Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"Must" Vacation Reading !!

Could this really be Iraq, like maybe in 2008 ??? My goodness !!

Stephen W. Sears Sears' Gettysburg ....

I guess most likely those 'ole southern boys was most awful hungry -- and had a bad public - relations - media reputation....

Pages 110 - 111:

"What Lee's invasion [of Pennsylvannia] did trigger was a tidal wave of refugees flooding toward the Susquenna and Harrisburg.

"Merchants bearing their goods, bankers carrying their deposits, farmers driving their stock, free blacks evading Rebel slave - catchers, families fleeing the imagined horrors of [Confederate]military occupation -- all rushed to the capital from southern Pennsylvannia.

"Not to be outdone, there was a simultaneus exodus farther northward by Harrisburg's citizens.

"The city's railroad stations, reported Charles Coffin of the Boston Journal,

...were crowded with an excited people -- men, women, and children -- with trunks, boxes, bundles; packages tied up in bed - blankets and quilts; mountains of luggage -- tumbling it into the [railroad] cars, rushing here and there in a frantic manner; shouting, screaming, as if the Rebels were about to dash into the town and lay it in ashes ...

There was a steady stream of teams thundering across the bridge; farmers from the Cumberland valley, with their household furniture piled upon the great wagons ...;

..bedding, tables, chairs, their wives and children perched on the top; kettles and pails dangling underneath .....

"At a second Susquehanna bridge a massive traffic jam formed while the bridgekeeper insisted on collecting the regular toll.

"It took the intervention of General Couch to persuade the bridge company to waive the tolls in the emergency."

As the author quotes another contemporary observer, Louis Gottschalk, as saying:

"It is no longer a flight -- it is a flood. The panic increases. The poor are moving in wheel - barrows. The confusion is at its height. Cattle bellowing, frightened mules, prancing horses, the noisy crowd, the whistling locomotives, the blinding dust, the burning sun."

Wow! And to think I used to think Iraq was bad !!!

Back from BIG H. and Baytown, Texas !!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Off - line for a week (or two) vacation !!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

El Gorbernador de Coahuila Moreira Valdés nos dice hoy:

¡¡ México está convulsionado !!

Adaptado de la obra de: Camelia Muñoz/ AGENCIA INFOMAR Zócalo / Saltillo - Miércoles 16 de Mayo de 2007.

"Nunca antes se había vivido una situación así; se sale de control en muchos estados, dice.

"Los problemas van en aumento y se tiene que hacer un esfuerzo superior para frenarlos; el problema se agrava en todo el país.

"Moreira Valdés opinó además de la desaparición del reportero y camarógrafo de TV Azteca de Monterrey, Gamaliel López y Gerardo Paredes, y sostuvo que en Coahuila hay condiciones para que el trabajo de los medios de comunicación no se afecte por intimidaciones."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Donna High School's Quarterback Coach is "The Real Deal!"

DHS Coach Michael Brown profiled in this month's Southwest Texas LIVE! May 2007 Edition.

You can click on it below, but you got to kind of use your imagination to find it, the inside link says something like "Remember when Del Rio High was 10 - 0?" by ROLAND GARZA.

Or some such thing!

Anyway, as ROLAND GARZA tells us:

"He [Brown] was the tallest kid in any group, which often made him the center of attention.

"And, being of African American and Mexican descent, Brown stood out."

My grandma taught me Spanish, and we would spend summers in Mexico when I was growing up, Brown explained."

Just click below for the rest of the story!

Female British mystery writer takes a casual slap at "Socialized Education!"

Josephine Tey's Miss Pym Disposes, published in England in 1946. Pages 114-115.

Our heroine, Miss Lucy Pym is invited to visit a good friend who is running a girl's school, decides to stay over a while, so writes her good family helper, a Mrs. Montmorency, who obliges her by sending whatever she needs along with a letter:

"I as done as you sed an sent the urgent by passel post. Registered. Fred put it into Wigmore Street on is way to work reciet enclosed I as packed the blue and the blouses...etc..."

