Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"La Santa Muerte declara la guerra"

Adaptada de esta fuente: EXonline www.exonline.com.mx Martes 31 de Marzo 2008.

"La idea del arzobispo primado de esa colectividad, David Romo, cuya congregación lleva oficialmente el nombre de Iglesia Católica Tradicional Mex - USA, es celebrar el domingo un mitín con sus seguidores en el Zócalo del Distrito Federal, donde leerá un documento con sus exigencias."

"Protestan por destrucción de templos de Santa Muerte en México"

Sin embargo La Iglesia Católica nos da su opinión:

esta denominación no sólo es supersticiosa sino diabólica

Adaptada de esta fuente: AP Associated Press / http://espanol.news.yahoo.com . El 29 de Marzo de 2009, 11:40 PM.

"La Iglesia Católica no reconoce a la Santa Muerte, pero los seguidores de ésta emplean algunos elementos de los ritos católicos [También les emplean algunos elementos de los ritos católicos nuestros cleros aquí, como hemos visto jugando a sus bromas religiosas como mayomberos, paleros, nganguleros etc. en la iglesia de nuestra parroquia de Santa Magdalena en Brackettville, Texas 78832].

"[El arzobispo ¡je, je, je!] Romo acusó al gobierno de favorecer al catolicismo.

"Los autoridades federales no estuvieron disponibles de inmediato para comentar al respecto.

"Hugo Valdemar Romero, portavoz de la arquidiócesis de México, dijo que la Iglesia Católica no tuvo nada que ver con las demoliciones en el norte de México, y agregó que no es ningún secreto que esa devoción (la Santa Muerte) es identificada con el narcotráfico y la delicuencia organizada ... esta denominación no sólo es supersticiosa sino diabólica."

¡Adelante, R.P. Hugo Valdemar Romero!

Commonality between 16 - year - old Wagner H.S. girls' track star and her aged 42 cross country coach?

Both having toddlers makes it
swapping mommy advice.

Adapted and edited from reporter Bryan Chu and photographer Kin Man Hui's Special to the Express News, titled "Student athlete, student - mommy." Wednesday, March 25, 2009. SPORTS section.

"As a 16 - year - old freshman at Wagner, Bryanna Rosa Mills has a lot more responsibilities than most teens her age.

"For what seemed like the longest time, Mills said, she woke up at 3 a.m. to the squirming, gurgling and whimpering of Kemari, Mills' 1 year - old son.

"A lot has changed since then -- Kemari is growing up.

"And so is his mom.

"She competes in the 200 - meter dash and as part of the 400 - meter relay team on the Wagner H.S. junior varsity.

"Mills' participation in sports stunned Wagner cross country coach Ruby de la Garza.

"[S]aid de la Garza, 42, who has a son Mills' age and a 1 - year - old daughter, I didn't think she was serious. But I told her it's still possible. It's just another obstacle.

"[Mills] soon found out, however, how quickly her tasks stacked up.







"Mills said, It's not easy, I don't go anywhere anymore.

Yet, in spite of all the above, even Coach de la Garza "admits she swaps mommy advice with Mills...."

A good, all around SPORTS' story ! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish of Brackettville, Texas, 78832:

Sunday Altar Server Show - up Honor Roll

Sunday, March 29, 2009. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Bianca Terrazas.

Sunday, March 29, 2009. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Adam Resendez + Mr. Garón Rueda & Mr. Johnny López.

Plus, in this last instance, these intrepid young men had the indispensable support of the dynamic TEAM of the Legendary Three Moms: Becky, Yolanda and Mary.

The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS' Mr. Victor Landa:

"Symbolic importance: Clinton's trip, Mexico's actions send a signal of unity..."

Mexican Army's war on symbols of La Muertita ...

Adapted from his column in Sunday's paper, March 29, 2009.

E-mail: vlanda@sbcglobal.net

"On the same day that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Mexico City to address the most pressing issues between the United States and Mexico, a contingent of Mexican soldiers and government workers destroyed almost three dozen statues of the saint of death [la muertita], the patron saint of drug traffickers, in Nuevo Laredo.

"As much as these two events sound disparate, they are strangely linked.

"The security contingent around Clinton was tight, as was the detachment of soldiers that stood guard as the death statues were ceremoniously shattered.

"Our world is set up in such a way that everyone answers to some form of higher authority.

