Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Anne Coulter's spin on the Mens ACTS Retreat hardcorp homosexual component:

Chicks with D**** January 2000

"Some men,oddly enough aren't willing to curb their instinctive promiscuity and embrace monogamy in order to get a girl. They're known as gay men. In Sex and the City it's not even girls talking like guys exactly, but girls talking like gay men. (Another hint is that the only appealing male character is a gay man.)

"Meanwhile, gay men totally get it. Hell, a gay man writes it."

To which I say: hell, yourself, good buddy! Because when it comes to the passive-active homosexuals in Father Rick Mattey's Mens ACTS Retreat Community like UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez and his sexually aggresive predatory alpha-male down low hos, anybody had better be able to get it. Yeah!

Self Test Number One: When was the last time you've seen male ACTS Retreat hardcorps homosexual cadre hanging around adolescents in the Teens ACTS Retreat Movement at St. Patricks? Think those ladies in charge aren't able to totally get it? You know they do! They guard those young guys like mean 'ole mama hens, and more power to them for doing so! What ever his faults might be, I'll bet you that Father Fabian is true blue. And while Father Rick can talk all the crazy sh*t he wants to, I'll bet you those ladies won't give ground, period!

Self Test Number Two: When was the last time you saw a mob of Mens ACTS Retreat team (or cadre) lining up in full colors after Mass on First Saturday morning for the Right to Life marches, and with the same enthusiasm and numbers they show for lining up after Mass on Last Saturday mornings?

FACT: Militantly perverse homosexual predators despise sex between opposite sexes and the procreation of little babies is something they hate even more. No matter how sore their you-know-whats are, it really is not the same thing, sorry!


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