Miss Pym is left "wondering why she paid education rates [taxes?]

"It wasn't public schools for everyone that was needed, but a good many elementary school classes of not more than a dozen, where the future Mrs. Montmorencys could be adequately taken care of in the matter of the Three Rs."


"Old McLean, their jobbing gardener at home, had left school when he was twelve, but he could write as good a letter as any University acquaintance of hers; and why?

"Because he came from a small village school with small classes and a good school master.

"And of course because he lived in an age when the Three Rs were more important than Free Milk.

"They made him literate and left the rest to him.

"He lived on white - flour scones and stewed tea and died hale and hearty at the age of ninety - two."


And now for some of that delightfully quaint British use of the English language, circa 1946, as we see it on page 186, where there's a big social whirl in progress at the girls' school:

"Madame Lefevre came floating in wearing a nigger - brown silk affair that was shot with metallic blue in the high - lights; which made her look more than ever like some exotic kind of dragonfly."

Monday, May 14, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI shuns "popularity contest" in Brazil !!

Forget the all - American (ha ha) so-called "Catholic Church's" view of Jesus Christ as a "warm fuzzy, put to death by the Romans apparently for no other reason then for His teachings being such a (yawn!) crashing bore."

Adapted from: Los Angeles Times via the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Saturday, May 12, 2007.

"Benedict gives Brazil its first saint"

"Pope urges faithful to follow monk's example and live pure lives"

"Later; the pope urged Brazil's bishops to re - energize their efforts to spread the word of God but to do so sticking to orthodox church doctrine.

"The toughly worded admonition laid out a path in marked contrast to the way the faith is often preached and practiced in Latin America.

"He told the bishops to center their teachings on Christ and not on political or ideological considerations."

El Papa: ¿haciendose la bola en contra el gobierno Brasiliano?"

"Y, ¿ Por qué no ??"

Check it out !

"O Papa no Brasil !!"

"Falando im dogma Igreja ??"

"Sim !! "

¡ Ora, UTEP ! ¡ Ora, MEChA ! ¡ Adelante, DESTINO !

¡Guau! Dig this up - to - date Brazilian Portuguese link:

Three more Brackett High Lady Tigers due to graduate in Class of 2007.

Ms. Betty Latimer is headed for either Uvalde's SWTJC or Del Rio Community, Ms. Christie Dodson is opting for a "college in Central Texas [to] study business," while Ms. Diana Hernandez wants to attend SWTJC "and major in Criminal Justice."

Two Brackett High "down - home" gents ready to roll in 2007, too !

Mr. Robert Davis just wants to "go to college and watch Jr. in the NBA."

Mr. Joseph D. Ashley has so many post - graduation plans, as he tells the Brackett News, they're "too numerous to mention!"

Go get 'em Betty, Christie, Diana, Robert and Joseph !!

Uh - oh! USPO's Two-cent Monday, again!

And because I didn't mail that deposit to my bank in Uvalde, Texas, last Saturday afternoon, it will arrive in Uvalde tomorrow -- and with postage due stamped on the envelope.

Figure a week or ten days to get it back, and then to re-mail it.

My, oh my! The cost of a liberal education just keeps going up !!

Happy Mother's Day Monday Everyone !

And, yes!

That includes Frances Nuera of both Star Buck's and Jive'en Mans UTEP Library Lobby Coffee Stand fame -- or whatever it's called.

Plus all UTEP Students, Employees and Staff, the UTEP Prospector's Maricela R. Luna, everybody.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Latest from UTEP Prospector online !!


Check it out ....

Today, May the Twelfth, is Graduation Day at UTEP !

Congratulations everyone....

Go Miners !!

Council of Quiercy (853)...

605. "There is not, never has been, and never will be, a single human being for whom Christ did not suffer."

