Monday, February 28, 2011

Was Phillip the Arab (A.D. 244 - 249) a Christian Roman Emperor?

A former Marine artillery captain, Christopher Check, thinks he was. In the magazine This Rock. March / April -- 2011.

His article is titled A Tale of Persecution and Justice: The Empire and the Early Church.

"There was even a Christian emperor during this period.

"Philip the Arab has been regarded as one of the empire's worst emperors, but the opinion may be more the result of subsequent anti - Christian propaganda than an honest account of his administration, which lasted five years, unusually long for this period of unrest.

"He was murdered by Decius (249 - 251) who probably killed his reputation as well...."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Doctor Cathryn Hoyt talks about Packrats!


"Nature Notes: Packrat time machines"

A few tiny, random snippets from her timely and fascinating essay in the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

"Have you ever been camping in the desert and lost your pocketknife, your compass, or your shiny new fork?

"You might have been the victim of a packrat.

"Packrats are compact, long - tailed rodents with prominent eyes and large ears.

"Their name comes from their habit of collecting the desert's flotsam and jetsam -- bits of bone, plant parts, even pocketknives.

"This habit may be annoying to campers, but it's a boon for paleo - ecologists, who use packrat dens to learn about the past...

"Packrats seek protection from the sun in caves, rock fissures or under mesquite trees, where they build loose mounds of sticks, plant material, bones and mammal dung.

"Often these dens -- called middens -- are armored with prickly pear or cholla cactus to deter predators looking for a snack.

"Middens can remain intact for tens of thousands of years, giving paleo - ecologists a time machine into the past.

"Ancient middens are rock-hard and usually coated with amberat, or fossilized rat urine. .."

Yes, indeed!

"Packrat middens hold many stories.

"So the next time you lose your pocketknife to a packrat, just imagine what stories will be told when a paleo - ecologist finds it 20,000 years from now..."

Thanks a lot, Doctor! :)

Brackettville, Texas native son Father Henry Clay Hunt III:

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia - Siller's "Rangers - lead - the - way" point man?

For the Great Benedictine Liturgical Reform here in our own Archdiocese? :)


Katherine Jass López assures us that Father Clay did indeed concelebrate with Bishop Cantú at a special Mass offered by Archbishop Gustavo at the conclusion of the recent Youth Spectacular.

Read all about it the Today's Catholic. For Friday, February 25, 2011.

Saint Mary Magdalene's, Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Scores in TWO of the TOP TEN -- PARISH CATEGORIES ..

... in the Archbishop's Appeal!

FIRST: "Percent Over Goal"

SECOND: "Pledge Fulfillment"

From Today's Catholic. Friday, February 25, 2011.

"Boy, ain't we all something!" :)

"Program guides aspiring entrepreneurs"

And The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Beatriz A. Castañeda has the story!

¡Adelante, Beatriz!

Snippet from original article posted Monday, February 21, 2011.

"UTEP graduates have the opportunity to apply to The Odyssey Program, which is designed to teach women entrepreneurs to develop their own high - growth, scalable company.

"[S]aid Eli Velasquez, executive director of Innovate El Paso, a non profit organization that coordinates and hosts the Odyssey Program, The program offers hands - on experience and close mentoring and consultations with experienced entrepreneurs, who have developed or launched their own companies in the past.

"UTEP is working closely with Innovate El Paso by recruiting participants, supporting the events and providing individuals to talk and explain to students the program's curriculum..."

Way to go, great people! :)

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Doctor, Doctor!

Mañana no me saca usted la muela!

Aunque yo muero de dolor!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dr. Albert Einstein!

On the Catholic Church's role in fighting the rise of Nazism in Germany.

More from the article The Myth of Hitler's Pope by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. in the Latin Mass magazine's Fall 2005 issue.

As Dr. Einstein assures us:

"Being a lover of freedom, when the NAZI revolution came to Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the universities immediately were silenced.

"Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks.

"Only the Catholic Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing the truth.

"I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom.

"I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly..."

Way, to go, Doctor! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

U.S. & Mexican Border Drug War!

"Del Rio Sector BP agents seize $1.9 million in drugs"

From the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

"DEL RIO TEXAS -- U.S. Border Patrol Agents from Del Rio Sector made eight marijuana seizures over the past week totaling more than 2,400 pounds with an estimated street value of $1,986,104."


"On Sunday, Eagle Pass South Station agents seized two duffel bags of marijuana.

"Agent patrolling on a [beach] near El Indio followed foot sign to an abandoned shack, where 116 pounds of marijuana was discovered.

