Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Open Your Heart, Listen to God: Join the saints in heaven"

Adapted from "The WORD among us," November 2008. It's good to remember that this message is in the NOVEMBER issue of this Catholic publication. Thanks to la Sra. Jean Gallegos, Justin's abuelita, for this tip! :)

"Did you know that you have a privileged position in God's kingdom? You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints (Ephesians 2:19).

"This month [and we're talking November, folks!] as we honor the saints and all of our brothers and sisters in heaven, let's ponder what they are doing right now.

"They are worshiping and praising God.

"They are interceding for us and for the whole church.

"They see clearly that God is in control of every situation, and thus they trust him without any reservations.

"Since we fellow citizens with the saints, we should do the same things.

"So during this month, try to spend each day worshiping the Lord.

"Let's all join the saints as they intercede for our families, our friends, indeed the whole world.

"And let's entrust every difficulty to the One who is all -powerful and all - loving.

"Like the saints, let's rejoice and trust our Father completely."

Note One: People who are still alive here on Earth = The Church Militant.

Note Two: Those undergoing final purification in Purgatory = The Church Suffering.

Note Three: Those who have made it into Heaven whether they be known or unknown = The Church Triumphant.


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