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Concilio de Quiercy, año 853....

605. "[N]o hay, ni hubo, ni habrá hombre alguno, por quien no haya padecido Cristo."

Catecismo de la Iglesia Cátolica

Friday, May 11, 2007

TSU's Quintin Homeboy Wiggins Gets Ten Years in the Slammer !!

Ten year sentence = "No parole?"

Homeboy already had three "hits" on his criminal record !

"But! Can UTEP's hoods -- both male and female -- be all that far behind (heh, heh!)?"

The following is our knee - jerk adaptation, of course!

Ex-university official draws ten years

By: Juan A. Lozano, A.P. / San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Wednesday, May 9, 2007.

"HOUSTON -- Texas Southern University's former chief financial officer was sentenced to 10 years in prison Tuesday for funneling nearly $300,000 of public funds into secret accounts used by the troubled school's ex - president to lavishly furnish and landscape her home [not Homeboy's !]."

JUST LIKE UTEP's Athletic Department honchos ???

"[TSU ex - president Priscilla] Slade goes to trial in August on two charges of criminally misusing university money for private benefit."

JUST LIKE UTEP's President Diana Natalicio ???

"The allegations against [Homeboy] Wiggins, Slade and others coincided with a series of reports that revealed a pattern of financial mismanagement at the school and prompted Gov. Rick Perry to call for a state takeover of the historically black university."


"Prosecutors argued Wiggins did not merit probation in part because of his criminal record, which includes two arrests on charges of driving while intoxicated and one on a charge of impersonating a peace officer."



Rádio Vaticano -- A voz do Papa e da Igreja em diálogo com o mundo. 01/02/2006 19.07.52

Cidade do México, 31 jan (RV) -- O primero Bispo de Piedras Negras, no Estado de Coahuila, fronteira com os Estados Unidos, Dom Alonso Garza Treviño, e sacerdotes da Diocese emitiram um comunicado de apoio e solidariedade aos emigrantes mexicanos e centro - americanos, na busca de uma legislaçao e um tratamento justo para os trabalhadores ilegais que buscam melhores condiçoes de vida nos Estados Unidos. "

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10 !

Blessed Damien the Leper of Molokai's Feast Day !

One tough and dedicated hombre, he not only believed in God himself, he dedicated his life to acting like it, unlike all too many of his all-American Protestant wanna - be missionary competitors ever could.

I guess you might say that Father Damien "not only knew the Master's Word, his life of aid and comfort to the lepers showed us he knew the Master, Himself."


Hardworking Chinese Graduate Student wins UTEP prize!

UTEP's 2007 "Woman of Valor Award"

As she tells the UTEP Prospector:

"Deciding to apply for the award needed some courage. My philosophy is it does not hurt to try."

UTEP Department of Communications senior lecturer Professor David Smith - Soto nominated Ms. Chen for the award.

She'll receive a bronze plaque plus a $100.00 gift card to the UTEP University Bookstore, the UTEP Prospector tell us !

"Good luck Yixin !"

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Continuity Catholicism Rocks !!

Mother Assumpta Long, O.P. and her sisters prove it.

¡Ora, UTEP ! ¡ Ora, MEChA ! ¡Adelante, DESTINO !

Just ask Mother Assumpta Long, O.P. Co - foundress and Prioress General, Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Here's some of what she has to say:

Eighteen - hundred per cent growth in this religious order of Catholic nuns in 10 years, "from four sisters to seventy-two (and counting!)"

Now, what follows is your humble servant's knee - jerk reaction, o.k.?

No so-called spiritual necrosis in this crowd!

Check it out, if only for curiousity's sake!

No, you don't have to believe in Christianity, the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, God Himself, nor the Little Green Men from Mars.

You just have to be bored, curious or both....

Think about it!

Continuity Catholicism Rocks !!

También en San Antonio de Bexar, ¡ a la mexicana !

