Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"To: Ms. Rita Minkley, Director, Archdiocesan Catechetical Center, and Sister Mary Dumonceaux, O.S.F., Catechetical Consultant, Uvalde Deanery.

Date: Monday, April 21, 2008.

"Re: Have your offices ever had a record showing your (or at least somebody's) approval of a so - called "Faith - Sharing Progam for our parish of St. Mary Magdalene's, Brackettville, Texas

"Dear Friends!

"Having read some commentary about your complementary roles in our Archdiocese (Today's Catholic, March 28, 2008), I thought either one or both of you might be able to answer my question above.

"Should it require no more that a sort of rubber stamp of approval after - the fact, so to speak, that'll be fine with yours truly, but how the prime movers of this program react to any office of the Archdioces of San Antonio is going to be any one's guess.

"The enclosed material is just a tiny sample of our concerns about what we're having to deal with here, but I think it will be self - explanatory.

"Thanks [sic!] you both so much, and have a good day!

"Sincerely yours,


"Copy to: the Rev. Fr. Cornelius Scanlon, OMI, Ret., Pastor Emeritus.

"Attachments: Sufficient..."

NOTE: Fr. Scanlon
wrote us a long and thoughtfully - worded letter in reply.

He even shared the results of some of his own research into the issues we raised, isues that are treated in more detail in the enclosed attachments from various college and university professors that we sent both he and Ms. Rita Minkley and Sister Dumonceaux..


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