Monday, February 26, 2007

Count down to the 4oth anniversary of the Battle of Bin Son I!

"Is this deceased Second Lieutenant one of our First Platoon, Fox Company, Second Battalion First Marine Regiment FMF officers?"

Name: Byron Morrow Speer
Rank: Second Lieutenant, USMC Reserve
Age: 23
KIA: June 13, 1967
How: Small arms fire
Where: Quangnam Province
Date: June 13, 1967
Home: San Marino, California
Blog Status: In this one at least, it's not yet confirmed!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Spies & Commandos: How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam.

Kenneth Conboy & Dale Andradé

Adapted from jacket:

"During the Vietnam war, the United States sought to undermine Hanoi's subversion of the Saigon regime by sending Vietnamese operatives behind enemy lines.

"A secret to most Americans, this covert operation was far from secret to Hanoi: all of the commandos were killed or captured, and many were turned by the Communists to report false information...."

"Been Loadin' for bin Laden"


The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail....

Philip Smucker.

Adapted from jacket cover:

"When President Bush announced in a televised speech the week after September 11 that he wanted Osama bin Laden dead or alive, a grieving nation seeking justice and revenge roared in approval...."

"The War Journal of Major Damon Rocky Gause."

"ROCKY GUASE WAS AN ORDINARY MAN CAUGHTcaught up in extraordinary times. He responded with such courage, grace, determination, strength, will power , and patriotism to inspire us all.

"There was no risk he would not take, whether fighting against the Japanese or the Germans.

"He died testing a P-47's dive capability just before D-Day, but he lives today thanks to his accommplishments and recording of them."

Adapted from foreward by Stephen E. Ambrose.

Donald Knox's Death March The Survivors of Bataan.

Page 419

Testimony of:

Capt. THOMAS HEWLETT, M.D. Fukuoka Camp No. 17 (Omuta)

"Homosexuality was present in all nationality groups. This reached a point that Doctor Proff conducted a weekly marital relations clinic, in an effort to keep the couples happy in our tight society."

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Guadalupe: Veteranos muertos, revolución ídem."

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Periódico: El Zócalo, de Piedras Negras, Coahuila,lunes 26 de marzo de 2001.
Por: Roberto Orozco Melo.

"Hoy se celebra un aniversario más del Plan de Guadalupe un histórico documento que marcó el inicio de la revolución constitucionalista de 1913, firmado por un reducido grupo de revolucionarios mexicanos que encabezada el entonces governador de Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza.

"Asisto a esta celebración anual desde 1955.

"En aquellos años, era una especia de convención de fuerzas revolucionarios.

"Resultaba divertido contemplar los joviales encuentros entre aquellos guerreros retirados."

¡Ay! Pero también tenían aquellos guerreros bastante quejas "contra los gobiernos que no hacían justicia y se mostraban indiferentes al hambre, enfermedades y necesidad de aquella veteranía:

¿Para qué, señor, fuimos a la guerra?

Unos cuantos generales se enriquecieron y a todos los demás nos está llevando la chin......

¡Ora, UTEP, Ora MEChA, Adelante DESTINO!

"La Hacienda de Guadalupe lucía festones tricolores desde la madrugada [en aquel tiempo, de 1955].

"Lo cierto es que después de 1981 el evento declinó en paralelo al sentimiento oficial revolucionario. Veteranos: Estaban muertos, tanto como los postulados d ejusticia social del movimiento de 1913.

"Qué bueno que el actual gobernador, Enrique Martínez, se propuso recuperar esta celebración cívica desde su primer año de gobierno."

"[A]hora venga a presidir este acto el secretario de Gobernación."

Sunday, February 11, 2007

¡La comunidad de ACTS del Catedral de San Patricio!

¿Sublevación de por adentro?

¿Entre los mismos llamados guardias del palacio?

¿O, un mero acto administrativo por parte del señor obispo Armando Ochoa, y/o el Padre Rick Mattey?

¿Ahora con hablantes de inglés con su propia junta, encabezado todavía por el profe de la UTEP, Richard Gutierrez?

¿Más una para los hombres de habla-español, encabezedo por el señor licenciado Juan López, apoyado por el señor licenciado David Flores y el Doctor Carlos Gutierrez?

Como un mero hecho:

Esta noche, después la misa dominical vespertina, nosotros le preguntábamos tres veces al Señor Licenciado Juan López si de veras era él el DIRECTOR de ACTS para los varones.

¡Tres veces nos contestaba qué sí!

Tres veces le preguntábamos si le conocía este mismo señor licenciado Juan López al Profesor de la UTEP, Richard Gutierrez.

¡Tres veces nos contestaba qué no!


"La Catedral de San Patricio se complace en anunciar el segundo retiro en español de ACTS para varones, el cual se llevará a cabo del 8 de Marzo, jueves, a las 5:15 p.m. al 11 de marzo domingo 1:00 p.m......."

"Para más información, comuníquese con:

"JUAN López al 915-346-5918

"DR. CARLOS Gutierrez al 915-241-6573

"DAVID Flores al 915-309-6969 "

[ ó al dispacho del Catedral al (915) 533-4451, ó FAX a (915) 532-8761 ]

"Tal vez, mediante este nuevo equipo, recuperarsélo el movimiento de los ACTS de las manos subversivas del sub-grupo anterior de homosexuales agresivas. Por lo menos, así esperamos, ¿O.K.? !O.K.!" Dennis...


"Do you want to know the real story behind Dan Brown's masterly rip-off of a gullible French public of enthusiastic Code Heads ?"