"The contraband, with an estimated value of $93,416 was turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.."

Way to go, guys! :)

February 23. Feast Day of Saint Polycarp.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$ Financial $$ -- Enablers

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Source is the bulletin labeled:


"The Collection Counters for February 27, 2011

"Ruby Muñoz, Candy Bader, Tony & Nancy Frerich."

Totally unconnected to the above:

"ROSARY LEADER February 27, 2011 [will be] Nora Rivas "

Rabbi Isaac Herzog, former Chief Rabbi of Israel!

Commenting on Pope Pius XII's role in saving Jews persecuted by the NAZIs.

"The people of Israel will never forget what His Holiness and his illustrious delegates.inspired by the eternal principles of religion, which form the very foundation of true civilization, are doing for our unfortunate brothers and sisters in the most tragic hour of our history, which is living proof of Divine Providence in this world..."

From this source:The Latin Mass magazine. Fall 2005 edition. Author Thomas E. Woods, Jr.'s article is called The Myth of Hitler's Pope.

Cows Break Loose in Kinney County, Texas!

"A caller from the Val Verde S.O. called to report two cows out on Highway 277 ..."

From: the Kinney County Sheriff's Report.

Courtesy of the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, February 17, 2011.

Oh, California -- that's the land for me!

I'm going to Sacramento with my washbowl on my knee!

Popular ditty during the days of the Gold Rush.

From Stephen E. Ambrose's fascinating book about the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, called Nothing Like It The World.

Saint Mary Magdalene's Altar Servers doing their part, too, in the Great Benedictine Liturgical Reform.

Brackettville, Texas 78832

Sunday. February 20, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM Mr. Dante Luna.

Sunday. February 20, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM Mr. J.T. Rosas + Mr. Roman Rosas.

Second a.m. Mass Volunteer Doorman y/o Portero. TEAM Mr. Johnny López.

At last!

The FDA has a feelgood - news item you can use!

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows up to 60 insect parts in a 100 gram sample of chocolate."

Marquee of Pastor Ned Sitzes' Frontier Baptist Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

"We set the Sail, God sends the Wind"

"Feeling Down? -- Try Looking Up!"

Way to go Reverend!

February 22. Feast Day of Saint Peter's Chair.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Vatican!

And the date is around 1895.

In his letter, Longinqua Oceani, genial Pope Leo XIII ponders the good 'ole U.S.A.

Snippets from Thomas E. Woods, Jr.'s article The Significance of Americanism: A Critical Reappraisal in the Summer 2003 issue of the Latin Mass magazine.

"We highly esteem and love exceedingly the young and vigorous American nation, in which We plainly discern latent forces for the advancement alike of civilization and Christianity ...

"Nor, perchance, did the fact which We now recall take place without some design of divine Providence.

"Precisely at the epoch when the American colonies, having, with Catholic aid, achieved liberty and independence, coalesced into a constitutional Republic, the ecclesiastical hierarchy was happily established amongst you; and at the very time when the popular suffrage placed the great Washington at the helm of the Republic, the first bishop was set by apostolic authority over the American Church.

"The well - known friendship and familiar intercourse which subsisted between these two men seems to be an evidence that the United States ought to be conjoined in concord and amity with the Catholic Church.

"And not without cause; for without morality the State cannot endure, a truth that illustrious citizen of yours, whom we have just mentioned, with a keenness of insight worthy of his genius and statesmanship perceived and proclaimed ...

"Thanks are due to the equity of the laws which obtain in America and to the customs of the well - ordered Republic.

"For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and the government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance ..."

Way to go, Holy Father! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Marcus Grodi warns ex - ministers NOT to count on $$$$ salaried $$$$ positions when they join the Catholic Church!

Snippets from his February 2011 Newsletter.

"Based on our experience working with more than 1,400 non - Catholic clergy on their way into the Catholic Church, I believe it's important for everyone on that journey to relinquish all expectations of full time service on the payroll of the Church.

"Such paid employment certainly may happen, and we at the CHNetwork continue to commit ourselves to do all all we can to help those who sense this call from the Lord.

"Nevertheless, 70 percent of all clergy converts do not find employment in Church - sponsored ministries!

And even those who do may find that Church - sponsored employment comes only years after their entrance into the Church.

"Even when a well - intentioned bishop, diocesan official, or parish priest offers high hopes, our experience shows that rarely do these offers provide immediate support for families.

