Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story

"The day when the Mens ACTS Retreat number one male on male sexual predator chewed through his leash and broke loose from Father Rick Mattey's designated male ho-handlers."

Excerpt: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the Univeristy of Texas at El Paso Story
Copyright: 2005
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.

More on the Outing of UTEP Professor and Mens ACTS Retreat personality Richard Gutierrez, and one of ACTS sexual predators, an out-of-control down-low ho

From: Morony, Dennis P.
Sent: Sat 4/29/2006 1:36 PM
To: Gutierrez, Richard S.
Cc: Muñoz, Martín.
Subject: Looks like a sexual situation may be devoloping within Mens ACTS Community.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen:

"Please consider this just an informal way of notifying you, in your professional capacities as Mens ACTS retreat and Community officers, that a possible criminal complaint situation is currenlty developing as of this morning's Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral between myself and one other individual, who may well be suffering form some mental health issue not yet adequately addressed.

"Perhaps even one related to a possible future forensic intake diagnosis of late onset psycho-pathology, given that he appears around 40 years old.

"At any rate, since understanding the word no -- even when lnked to certain well-known adjectives, all this in Church itself -- seems beond his intellectual grasp, prudence dictates that as of today, I will take off the ACTS bracelet and otherwise sever all connections to the ACTS Community until this case is finally closed out, which may well be some months in the future, if ever.

"I say this because since htis happened at Mass, he seemssto have already been busily talking to religious [Name one] and more than likely -- come Monday -- will try to con religious [Name two] into taking his side, instead of prudently letting things drop and keeping his hands to himself.

"I tried to explain to him later at the end of our ACTS morning meeting in the elementary cafeteria, when he insisted in sitting down next to me at thhe same table towrds the end of our morning's ACTS meeting, that unwanted physical contact -- whether sexual or not -- can lead to certain problems, but after apparently talking to religious [Name one] he seemed more convinced than ever that he is the victim of some kind of misunderstanding or maybe a victim due to his sexual preferences -- or obsessive impulses -- we'll just have to wait and see which.

"His defensive and aggressive reaction is what we call denial.

"When again I warned him that police detectives igh tnot look at things exactly his way,h einsisted they were no different than anyone else, and that I can do it with them too, or words to same or similar effect.

"At that point I emphasized once again -- as the monring's ACTS meeting was breaking up -- that I had a problem with him and his attitude and told him levelly, not once but three(3) times, either Just stay out of my face, or Keep out of my face, in level, emphatic, but not particularly emotional tones.

"After all, he may well be what street level police officers call simply a Ten Ninety Six -- or Possible Mental.

"Nevertheless, as I repeated it a third time, I became aware of a young blondish woman who politely colughed behind me, letting me know she was trying to pass us on her way out.

"How much she heard,if anyting, I don't know yet.

"As for recommendations to other males about ACTS itself, I think it is only fair to say that my reply will ffrom now on will be:

I'm still a fan of ACTS, but that due to certain experiences I'm no longer active in the commuity, nor do I intend to be.

[This was obviously before UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez himself tested passive male-ho positive in his out of the closet emale to me the following week!]

"Meanwhile, thanks a bunch, and don't worry, gentlemen: this unhappy individual is a chronic talk-a-holic, busily dragging as many men and women into the pending legal situation as he can, based upon what I've obseved this morning.

"So, count on him and his strenuous efforts to defend himself to bring in any number of of well-inteneded -- if perhaps foolish and mis-guided -- supporters for a whole novela's worth of balonia!

"Take care!

'Dennis Paul Morony

"Mens ACTS Retreat alumni, March 2006."


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