"Even in the drug - trafficking culture there is a hierarchy where people are answerable to others, and when the gambit is risking life in exchange for profit and power; higher authorities are invented and revered.

"Such is the power of the patron saint of death.

"Clinton's visit to Mexico was not symbolic; it was a deliberate kick start to what is hoped will be an era of mutual responsibility between Mexico and the United States.

"Neither was the destruction of the saints of death mere theater.

"The scene in Nuevo Laredo of soldiers guarding the systemic destruction of the objects of drug lord superstition, could not have been possible without a military offensive intended to take back the streets of the towns lost to the drug trade.

And so, as our Secretary of State was admitting in Mexico City our own country' s share of responsibility for the savage violence and drug - profit fueled massive insurgency terrorizing our southern neighbors, far away to the north, in Nuevo Laredo, "the relics of the drug culture were rounded up and destroyed."

One fantastic read!

UTEP Prospector's Mr. Jorge Gómez has this Post Spring - Break Story:

"Graduation rates at UTEP, a slow train to the future"

Out of 4,000 freshmen only 80 will graduate in four years

Adapted from: www.utepprospector.com/home

Posted 3/24/09

Mr. Gomez
may be reached at prospector@utep.edu


A look at what his own final section, Graduation rates compared actually say to reinforce the shock - power of his opening paragraph!

"Graduation rates compared

"UT Austin

Four years 36%
Five years 64%

"UT Dallas

Four years 32%
Five years 52%
Six years 57%

"UT Arlington

Four years 20%
Five years 34%
Six years 15%


Four years 2%
Five years 15%
Six years 26%

"Source: The University of Texas System Graduation Rates Initiative Progress Report 2007."

Now, Mr. Gómez's
troubling -- statistically speaking! -- opening paragraph:

"In fall 2007, enrollment at UTEP surpassed 20,000 for the first time.

"Of these, 4,000 were first - time freshmen.

"As this record number of students continue their journey to one day walking across the stage at Don Haksins Center in their caps and gowns, statistically only 80 of these students will graduate in four years."

Good story, and just keeps getting better and better!

Check it out on line....


Hooray for these brave 2 per centers!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, UTEP!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Theology on Tap: YA's learn if the devil made them do it"

By: Ms. Katherine Jass López for Today's Catholic paper, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas. Issue of March 27, 2009.


"Archbishop José H. Gomez speaks on: The Devil Made Me Do It: A Conversation about Temptation, Sin and Conscience at the Blue Star Brewery March 5, 2009"

Fragment of text, adapted and high lighted at will:

"A standing room only crowd of young adults gathered at a Theology on Tap session March 5, 2009, to explore that question with Archbishop José H. Gómez.

"By examining ones own self and what views [one has] in regards to God and religion is the first step in understanding how sin and temptation come into play.

"[H]e said, You need to think about today and who you are and what is your relationship with God in regards to your own view of temptation.

"He reflected on a study he recently read about religion in Denmark and Sweden and how the study showed people in those countries do not believe in God

His comment? For me the danger is since we in this country usually follow Europe, my fear is we are becoming more like that.

"Archbishop Gómez explained that temptation is not a sin until one acts on it. No matter how strong the temptation is [a UTSA student's penchant for casually blowing away tow - truck drivers, for example?] it is not a sin until I say yes to the act I am being tempted to do. We are capable of saying yes or no to temptation; it is difficult but we must try to always say no.

"When it comes to the devil, the archbishop reminded the YA's where he gains his spower: Obviously the devil has power, but he can't force you to do something [Un, oh! Bad news for our St. MM's indoor paper trash burning mitote aficionados among our local clergy and Parish Liturgical Committee!].

The Archbishop now grimly warns us all: If we allow the devil to enter our lives [as our clergy and Parish Liturgical Committee did the evening of Saturday, November 29, 2008] he can influence our actions [as indeed he has, your Excellency!]. The devil is trying to tempt us to lose hope that we are good people trying to do good things. But if we have faith and pray,the devil has no power over us..."

Archbishiop Gómez explains The spiritual significance of why meat is not eaten on Fridays

"The YA's learned the spiritual significance of why meat is not eaten on Fridays: Because Jesus gave of his flesh in death, we honor what he did for us by abstaining from eating meat, on the day in which he died..."