"I advise clergy converts, then, to assume that the support of their family will be on their shoulders, not the responsibly of the Church ..."

Well said, sir! :)

"Yet my mother would remind me continually that Jesus was a Jew..."

A fascinating testimony, titled:

"Messianic and Catholic"

By Mark Neugebauer.

Here's a snippet from the February 2011 Newsletter of The Coming Home Network International.

"Growing up in a conservative Jewish home in suburban Toronto, I was a regular attendee at synagogue on Sabbaths and High Holy Days, and I lived a committed Jewish life.

"My father was a Polish Holocaust survivor from Auschwitz, and my mother's family escaped the organized massacres of Jews in Russia.

"Christianity was the religion of the outsiders, the faith of the anti - Semites and Jew - haters, the creed of the Crusaders, Inquisitors, persecutors, and Nazis.

"Yet my mother would remind me continually that Jesus was a Jew.

"One day I picked up a volume by the Yiddish writer Sholem Asche called The Nazarene.

"I was awestruck by the Jewish Yeshua -- that is His Hebrew name -- who in no way resembled those who apparently hated us for two thousand years.

"Watching the film Jesus of Nazareth confirmed this discovery, and listening yearly to Handel's Messiah began to deepen my awareness of who He was.

"[T]hese words caused me to ponder: He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was on him, and by his stripes we are healed.

"To my surprise, I discovered that they were not from the New Testament at all, but from Isaiah 53:5 in the Tanakh -- the Hebrew Bible -- and were originally written in Hebrew..."

Folks, this story just keeps getting better and better...:)

For more info:

or: / deepinscripture

February 17. Feast Day of the Seven Founders of the Order of Servites.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Diana Arrieta grabs the news!

"New provost aims to reach tier - one status"

¡Adelante, Diana!

Snippets from Diana's original article published online: Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

"UTEP official announced the appointment of Junius Gonzales as provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, effective February 1.

"Gonzales was dean and professor of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences at the University of South Florida.

"It is through leadership and strong commitment to the university that strategic plans will be developed to help UTEP advance in its mission of progress.

"While advancing the university's mission of progress is a priority, achieving a nationally recognized research program by gaining tier - one status is also an objective.

"Through a firm academic and administrative leadership, the position of provost and vice president will contribute to pave the way for UTEP's continued success.

"[S]aid Jesus Navarrete, junior biology major, This new provost will have a lot to bring to the table, a fresh perspective ...

"[S]aid Janet Quiroz, junior industrial engineering major, I feel the new provost can bring some interesting perspectives on what the university needs to do in order to continue advancing..."

Way to go, guys! :)

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Dicen que los cuervos hablan...

También hacen cosas malas...

Australia's spell binder Marshall Grover ...

Back in the days of the 'ole Wild West!

When only the Bad lived to die Old ...

Another Larry & Stretch classic:

One He*l of a Showdown

"The mixed half dozen -- Larry and Stretch, Nevada Jim and Benito, Doc Beaumont and Slow Wolf -- join forces again in pursuit of a vengeance - crazed killer and his ten unsavory cohorts.

"The hunt began in North Nevada and ended in a dying Colorado town, and the end was violent, a never to be forgotten fight to the finish.

"ISBN 0 7989 7448 1."

Spring's not far off!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Boccacio, Decameron, 1.2

"In the collected stories of ... Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 - 75), we read of a Jewish merchant in Paris ...

Comes insight for this article! :)

"Clergy sexual abuse: Toward a redemptive solution

"The solution to the sex abuse crisis must be founded in redemption through Christ..."

By Doctor Gerald P. Corcoran, M.D.

These snippets are from his article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, February 2011 edition.

"In the collected stories of the fourteenth-century author and poet Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 - 75), we read of a Jewish merchant in Paris who is considering converting to the Catholic Church.

"Being an astute businessman, however, he first wants to travel to Rome to see how the supposed leader of this intriguing new faith lives his life.

"Fearing that he will be only scandalized by the morals of the Roman clergy, the priests in Paris try to convince him to stay home.

"Unmoved, the Jewish businessman travels to St. Peter's to find only debauchery and licentiousness.

"Returning to France, he is more eager than ever to enter the Catholic Church.

"When the priests in Paris ask how this can be, the Jewish businessman responds ..."

And now, his response!

"To the best of my judgment, I see how your Pastor and all those around him devote their zeal and ingenuity devising how best to ruin and banish the faith from the world.

