"[O]ne who knowingly and deliberately votes for a candidate who is on record as supporting...
... the killing of unborn babies ...
... is guilty of mortal sin ..."
James J. Drummey's "Catholic Replies."
In The Wanderer. Thursday, January 24, 2013.
"Q. Is a priest obligated before an election to tell his congregation that they must not vote for pro-abortion candidates?
"Is it a mortal sin to vote for such candidates?
"A. As the moral leader of his parishioners, a priest is obligated to steer them away from cooperation in evil, whether it's abortion, prostitution, adultery, pornography, racism, or sexual abuse of children.
"Abortion is intrinsically evil, and no Catholic may vote for a political candidate who supports an intrinsic evil.
"By voting for such a candidate, a Catholic makes himself complicit in the abortions that the election of this candidate will make possible.
"Therefore, one who knowingly and deliberately votes for a political candidate who is on record as supporting the killing of unborn babies cooperates in that evil and is guilty of mortal sin ..."
Interesting, huh? :)
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