And as Ms. Rita Minkley, director of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Center explained about Lent itself:

"Ms. Minkley described Lent as a call to discipleship and how we are given instructions in Scripture on how to be true disciples [as opposed to acting like we're make believe paleros, nganuleros, mayomberos, etc.]: In the Gospel of Matthew we are told exactly what to do and how to act, we are given survival tips! Through alms giving, prayer and fasting we become disciples of Christ."


Office of Youth Ministry at (210) 734 - 1625 or visit www.archsa,org/yam

¡Hey, Familia de la UTEP!

!Aquí tenemos un cuate de la UTSA!

"Grad student is arrested in UTSA - area spree"

Adapted from The San Antonio Express - News, Saturday, March 28, 2009.

"Loner [or Loser??!!] nabbed in wake of bank heist also named in tow truck driver's death"

By Mr. Robert Crowe rcrow@express-news.net

"It's a bizarre crime story straight out of an action flick: A student who warns others about problems with campus security dresses in black and sunglasses and then allegedly terrorizes his college community over a week's time, robbing neighbors, gunning down a tow truck driver and holding up a bank."

So - called extenuating circumstances?

He's a political science graduate student whose parents both are lawyers...

"Humm .. you don't say? Oh, my goodness. Excuse me, then!" :)

BHS 2009 grad Ms. Veronica Garza cites teacher Mrs. Jaso as influential

Source: The Brackett News. Thursday, March 26, 2009.

In response to the question: "What teacher influenced you the most?" We hear Ms. Garza's reply: "Mrs. Jaso influenced me to go to college."

Good luck, Ms. Veronica Garza!

For Ms. Christina Gómez, it's Mrs. Kay in Pre - K


Because as Ms. Gómez assures us:

"Working with her and her students has influenced me to become a teacher myself."

Good for you, Ms. Gómez!

Ms. Bianca Terrazas' prima hermana Ms. Natalie Aguirre placed third in the 100 meter with a time of 13.85

Sister Altar Server Ms. Bianca Martinez shines in shot put, too!

St. Mary Magdalene's Altar Server Ms. Bianca Terrazas herself placed second in the 200 meter race with a time of 28.4.

Followed by her cousin Ms. Natalie Aguirre in sixth place with a time of 28.7

Cousin Ms. Natalie Aguirre went on to place "third in the long jump competition at 16'0"

St. Mary Magdalene's Altar Server Ms. Bianca Martinez "placed fifth in the shot put with a throw of 30'0" and third place in the discs throw at 100'4".

Adapted from this source: "Girls track team takes 5th in La Pryor" Published in The Brackett News, Thursday, March 26, 2009.

Take Señora Elvia Estrada's granddaughter Ms. Marisol Aguirre

Add partner Mr. Ramón Gutierrez


"First in mixed doubles!"

Source: The Brackett News, March 26, 2009.

"The Brackett Invitational Tennis Meet was held held on March 12 and 13 with Brackett sweeping the girls' division.

"In mixed doubles, Mr. Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Elda Terrazas' niece, Ms. Marisol Aguirre, won first."

Cool! 'Way to go guys! :)

Radio KXEM, ¡La Rancherita del Aire!

Se dicen que los cuervos hablan

Pero también les hacen cosas malas

"Tiger Baseball vs. Uvalde 03 - 16 - 2009"


The Brackett News, Thursday, March 19, 2009. Feast of St. Joseph.

Good action shots by the intrepid local media personality Ms. Leigh Volcsko.

We see BHS Baseball All - Stars Mr. Brandon Allen, St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group personality Mr. Daniel Molinar, and Mr. Robert Salmon slugging it out!

Pastor Ned Sitze's thoughts for today:

"The Easter Story Is NOT A Dead Issue"

"Faults Grow Thick When Love Grows Thin"

A Tip of the 'ole cachucha to:

Rev. Sitze's Frontier Baptist Church
Brackettville, Texas 78832

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jesuit's magazine America on:

"Science and Ideology"

Expert scientific advice is not free of ideology or politics

Adapted from the current edition of March 30 - April 6, 2009.

"The phrase makes a good sound bite, but it is a false dichotomy: Science, not ideology.

"President Obama is right to try to correct the politicization of science under the Bush administration, but he is wrong to present the lifting of the restriction on stem- cell research imposed by his predecessor as freeing science from politics.

"The Bush policy, like that of Bill Clinton before him, was an arbitrary political compromise for which there was no coherent moral defense.

