On the trail of a possibly genuine photo of the illusive Chief Tasunca Uitco -- Crazy Horse!
Who mysteriously "died in custody" at Fort Robinson in September 1877.
From: The Killing of Chief Crazy Horse -- with commentary by Carroll Friswold, editor, with introduction by Robert A. Clark.
"Glendale, California: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1976.
"Hidden Springs of Custeriana -- IV."
Pages 45 - 47.
"Herein is an enlargement of what I believe is an authentic picture of Crazy Horse.
"The original is a small tintype, 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches in excellent condition.
"Its first owner was Baptiste Garnier (Little Bat) the famous scout and frontiersman.
"When Bat was murdered in 1900 it went to his wife, on her death it was inherited by her daughter, Ellen Howard, from whom Mr. Hackett obtained it, after which it came to me, so the line of ownership is quite clear.
"I have a certificate from Mrs. Howard attesting that the tintype belonged to her father, and that it had been in the family since it had been made.
"She also says that her father told his family it was truly a picture of Crazy Horse..."
Friswold then wanders off on a tangent to say some author named J.W. Vaughn used this same picture in a 1956 book published by Stackpole called With Crook at the Rosebud.
Back to the Picture!
"The picture shows an Indian of medium stature, lighter - haired than the average Indian [along with hazel eyes, too, according to one woman!], with a rounded face rather than one with high, wide cheek bones.
"His hair is in braids to his waist, and he wears two feathers which was customary with Crazy Horse.
"Mr. Hackett has a set of feathers given him by an old chief and they are exactly similar to those shown in the photos.
"Also the picture shows clearly the scar in the left corner of his mouth where was shot some years before by No Water, after he had ridden away with No Water's wife.
"It is most unfortunate that the secretive nature of the old - time Indians dealing with whites caused this picture to be so long hidden.
"Even thirty years ago would have been sufficient for proper identification, as He Dog lived until 1936, and Doctor McGillycuddy -- who knew and liked Crazy Horse [well enough to inject him with a quarter - grain of morphine!] --lived until June of 1939.
"Either man could have said yes or no at first glimpse, but neither saw it and now it is too late.
"From the people involved, and my searches, I firmly believe this is an authentic likeness of Crazy Horse ..."
Hey, who knows?? :)
June 30. Feast Day of the First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church.
Inside The Vatican's Editor Robert Moynihan pokes fun at American - Catholic Sex Guru Christopher West!
June - July issue 2011.
"It was on ABC's Nightline two years ago that West provoked his biggest controversy to date, comparing the now Blessed John Paul II to the world's most notorious pornographer.
"[H]e said, to the amazement of many, I actually see very profound historical connections between Hugh Hefner and John Paul II..."
"He went on to describe Catholicism as one of the sexiest of the world's religions, and the Song of Songs the centerfold of the Bible ..."
Way to go, guys! :)
"Christianity is not at war with science:
"Truth cannot war with itself."
And so, this morning:
A Grad student in Physics has a question for Father Vincent Serpa.
From the Catholic magazine This Rock.
July / August 2011.
"I am a graduate student in physics, and since I was a kid have loved everything having to do with the universe. At times I find it difficult to reconcile my faith with my studies. Studying black holes, supernovas, etc: How does this glorify God and help other people?"
Father Serpa's answer:
"Learning the truth about God's creation is not a waste. It contributes to everyone's knowledge. Christianity is not at war with science: Truth cannot war with itself. Many of the greatest scientists were Catholic, and many of those were priests. Catholics, after all, came up with the scientific method! By all means, using your talent for science can both glorify God and help other people..."
-- Fr. Vincent Serpa --
June 29. Feast Day of Saint Peter & Saint Paul.
"Black Bear sighting turns out to be black calf sighting"
Kinney County Texas 78832
Snippet from the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, June 23, 2011. By Ms. Leigh Jenkins, Contributing Writer.
