Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Asia Bibi and Barbara Castro Garcia:
Two heroic young women!

Now among Inside The Vatican magazine's 
"Top Ten People of 2012"

As excerpted by The Wanderer. Thursday, January 24, 2013.


"This Spanish mother died after postponing cancer treatments, in order to save her unborn baby from possible harm.

"Her child, Barbarita, was born in 2010.

"But Barbara's cancer flared up immediately after she gave birth, leading to her death...


"This Pakistani Christian woman was arrested and sentenced to death for allegedly  blaspheming against  Islam in 2009.

"Far beyond the borders of her native Pakistan, Asia's story has become an emblem of religious persecution.

"In November  2010, Pope Benedict spoke of his spiritual closeness to her and called for her release.

"This was a wake - up call to Western governments and media, whose silence over the persecution of Christians worldwide adds up to a glaring moral blind-spot..." 

That's for sure!! :) 


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