"[S]cience policy and Big Science are often entwined with politics and ideology.

"Consider, for example, the health and environmental effects of depleted uranium munitions or Agent Orange.

"In the health field, reproduction has often been the target of scientific experts, whether in eugenic sterilization programs or compulsory birth control policies.

"The unexamined ideology in the stem - cell debate is the promise of scientific progress.

"Especially now that pluripotent stem cells can be produced from adult cells, it is not at all clear what advocates of embryonic stem- cell research can offer us but hopes supported by guesses, questionable predictions and future scenarios.

"In recent years, the salesmen of medical research touted fetal - tissue transplants and genetic therapy as panaceas, only to end up without success.

"Embryonic stem cells are only the latest in a series of super - cures being hyped to the American public.

"As the National Institutes of Health and Congress consider future stem- cell legislation, they should understand that expert scientific advice is not free of ideology or politics."

Well said, Rev. Father Anonymous, S.J. ! :)


This time around yet another American Catholic priest goes to slammer for $$$!

Photo caption from Lannis Waters/ Associated Press. Thursday, March 26, 2009.

"FLORIDA: Father Francis Guinan, 66, enters a West Palm Beach court for sentencing Wednesday.

"He received a four - year sentence for taking thousands of dollars from St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church in Delray Beach."

"Honduras: Officials asked to stop Antichrist complex"

Source: Associated Press, Washington Post. Thursday, March 26, 2009.

"Lawmakers have asked authorities to stop a religious group led by a man calling himself the Antichrist from constructing a spiritual center in the country's capital.

"José Luis de Jesus Miranda is banned from entering Honduras, but his Growing in Grace Church has 20 offices in the Central American nation.

"The Puerto Rican native has 666 tattooed on his forearm and preaches that sin and the devil do not exist."


If nothing else this wannabe con - of - cons sure enough knows what an enterprising freelance minister needs to do in order to coin really big bucks from other fools and outright suckers!

Yet, on his behalf, is this particular clown really so different from many so - called liberal American Catholic theologians? :)

Unfounded Kinney County Rumor suggests current theft of KCL property worth $750 - $1,000 was most likely perpetrated by a blond female -- a.k.a. Suzie Q -- with long hair from Quemado, most likely with certain mental health issues not yet adequately addressed.

Sources mum on how all this could be surmised.

Sources say this is the first burglary of KCL property in nearly 15 years, or more.

Next week's The Brackett News will most likely have whole story.

For this troubled young woman's family at least, this story will indeed be both a sad and a tragic one, to be sure!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Recently in RCIA, the subject of unconditional love of God..."

What is the Catholic position?

Adapted from the April 2009 edition of This Rock magazine.


"Recently in RCIA, the subject of unconditional love of God came up.

" I asked if it was the Catholic position that God loves us unconditionally in certain earthly matters (material blessings upon wicked and righteous alike), but not in salvation.

"Most of the class tried to correct me.

"What is the Catholic position?"

Fr. Vincent Serpa's response:

"God does love us unconditionally in that he loves us even in our sins.

"But he cannot love our sins.

"He cannot love evil.

"He will always forgive us if we repent.

"To love him back, we must be free to choose to love him or not.

"Love cannot be programmed or forced.

"To love him is the greatest thing we can do for ourselves.

"But we can chose to not love him.

"Our choice to not love him does not diminish his unconditional love.

"But it certainly diminishes ours!"

-- Fr. Vincent Serpa

Ms. Peggy Frye on Superstition!

Why is this breaking the First Commandment?

Adapted from This Rock magazine, April 2009 edition.


"While preparing for confession, I happened to read a pamphlet for examination of conscience.

"One of the questions under the First Commandment was whether one has had anything to do with superstitious practices like chain prayers, fortune - telling, the Ouija bard, etc. [Brackettville's indoor paper -trash burning Palo Mayombe - based demonic mitotes, too? :) ].

"I understand that chain prayers would fall under the category of superstitious practices, but I receive some e - mails with beautiful prayers that ask the recipient to pass them along.

"Why is this breaking the First Commandment?"

Ms. Peggy Frye's response:

"There is nothing wrong with receiving e - mails with beautiful prayers, nor is there anything wrong with passing good prayers on.

"But many of these e - mail prayers are not so harmless.

