Saturday, September 30, 2006

Stull, Robert

Sent: Sun 1/16/2005 3:07 PM
From: Morony, Dennis P.
To: Stull, Robert
CC: None
Subject: You just MIGHT want to check something out in your department, "and beat the feds to it!"
Attachments: Hoinitdown.doc(37KB)

"Sunday, January 16, 2005

"To: Mr. Robert W. Stull, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, The University of Texas at El Paso

"Re: Possible financial (or other) hanky-panky by one or more of your womens' athletic department employees.

"Dear Mr. Stull:

"Given the hypothetical for instance a certain female employee in your women's athletic department is engaged in some systematic financial hanky-panky, as may may have hypothetically been the case in her previous department, from which she transferred to yours in August, 2003, for whatever reason, our guess is one of your own trusted employees could find out for you, if that employee has an accounting degree, or is already a Certified Fraud Investigator and knows what to look for. I honestly don't think the young lady in question is quite as brilliant as she might think she is, but who knows?

"At least you could then be on record as showing you'd TRIED to clear up any little 'ole financial discrepancies. And, Mr. Stull, it would sure beat the embarrasment and resulting publicity if somebody else -- like the feds for example -- did it instead. But surely you know how SLOW they 'ole boys (and girls) can be!

"For all they now have everything you do, to the power of X.

"Anyway, just a thought!

"You might save time by letting one of your staff members check out our attachment, to see if there's anything there.

"Sincerely yours,
Miners All the Way in 2006! Yea!

"Dennis Paul Morony
Senior, English and American Literature
The University of Texas at El Paso"


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