Mexican Carmelite Order in San Antonio, Texas, shows us the bi - lingual (English - Spanish) way!

Why not click on the link below and check out the story?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Continuity Catholicism Rocks !

So do Al Gore's Nashville Neighbors here ...

Check out these Dominican Sisters in Nashville, if you don't believe it...

Maybe you'd like to be a real - deal nun yourself !

Or, know someone else who might!



Al Gore shells out $500.00 a month, just to heat his pool .

Like John Denver in Colorado 27 years ago, Al says one thing, does another .

Adapted from San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS Tuesday, May 8, 2007.

Froma Harrop's column.

"Environmentalists have long pondered whether you can stick solar panels on a battleship of a house and still claim to be the planet's friend.

"Revelations that Al Gore's manse in Nashville, Tenn., uses 10 times the energy of the average American home have goosed this ongoing debate.

"How unfortunate that the Paul Revere of global warming -- the man who gallops across America to warn of the coming environmental disaster -- spends $500.00 a month to heat his pool alone.

"Gore's assertion that his use of carbon offsets somehow neutralizes his fossil-fuel consumption doesn't quite cut it.

"The guy sure makes makes life hard for his friends."

Amen, sister! Amen.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Ubaidah Al-Saif tells us his Good News !

"The plans of the cross worshippers and their henchmen have collapsed."

Adapted from Cal Thomas' column, San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS, Thursday, May 3, 2007.

Our warm, loving and ecumenically fuzzy Islamic compadre Comrade Ubaidah cites, on April 25, 2007, and with obvious approval, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's own words:

"The Iraqi war is hopeless and the situation in Iraq is the same as it was in Vietnam."

Thomas thoughtfully adds to this:

"[Ubaidah] Al-Saif declares American morale is declining and [in Al-Saif's own words]:

[O]ur battle against the enemy is first and foremost the will to fight and the length of the battle does not rest with the cross worshippers.

Thomas then adds:

"He calls for his fighters to be patient and Allah will give them victory.

"Patience is not one of America's virtues.

"Do the war's opponents realize, or care, that every critical statement they make is reported by the enemy's media and passed on o homicie bombers and fighters to encourage them to keep killing Americans and Iraqis?"

Good point, might we not say??!!

TSU Wiggins Case shows us once again !

Males still the losers in university organized crime !!

Adapted from:

"TSU official guilty of misusing funds"

By Juan A. Lozano AP/San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS, Friday, May 4, 2007.

"HOUSTON -- Texas Southern University's former chief financial officer was convicted Thursday of misspending nearly $300,000 in public funds a spart of a scheme to help the school's ex-president lavishly furnish and landscape her home [but apparently not his!], according to broadcast reports.

"A jury convicted Quintin Wiggins of one count of misaplication of fiduciary property. [Hummmm, where else have we heard that one just recently? Was it Dallas' Albanese case?]"

Ms. Slade gets ousted, her Homeboy gets the slammer ??!!

"Wiggins faces up to life in prison.

"Prosecutors said Wiggins diverted $286,000 of TSU funds into secret accounts that ousted president Priscilla Slade used to buy furniture, landscaping and a high-tech security system for her home.

"Wiggins' attorneys told jurors their client was a dedicated employee who had done nothing wrong because the university had approved similar furniture purchases for Slade.

"In all, Slade spent $87,000 on furniture, $138,000 on landscaping and $61,000 on a security system, prosecutors said."

¡ Sí ! ¡ Che se puede !

Oh, yeah!

'Ole Che can still be do'in it !

¡ Ora, UTSA's loudmouthed (or at least electronically amplified ) Marxist Diehards !

Those clowns, whether UTSA students, faculty or staff, who either use themselves, or permit others to use, bull - horns to stifle anyone's publicly expressed opinion who differs from their own.

Our Question of the Day for these UTSA Party Faithful:

Are Cuba's political commissars losing control of Castro's RED Army ?