"Some chain prayers are modeled after secular chain letters, in which superstitious language is used to suggest to the recipient that the promised blessing will only be given if the message is passed on [or, as we read in the follow - up St. Mary Magdalene's Sunday bulletin, where parishioners were assured sternly that only by going along with El Gran Mitote Palo Mayombero could their deceased loved ones be assured of help in the hereafter. In plainer words, the so - called corporate attitude here might best be summed up by saying aloud "just *u*c**k whatever the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Archbishop José H. Gómez might think and teach to the contrary!"].

"Those with a more sensitive conscience could fall into superstition.

"CCC 2111 of The Catechism of the Catholic Church warns us that to attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand, is to fall into superstition.

"Thus, electronic chain prayers (or letters) can become an occasion of sin (CCC 2111, 1 Cor 8:13).

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church says about the First Commandment: Superstition is the deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary (CCC 2111)."

-- Peggy Frye

"I'm a priest, and I have shown you how to bend water!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys:

Fr. Vincent Serpa!

Adapted from This Rock magazine, April 2009.


"I attempted to bend water by turning on the sink faucet and moving my hands around the water to try and make it move.

"I realize the seriousness of trying to do magic and am sorry.

"But I fear to confess it because I am afraid that the priest will ask questions or come down on me."

Fr. Serpa's response:

"If you turn the water on in a thin stream and then put a comb or brush next to it that you've just run through your hair, the water will bend.

"It's not magic -- just physics.

"If you really were trying to compete with God in trying to bend water, then you need to confess it.

"The priest isn't going to come down on you.

"I'm a priest, and I have shown you how to bend water."

-- Fr. Vincent Serpa

Acabamos de recibir Nuevos Comentarios respeto:

Viva todos los Benavidas de la UTEP!"

Fecha de este posting original aquí: Wed., July 19, 2006.

Más información respeto el parentesco con la famosa familia de los Madero, de Coahuila, México.

¡Gracias, amigos!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Many of people of faith celebrate the passing of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

May 14, 1936 -- January 8, 2009.

Editor in Chief Emeritus of First Things.

Adapted from: the April 2009 special In Memorium edition of his publication First Things.

Francis Cardinal Arinze:

"I am deeply touched by the death of the Reverend Father Richard John Neuhaus.

"I have known him for more than ten years and learned to admire him for his zeal for the Catholic faith, his intellectual robustness, his courage, and his love of the Church.

"Please accept my heartfelt condolences on his death, together with my promise of a continued remembrance of him at Holy Mass so that he will have eternal rest."

Jewish Pro - Life Foundation -- Saving Jewish Lives One Baby at a Time -- a display add:

"The Jewish Pro - Life Foundation mourns the passing of that great champion of human life, Father Richard John Neuhaus."

Cecily Routman MSW Founder.
Rabbi David Novak Board Member

www. jewishprolifefoundation.org


Pedro Rivas, Universidad de La Coruña, España:

"I am a Spanish fan of First Things and especially of The Public Square.

"I don't know the appropriate English words, but let me use the Latin ones: Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei..."

Which we more or less translate on Pedro's behalf thusly: Requiem aeternam = Eternal rest ; dona ei, Domine = grant unto him, oh Lord; et lux perpetua luceat ei = and may perpetual light shine upon him.

Lifewatch: Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality, display add:

"Thanks be to God, for the life and ministry of Richard John Neuhaus."

Rev. Paul T. Stallsworth, President.

www. lifewatch. org

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jewish Rabbi lashes out at critics of Pope Benedict's overtures to the four Society of St. Pius X bishops.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin says that:

"Things are going the right way"

But Hans Kung tells us:

Barack Obama
would make a better Pope than Benedict

Adapted -- which term for yours truly includes editing the basic text for added clarity -- from: Inside The Vatican, February 2009. Original snippet signed - off by Mr. John - Henry Westen.

"February 10 -- A prominent American Jewish rabbi who represents more than 1,000 rabbis in North America spoke to LifeSiteNews.com regarding the controversy around Pope Benedict XVI and his lifting the excommunication of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).

"Rabbi Yehuda Levin says he sees the media attack on Pope Benedict as being more about the influx of morally conservative Catholics into the mainstream of the Catholic Church than anything else.

"The SSPX faithful, in addition to offering the Mass in its ancient Latin form, are also known for their orthodoxy on moral matters.

"The mainstreaming of such Catholics into the Church would boost the number of pro - life and pro - family Catholics significantly, especially in Europe.

