Both Sunday a.m. Masses well - served at Brackettville, Texas' Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Zip code 78832.
Sunday. January 30, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM: Ms. Amy Herrera.
Sunday, January 30, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM: Mr. Patrick Ortiz + Mr. Roman Rosas.
Way to go, good people! :)
Here's a "real - deal" prayer of exorcism!
By Pope Leo XIII
"Prayer to St. Michael
"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of Battle; Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls.
The accompanying note of explication:
"This powerful prayer of exorcism was composed by Pope Leo XIII; in a vision, he had been shown the fearful battle to be wagged between Satan and St. Michael, over the Church of the future. Now, as never before, the Church needs the intercession of St. Michael! Please say this prayer every day..."
'Cause "We" most certainly do! :)
Both this authentic prayer of exorcism + plus the half - emotional -- half blow - off one posted directly below it are both from page 69 of The Gold Book of Prayer by Queenship Publishing Company.
"Imprimatur: + Richard H. Ackerman.
"Bishop of Covington March 1973
"Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan"
"O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg You to destroy the Power of your greatest enemy -- the evil spirits.
"Cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever!
"Take possession of your Kingdom [Duh?? Say what?] which you have created and which is rightfully yours.
"Heavenly Father, give us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"I repeat this prayer out of pure love for You with every beat of my heart and with every breath I take.
"Amen ... "
Humm ... o.k.!
Folks, I'd rate this prayer as:
" Hummm ... O.K. .... I guess! " :)
You see:
Jesus has never lost -- nor ever will lose! -- possession of His Kingdom.
When Jesus died the chains of Satan were forever smashed.
That means for all time.
Although -- naturally! -- we're still free to enlist with his hordes if we're so inclined!
As for the Bishop of Covington, who knows what he was thinking?
And as for Imprimaturs?
They are often worthless, and have been for many, many years ...
January 31. Feast Day of Saint John Bosco.
Liturgical lessons aren't being learned ?
So opines St. Michael's headmaster Michael A. Beauregard of West Memphis, Arkansas...
"At Mass, Actions Speak Louder Than Words"
A brief snippet from his thoughtful article in the New Oxford Review. January - February 2011 edition.
"[Y]ear after year I am surprised by what my students know -- and do not know -- at the beginning of their sixth - grade year.
"Students are typically baffled and sometimes even stunned to learn that the Blessed Sacrament is Christ physically present in His body, blood, soul, and divinity, and not just in a spiritual or symbolic sense.
"More often than not, these students have incorrectly acquired the notion that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is just a Communion service memorializing the Last Supper with the priest acting as presider.
"They are fascinated to learn about the sacrificial aspects of the Mass and the priesthood, and the tremendous graces received from the Mass.
"Why are all these students, who have no less than five solid years of catechetical training, entering the sixth grade with an almost Protestant view of Catholic liturgy and the sacraments?"
"Irrespective of what is being taught, if the Mass and liturgies do not reflect the realities and truths of our Catholic faith, the teachings of the Church will be taught in vain.
"It is of the utmost importance that the Holy Mass model and emphasize what we want our students (and adults) to understand and embrace.
"The rubrics, gestures, and symbols that are employed serve a fundamental and very useful purpose in that they reveal and give witness to the faith we profess..."
Good points, professor! :)
Brackettville H.S. Tigerettes Varsity Basketball Team doing great!
These ladies have already defeated: " ... Sendero, Sabinal, Gervin and Charlotte ..."
The Brackett News Weekly's Ms. Shelby Schuster tells us the story in the Thursday, January 27, 2011 edition.
Among the Saint Mary Magdalene's Youth Group personalities playing their hearts out are Ms. Bianca Cruze, Ms. Phyllis Aguirre and Ms. Selina Gerardo.
Way to go, ladies! :)
"2010 - 2011 BISD A & AB Honor Roll; Second Quarter: Grades 1 - 6"
And Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene & Spofford's Saint Blaze / San Blas Communities well - represented by bright young boys and girls!
Zip Code 78832.
From the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
Some random 6th Grade examples, All "A" Honor Roll:
Ms. Britney Castilla, Mr. Justin Hidalgo, Mr. Patrick Ortiz, Mr. Juan Thomas Rosas, Ms. Alexa Solis.
Four (4) of these fine youngsters double as altar servers, too!
Now, some random 5th and 6th Grade examples, "AB" Honor Roll:
Mr. Moses Hernandez, Mr. Roman Rosas, Ms. Danielle Gerardo, Ms. Marisa Guerrero and Mr. Xavier Herrera.
Again! four (4) of these youngsters, too, double as altar servers!
Way to go, young people! :)
More from the THSC Alert -- February 2011.
Yesterday it was:
This was the battle fought and won by Texas home schoolers ...
Today it's:
....but a new battle has emerged...
"This battle is an indirect and sneak attack against home schooling..."
"Since that time [the Leeper vs, Arlington class action law suit. June 1994], Texas home school families have enjoyed the freedoms granted by these decisions.
"However, a new battle has been forming on the home school front.
"This battle is an indirect and sneak attack against home schooling.
"It is an attack against the family and a crusade against the foundational rights of parents.
"In both the U.S. and in Texas, it has always been assumed that fit parents have the fundamental, constitutional right to direct the education and upbringing of their children without government interference...
"Now in this state the right can be challenged if a parent happens to be a widow, widower, divorcé, divorcée, or a spouse of someone is prison.
"In these circumstances grandparents can go to court and gain access or possession of the children without having to prove the parent unfit.
"THSC has recognized this assault and is waging war against this attack on several fronts ..."
January 28. Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Concerned Women for America (CWA).
Ms. Wendy Wright is among ITV's Top Ten People of 2010.
Snippet from Inside The Vatican magazine, January 2011 edition. ITV's Alberto Carosa does the honors.
"Wright heads Concerned Women for America (CWA), the nation's largest public policy women's organization favoring legislation and international policies beneficial to women and families..
"Wright was named among The 100 Most Powerful Women of Washington, in 2006 by Washingtonian Magazine..."
As Alberto Carosa recalls from meeting Wright personally:
"Her organization, she told me, can count on 100,000 activists scattered throughout the US whose influence and powerful impact in the field of protection of life and family no local or national politicians can afford to ignore.
"A major key to its success, she told me, is the fact that many women who have endured an abortion decide to join her group and are prepared to give their public testimony about the trauma they went through.
"Thus, they themselves become grassroots activists, the most feared by the abortionist front, which will be unable to present the theoretical niceties of an abortion against the stories of a first - hand, practical experience of such tragedy.
"America, she told me, needs to recall what Samuel Adams, dubbed the father of American independence, once said..."
O.K.! Here's what she tells us Adams said! :)
"A general dissolution of the principles and manners [morals] will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy.
"While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader..."
Sounds fine to me, guys, thanks! :)
Texas State District Court Judge Charles J. Murray
And his April 13, 1987 Civil Rights' landmark decision:
"Home Schools in this state were declared private schools..."
This was the battle fought and won by Texas home schoolers ...
Texas Home School Coalition ALERT!
Snippet from the February 2011 issue of the THSC Review.
"On April 13, 1987, District Court Judge Charles J. Murray issued a decision -- binding on all 1,100 school districts in Texas -- which was a complete vindication of the rights of parents to educate their children at home in the state of Texas.
"Home schools in this state were declared private schools.
"As such, home schools are not regulated, and their students are exempt from compulsory attendance laws.
"The case was appealed by the state, and on November 23, 1991, the Second Court of Appeals of Texas upheld the lower court's ruling completely and without changes.
"The state again appealed, and in June of 1994 the Texas Supreme Court, in a unanimous 9 - 0 decision, confirmed the lower court's decision {Texas Education Agency v. Leeper, 893 S.W. 2d 432 (Texas 1994)}.
"And that is the basic story of what is known in home school circles as the now - famous Leeper vs. Arlington class action suit..."
January 27. Feast Day of Saint Angela Merici.
"UTEP, Texas Tech commit to collaboration"
UTEP grad student Ms. "Amber Coltrane, feels that this agreement will be good, but wishes UTEP..."
Meanwhile, The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Celia Rocha has the headline story!
¡Adelante, Celia!
Published online: Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
"Texas Tech University Health Sciences and UTEP took a leap forward in providing a better quality of life for the border region by joining forces in health science education.
"UTEP President Diana Natalicio said, Today's affirmation of our shared commitment to biomedical and health sciences education, research and community service establishes a set of principle and prophecies that will guide our efforts.
"Natalicio, TTUHSC President Tedd L. Mitchell, UT System Chancellor Francisco G. Cigarroa, Texas Tech University System Chancellor Kent Hance and UT System Board of Regents Vice Chairman Paul L. Foster were all present January 11 at the signing of the agreement.
"The contract included the promise to maximize resources and optimize efficiency in reaching shared goals by working together to serve the needs of the El Paso community.
"It incorporated the guarantee to meet regularly, share strategies, explore opportunities for collaboration and pursue resolutions to barriers... "
Enter UTEP Grad Student, Ms. Amber Coltrane.
"Amber Coltrane, occupational therapy graduate student, feels that this agreement will be good for the university, but wishes UTEP would get the students more involved when it comes to agreements that will affect students ..."
Amen to THAT, sister!
Way to go, Amber!
Great job, Celia! :)
¡Ora. UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, Destino!
"We must believe that we are saved by the blood of Christ, and there is no substitute for this kind of faith."
Quote from Mr. Joe Difato, publisher of The Word Among Us magazine. January 2011 edition.
Here's another snippet or two:
"A Culture of Love.
"It's not hard to find people who limit the gospel message, saying that faith in Jesus is the only thing we need for salvation.
"In one sense this is true.
"We must believe that we are saved by the blood of Christ and there is no substitute for this kind of faith.
"As Paul said: By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast (Ephesians 2: 8-9).
"But Scripture doesn't speak only about this initial coming to faith.
"It speaks about a whole way of life.
"It speaks about a culture founded on Jesus and his teachings.
"And what is at the center of this culture?
"The call to love one another as Christ has loved us (John 13:34).
"Jesus redeemed us from sin so that we could work out our lives together and become more and more like him -- as a body.
"His deepest desire is that all of us -- his church -- will grow more and more each day into the beautiful bride described in the Bible (Ephesians 5:25 - 27; Revelation 21:2)..."
"Homeless people are often homeless because they've had no one to be Jesus to them in their time of need."
Jeanette Ghioto, former employee of Catholic Charities in St. Johns, Florida.
The Word Among Us. February 2011 edition.
Here's a snippet:
"In the shelter, I met James, a kind, soft - spoken man with beautiful brown eyes.
"He and his wife had raised four children, all of whom became professionals.
"But when his wife died, James' life stopped too.
"All he wanted now was to do day labor and have a place to sleep at night.
"He was not mentally ill or addicted to drugs or alcohol -- he was just sad, so very sad..."
January 26. Feast Day of Saint Timothy & Saint Titus.
Carta del Arzobispo de la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio, Texas.
"La Colecta del Arzobispo 2011"
Trabajando juntos para edificar el reino del cielo ...
Unos fragmentos del original:
"Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
"El tema del 2011, Trabajando juntos para edificar el Reino del Cielo, nos llama a redescubrir lo que significa seguir a Jesucristo en la Iglesía Católica.
"Cuando Jesús llamó a sus primeros discípulos, su respuesta fue también gererosa y sacrificada.
"Oyeron la llamada, y dijeron sí.
"Poniendo a un lado sus planes y compromisos, lo dejaron todo y lo siguieron.
"Lo que ellos dejaron atrás fue, quizás, no mucho para nuestros estándares, pero lo era todo para ellos.
"Así como los discípulos de Jesús escucharon su llamada hace dos mil años y fueron enviados en su nombre para llevar la vida y la verdad a los más necesitados, así también somos llamados nosotros para fortalecer a Su Iglesia en toda la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio.
"Que Dios bendiga a cada uno de ustedes con su paz y alegría.
"Sinceramente en Cristo,
"+ Gustavo
"Mons. Gustavo Garcia - Siller, M. Sp. S.
"Arzobispo de la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio
"GGS : lh "
The ongoing saga of Brackettville, Texas' Catholic Community of Saint Mary Magdalene.
Zip 78832.
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$$$ Financial $$$$ Enablers!
Raw data from the Parish Bulletin labeled:
"The weekend of Saturday January 22nd & Sunday January 23rd 2011
"The Collection Counters for January 31st [sic], 2011
"Ruby Muñoz, Candy Bader, Tony & Nancy Frerich."
Totally unrelated to the above:
"ROSARY LEADER: January 30th 2011; Frances Franklin..."
January 25. Feast Day of the Conversion of Saint Paul.
Pope Benedict XVI "... with regard to the use of condoms..."
In an Inside The Vatican Letter to the Editor (January 2011) writer Mr. John F. Kippley clarifies Pope Benedict XVI 's condom comment!
"The Pope's Controversial Remarks.
"Having just received my second copy of Inside The Vatican, I was concerned to read a letter that seriously misrepresents what the Pope said with regard to the use of condoms.
"He did not say that it is better to choose the lesser of two evils.
"Rather, he recognized that in his imaginary case of a male prostitute using a condom to prevent the transmission of a deadly disease while doing sodomy, there are two sins.
"The needless transmission of a life - threatening disease is a sin against the Fifth Commandment.
"The sin of sodomy is a sin against the Sixth Commandment which obviously covers more sins than adultery.
"The effort to reduce the risk of disease transmission may alleviate somewhat the person's sin against the Fifth Commandment.
"It does not in any way alleviate the grave sin of sodomy.
"In my opinion [mine too, señor! :) ], the Pope needs some better public relations people, and I wonder about the prudence of discussing such an issue in an interview with a journalist.
"Perhaps this incident illustrates that the promise of infallibility is is no way a promise of never erring regarding prudence..."
"John F. Kippley"
Amen to all the above, Brother!! :)
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church Parish in Brackettville Texas 78832.
Whose Altar Servers made a good showing at both Sunday a.m. Masses!
Sunday. January 23, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM: Mr. Dante Luna & Ms. Amy Herrera.
Sunday. January 23, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM: Mr. J.T. Rosas and Mr. Roman Rosas. Way to go good people! :)
Joe Difato. Publisher of The WORD among us.
"What IS the Gospel?"
"The word gospel comes from the Old English word god, which means good, and spel, which means news or story..."
Snippet from the January 2011 edition. Page 16, right-hand column.
"What IS the Gospel?
"The word gospel comes from the Old English word god, which means good, and spel, which means news or story.
"In the New Testament, the Greek word is evangelion, which again means good news or good message.
"And what is the good news of the gospel?
"Very simply, it is that God has sent his only Son to us to set us free from sin and to open the gates of heaven to us.
"The gospel is the story of a loving Father who longs to draw all his children to his side.
"It's the story of God's Son, who was willing to endure even the cross in order to bring us back to the Father.
"It's the story of the Holy Spirit longing to transform every human heart through an outpouring of divine love and grace..."
Way to go, professor! :)
January 24. Feast Day of Saint Francis de Sales.
Pope Paul VI's "Prayer For Faith"
"Lord, I believe; I wish to believe in Thee.
"Lord, let my faith be full and unreserved, and let it penetrate my thought, my way of judging Divine things and human things.
"Lord, let my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and dispose it for prayer with God and conversation with men, so that inner bliss of its fortunate possession may shine forth in sacred and secular conversation.
"Lord, let my faith be humble and not presume to be based on the experience of my thought and of my feeling; but let it surrender to the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and not have any better guarantee than in docility to Tradition and to the authority of the magisterium of Holy Church.
"Quale accordo tra Cristo e Beliar?"
"What Accord Between Christ and the Devil?"
"The Second Vatican Council: A Needed Discussion"
"Il Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II: Un discorso da fare"
Msgr Brunero Gherardini, 85.
Inside The Vatican magazine's #10 of Top Ten People 2010.
Robert Moynihan does the honors for him in the January 2010 edition.
""Though he is 85 and nearing the end of his long theological career, Gherardini is still publishing quite actively.
"It is almost as if he is finishing his life with a flurry of books, as if he wishes to make statements now, before he passes away, about the religious and doctrinal controversies of our time.
"Last year he published The Second Vatican Council: A Needed Discussion -- Il Concilio Ecumenico II: Un discorso da fare, praised as one of the most important books books of recent years attempting to study Vatican II in the light of Catholic tradition.
"He then published What Accord Between Christ and the Devil -- Quale accordo tra Cristo e Beliar? on the problems, misunderstandings and compromises in interreligious dialogue.
"Then, in September of 2009, he published Ecumene tradita, a critique of modern ecumenism's misunderstandings and false steps.
"At the center of all these writings is the correct interpretation of the Second Vatican Council -- something Pope Benedict XVI has repeatedly said is of profound importance for the Church's present and future..."
Good article! :)
And Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church & Saint Blaze / San Blas' youth well - represented.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"BISD A & AB Honor Roll announced for 2nd Nine Weeks"
From: The Kinney County Post. Tuesday, January 18, 2011.
Random example of these Academic Winners:
Mr. Joaquin Solis, Ms. Selina Gerardo, Mr. Rolando Gutierrez, Mr. Charlie "Adam" Resendez, Ms. Elvia Guerrero, Ms. Sarah Davis, Ms. Susana "SuSu" Seargeant, and so many more!
Congratulations, good people! :)
January 22. Feast Day of Saint Vincent.
Slovenia + Madagascar = Akamasoa!
"Communist partisans were executing Slovenians and burying them in a mass grave in 1945 at Teharje, Slovenia ..."
Today Slovenia lives!
So, too, did Father Pedro Opeka's father.
As Inside The Vatican magazine tells us:
"Don Pedro was almost not born..."
From the January 2011 edition.
"Our #2 Person of the Year is Fr. Pedro Opeka, 62, who has made it possible for 20,000 people living in huts on garbage heaps in Madagascar to have clean homes, clean schools, and clean shops where they can work and earn a living.
"In short, Don Pedro is a man who has taken the wretched of the earth and given them a place to start from, a home.
"Don Pedro was almost not born.
"His father, a Slovenian, was almost shot a few years before Don Pedro's birth in 1948.
"Communist partisans were executing Slovenians and burying them in a mass grave in 1945 at Teharje, Slovenia, when Don Pedro's father seemingly miraculously escaped and survived countless dangers before reaching refugee camps in Italy, then started a new life in Argentina.
"There he married, and Don Pedro was born in Argentina, in San Martín, a suburb of Buenos Aires, the capital.
"As a teenager, Pedro learned bricklaying from his father.
"This was providential: he would one day teach this skill to the poor of Madagascar..."
Good article! :)
Want to order a sample copy or two -- or three? -- of Inside The Vatican magazine?
Call toll free:
1 - 800 - 789 - 9494
Do it today!
Better yet: Just DO IT! :)
Youth from Saint Mary Magdalene's Parish and that of Saint Blaze / San Blas win their share of ribbons at the 56th Annual 4H & FFA Stockshow!
Random Sample:
Ms. SuSu Sergeant, Ms. Sarah Davis, Mr. Rolando Gutierrez, Mr. Adam "Charlie" Resendez, Ms. Brenda Pacheco, Ms. Icela Rueda, Ms. Abigail Gutierrez, Mr. Paul Resendez, Mr. Adrian Resendez, Mr. Joaquin Solis, Mr. Sam Stewart, along with so many more!
Plus, Ms. SuSu Seargeant won the title of 4H Sweetheart and Ms. Sarah Davis that of FFA Sweetheart.
Although neither Young Adult personalities Ms. Carol Pettet or Ms. Pam Hale are necessarily part of these faith communities above, it is simple justice to point out the obvious:
As Volunteer Record Keepers their selfless joint contribution to the final outcome of all the competition in animal judging -- from rabbits to swine, steers, and goats! -- is way, way beyond the $35.00 an hour others would have demanded for their services!
Way to go, ladies! :)
Thanks to the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, January 20, 2011.
Saint Blaze / San Blas parish community in Spofford, Texas:
Mr. Joel Terrazas confirmed this morning that his grandmother, Señora Theresa Garcia, did indeed celebrate her 100th birthday this past Monday, January 17th.
As the Brackett News Weekly puts it in their current edition:
"Born Theresa Urbina to Juan and Virginia (Delgado) in Monterrey, Mexico on January 17, 1911, Garcia moved to Brackettville as a young girl..."
Mexico, al fin de la época de "Don Porfirio" ...
Cows break loose - again! -- in Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"Kinney County Sheriff's Report.
"Thursday, January 13
"A caller reported loose cattle near the football field..."
From: the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, January 20, 2011.
January 21. Feast Day of Saint Agnes.
"Note also that in Croatia is the shrine of Medjugorje --
"since March 2010, a Holy See Commission,
"...has been investigating the phenomenon,
"on Pope Benedict's orders..."
Angela Ambrogetti commenting in Inside The Vatican magazine's January 2011 edition, regarding the pope's travel plans for 2011, including a scheduled visit to Zagreb, Croatia on June 4 and 5.
Humm .. .. let's just see what happens, huh??!! :)
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church pastor, Father Pius Ezeigbo ...
... welcomes back CCD students to Wednesday Night Religious Services.
Brackettville, Texas 78832
From maybe 5:10 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. last night, somewhere up to a total of 70 people made it to the church during the hours allocated for Confession, Adoration, Divine Mercy, Night Prayer and Conclusion of Benediction.
The last three devotions had up to 35 teenagers involved, ably assisted by their CCD instructors, both for the Parish Youth Group and Confirmation students as well.
The New Year is off to a good start, indeed!
'Way to go everybody... :)
¡Hey, Familia!
Hey, UTEP!
UTEP Spring Semester 2011 is here!
And The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Candace Marlene Duran has the headlines:
"Students question use of textbooks in classes"
¡Adelante, Candace!
Snippet from the Tuesday, January 18, 2010 online edition.
"As the semester begins, students can expect to spend a lot of money on textbooks for classes, however, concerns about their actual usage is already in question.
"Even before the semester begins, students are worried about how much they will actually use their textbooks.
"Isaac Esquivel - Hernandez, freshman general studies major, said professors should alternate from textbooks.
"Esquivel - Hernandez said, I think there needs to be a better, affordable alternative than the textbook.
"Kimberly Rayner, freshman political science major, does not mind purchasing all the books required for her class, but she is discouraged when the books are used seldom[sic].
"Rayner said, Books are pretty expensive and we only use them like once in class and it s*u*cks."
NOW! From the professors' point of view:
"English professor Steven Varela advised students to network with other students who have taken that class and are offering to sell their books."
"He also explained the difficulty, from a professor's point of view, of choosing the appropriate textbook for a class.
"Varela said, They have to try to find one that matches the course's goals. And this is very difficult to do with one book..."
Good points, everyone! :)
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
January 20. Feast Day of Saint Fabian.
January 20. Feast Day of Saint Sebastian.
"Che nulla è grande dinanzi a Dio, ma tutto è ugualmente degno..."
Italian Franciscan editor Padre Enzo Fortunato, OFM, tells Inside The Vatican magazine's Lucy Gordon that this quote -- We are all equal before God -- is "one of the secrets of the Franciscan lifestyle..."
In the January 2011 issue.
Two random sample questions from this interview, "In The Steps of St. Francis."
"How many Franciscans are there worldwide?"
Father Enzo's answer:
"I'm a Franciscan of the Order of Friars Minor -- OFM -- founded by St. Francis himself in 1209.
"We count around 5,000 friars worldwide, with 1,000 in Italy and about 100 in the U.S.
"In Assisi, we are 50 at the Sacro Covento, coming from Italy, the US, Spain, Brazil, Korea, Japan, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, the Philippines, and India..."
"Is there anything you'd like to add?"
Father Enzo's answer:
"Yes, to rediscover one of the secrets of the Franciscan lifestyle: Che nulla è grande dinanzi a Dio, ma tutto è ugualmente degno, which means, in synthesis, We are all equal before God ..."
Way to go, Padre! :)
Maybe he was a "PTSD Cursed" combat veteran?
Medal of Honor recipient Adam Paine blown away by Kinney County Deputy Sheriff Claron Windus.
January 1, 1877.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Snippet from Kevin Mulroy's Frredom on the Border: the Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory , Coahuila, and Texas. 1993.
Page 152.
"The maroons had been disturbed greatly by the attack on John Horse and Titus Payne in May 1876, but the violence reached a new peak early in the morning of New Year's Day, 1877.
"Adam Paine, who had won the Medal of Honor for his part in the Red River War, had been discharged from the scouts on February 19, 1875, at the end of his term of service.
"Instead of reenlisting, Paine had taken to frequenting the border towns and was suspected of stealing horses and cattle and running them into Mexico.
"Of more importance, he was wanted in Brownsville for stabbing a private of the Eighth Cavalry.
"On the afternoon of December 31, Brackettville law enforcement officers received word that he had returned to Fort Clark.
"Paine was attending a New Year's dance in the Bowleg's yard at the maroon settlement when, shortly after midnight, Deputy Sheiff Claron Windus blasted him with a shotgun at such short range, it has been said, that his clothes were set afire.."
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$$ Financial $$$ -- Enablers
Compiled from raw data furnished by this original published source:
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church bulletin. Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"The Weekend of Saturday January 15th & Sunday January 16th, 2011
"The Collection Counters for January 23rd, 2011
"Ricardo & Dalia Rangel, Dan & Bernice Yandell."
And now, totally unrelated to the above:
"ROSARY LEADER: January 23rd 2011; Diana Flores..."
Dedicated Altar Servers make all the difference at both of last Sunday's a.m. Masses.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. January 16, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM Ms. Britney Castilla.
Sunday. January 16, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz + Mr. J.T. Rosas + Mr. Xavier Herrera.
Great job, good people! :)
January 18th - 25th: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
"More than a century ago, Father Paul Wattson proposed the setting aside of a week devoted to prayer for unity..."
"After his proposal was made in 1908...,"
Pope Saint Pius X was the pope who "endorsed the idea almost immediately..."
A snippet from Kenneth Howell's article, The Quest for Christian Unity.
It was published in the January 2011 Newsletter of The Coming Home Network International.
"More than a century ago, Father Paul Wattson proposed the setting aside of a week devoted to prayer for unity.
"Father Wattson, a convert from the Anglican tradition to the Catholic faith, sought ways to encourage the union of non - Catholic Christians with the See of Peter in Rome.
"After his proposal was made in 1908, two popes (Pius X and Benedict XV) endorsed the idea almost immediately [sic.].
"Later, the French Abbot Paul Couterier suggested renaming the week Universal Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to encourage Christians of all stripes to enter into the observance.
"The Catholic Church adopted this title in 1966, just after the Second Vatican Council.
"Since the 1960s, the Church has been vigorously urging Christians to observe this time of prayer as a way to achieve a greater level of awareness of Christ's desire for unity... "
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