Friday, March 04, 2011

"According to Bob Woodward's book Obama's War ...."

Stephen S. Bowman
comments on Bishop Robert W. McElroy's essay War Without End.

Published a little while back in the Jesuit magazine America 2/21/2011:

Bowman's letter is in this issue: March 7, 2011.

Here's a snippet:

"During the internal debate on the surge, there was never a definition of success.

"According to Bob Woodward's book Obama's War, the late ambassador William Holbrook said the surge can't work; and Gen. David Petraeus said, despite the withdrawal deadline, This is the kind of fight we're in for the rest of our lives, and probably our kids' lives...

"So here we sit in silence.

"The left's silence is cowardly, the right's intellectually dishonest.

"The military policy is heroic but unprecedented, except for the charge if the Light Brigade of 1854 and Britain's mad attempt to conquer the same Afghan tribal rage..." .


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