Adapted from San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS/ A.P., Friday, May 4, 2007:

Cuba says it foiled lethal hijack try

"HAVANA -- Fugitive army recruits tried to hijack a plane to the United States and killed a military officer they took hostage in the failed attempt Thursday, the Interior Ministry said.

"Two of the escaped recruits were arrested after Army Lieutenant Colonel Victor Ibo Acuña Velazquez was killed in the aborted hijack.

"Throughout the day Thursday, there were rampant rumors of a shooting at the airport, but the Cuban government and its official media were silent.

"A manhunt had been under way for three army recruits sought after fleeing their base.

"The two arrested were among three army recruits who escaped from their base Sunday after killing a fellow soldier and wounding another.

"The third was captured earlier.

"The men, all from the eastern province of Camaguey, were identified as Leandro Cerezo Sirut and Alain Forbus Lameru, both 19, and Yoan Torres Martinez, 21."

RIP, camaradas:

Because, although the loudmouthed wanna-be UTSA Marxist contingent may not care to know this, the Reds are somewhat unsentimental when dealing with these cases of wayward citizens in general and wayward youth in particular...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

A Beautiful Day for CINCO DE MAYO here in Brackettville, Texas !!

Mr. Lugo, formerly of Brackettville, has even brought his Mariachis from Eagle Pass High School, the school bus has already arrived!

¡ Ora, MEChA ! ¡ Adelante DESTINO !

You bet!

For all it's cloudy and cool, with just a hint of rain.

A full day of festivities planned, La Profe Lydia tells here at the Kinney County Library.

Our director la Señora Sara Terrazas is busy making sure all is going according to plan here, too.

El Señor Licenciado Eduardo "Eddie" Solis is helping out, big time. "There's a big dance tonight," he tells us.

We can already see floats, caballos, jinetes (horse men) etc.

Have a good weekend, everyone...

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Devine News, Thursday, April 19, 2007.

"Six year - old struck 4 times by rattlesnake after heroically saving little brother."

"By Trina Williams.

"If you think the rattlesnakes are not moving, think again.

"The frequent changes in the weather are leaving the creatures scrambling for shelter and food.

"While I'm no expert, I becamse schooled pretty fast last week, when our six year - old daughter Trinaty was bitten four times by a rattlesnake, just above her left knee.

"Our two year-old son Cole was also struck, but on top of his shoe instead."

Three more of Brackettville's 2007 Tiger Grads ready to roll !

Mr. Adan Aguirre tells the Brackett News (Thursday, May 3, 2007), that what he'll miss most on graduating is this:

"I will miss being able to just hang around and do nothing."


Mr. Aguirre has already found the post-graduate solution:

"I want to go to the railroad for a while and maybe go to college after a couple of years."

Go get 'em Adan!!


Mr. Justin Calk figures he's already on his way to Texas A & M University, where he plans on getting a degree in Chemical Engineering!

Among other things, Mr. Calk will miss "not having to pay green fees, and my mom's cooking."

"Go Justin,
'Cause he's our man!
If he can't do it,
There's always a UTEP Home Boy Diploma,
In Indifferentiated Studies,
Or whatever it's called!"

Ms. Monica Talamantes credits both Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Ballew for her success in high school, because as she says, "They are both wonderful teachers."

Ms. Talamantes is heading for either Angelo State -- where according to an email I got from him yesterday, my great nephew and ex - four - year US Navy man Joseph Daniels is about to start playing college football -- or to SWTJC in Uvalde.

Good luck Monica !

Check it all out !!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

UTEP's so-called Ho-Gate Scandal -- still rockin' along??

"Former El Paso FBI Chief Gets 6 Months in Prison"

Was it him that "fixed" the UTEP Professors Sid Das, Eppie Rael, Gasanov & Gasanova Organized Transnational Prostitution Case?

Or was it a crooked member of the US Attorney's Office for West Texas?

