Monday, February 04, 2013

According to the whimsical opinion of Patrick J. Buchanan. In The Wanderer, Thursday, January 31, 2013. 

"Today, the minimalist slogan -- General Motors is alive and Obama bin Laden is dead -- is enough to get you re - elected President ..."

 OK! But! What about foreign policy issues the next four years?

"[I]t is abroad where the problems and perils seem imminent.

"Iraq is drifting toward sectarian -- civil -- ethnic war.

"The Taliban of Afghanistan's past may be her future ...

"In East Asia, escalating tensions between Japan and China are spawning a new nationalism in both nations, and now warships and jet fighters of both have begun circling the Senkaku Islands..."

So, what might also happen when ...

"... a re - elected Bibi Netanyahu and his neocon and War Party allies demand of the President an ultimatum to Tehran, followed by US airstrikes in its nuclear facilities at Natanz and Fordow if Iran does not capitulate ..."

 While in fact...

" ... most of us would settle for no more wars and no double - dip recession ...

Because "[t]oday, the minimalist slogan -- General Motors is alive and Osama bin Laden is dead! -- is enough to get you re - elected President ..."

Interesting points, SeƱor! :)


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