"But I also see what they so zealously hope to accomplish by their immorality has never come to pass, but -- quite the opposite -- that your religion continually grows and shines more clearly, this to me is a very clear sign that your religion must be more true and holy than any other, for it has the Holy Spirit for its foundation and support (Boccaccio, Decameron, 1.2)."

Doctor Corcoran now makes a telling point from all this!

"Is this not one of the proofs for the authenticity of the Roman Catholic Church, its very existence through two millennia?

"Despite some very corrupt popes and some very malicious Catholics, the Church continues not only to exist but to grow.

"The Holy Spirit must truly be in charge of a body so fragile and so broken..."

Good point, Doctor! :)

Saint Mary Magdalene's Altar Servers strive to be "always there...."

As they were yesterday at the two(2) a.m. Sunday Masses.

At Kinney County's Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Sunday. February 13, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM Mr. Nathan Pearson.

Sunday. February 13, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz + Ms. Amy Herrera.

Good show, good people! :)

Members of Saint Mary Magdalene's CCD / Youth Group among the B.H.S. 2011 Girls Basketball District Champs a.k.a. the "Fighting Tigrettes."

Ms. Bianca Cruz, Ms. Selina Gerardo, Ms. Priscilla Aguirre and Ms. Abby Gutierrez -- plus so many more... :)

'Way to go, ladies! :)

Basic info is from this source: the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, February 10, 2011.

A knowledgeable inside source, who left early!

Has just now put yesterday's
Spaghetti Fund Raiser as having sold at least 100 plates @ $5.00 apiece! :)

And that was before she left....

Enthusiastic B.H.S. youth had a terrific Fund Raising w/ $5.00 Spaghetti Plates Dinners yesterday afternoon, across from Super S.

Spofford's Saint Blaze / San Blas' Mr. Joelson Terrazas "raised" one (1) $20.00 bill just by being confused w/ Mr. Mikey Flores -- "confused" -- by some 'ole notched - eared geezer! :)

A number of Saint Mary Magdalene's Youth Group Personalities such as Ms. Elvia Guerrero + four (4) of her own sisters + Ms. Selina Gerardo &, Ms. Abigail Gutierrez also helped Mr. Terrazas collect fistfuls of $$$$-- as did so many more good young people...

'Way to go, great people! :).

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$$ Financial $$$ -- Enablers!

'Way down in Kinney County, Southwest Texas, zip 78832.

Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church -- where disappearing $$$$ is a way of life!

Heh, heh, HEH! :)

Raw data found in the bulletin labeled:

"The Weekend of Sunday February 12th & Sunday February 13th, 2011.


"The Collection Counters for February 20, 2011

"Manuel & Antonia Peña, Jim & Bobbie Voss, Jean Householder."

Totally unrelated to the above...:

"ROSARY LEADER February 20, 2011 [will be] Janie DeHoyos..."

February 14. Feast Day of Saint Cyril & Saint Methodius.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Oración para la Colecta del Arzobispo de San Antonio, Texas 2011."

Unos fragmentos ...

"Dios de amor y de compasión,

"Todo lo que tenemos y todo lo que somos viene de tí.

"Ayúdanos a nunca olvidar esta verdad y a regocijarnos en tu bondad.

"Ayúdanos a vivir fielmente una vida de corresponsabilidad.

"Danos la gracia para apoyar generosamente la Colecta del Arzobispo, trabjando juntos con nuestra familia católica para edificar tu reino en la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio...."

Hasta lunes ... "Si Dios quiere .." :)

The Most Rev. Pascal N'Koué, bishop of Natitingou, Benin ....

"Le bruit et les distractions diverses -- les affliches publicaires, la radio, la télévision -- l'internet -- polluent facilement notre existence...."

"Dieu y est rarement présent.

"Mais c'est surtout le téléphone portable qui, en ces temps qui sont les derniers, abime nos relations interpersonnelles et nos relations avec ole Bon Dieu.

"Ce petit appareil, bon serviteur en soi, s'est imposé dans nos villages d'Afrique de façon anarchique, avec une rapidité séduisante et inquiétante.

"Jusque dans les lieux de recuellement, il sonne de agace...

"Même ceux qui n'en ont pas besoin le possèdent et en abusent fièrement.

"Tant pis pour les dégâts.

"Le Pape Benoit XVI a publié le 11 novembre 2010 l'exortation apostolique post - synodale Dei Verbum, sur la Parole de Dieu dans la vie et dans la mission de l'Eglise.

"L'ntention du Saint - Père est claire; il faut changer de portable.

"Celui qui nous est le plus utile c'est la Bible.