"Six hundred thousand of whom had shelled out $37.00 dollars apiece by early 2005, to have all their most cherished fantasies and illusions mocked to a fare-thee-well?"

"You do?"

"Then beware of the Convict Clowns!"


"Because all through literary history, clowns have played a vital role, just by being what they are: clowns!"

And Brown's Convict Clowns are true to type....!

Chapter 26: The Da Vinci Code

Pages 119-121

Sunday, February 04, 2007

".... Nous avon ici en EL PASO le Neo-catharé de une village occitan -- même Montaillou....."

This is the gist of a hastily scribbled note yours truly handed to a visiting ersatz French Dominican priest (ha, ha!) visiting the Society of St. Pius X Priory on Yandell and Mundey streets in El Paso in the Fall of 2002.

His reply air mailed from France to us in El Paso in early December would be most interesting!

Yes, indeedy!

¡♥♣♠ ♥♣♠ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♥♣♠ ♥♣♠!

La maison et l'au-delà -- page 625 of Montaillou, village occitan de 1294 à 1324. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie.

"Le catharisme n'est plus aujourd'hui qu'un astre mort, dont nous recevons à nouveau la lumière fascinante et froide, après un demi-millénaire d'occultation..."

Sorry, buddy!

Check out the SSPX Priory at El Paso, Texas, 'cause that Catharism is nothing these days but a dead star routine is shown to be what we're afraid it is: wishful thinking!

You betcha' !

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Escape from Villingen, 1918 .

Messimer, Dwight R. Escape from Villingen, 1918. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2000.

"This is an account of the only mass escape made by American prisoners of war (POWS) during World War I.

"The Germans captured 4,480 members of the AEF. Of that number,only forty-four attempted to escape -- some of them several times -- and only six succeeded in making their way back to Allied lines. Even fewer British POWs attempted to escape."

World of UTEP rates this book a straight: !!!

Happy January 31st: Saint Don Bosco's Day!

"Felicidades a todos nosotros, integrantes del mismo elenco, la gran familia Salesiana!"

Brazilian Bishop Areas Rifan: Still going strong!

The Petelia Tablet.

Plato and Eric Voegelin and Ellis Sandoz:

The Philosophy of Order.


What Is Political Reality?

Source: Elllis Sandoz's book, The Voegelinian Revolution, pages 144-45.

"The philosophy of order, Voegelin says, is the process in which we as men find the order of existence in the order of consciousness (A, 11).

"Plato expressed is own philosophy of consciousness in terms of the symbolism of Recollection.

"Since Voegelin builds his theory on the foundation supplied by Plato, the meaning of that symbolism is crucial.

"Plato appears to have coined the word anamnesis from mnemosyne (memory or remembrance; mythically, the Mother of the Muses); its meaning is remembering-again, recollection, or reminiscence (cf. Philebus 34A-C; 60A-E).

"The Well of Memory is known from the Orphic tablets, amulets buried with the dead and indispensable sources of knowledge for Orphic eschatology.

"The inscription of the Petelia Tablet reads as follows:

Thou shalt find on the left of the Houuse of Hades, a Well-spring, And by the side thereof standing a white cypress.

To htis Well-spring approach not near.

But thous shalt find another by the Lake of Memory [Mnemosynes], Cold water flowing forth, and there are Guardians before it.


"I am a child of Earth and Starry heaven; But my race is of Heaven (alone).

This ye know yourselves.

And lo, I am parched with thirst and I perish.

Give me quickly

The cold water flowing forth from the Lake of Memory."

And of themselves they will give thee to drink from the holy Well-spring, And thereafter among the other Heroes thou shalt have lordship....(1)

"The divine origin of man is affrimed; it is nutured, and his heavenly destiny saved, through the blessed water of Remembrance.

"The nameless and forbidden well of the tablet is connected with the person of Lethe (Forgetfulness) in Hesod (Theogony, 227); and Lethe appears for the first time as a water, a river, at the end of Plato's Republic (621), where she is also called Ameles (Unmindful).

"No less to Plato than to the Orphics and to Hesiod, Lethe is from the first thoroughly bad, identified with the unconsciousness of death and with the living death which is the forgetfulness of that which ought to be remembered -- the amnesia of the soul and society of which Voegelin speaks at the beginning of Order and History.

"It is the ignorance in the soul (agnoia) which nullifies wisdom in the Republic; and it combines with vice to obscure truth, thereby binidng the soul to earth, in the great myth of the Phaedrus (248D)."

Aletheia = Truth in Greek.

"Truth in Greek (aletheia) connotes an uncovering, unconcealing,or unforgetting; Plato etymologically designates it as an agglomeration of Theia ale (divine wandering) implying the divine motion of existence (Cratylus, 421B; cf. 411A-413C).

"The experience of deja vu or anamnesis is offered as evidence not only of the immortality of the soul and of metempsychosis by Plato, but also as the sign of essential humanity itself and as the equivalent of intuitive or noetic reason (Nous): that mysterous divine something in man, the highest rational faculty or capacity of intellect whereby the transcendental Ideas and undemonstrable First Principles of scientific knowledge are, thorugh participation, grasped and known." (2)

(1) "Quoted from Jane Harrison, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (repr. ed.; New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1955), 573-83, 659-60."

(2) Plato, Phaedo, 73-76; Symposium, 208; Meno, 81-87; Republic, 617; Timaeus, 42, 91; cf. Aristotle, Micomachean Ethics, 1140b31-1141a9;" etc. etc.