Thursday, September 28, 2006

Do'in it with the UTEP Secret Hand Shake?

Or, maybe? Something like:

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, DESTINO! ¡Adelante aún con los gueros!

Do'in it and then suddenly los'in it?

This intriguing little story of two(2) UTEP professors and their fabulous so-called Revocable Trust Real Estate Deal covers the whole nine-yards.

Starring as themselves in part one of tonight's episode:

Professor M. Susana Navarro and Professor Arturo Pacheco!!

a.k.a. "The UTEP Dy-na-mite Real Estate Investment Team!"

Move over, Dr. Josefina Tinajero...

Excerpt from: Day of the Ly'in Hos, The University of Texas at El Paso Story
Copyright: 2005
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.

"Dr. Arturo Pacheco was one of those UTEP professors who really knew how to coin money, even if he had to work two(2) jobs at 50% salary apiece to do it. Don't believe it? Then just check out what was recorded in the UTEP 2006-2007 Budget.

"As Director of the University of Texas at El Paso's College of Education Center for Evaluation Research Enhancement, Dr. Pacheco's 50% employment gave him a pretty cool sum of money, $69,340 a year to be exact, which included a 2.1% raise over the preceeding year's budgeted salary. Now, this particular sum of money flowed his way through UTEP Account Number 14-6475-5909.

"Not content with all this, UTEP's Dr. Arturo Pacheco likewise deemed it expedient to cash in with another 50% of his valuable time by donating it to yet another Univeristy of Texas at El Paso Department of Comparative Mumbo-Jumbo, this one called by the unwieldy name of The UTEP Educational Leadership and Foundations. Period!

"From this department, Dr. Pacheco raked in another $47,637, this time through Account Number 14-1516-0001.

"In short, his two half-time salaries gave Dr. Arturo Pacheco a respectable income of: $116,977 a year. He even had enough spare time to show his face now and again in the UTEP Chicano Studies Program.

"Yet, the real estate question was still bound to arise: why the so-called Revocable Trusts, held jointly by Dr. Pacheco and Dr. Navarro?

"Were they laundering money for a third party, and if so, what might the hypothetical for instance be of the money in question relating to proceeds from any one or more of the usual big three all-American university criminal enterprises: gambling, prostitution, or narcotics?

"Surprisingly enough, the answer wasn't going to be too hard to find. The more so as it would become gradually clear to us all that the weak link in this particular chain of UTEP predatory carnivores was one Professor Susana Navarro.

"Because over the course of the past two(2) years she had suddenly lost the UTEP Secret Hand Shake, and with this loss her annual legal income fell roughly $56,000.

"And therein hangs a tale...."



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