"Car ignorar les Saintes Ecritures, c'est ignorer le Christ qui sauve (St. Jérôme).

"Seulement pour entrer en conversation téléphonique avec le Bon Dieu, il faut observer quelques petites règles .... "

February 11. Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"... in his report to the Holy See in the diocesan newspaper Vie diocésaine de Natitingou ..."

"The Roman Canon and the liturgical gestures in the old rite are closer to our African religiosity and sensibility..."

Ladies & Gentlemen!

"The Most Rev. Pascal N'Koué, bishop of Natitingou, Benin (Africa) ..."

.. opines on the Old Latin Mass!

As the February 2011 Catholic World Report tells us, in Michael J. Miller's excellent article, "Three Years After Summorum Pontificum."

Here's some snippets:

"Traditional Catholic websites observed the third anniversary of Summorum Pontificum with news about progress in unexpected places.

"The Most Rev. Pascal N'Koué, bishop of Natitingou, Benin (Africa), published his report to the Holy See in the diocesan newspaper, Vie diocésaine de Natitingou, in June 2010.

"Long convinced that the two forms of the Roman rite can coexist peacefully and enrich each other, Bishop N'Koué introduced the extraordinary form in his diocese in October 2003, even before the motu proprio.

"He attributes conflicts over the liturgy to our sick and intoxicated hearts, or our narrow - minded ideologies, and our formation courses which are too set in their own ways.

"He regards ..."

And now, as Bishop N'Koué goes on to tell us:

" ... celebration in the old [Latin] form is an opportunity for my young clergy and the entire diocese ...

" Several of my priests, without any pressure from me, have spontaneously begun to learn to celebrate the Mass of St. Pius V, or more exactly the Mass of Pope John XXIII ... The Roman Canon and the liturgical gestures in the old rite are closer to our African religiosity and sensibility..

"Give a little more room to Latin in our celebrations ... in our liturgies let us avoid the din of musical instruments, the banality of lyrics, and the shallowness of excessively profane rhythms..."

Way, to go, Your Excellency!! :)

CEO Lloyd Dean = "... a total pay package of $9,960,856 ..."

"Who Runs Catholic Healthcare West?"

By Anne Hendershott. The CWR. February 2011 edition.

A snippet or two ...

"CEO Lloyd Dean receives an enormous compensation package for watching the bottom line while ignoring Church teachings.

"Despite Dean's reluctance to comply with Catholic health care directives for several years now, the board of Catholic Healthcare West, on which seven nuns sit, has been very happy with his attention to the bottom line, so much so that it has awarded him progressively higher salaries each year.

"In 2009, according to IRS documents, Dean was awarded $1,232,933 in base compensation, $2,129,779 in bonus and incentive compensation, $5,414,294 in a category entitled other compensation, $1,142,998 in deferred compensation, and $40,842 in non - taxable benefits, for a total pay package of $9,960,856...


"It is possible that President Obama was reluctant to target Dean and his nine - million - dollar salary because Dean has been one of his loyal supporters?

"An eager contributor to the Obama for President campaign coffers in 2007, Dean gave gave $2,300 to the Obama for America campaign.

"Dean also donated $10,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

"Dean was also on the front lines in the health care reform battle.

"The CEO of Catholic Healthcare West stood against the Catholic bishops and aligned himself with Sr. Carol Keehan of the Catholic Health Association, who defied the bishops in her push for the health care reform legislation ..."

And, now, finally: "The REAL bottom line??!!" :)

"The CEO of Catholic Healthcare West, after all, isn't even a Catholic.."

Wow! So at least that's ONE good thing he has going for him!!


Pity those seven poor 'ole ga - ga nuns, dam*n are they ever running a risk, 'cause -- or so we've been told! -- "Friend, eternity is for a very long time!" :(

nnn xxx ...

"UTEP will re - open tomorrow

"Classes and offices will resume normal schedule / hours"

"By Prospector staff

"Published: Monday, February 7, 2011."

The Message ...

"After being closed since February 2, classes will resume and offices will be open at their normal hours.

"Due to a water heater leak, Graham Hall has no heat.

"The bathrooms on the east side of Memorial Gym are also not working.

"UTEP administrators will meet soon to discuss what, and if, any measures will be taken to address the missed days of the academic schedule...etc."

Wow! :)

¡Guau! :)

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

Goats Loose:

In Brackettville
, Texas - Zip 78832!

"Wednesday, January 26

"A motorist called stating that goats were on Hwy 131 about 2 miles past the detention center.

"The owner of the goats was notified..."

