Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Riga, Latvia


The Brazilian TFP's publication Catolicismo


Interview w/ the retired Archbishop of Riga, Cardinal Janis Pujats.

"The Church Must Protest Against Laws Favoring Homosexuality"

Snippet from the TFP's Crusade magazine September / October 2010 issue.

Sample Question by Catolicismo of Cardinal Pujats:

"What favors the expansion of homosexuality?"

Cardinal Pujats:

"On the one hand, homosexuality is favored by the rampant idolatry of sex propagated through the modern media and that this vice has been promoted in some countries in the name of ill - understood human rights.

"On the other hand, the lack of faith and the hardening moral decay in much of society paves the way for homosexuality."


"Why are so many people indifferent to the expansion of homosexuality?"

Cardinal Pujats:

"Those who do not believe in God, and Christians who do not consider their faith important, are the ones most indifferent to this problem ...

"...However, all that remains to those who believe in God with all their hearts, but do exert real influence in society, is to organize and bear witness courageously to Christ with the example of their lives, based on the fulfillment of the Commandments.

"The various systems change and fall, but the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever (Ps. 116:2)."

The paragraph quoted below is the second of two found in a separate high - lighted sidebar on the first page:

"As practicing Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against unrelenting and violent temptation to homosexual sin.

"We pray for those who fall into homosexual sin out of human weakness, that God may assist them with His grace..."

Well said! And it pretty well sums up the Catechism of the Catholic Church's teachings on the subject. :)


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