"Rabbi Levin said he believed the Vatican has dealt appropriately with the controversial comments by Bishop Richard Williamson.

"However, he said, while this will put to rest the ridiculous suggestions that the Pope is anti -semitic, it will not end the controversy."

This is just going to increase the frenzy of left - wing Catholics...

"[H]e said, At this point there has been a wonderfully strong renunciation of Bishop Williamson by the Vatican, and therefore the Jewish community, from their statements, seems to be satisfied that things are going the right way. [But!] This is just going to increase the frenzy of left - wing Catholics, whether outside the church or inside, because they now have to carry the ball in terms of keeping the attack on the Pope going.

"German dissident priest - theologian Hans Kung is one such left - wing Catholic.

"He recently suggested in an article that Barack Obama would make a better Pope than Benedict.

"[Rabbi] Levin said, The Church hierarchy should take strong action in dealing with this type of insurrection. This should be a significant signal to the Pope, that it is absolutely essential that the right people be appointed in every place all over the world. And Church faithful need to have unambiguous leadership that's totally in line with traditional Church teaching."

Thanks, Rabbi! We're could sure use you in this archdiocese, ha, ha, ha! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Pope exhorts Angola to forsake sorcery"

"Benedict urges spread of Christ's message to those living in fear of spirits, of evil powers."

Adapted from Mr. Victor L. Simpson, Associated Press, via The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Sunday, March 22, 2009.

"LUANDA, Angola -- Tens of thousands lined the capital streets Saturday for a blessing from Pope Benedict XVI, who urged the country's faithful to reach out and convert people who believe in witchcraft.

"[The Pope] said at Mass in the capital, In today's Angola, Catholics should offer the message of Christ to the many who live on the fear of spirits, of evil powers by whom they feel threatened.

"In Africa [as in St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish, Brackettville, Texas!], some church going Catholics also follow traditional animist religions and consult medicine men [aquí, los curanderos] and diviners [like the late Don Francisco Torres of Sabinal, Texas?] who are denounced [in turn] by the church [not to mention likewise by the Catechism of the Catholic Church & the Holy Bible :) ]

"Benedict counseled Catholics to live peacefully with animists and other nonbelievers and urged Angolans to be the new missionaries to bring people who believe in sorcery to Christ."

'Way to go, Holy Father! :)

Too bad our local clergy and Liturgical Committee believe just the opposite!

Whether from a groveling fear of being scorned -- if not outright torched -- or from a so - called "multi - cultural personal conviction" who's to say....?

... They are more than ready to keep their collective mouths shut.

Highlights of a recent Kinney County Sheriff's Report

"Thursday, March 5. 6:55 pm. Security of FCS called needing assistance of a deputy to put a raccoon down. A deputy was advised.

"6:58 pm. A man reported loose cow on Hwy 277. A deputy was advised.

"Friday, March 6 . 5:15 am. A caller reported loose donkeys near the road at 1572 and Hwy 90. A deputy was advised.

"Sunday, March 8. 1:00 am. A caller reported a loose longhorn 5 miles south of Sycamore Creek on Hwy 277. A deputy was advised."

2009 BHS Grad looks forward to escaping Brackettville's orbit for that of Planet Earth!

Mr. Jonathan Estrada bares his soul in this exclusive

From The Brackett News. Thursday, March 9, 2009.

When asked the provocative question, What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

The stalwart young man replied: The most I'm looking forward to is getting out of Bracktt.

Ms. Mariana Salmon credits success to her favorite teacher Mrs. Bader!

She tells us, in reply to the question: What teacher influenced you the most?

"Mrs. Bader, because she was so nice and always influenced me to keep on going."

"Father Cornelius Scanlan"

From: The Brackett News. Thursday, March 19, 2009.

"Father Cornelius Scanlan, OMI received the Papal Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award granted by Pope Benedict XVI, on February 6, at the Cathedral Church of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo.

"The award, which is translated For the Church and the Pontiff, is among the highest awards that can be conferred by the papacy.

"Father Scanlan served as Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Brackettville for several years prior to his semi - retirement in San Angelo.

"Father Scanlan was a big fan of Brackett ISD sports.

"He now serves a reduced ministry for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Angelo, Texas.

"Several residents of Brackettville were in attendance for the awards ceremony and Mass celebrating the conferral of Papal Honors."