"State Game Warden Dayton Isaacs was called to investigate a possible black bear sighting on June 15.
"The Kinney County Sheriff's Department received a call last Thursday at 7:36 p.m. of a black bear crossing Highway 90, five miles east of Brackettville.
"Isaacs drove out past Fritter Park, but did not find a black bear; however, he did find a loose black calf wandering along the highway.
"Isaacs reported he was able to rustle the baby cow back onto the property without further incident ..."
Way to go! :)
Marquee of Rev. Ned Sitzes
Pastor of Frontier Baptist Church.
Brackettville, Texas' 78832:
"Be like a dog! Wag your tail! NOT your tongue!"
"Wal Mart's NOT the only Saving Place!"
June 28. Feast Day of Saint Irenaeus.
June 27. Feast Day of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.
"The Thomas Drake Affair..."
President Obama versus Freedom of the American Press??!!
"[T]he Obama administration has brought more leak prosecutions than all previous presidential administrations combined ...
Snippets from David Wise's article, "Leaks and the Law: The prosecution of Thomas Drake highlights the tension between government secrecy and the public's right to know." In the Smithsonian magazine. July / August 2011.
"As president - elect Barack Obama took the position that whistle blowing by government employees was an act of courage and patriotism that should be encouraged rather than stifled.
"But Drake's indictment is only one in an extraordinary string of leak investigations, arrests, and prosecutions undertaken by the Obama administration.
"According to Jesselyn A. Radack of the Government Accountability Project, a whistle blower advocacy organization, the Obama administration has brought more leak prosecutions than all previous presidential administrations combined.
"Radack, a former Justice Department attorney, was herself a whistle blower, having told a reporter in 2002 that FBI interrogators violated the rights of American terrorism suspect John Walker Lindh to have an attorney present during questioning ... "
Good points! :)
Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra and Maria la Bailadora and Father Anselm.
This good Father:
... grabbed a scimitar from a fallen Turk ... and started swinging ...
Workaday heroes at the Battle of Lepanto.
"... furious, bloody between Pope Pius V's Holy League fleet and Admiral Ali Pasha's superior Turkish force..."
Sunday, October 7, 1571.
Snippet from Michael D. Hull's article "Lepanto -- Triumph of Faith." In the Latin Mass magazine. Spring 2011.
"When Father Anselm spotted a group of fierce Turks scrambling aboard his galley, he sprang into action.
"He grabbed a scimitar from a fallen Turk, and started swinging.
"By the time he realized what he'd done, seven Moslem soldiers lay at his feet.
"Inspired by his action, the Christians drove the rest of the Turks off the galley.
"Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra served aboard the Marquesa, which was engaged in the thick of the action.
"Although ill with fever, he gallantly wielded his sword and was the first to leap on to one of the Turkish galleys.
"He received three gunshot wounds, one of which permanently maimed his left hand.
"This was, he said, to the greater glory of the right.
"Another Spanish hero of the battle turned out to be a woman disguised as a harquebusier aboard the flagship Real.
"She was Maria la Bailadora, there because she did not want to be parted from the soldier she loved.
"When grappling irons held the two opposing flagships fast and a boarding party scrambled on to the Sultana, the young woman leapt nimbly on to the enemy deck and killed a Turk with a single sword thrust.
"She was later rewarded by being allowed to stay in her regiment ..."
Good stories! :)
Cow wanders off in Brackettville, Texas 78832!
Kinney County Sheriff's Report.
"Saturday, June 11
"A call came into KCSO reporting a cow on the side of the road; a deputy was informed and was able to put the cow back ..."
Way to go, guys! :)
From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, June 16, 2011.
Piedras Negras Mexican radio La Rancherita del Aire claims ...
... that joy riding American teenagers either:
One: . Stole a car in Del Rio & crashed it in Kinney County, "close to Brackettville."
Two: stole a car in Brackettville and were caught in Del Rio.
June 24. Feast Day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
June 23. Feast Day of Saint John's Eve.