Perhaps under pressure from UTEP President Diana Natalicio and the University of Texas System Board of Regents in Austin, Texas?

Associated Press/Albuquerque Journal headline Friday, January o5, 2007.

Check it out below!

Elizabeth Albanese cited by Dallas Press Club !!

Accused by her peers of:

"[D]ishonest and fraudulent activity."

Adapted from Jeff Carlton's AP article in San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS for Wednesday, May 2, 2007.

"DALLAS -- The Press Club of Dallas is suing its former president, accusing her of rigging the club's journalism competition for at least the past two years.

"[Elizabeth] Albanese engaged in fraud, breached her fiduciary duty to the press club and violated the Texas Theft Liability Act, according to the suit.

"Albanese became involved with the judging of the Katie Awards around 2003, when she won the first of her 10 prizes.

"She was president from August 2005 until March this year.

"During most of her tenure as press club president, Albanese was the Dallas bureau chief for the Bond Buyer, a New York - based financial publication aimed at people in the municipal bond industry.

"She was fired late last month."

World War III ??!!

Over some Caribbean Island ??!!

¡Guau! Wow!

Red China's fed-up !!

Won't take it any more ... !!

Mainland Communist China's Warning to St. Lucia is Grim !!

Foreign Minister Rufus Bousquet is guilty of: "brutal interference in China's internal affairs."

Adapted from San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Wednesday, May 2, 2007.

"China, tiny St. Lucia spar over Taiwan"

"CASTRIES, St. Lucia -- This tiny Caribbean island may have thought it was no big deal when it severed its 10-year relationship with China and restored ties with rival Taiwan.


"China, which built a stadium and was finishing a psychiatric hospital here, called the move a brutal interference in China's internal affairs.

"St Lucian Foreign Minister Rufus Bousquet had said the decision on whom to recognize would be based on who could offer a better deal to St. Lucia, where some 20 percent of the population lives in poverty.

"Bousquet said Taiwan has agreed to help St. Lucia diversify its agriculture sector; boost tourism, develop livestock and create information technology learning centers."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shades of UTEP's Dr. Judith Hope Munter and Dr. Sandra Garabano??

MIT Dean of Admissions caught doin' it on her resume!!

Friday, April 27, 2007.

"Marilee Jones, a prominent crusader against the pressure on students to build their resume for elite colleges, resigned Thursday as dean of admissions of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after acknowledging she'd misrepresented her own academic credentials.

"Jones had claimed at various points to have degrees from Union College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Albany Medical College, but in fact had no degrees from any of these institutions.

"MIT Chancellor Phil Clay said by phone that This is not a mistake or an oversight."

"Move over bondage-chic flicks like Black Snake Moan!"

¡ Ora, UTEP !

"Move over Sex, Lies and Video Tape !"

¡Ora, MEChA!

"Move over Reality TV!"

¡ Adelante, DESTINO !

AP movie critic Christy Lemire told us a while back in the Del Rio News Herald (Saturday, March 10, 2007) that the trash-chic movie Hustle & Flow "paraded an array of pimp - and - ho cliches, and its tale of struggling artistry is one we've seen a million times before."


¡ Ora, UTEP !

Enter the happily married real-life San Antonio couple of attorney Ted H. Roberts and his wife Mary Roberts !

As the San Antonio Express News article by Maro Robbins (Monday, March 19, 2007) tells us:

"Attorney Ted H. Roberts was found guilty on three of five theft counts after he threatened to sue his wife's lovers and expose their adultery unless they compensated him.

"[J]urors decided his complaints and demands resulted in an elaborate theft of $100,000 from at least two of the men.

"Robert's wife, Mary, still faces the same theft charges as her husband, although no trial date has been set yet.

"Mary S. Roberts is expected to argue that she aided her husband primarily because she was consumed with guilt and feared losing custody of the couple's young son in a divorce."