'Way to go, Padre! :)

Students of St. Mary Magdalene's Choral Personality Ms. Lynn McNew shine at music festival.

From The Brackett News, Thursday, March 19, 2009.

"Thirteen piano and voice students of Lynn McNew participated in a Music Festival in Kerrville, Texas on Saturday, March 7, 2009."

St. Mary Magdalene's weekend Altar Server Show - up Honor Roll

Sunday, March 22, 2009. 8:00 Mass. TEAM Mr. Raúl Rivas.

Sunday, March 22, 2009. 10:30 Mass. TEAM Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos & Mr. Sam Stewart + TEAM Mom. Janie.

¡Hey, Familia!

's Spring Break 2009 is over!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

El R.P. José Guadalupe Valdés Alvarado en Piedras Negras:

"Son los migrantes 3 veces mojados"

Por el señor licenicado Don José Luis Jiménez Peña. El Zócalo de Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Jueves 19 de Marzo de 2009.

Auténtico viacrucis el de migrantes que llegan a PN

"[D]ijo José Guadalupe Valdés Alvarado, El viacrucis de migrantes es peor cuando se convierten hasta tres veces en ilegales y son objeto de abusos a lo largo de su trayectoria.

"El sacerdote a cargo de la casa Frontera Digna se refirió así al flujo de personas a las cuales se les dan alimentos y cobijo, siendo el 40 por ciento centroamericanos.

"Un promedio de 30 migrantes por día se atienden para satisfacer necesidad primaria de alimientos y de hospedaje, pero además se les orienta sobre sus derechos humanos.

"Los relatos de los migrantes que arriesgan hasta su vida para tratar de hacer realidad lo que llaman el sueño americano los hace víctimas de abusos durante su recorrido."

Adelante, Reverendo Padre....

¡Así nos comenta Katia D'Artigues!

"La miltarización o la salvación de Juáréz:

"Una lección para el futuro"

Adaptada de esta fuente original: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, México. Jueves 19 de Marzo de 2009.

"En Ciudad Juárez la realidad se fue imponiendo muerto a muerto.

"Indiferencia a indiferencia.

"Hasta que no pudieron más.

"Sociedad y Gobierno.

"Primero fueron las mujeres, eslabón débil en la cadena de valores sociales.

"Asesinatos inmorales que fueron ignorados desde la cúspide de la pirámide del poder oficial.

"Vinieron las ejecuciones a cualquier hora del día, en plena calle.

"En la mitad de estos crímenes otros peores:

"Los levantones.

"Porque no podemos ignorar que comenzaron en Juárez.

"Que las desapariciones forzosas sumaron cientos, miles, en la impunidad más consentida."

que llegarán los militares...

"Cuando la economía se rompió en pedazos y el futuro dejó de ser, todos también pidieron que llegarán los militares.

"Y ahí están.

"Con su miedo guardado en lo más recóndito del alma, con su disposición de entrega, con su honor de por medio, con su disciplina, con su valor.

"Con todo lo necesario.

"Con todo lo que demostraron no tener autoridades y sociedad en su momento.

"Les corresponde, por orden superior y también por convencimiento, combatir impunidad, violencia y muerte.

"Tienen que hacerlo en las peores condiciones, incluyendo el tiempo en contra.

"Los militares, nos dicen las palabras del alcalde y tambié los gritos silentes de cientos d emiles de habitantes de esa población, son nuestra única esperanza.

"Esa es la lección.

"O el principio de la gran lección..."


¡Adelante, profe! :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

"Cameroon / Angola:

"Schedule set for papal visit"

From: The Catholic World Report, March 2009.

"The Vatican has released the schedule for a pastoral visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Africa in March, 2009.

"The Holy Father will arrive in Yaounde, Cameroon, on March 17, and remain in the country until March 20.

"During his stay in Cameroon he will meet with the country's president, with local leaders of other Christian groups, with sick people, and with Muslim officials; he will celebrate Mass in a soccer stadium in Yaounde, and speak to an assembly of African bishops.

"Arriving in Angola's capital, Luanda, later on March 20, the Pontiff will speak with political leaders, then with the country's bishops.

"On March 21 he will attend a mass meeting with young people.

"The following day he will celebrate Mass with the bishops of southern Africa, then speak to leaders of Catholic women's groups.

"On Monday, March 23, he will make the return flight from Luanda to Rome."