Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Father Rick Mattey vs. Father Paul Tague, SSPX!!

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

"Lay your money down, gents!"

"And remember the talismanic chant, o.k.? O.K.!."

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which one of Satan's two handpicked clowns is the biggest loser of them all?

So what happens when Fathers Rick Mattey and Paul Tague, two tough and charismatic Diocese of El Paso rabble rousers give us a textbook example of what it means to error in pairs?

"Whose side should we take?"

Afterall, both priests act as though they really do loath and despise Jesus Christ and His Mother based on what they're more than ready to tolerate within their own palace guards.

"Whose side should we take?"

Because as shocking as it may sound, especially to the over-medicated followers of either, both men also act as though they hate and despise Pope Benedict XVI even more.


"Whose side should we take?"

Excerpted from: The online New Advent (, October 10, 2006.

"So whose side should we take? C.S.Lewis has the best answer in the form of a warning:

The Devil always sends errors into the world in pairs -- pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is worse.

You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually into the opposite one.

"In the early Church, it was Nestorianism vs. Monophysitism. In the last century, it was Communism vs. Nazism.

"And in 2006 -- and probably in 2056 -- it's Islam vs. Secularism."

In the case of both priests here, for example, we have men who loath and despise women in general. Father Rick hides this; Father Tague flaunts it.

Father Rick Mattey = influenced by so-called New Age Sorcery and Witchcraft.

Father Paul Tague = influenced by a conglomeration of Medieval sects, such as the Cathars (or Albigensians) who worship a sort of Dualistic God.

Mathematically we might say: One(1) Father Rick Mattey + One(1) Father Paul Tague = A dual entity representing Satan's Protocol.

When subjected to the right amount of psychological pressure, shrewdly applied, both men unmask their inner cores and literally lose their habitual outward appearance of icy self-control and go off, in a bizarre manifestation of some deep-seated pneumo-pathology ( disease of the spirit ) or a combination of other suspected pathologies, making both men potentially dangerous and unstable, alike to themselves as to their own followers.

Although neither man could ever be even remotely described as a so-called practicing militant homosexual, both men are held in psychological and spiritual thralldom by those of their respective palace guards who are.


Let's see:

Because as J. Lorand Matory assures us:

In the absence of proof to the contrary, Bahians tend to assume that a male possession priest [As Father Rick Mattey's required Bible Studies Class text states of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ] is a bicha or adé (that is a man who is sexually penetrated). In the allied tradition of Cuban Santería, or Ocha, most male possession priests [Like some of of the Mens ACTS Retreat hardcorps cadre, UTEP's Professor Richard Gutierrez etc. & Father Tague's inner circle, such as Father Pffeifer, Brother Gabriel, etc.] I know might be described as homosexual. They and my priestess friends discuss the matter freely.

Moreover, the oft-repeated official prohibition on the entry of women, homosexuals and people possessed often by their gods into the Cuban Ifa divination priesthood entails an implicit recognition that all of these groups are strongly present -- symbolically and demographically -- in the broader Cuban-inspired Ocha tradition.


[And if this all sounds harsh and judgemental, do a random sample of the American Catholic Bishops and see just what they have to say about giving a big, wide smile and a warm embrazo to: a) Father Rick Mattey's Mens ACTS Retreat Community and their Candomblé-style secret initiation rites over in New Mexico, and b) Father Paul Tague's clowns.

Please Note: the Society of St.Pius X priests in Phoenix up to May, 2001, were neither militant homosexuals nor were they clowns. Instead they were dedicated, hardcorps Roman Catholic priests with a superb grasp and sense of mission and purpose. Yet they, too, were in a degree of thralldom to Satan's Protocal, as they openly aided their erring brethern.]


I have not observed anything describable as homosexuality in the West African Yoruba possession priesthood, though later in this essay I will detail one striking account thereof reported to me by a highly reliable Yoruba scholar.

I have never said or believed that the West African transvestite priests were or are in any sense homosexual (Matory 1994, etc.)

At the time of my research in Igboho, I had never heard of a named or symbolically marked category of men who are penetrated sexually by other men, but, in sum, I could see that those who are regularly penetrated spiritually [Ah, ha! Fathers Rick Mattey and Paul Tague?? This would explain a lot!] by the gods [St. Pauls devils?]have a great deal in common (sartorially, professionally, and symbolically) with the Brazilian bicha or adé category (Matory, 2004).

Y, así lo fue .... ¡Buenas noches!


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