From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, February 3, 2011.

February 10. Feast Day of Saint Scholastica.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$ Financial $$ -- Enablers...

The exciting on - going + all - American Catholic $$ rip - off $$ story!

At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832

Original published source for what comes below is the bulletin labeled as:

"The Weekend of Saturday February 5th & Sunday February 6, 2011

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for February 13, 2011:

"Treva Schroeder, Jerry & Marian Weber, Carrol & Janis Wiseman"

Totally unrelated to the above:

"ROSARY LEADER February 13, 2011 Bobbie Voss "

Saint Mary Magdalene's Altar Servers give great service at both a.m. Sunday Masses.

Brackettvillle, Texas 78832.

Sunday. February 6, 2011. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM Ms. Brenda Pacheco + Mr. Dante Luna + Ms. Amy Herrera.

Sunday. February 6, 2011. 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass. TEAM Mr. J.T. Rosas + Mr. Roman Rosas.

Way to go, great people! :)

Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken.

Louis Zamperini's incredible WW II sea - going survival tale and the key role played by the Rev. Billy Graham in his redemption and final recovery.

It took me most of four (4) days to read all but the first forty - some pages but it was well - worth the effort!

On a scale of one through ten, "we" rate this book as an Eleven!! :)

February 8. Feast Day of Saint Jerome Emiliani & Saint Josephine Bakhita.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Real deal Jesus Christ believing modern exorcist priest Father Gary Thomas.

Diocese of San José, California.

Q: "Nationally, how many exorcisms are performed each year?"

A: "No idea. I can tell you that in Italy there are about 500,000 [??!!] exorcisms."

Again, this snippet is from CWR, February 2011 edition. Interviewer is Brian O'Neal.


"First of all, what is an exorcist?

"What does he do?"

Father Thomas' response:

"An exorcist is a Catholic priest or a bishop who is involved in using the name of Christ to break a relationship between a demon and a human being."


"Have you ever engaged a demon in conversation in exorcism?"

Father's response:

"Not other than, What's your name? and, In the name of Jesus, get out! "


"Have you ever encountered Satan himself?

Father's answer:

"Once or twice, or at least what appeared to be Satan, because he identified himself as such..."


"In your battles against demons and Satan, what is your greatest weapon?"


"It would be Christ, the invocation of Christ.

"That would be my greatest weapon..."

Miscellaneous: Father's comments in one answer:

"... As an exorcist, I see the response of demons to sacramentals such as the crucifix or holy water or even the presence of a priest.

"The Eucharist will send possessed persons right over the edge.

"That's the amazing thing.

"I tell the people in my parish, if demons believe in the Real Presence, shouldn't we?

"I'm telling you, I've brought the Blessed Sacrament [to exorcisms], and the people want to go jumping out windows.

"It's not them, it's the demons...''

Good points, all, Padre! :)

"You ask those ... who teach the faith or distribute Holy Communion to make an Affirmation of Personal Faith..."

Another real deal Jesus Christ believing bishop!

His excellency Robert Vasa of Baker, Oregon.

From CWR's February, 2011 issue.

Question asked Bishop Vasa by
CWR's Jim Graves:

"You ask those in your diocese who teach the faith or distribute Holy Communion to make an Affirmation of Personal Faith.

"What is this, and why did you adopt this policy?"


"[I]t dawned on me that if we don't something to protect children from spiritual harm, then we're not really minding the flock as we should.

"Our policy requires us to do criminal background checks on everyone who has any contact with children.

"So also, I wanted anyone who taught the faith or who is held up as a public witness for the faith - such as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, cantors, and catechists -- to attest to the fact that they affirm and believe the basic teachings of the Church as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

"This includes declaring such things as ..."

And, folks, here it is:

"I believe in God, the virgin birth, the existence of purgatory, the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

"I also accept the Church's moral teachings, such as the evil and sinfulness of contraception, homosexual activity, and adulterous behavior."

The bishop, again!

"It's a Creed, yet it adds what I consider to be those important moral issues some Catholics seem to have the impression they can openly and publicly dissent from without any kind of consequence... "

Way to go, Bishop! :)

A real deal Jesus Christ - believing Archbishop!

His excellency John
Nienstedt of St. Paul and Minneapolis:

"If you do not believe, then there cannot be dialogue, but only debate.

"The truths of our faith are not open to debate."

Snippet from The Catholic World Report's current issue, February 2011.

February 2 through February 5:

The SW Texas Big Winter's Offline Chill of 2011! :)