Teenager reveals in a matter - of - fact directness to all and sundry that:

A) Does NOT believe in GOD.

B) DOES believe in the DEVIL.

NOTE: Previously spotted at least one (1) time cupping the HOST in his hand after Communion -- for who knows what purpose -- as he passed us by with no more that a foot between us, on his way back to a rear pew during a Saturday p.m. Mass.

Anyhow, kid tells "Christian family friend" both A & B, in response to direct, no - nonsense questioning.

Kid's father is present, and hears it all.

And, then, last Saturday evening, after Dad shoves both kids forward to take Holy Communion from the Pastor -- who is guaranteed to go along to get along -- the following takes place, almost as soon as Mass is over:

1) The dad claims that St. MM's Pastor hears all this confirmed by the kid in person:

No, the kid does NOT believe in God; but!

Yes, the kid DOES believe in the Devil.

2) The dad claims that then -- at the priest's insistence -- the St. MM's Deacon is called back to likewise hear all this confirmed by the kid in person.


As we already pointed out to Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu about this same family, a couple of months ago:

"Our clergy obligingly smile, fawn and grovel."

And Satan serenely maintains his death - grip on those kids whose parents flaunt their automatic self - exemption from the requirements for First Confession and First Communion ...

He is also able to maintain his death - grip on the immortal souls of those clergy who -- whether bishops, priests or deacons -- function as though they were willingly his handpicked flunkies and gofers...

Most likely they might well be.

Certainly so in cases like this, huh?

That's the end of the story! :)


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