Eric Voegelin and Ellis Sandoz: with both barrels...
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA Philsophy and History majors!
¡Adelante, queridos hermanos en la fe cristiana de DESTINO!
Page 152-153, Sandoz's book: The Voegelinian Revolution.
"The mystery of the transcendent divine partner in being, who reveals himself as the I AM THAT I AM and finds his most suitable name in the unpronounceable Tetragrammaton YHWH, (14) emerges out of the differentiation of the primary experience in the pneumatic mode.
"Israel creates the symbolism of the Chosen People, in the present, under God, and articulates itself in the historical form of existence.
"The form of the myth is decisively broken and its authority dissolves.
"History thereby becomes the new form of existence for universal mankind and is first constituted by the experience of the world-transcendent God.
"The representative act taken by Moses for Israel is taken by Israel as God's Chosen People for all mankind [OH, I, 115]."
"(14) Exodus 3:14; Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I, 13, 11; Voegelin, Order and History, I, 402-14, and Anamnesis, 338."