Wednesday, September 10, 2008

TO: His Excellency, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, Monday, May 19, 2008.

"RE: An all too - typical problem found in a witchcraft plagued American Catholic parish in an early 21st Century rural community, personified by its poorly formed and amazingly ignorant rural pastor: the continued public abuse of the sacrament of Holy Communion by knowingly and persistently administering It to youngsters who have never made their First Confession and First Communion in the first place.

"Dear Excellency:

"Last Saturday, May 17th, 2008, at the 5:30 PM Mass, the Rev. Father Quang D. Van reverted to his previous practice of knowingly administering Holy Communion to children and young people who have never received the necessary preparation, and whose single parent is still publicly observing so called white magic superstitious formulas to protect his children from black magic threats, while still attending Jehovah Witness services from time to time and studying and sharing their anti - Catholic writings in so - called Parish Faith Sharing activities on premises, with Fr. Quang's knowledge and implied consent, as well as that of his ordained deacons.

"This latest incident of
Fr. Quang's sacrilegious administration of Holy Communion took place in full public view, and with at least one ordained Deacon, the Rev. Mr. Joe Goebel as an eyewitness, plus [ N. a] dedicated [Gender] Altar Server and many more, including the parent's female cousin and her husband and adult daughter, as well as myself.

"Thank you, your Excellency!

"Respecfully submitted, etc..etc..

"St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish
"Brackettville, Texas 78832

"Copies: To His Excellency, Archbishop José Gomez, and a number of our hardworking and dedicated teachers [you good people surely know who you are, heh, heh!], who have never wavered in spite of Fr. Quang's repudiation of the Catholic religion, I'd suppose in what the Holy Father recently called here in America a silent apostasy [sic.]."


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