Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers
St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church, Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"The Collection Counters for September 5, 2010
"Manuel & Antonia Peña, Jim & Bobbie Voss, Jean Householder"
Sunday bulletin for:
"The Weekend of Saturday Aug. 28th & Sunday Aug. 29th, 2010"
Both Sunday a.m. Masses well -served.
At St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. August 29, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM: Mr. Dante Luna + Mr. Xavier Hernandez.
Sunday. August 29, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM: Mr. Tony Flores + dos cuates.
Is Brackettville's Knights of Columbus 8223 organization currently suspended?
By their own national headquarters?
Accused -- at last! -- of real deal financial hanky - panky?
Or did somebody simply "forget" to mention in the St. Mary Magdalene's bulletin that there would be the usual K of C monthly meeting next Sunday, September 5th? :)
"He showed that premarital involvement with just one sexual partner ...
"... tripled the risk of divorce..."
From the article, "Don't wait for marriage" in U.S. Catholic -- September 2010 by John Van Epp, author of How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk."I like to refer to this attitude as What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
"Obviously, this cannot be true because what occurs in relationships, no matter how insignificant, carries some measure of influence on you, the way you think, and what yo take into your next relationship.
"As scripture says in what is both an encouragement and a warning, You reap what you sow.
"A sobering example of this was found in the research on women by Jay Teachman from Western Washington University.
"He showed that premarital involvement with just one sexual partner other than the person a woman eventually married tripled the risk of divorce as compared with those who had only had sex with their husband..."
Fr. Vincent Serpa's advice to wishy - washy husband is to the point:
"Friend, eternity is a long, long time..."
From This Rock magazine. September / October -- 2010.
Note: Such local St. Mary Magdalene's YA personalities as Ida, Janie, Julia & Frances should be getting their complementary copies of this same issue within 15 days.
Not ( yet!) Martha & Paul as they seem to have disappeared off the face of this earth, or at least of Kinney County, Texas! :)
¡Guau! ¡Familia!
Hey, UTEP!
UTEP's Fall 2010 Semester is already up and running!
Fantastic line - up in The UTEP Prospector, too...
Have a great semester, everyone!
August 28. Feast Day of Saint Augustine.
"His mom's Feast Day was yesterday" :)
"Ya son 28 mil muertos por guerra anticrimen"
"Hay una balacera cada día en promedio"
El Zócalo. Miércoles 4 de agosto de 2010.
"La guerra contra el crimen ha dejado una ola de 28 mil asesinatos y un enfrentamiento en promedio diario entre delincuentes y policías en las calles, afirmó Guillermo Valdés, director del Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional (Cisen)."
August 27. Feast Day of Saint Monica.
"¡Denme Chance!"
Con Germán Dehesa.
El Zócalo de Acuña. Miércoles 4 de agosto de 2010.
" Los que me van a escribir para frijolearme por este título tan rupuestre, absténganse, no pierdan su tiempo, soy totalmente consciente de que he incurrido en un coloquialismo que, además, emplea un anglicismo.
"¿Y qué?
"La bolsa no se ha desplomado, la salud del gabinete es buena, la oposición está atorada, pero esto ocurrió antes de que yo profiriera el título de esta publicación.
"¡Denme chance!
"Es el más aceptable título de los que se me han ocurrido en medio de este méndigo calor que me está derritiendo la piamadre, la duramadre y la aracnoides..." :)
Sra. Elvia Estrada's granddaughters and St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group Personalities Ms. Priscilla Aguirre and Ms. Marisol Aguirre...Both help their equally talented, academically bright and hard - charging team mates score points for the BHS Tigrettes' Varsity Volleyball in early season plays.
News reporter Ms. Shelby Schuster does the story in "Tigrettes take third at tourney" in The Brackett News. Thursday, August 19, 2010.
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers
Collection $$ Counting $$ Ministerial personalities:
Treva Schroeder, Jerry & Marian Weber, Carroll & Janis Wiseman.
Due to shine!
Next Sunday, August 29, 2010.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Source: Bulletin labeled "The Weekend of Saturday Aug 21st & Sunday August 22nd, 2010."
Second Catholic Sunday Mass in Bracketville, Texas well - served!
At Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
Sunday. August 22nd. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz & Mr. Justin Gallegos + Mr. Xavier Compañero!
August 23. Saint Rose of Lima -- Peru.
"Entregarán el martes uniformes escolares en Piedras Negras"
Por Hilda Aguilar. El Zócalo de Piedras Negras. o8/20/2010.
"Piedras Negras, Coahuila -- A partir del próximo martes se estará haciendo la entrega de los uniformes escolares en cada uno de los planteles de preescolar y primaria, así como de los vales a cada alumno para el canje de zapato escolar que aporta el Gobierno del Estado de Humberto Moreira Valdés...
"La profesora Bertha Casas Casas indicó que se cuenta con una importante remesa de los uniformes en la bodega de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura en la región norte para repartir a cada una de las escuelas.
"Ya se está haciendo la separación de cada uno de los planteles educativos para otorgar este apoyo que envía el Gobiedrno del Estado..."
August 21. Feast Day of Pope Saint Pius X.
August 20. Feast Day of St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
Both Sunday a.m. Masses on the Feast of the Assumtion well - served!
St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. August 15, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM: Ms. Britney Castilla.
Sunday. August 15, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM: Mr. Adam Resendez + Ms. Amy Herrera más otro compañero..
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers.
In the St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church's Sunday Bulletin for Sat. August 7th. & Sunday August 8th.??
A surprise!
"Serving in the following ministries:
"The Collection Counters for August 15, and August 22, 2010
"Mike & Twilley Young, Shirley Donaldson, Patti Hidalgo "
Then, for August 22nd, 2010:
"Mary Meek, Regina Peña Salinas, Hortencia Peña, Yolanda Rueda."
First Sunday a.m. Mass August 8th well - served!
At Saint Mary Magdalene's in Brackettville, Texas.Sunday, August 8th. 8:30 a.m. Mass. Team: Mr. Tony Flores & Mr. Justin Hidalgo + Caballero Nuevo 3.
August 13. Feast Day of Pope Saint Pontian and Saint Hippolytus.
Hey, UTEP!
¡Hey, Familia!"Enjoy the Dog Days while you can, Fall 2010 is closing in fast!" :)
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
¡Ora, MEChA!
Así opinaba un tal Quinto Horacio Flaco (65 AC -- 8 AC ):
"Pobre, pero endeudado sólo conmigo mismo."
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers
Way down in Kinney County, Texas.
St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church of Brackettville."Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for Aug 8, 2010.
"Tina Meek, Dan & Berenice Yandell, Ricardo & Dalia Rangel"Originally published in the church bulletin for:
"The Weekend of Saturday July 31st & Sunday, August 1st, 2010"
Both Sunday a.m. Masses well - served!
At St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas 78832.Sunday. August 1, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Justin Gallegos & Ms. Amy Herrera.
Sunday. August 1, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. J.T. Rosas & Mr. Román Rosas.
July 5. Feast Day is that of "The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome.