Have you seen this Obama Care Van ??
Parked outside your college or university campus Health Care Center??!! :)
Message on van:
"President OBAMA:
"If the Health Care Reform Plan is so Great,
"Why does it EXEMPT YOU, Michelle Obama,
"Congress, Senators and their Families? (Page 114 Line 22)"
Photo from the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 26, 2011.
April 30. Saturday within the Octave of Easter.
Congratulations to 2011 Brackett H.S. 2011 Grad Mr. Travis Titchenell:
He's already enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Way to go, Marine! :)
From the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 26, 2011.
Saint Mary Magdalene's youth personalities Mr. Sam Stewart & Mr. Victor Robledo choose the U.S. Army.
Brackettville, Texas, 2011 High School Grads are ready to roll...
Congratulations, guys, and good luck! :)
From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, April 28, 2011.
April 29. Friday within the Octave of Easter.
"Adam was Superman, not Tarzan"
Snippet from Melinda Selmys' timely article Before Sin: Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Garden of Eden. In the May / June 2011 issue of This Rock magazine.
"Adam was Superman, not Tarzan.
"Human beings in the garden were not subject to the frailties and failings of our present life.
"They possessed the preternatural gifts of:
"Impassibility (freedom from pain)
"Immortality (freedom from death)
"Integrity (freedom from concupiscence, or disordered desires)
"Infused knowledge (freedom from ignorance in matters essential to true happiness)..."
And then along came Satan and snookered them into the wickedest con job of all time! :(
"Did you know that Catholic bishops are actually high priests of Dagon,
"the ancient fish deity of the Philistines?
"That's right, the priests of Dagon wore a head dress that looked like ...."
By Fr. Dwight Longnecker, whimsical convert from Anglican priest to Roman Catholic priest!
Snippet from his article, Paganism, Prophecies, and Propaganda -- in the May / June 2011 issue of This Rock magazine.
"Did you know that Catholic bishops are actually high priests of Dagon, the ancient fish deity of the Philistines?
"You see, the miter the bishop wears is a replica of the costumes worn by the priests of Dagon.
"That's right, the priests of Dagon wore a head dress that looked like the head of a fish with an open mouth, and down their back they wore a long cape that looked like the skin of a big fish.
"When you look at a Catholic bishop sideways you can see the open - mouthed fish head, and his cope looks just like that fish skin they wore!
"This proves that Catholicism is really just old - fashioned devil - worshiping paganism, right? *
"The bishop's miter developed from the camelaucum, a form of crown worn in the imperial court in Byzantium.
"There are no pictures of a Catholic bishop wearing what we would recognize as a miter until the 11th century -- and then it was a shorter, softer hat which only developed into its present form in the late middle ages, long after the worshipers of Dagon were dead and gone..."
Way to go, padre! :)
*Like, maybe on a par with Saint Mary Magdalene's indoor paper - trash burning mitotes, or so - called New Age spiritualist rituals?
As "we" practice them right here, in 'ole Brackettville, Texas?
Zip 78832?
Immediately in front of the main altar?
¡Guau! :)
April 28. Thursday within the Octave of Easter.
Texas Painted Buntings active here in Brackettville, 78832.
Check out these beautiful Pájaros de Siete Colores on the internet.
Although in Spanish you'll get a drab - looking bird from Peru!
April 27. Wednesday within the Octave of Easter.
Piedras Negras Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño:
Gives a fantastic 1 - hour radio broadcast Good Friday afternoon!
From 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Radio: ♪ La Rancherita del Aire! ♫
Must have spoken to thousands of us on the seven last words of Jesus Christ.
Very grateful we got home in time to listen to the entire broadcast, start to finish!
No reflection on the version we skipped at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church, which was shaping up to be another Parish Liturgical Committee concoction.
"What College are you planning to attend?"
Six more Brackett H.S. Grads of 2011 have the answer!
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Ms. Haley Hale: Angelo State University.
Ms. Erica Christine Villanueva: ASU -- Fall of 2011.
Ms. Nayellie Stewart: SWTJC.
Mr. Manny Peña: SWTJC -- in Del Rio.
Mr. Brandon Allen: Baylor University.
Ms. Kelsey Bruce: Dallas Baptist University.
Way to go good people, best of luck to all of you! :)
From The Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, April 21, 2011.
April 25. Monday within the Octave of Easter.
Want to preview YOUCAT?
The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church?
To be launched on World Youth Day 2011?
"See sample pages at www. ignatius . Com
"Search for YOUCAT."
Have a great Easter Holiday everyone! :)
April 21, 2011 Holy Thursday.
Wikipedia does a fine summary of this battle in Vietnam on April 21, 1967 under "Operation Union"
Check it out! :)
April 21, 1967 - April 21, 2011.
Congratulations to the all the surviving members, families and friends, of Old Fox Co. 2nd Battalion 1st Marines -- Vietnam.
A.K.A. The Big Outfit ...
Right now they're winding up their East Coast reunion 44 years to the day...
Of the Battle of Bin Son I.
Which kicked - off Operation Union.
Semper Fi, everyone! :)
And so ....??
It's like the song says:
♪Here is health to you and to our Corps,
♫Which we so proudly served,
♪In many a fight we fought for right,
♫And never lost our nerve.♪
♪If the Army and the Navy,
♫Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
♪They will find the streets are guarded,
♫By United States Marines!♪
John - Mark L. Miravalle's book:
The Drug, The Soul, & God
"Antidepressant use is not per se immoral,
"so long as it is used for therapeutic purposes,
"that is, for the authentic benefit of the patient ..."
These snippets from page 75.
"Legitimate Uses of Antidepressant Drugs
"These condemnations of antidepressant misuse are not meant to imply that it can never be morally acceptable to make use of the drugs.
"Even though the problem may have an experiential basis, it is sometimes prudent to have recourse to drugs in order to aid in the process of recovery.
"To quote from the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistants, Administered for therapeutic purposes and with due respect for the person, psycho - pharmaceuticals are ethically legitimate.
"Antidepressant use is not per se immoral, so long as it is used for therapeutic purposes, that is, for the authentic benefit of the patient.
"As we have seen, the patient is not benefited by using the drugs in such a way as to separate his cognitive life from his responsive life, and therefore, if the drugs are administered, it can only be ethically permissible within a framework of maintaining the harmony between the two powers...
"If the origin of depression is based on experience, which in turn affects the emotions, then logically the only way to licitly alter the emotions with a drug is by addressing the problem in the patient's experience at the same time.
"If perception is left to itself while the feelings are manipulated in a different direction, then a moral breach has occurred..."
Good, sound -- albeit heavy -- reading! :)
Regularly scheduled Tuesday afternoon Deacon's Communion Service well - served!
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Tuesday. April 19, 2011. 5:30 p.m. Deacon's Communion Service. TEAM Mr. Justin Hidalgo.
Way to go, Justin! :)
Ten Brackettville, Texas Graduating Seniors of the High School Class of 2011.
Each has a plan!
Ms. Sierra Hamilton. Plans to: "Move to Fort Worth ..."
Mr. Bodie Harris. Plans to: "Leave Brackett ..."
Ms. Paige Nowlin. Plans to: " Go to Uvalde and attend Junior College ..."
Mr. Jaime Rodriguez. Plans to: "Go to college and get a degree in radiology.."
Ms. Sahara Rodriguez. Plans: "... on attending the University of Texas and majoring in business..."
Ms. Tiffani Rodriguez. Plans: " .. on attending St. Mary's University .."
Ms. Icela Rueda. Plans: ".... on attending SWTJC in Uvalde ..."
Ms. Rebecca Salazar. Plans: " .. to move to San Antonio in the summer and start college in the fall ... "
Mr. Jaime Sandoval. Plans: '' ... on attending Texas State University in San Marcos ..."
Ms. Suzanna Sergeant. Plans: " ... on attending Texas A & M University ... "
Way to go, good people! :)
From the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
Shouting & Gyrating Lenten Preachers!
Cardinal Saint Robert Bellarmine on Lenten Missions 400 years ago!
"There are many preachers of of God's word in the Church today, and there always have been.
"I do not say that many preachers lack energetic delivery or gyrations of their whole body.
"Cannons let out a mighty roar, even when they have no shot, but they produce no results ..."
Snippets from the Spiritual Writings of Robert Bellarmine. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
Pages 113 - 114.
"There are many preachers of God's word in the Church today and there always have been.
"What is then the reason that all their exhortations and shoutings convert so few?
"In large cities twenty, thirty and even forty preachers give sermons every day during Lent, but when Lent has passed there seems to be no change in the morals of the city.
"I do not say that many preachers lack energetic delivery or gyrations of the whole body.
"Cannons let out a mighty roar even when they have no iron or stone shot, but they produce no results.
"Saint Peter had not mastered the art of speaking.
"But when the Holy Spirit came down on him in fiery tongues and filled him with a burning love, he at once began to speak in the middle of Jerusalem so powerfully, that in one sermon he converted many thousands to repentance and faith.
"Still we do not read that he used a lot of shouting or wore himself out by gyrations of his whole body ... "
Good points! :)
U.T. El Paso:
"Student involvement on campus low"
And The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Celia Aguilar has the story!
¡Adelante, Celia!
Snippet from the Tuesday, April 12, 2011 online edition.
"According to Mine Tracker, there are 207 registered student organizations on campus, but less than 2,500 out of more than 22,000 students enrolled at UTEP participate in campus organizations.
"The numbers are likely to be even less than that as several of the students involved are a part of multiple groups...
"Despite the fact that UTEP has several registered organizations with varying missions, those with the highest membership are honor societies, sororities / fraternities and professional associations..."
You bet!
Way to go Celia! :)
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
Our Lady of Lourdes update:
68th miracle officially confirmed!
"The cure of a French television repairman who completed a 1,000 - mile hike after his paralyzed leg was inexplicably healed ...
"... has become the 68th miracle to be recognized at Lourdes."
More NEWS BRIEFS from the Jesuit magazine America. Monday, April 18, 2010.
"The U.S. Army has started training chaplains regarding the repeal of the ban on openly gay service members,
"saying those who are unable to follow the forthcoming policy could seek a voluntary departure..."
From: NEWS BRIEFS, in the Jesuit magazine America. Monday April 18, 2011.
Five more Brackettville, Texas 2011 BHS Grads:
They already have their 5 - year plans nailed down!
"In five years I will be ....!"
Snippet from the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, April 14, 2011.
Mr. Robert Torres: "I will be .. pursuing a career in mechanical or electrical engineering."
Ms. Rebecca Salazar: "I will be .. in San Antonio still, an independent woman, with a good job!"
Mr. Bodie Harris: "I will be .. out of Brackett, looking fly, fulfilling all my hopes and dreams ..."
Mr. Colten Simmons: "I will be .. in a trade school or working on a degree for engineering ..."
Ms. Abigail Gutierrez: "I will be .. finishing college and living the good life ..."
Good to luck to all you great people! :)
¡Juegos de amor y amistad entre una pareja mexicana!
Por Héctor Sifuentes, El Zócalo de Acuña. Jueves 31 de marzo de 2011.
"Lo acuchilla su mujer por tratar de ahorcarla
"Luis Miguel Riojas García, de 25 años. [T]rató de ahorcar a su pareja, pero fue acuchillado en la espalda.
"Sandra Valdés Hernández, de 29 años. [C]lavó filoso cuchillo tipo cebollero en la espalda a su agresor, ocasionándole una herida que no daño órgano vital alguno..."
Father Clay Hunt's Charismatic Mission -- Lent 2011.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Friday, April 15: third & final night of Father Clay Hunt's Charismatic Soul - Saving Mission of Lent 2011.
Easily one hundred or more in attendance.
While we didn't stay this time, we did see a sprinkling of older young people from high school sophomores to college freshmen coming with their families.
Will the geriatric wing of our local Knights of Columbus Council ever be the same??!! :)
Estimated total mission - attendance for the whole three days: 350 - 400.
Way to go, Father! :)
Father Clay Hunt preaches to roughly 80 to 100 parishioners Thursday night.
The second of three Easter Mission Nights!
At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Then, both Father Clay and our pastor, Father Pius Ezeigbo offered to hear the confessions of anyone wishing to go.
B.H.S. Head Varsity Cheer leader and all - around athlete Ms. Bianca Cruz led a group of four (4) young people in helping Father Clay get all the rest of us involved in reading Night Prayer, once again, mostly from Psalms.
Ms. Abigail Gutierrez and Ms. Brenda Pacheco -- among so many others! -- likewise took the time and showed the initiative of showing up -- entirely on their very own.
Some highlights:
Father Clay assured us:
That the fires of hell burn for all eternity.
That "Charity" really means "The Truth."
That Vatican Council II was a great work of the Holy Spirit, but that much of what followed later was not.
That when the Bible says we're all sheep, it does not mean "warm, clean, fuzzy little lambs."
Instead, as the good father explained to his appreciative -- and mostly rural --- audience: "Sheep are the stupidest animals alive!"
Thus needing all their Pastor and Savior's firm and loving care.... :)
Cows break loose in Brackettville, Texas 78832!
The Kinney County Sheriff's Report:
"Monday, April 4.
"A Border Patrol agent reported loose cattle on Hwy 334,
"... between the West Prong and Liveoak ... "
From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, April 14, 2011.
"Can you go to Mass and risk losing your faith?" :)
"Come Andare A Messa: E Non Perdere La Fede"
The author is Monsignore Nicola Bux!
Interviewed by Angela Ambrogetti.
"How to go to Mass without losing the faith."
Snippet from Angela Ambrogetti's article Bad Masses Lead to Weak Faith, in the April 2011 issue of Inside The Vatican magazine.
"Can you go to Mass and risk losing your faith?
"The challenge comes from Monsignor Nicola Bux who decided to call his latest book: How to go to Mass without losing the faith [Piemme 196 pages Euro 12,00].
"For now, the book has been published only in Italy, but there will certainly be editions in other languages soon, because the issue is hot.
"Fr. Bux's book has some powerful passages.
"It critiques the neglect of priests and the ignorance of the faithful; prayers of the laity which seem like mini - homilies; egalitarian corruption of the idea of Communion; political reduction of liturgy through the annulment of the difference between the celebrant and the people; and the liturgy becoming entertainment [i.e. St. MM's indoor paper - trash burning mitotes, or so - called New Age spiritualists rituals!] instead of listening to the mystery and thanksgiving..."
The good Father Nicola makes it clear that the liturgical reform that starts this year "...will take at least 25 years, an entire generation..." -- to carry out!
Fair enough, let's get going ..... :)
'Cause like Father Clay Hunt prophesied last night, both Brackettville's and Spofford's youth of today will play a vital role as the seasoned priests and youthful bishops of tomorrow! :)
You young people of Brackettville, Texas are not just the Church of the FUTURE ...
... you are the Church right here and right NOW!
Remember the Archbishop of San Antonio's "Rangers lead the way point man?"
For all things pertaining to the Great Benedictine Liturgical Reform of 2011??!!
He came to Brackettville, Texas 78832 last night!
To do his legendary Charismatic thing ....
The Reverend Father Clay Hunt preached the first of three (3) consecutive homilies last night to -- at the very least!
One hundred fifty (150) of "us."
Our pastor, the Reverend Father Pius Ezeigbo and Monsignor Joseph Fischler, Dean of the Uvalde, Texas Deanery, began hearing our confessions as Father Clay was still giving us a first - class exhortation.
When he finished, Father Clay Hunt opened - up a third confessional station in the Saint Mary Magdalene's "crying room."
Among the Saint Mary Magadalene's Youth Group members answering Father's "Altar Call" to help him demonstrate "The Universal Prayer of the Holy Roman and Apostolic Catholic Church" -- from the Psalms! -- were B.H.S. personalities Mr. Adam Resendez más dos cuates, both of them dynamic young men of equal renown.
Tonight and Friday night, Father Clay will be preaching to us again --- both nights starting at 1800 / 6:00 p.m. local time.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"Be there, or Be Square!":)
¿Una monja española y su red de prostitutas narcotraficantes ?
¡Guau! :)
♫Si tú vienes a contar ...♪
♪Cosas malas de mí ... ♫
♫Invitando todo el mundo a burlar ...♪
"En España
"Jefa de un colegio de monjas vendía droga ..."
... fue detendida por implicación en una red de prostitutas narcotraficantes ...
Fuente original:
El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Jueves 31 de marzo de 2011.
"La directora del Centro de Educación Infantil Virgen Milagrosa de Formentora, conocida como la Escuela de las Monjas, fue detenida por su implicación en una red de prostitutas narcotraficantes desarticulda en la Isla...
"Fuentes de la Guardia Civil confirmaron que la directora del centro era una de las responsables de la red de distribución ..."
Congratulations to all the winners in the Jones Elementary School writing competition "Featured Authors."
Especially Mr. Joelson Terrazas' prima hermana Ms. Alexa Lynn Solis for her Sixth Grade winning essay The Price of Living.
Great job, Alexa! :)
From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, April 7, 2011.
Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish and Spofford's Saint Blaze / San Blas youth well - represented!
In B.H.S. Boys' & Girls' Track events.
Kinney County, Texas 78832.
Random examples:
Ms. Bianca Cruz.
Mr. Joelson Terrazas.
Ms. Icela Rueda.
Ms. Selina Gerardo.
Among so many others...
Way to go, good people! :)
From the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
Ten more graduating Seniors from the B.H.S. Class of 2011 will be "missing" a lot!
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Mr. Josh Smith: "I'm going to miss Kelsey Bruce and the free food ....."
Ms. Nayaellie Stewart: "I'm going to miss my friends ..."
Mr. Sam Stewart: "I will miss all the times we laughed instead of learned ..."
Ms. Cheyenne Smith: "I will miss my family and hanging out with friends ..."
Ms. Samantha Rex: "....My friends, my cat, and every Friday at PICO's ..."
Ms. Karley Harris: " I will miss my dog, Lil' Ms. Skirt ...."
Mr. Adrian Hernandez: "I will miss fun times with friends & family ..."
Mr. Ayland Letsinger: "I will miss hard tests, detention and the ultimate team ..."
Ms. Brenda Pacheco: "I will miss my family, being in high school and having great times with friends."
Ms. Janine Marie Rex: "I will miss home - cooked meals, foot ball games ..."
Good luck, fine & wonderful grads of 2011.
But hey!
As it really been four (4) years since we saw so many of you leaving 8th grade?
Man, oh man!
Old age sure makes four whole years zip by fast!
Good luck! :)
Snippet from the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
April 13. Feast Day of Pope Saint Martin I.
Catholic Brackettville, Texas 78832.
The present: In that shadowy underworld of parish financial wheeling and dealing carried out while affecting public openness.
Catholic Brackettville, Texas 78832.
The past: Where a habitual sex offender in a roman collar found refuge for nine (9) whole years, courtesy of certain members of the Knights of Columbus Council 8223.
Who knew a good source of extra $$$ income $$$ the minute they knew what they had to shake down.
By either participating directly in the so - called chicken trade -- under world slang for procuring boys for sexual predators -- or -- for a $$ price $$ -- simply conniving in it.
Catholic Brackettville, Texas 78832.
The Present: again! Where any number of former male altar servers born between 1970 and 1985 more than likely still bear the trauma from this depraved monster in shattered marriages and ruined lives -- both their own and the women so tragically involved.
Like maybe seven (7) to nine (9) Hispanic couples and three (3) to five (5) Anglo couples.
The male victims' ages would now be anywhere in the 25 - year to 40 - year range.
And, now? :)
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly $$ Financial $$ Enablers.
"Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for April 17, 2011.
"Manuel & Antonia Peña, Jim & Bobbie Voss, Jean Householder."
Totally unrelated to the above:
"ROSARY LEADER: April 17, 2011 [will be] Janie DeHoyos."
Way to go good people! :)
Raw data located in the parish bulletin labeled:
"The Weekend of Saturday, April 9th & Sunday, April 10th, 2011."
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
Post Office Box 95
301 Ann Street
Brackettville, Texas 78832 U.S.A.
Telephone: 830 - 563 - 2487; FAX: 830 - 563 - 3088
Second Sunday - Youth Group Mass well - supported by dedicated team of Altar Servers!
Plus by enthusiastic Youth Group Ushers & Lectors!
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. April 10, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language All - American F.C.S. + Youth Group Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz & Mr. Justin Gallegos + Mr. J.T. Rosas.
Youth Group scripture reader & announcement reader + Ushers:
TEAM: Ms. Selina Gerardo más Los Cuatro Señores Cuates -- the latter making cameo appearances as their real = deal selves in the role of Youth Group ushers.
Third consecutive Lenten FISH FRY 2011 was a success!
Friday, April 8.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"And we all ate real good!" :)
The Coming Home Network International Forum's Becky Mayhew!
"After a Southern Baptist tent revival,
"Becky Mayhew was baptized by her father in the Mississippi River ...
"After marrying Larry Mayhew, the son of Free Will Baptist missionaries ..."
This snippet is from the CHNI's April 2011 Newsletter.
"After a Southern Baptist tent revival, Becky Mayhew was baptized by her father in the Mississippi River.
"Performing frequently as a soloist before his sermons, she taught vacation Bible school at age sixteen and began teaching Sunday school at age nineteen.
"After marrying Larry Mayhew, the son of Free Will Baptist missionaries, Becky finished college while he served in Vietnam.
"After his return, she completed a Master's degree, and he eventually earned a doctorate in philosophy.
"For many years, they enjoyed the quiet lifestyle of a philosophy professor and an English teacher, rearing their son and serving in a Baptist church, where he was ordained as a deacon.
"Sadly, Larry developed liver disease, which gradually limited his capabilities.
"Becky completed her first year as a school administrator before his death in 2002.
"When her son married a Catholic, Becky began studying the Catholic faith in hopes of converting her daughter - in - law to the Baptist faith.
""Instead, she found herself becoming Catholic.
"She worships with the Fathers of Mercy in Kentucky and conducts a Bible study in her home ..."
April 11. Feast Day of Saint Stanislaus.
Congratulations to B.H.S. Grads Ms. Tiffani Rodriguez, Mr. David Villarreal, Jr. and Mr. Jaime Rodriguez.
These members of Brackettville, Texas' High School Class of 2011 already have their Five Year Plan!
Tiffani -- In five years I will: "... have my degree and living on my own with my family."
David -- In five years I will be "... an auto mechanic in the Army."
Jaime -- In five years I will be "... pursuing a career in radiology."
Way to go, guys!
And the best of luck to you all! :)
She "sent a three - page letter to several bishops accusing me of everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual exploits with her and several other adult women ..."
Now, it's our Main Man with the Plan -- one Father John Corapi's turn to be in the media's cross hairs!
Knock'em dead, Padre! :)
See www.fathercorapi.com -- for more info!
This snippet from Today's Catholic newspaper. Friday, April 8, 2011.
And to think that he nearly avoided becoming a KIA himself with the rest of his Green Beret A Team in Vietnam only by sustaining a shoulder injury in a helicopter crash during the final phase of pre - deployment training in Panama.
If I remember correctly, he finished up his active duty in Germany.
Good luck to you father! :)
Father Thomas Euteneuer, "star" of a Mel Gibson - inspired one - man medieval morality play?
"Anti - abortion group says multiple women have complained about disgraced priest"
By Lona O'Connor. random snippets from her report in The Palm Beach Post, online version. February 2, 2011...
First a word from Father John McFadden of Powers Lake, ND, in his famous homily of August, 1977.
A homily, which, lucky for yours truly, was recorded by a lady friend as I couldn't make it!
Father's immortal words, as they apply to such clowns in roman collars as the Father Euteneuer variety:
"When the prayer life of the priest stops, union with God stops, and for many ... that has been the beginning of the end..."
"A Catholic exorcist did not reveal all of his inappropriate relationships with women, according to his former employer.
"In a statement released Wednesday morning, Human Life International said that more women came forward with allegations against Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, its president for 10 years, after Euteneuer left HLI.
"The organization referred all allegations to Gerald Barbarito, bishop of Palm Beach Diocese, who is Euteneuer's boss...
"Also Tuesday, Barbarito wrote in a memo to priests of the diocese that Euteneuer was undergoing intensive evaluation and counseling..."
Good for you, Excellency!
You bet!
The Most Reverend Gerald Barbarito, Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida, sounds like a priest himself, who is both conscientious and prudent...
With an ugly duty to perform, he's doing it right! :)
Apache "Chiefs Espejo, Nicolás and Antonio led 200 Mescalero warriors ..."
1861 -- one hundred and fifty years ago ...
When Texas Rebel Lt. Col. John Robert Baylor...
was commanding the 2nd. Texas Mounted Rifles,
while also serving as the Confederate Governor of Arizona...
Snippet from Donald S. Frazier's Blood & Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest, 1995.
Snippets from pages 54 - 56.
Note: Both the Union Army & the Confederate Army faced a third military force, one they had to reckon with ... !
"For both armies, hostile Indians constituted an additional military threat.
"While various Apache bands had long been a nuisance for white settlers in the area, Baylor and the Confederates unwittingly arrived just in time to take the initial brunt of a full - blown war.
"An incident with the U.S. troops the preceding February had driven the Apaches to war, which they prosecuted with a fury never before encountered in the region.
"These guerrillas most often operated in bands ranging in strength from 10 to 40 warriors.
"On occasion, several such parties might combine for large - scale attacks.
"West of the Rio Grande, roughly 150 Mimbreños under Mangas Coloradas roamed along the headwaters of the Gila, especially around Pinos Altos.
"Some 150 Chiricahua, under Cochise, plagued the miners at Tubac and travelers on the road between Tucson and Mesilla.
"An additional 500 warriors from various lesser bands roamed between the Gila and the Colorado and would occasionally join in raids.
"East of the river, Chiefs Espejo, Nicolás, and Antonio led 200 Mescalero warriors of the Davis and White Mountain bands across the desolate mountains of far west Texas, eastern New Mexico, and eastern Confederate Arizona.
"Adept at ambush and cruel to captives, the Apaches more than any other of America's indigenous peoples, specialized in stealing livestock.
"These warriors did not understand the white's conflict, but they did claim credit for forcing the retreat of U.S. forces from the various forts; they were now determined to build upon their perceived success and drive the remaining white men from their land.
"The precipitate withdrawal of U.S. troops from the outlying posts was devastating to their settlers who had come to rely on Federal military protection.
"Panic rippled from ranch to ranch.
"The settlers were invited to take away any government stores they wanted, but were urged to leave the area.
"As scheduled, the army withdrew, leaving the the bewildered and yet - unprepared homesteaders to their fate... "
And a pretty grim fate it was, in many cases ... :(