¡Novedades en la frente de la guerra sin cuartel ...!
In the latest round of accumulated multiple busts:
U.S. Law Enforcement v. Drug & Human Trafficking Cartels. :)
"Del Rio Sector agents seize $1.2 million worth of marijuana over past week"
Also, in human trafficking:
"Guatemalans pay smuggler $2,000 each for passage ..."
Snippets from the Kinney County Post's front page special article for Tuesday, June 21, 2011.
"DEL RIO, Texas -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol agents assigned to the Del Rio Sector seized more than 1,600 pounds of marijuana worth more than $1.2 million over the past week.
"Also, on June 11, Carrizo Springs agents apprehended four Central Americans who had been smuggled into the country.
"Agents ... followed tire tracks and foot sign that led them to four subjects from Guatemala.
"The four said they had agreed to pay a smuggler $2,000 each for passage to Houston.
"All four were processed for removal by the Del Rio Sector Prosecutions Unit."
Random sample of a typical drug bust:
"In the early morning hours of June 12, agents assigned to the Eagle Pass South Station followed a trail of footprints to three large feed sacks filled with 245.21 pounds of marijuana.
"A search of the area turned up three subjects who were taken into custody ..."
Public - service message:
"U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry.
"CBP is charged is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws ..."
Man! Sure glad you great people are on the job; our good neighbors to the south seem to have some pretty severe issues of their own to deal with! :)
"Or, maybe not to deal with, huh?" :(
"Lanzan Ganaderos mexicanos S.O.S.
"Agoniza el campo por fuerte sequía
"Afirman es la peor en 70 años ..."
Fuente original: por el Señor licenciado Jaime Hernández. Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Miércoles 15 de junio 2011.
"Jesús González Castilla, gerente de la Asociación Gamadera Local, dijo que éste es el panorama que se agrava cada día para los 86 socios de este organismo y para los ganaderos en general de esta región norte del estado de Coahuila, México ..."
"On June 5 St. Luke Episcopal Parish ..."
NEWS BRIEFS from the Jesuits' magazine America.
June 20 - 27, 2011.
"On June 5 St. Luke Episcopal Parish in Blandensburg, Md., became the first Anglican parish in the United States to request to join the Catholic Church ..."
Welcome aboard, good people! :)
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Paulinus of Nola.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint John Fisher.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Thomas More.
"Online News:
"Michigan bishop: deacons may not preach at Mass on a regular basis"
So what happens when you're stuck with some clown in a roman collar that can't speak either English or Spanish -- and flaunts it -- as we had locally a few years back? :)
www. catholicculture.org/news. June 20, 2011.
"Bishop Alexander Sample of Marquette has issued a 19 - page pastoral letter to the permanent diaconate, focusing on its history and spirituality.
"Citing the Latin text of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Bishop Sample stated that the the Church's liturgical norms rule out the notion of the deacon preaching the homily at Mass on a routine or scheduled basis. He may preach the homily at Mass for some identifiable advantage for the faithful in the congregation, but not on a regular basis...'
And brother that ain't all!
"The married permanent deacon and his wife must exemplify the truth that marriage is a permanent covenant between one man and one woman for the whole of life... Potential candidates who have been divorced will not be admitted into the diaconate program.
"The Bishop added, If a candidate, already accepted, begins to experience serious marital discord, separation or divorce, the candidate will withdraw from the program ..."
And to think some naive folks honestly believe a "married priesthood" would solve a whole lot of problems ... :)
June 21. Feast Day of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
"Several UTEP student organizations such as MEChA* ... participated in the rally..."
UT El Paso, Texas!
"Sister cities unite for peace"
And The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Adam Martinez has the story.
¡Adelante, Adam!
Snippet from the Wednesday, June 15, 2011 online edition.
"UTEP students joined artists, writers, community members and victims of the drug violence in Ciudad Juarez as they rallied for peace and justice June 10 and 11 at the Benito Juarez monument and San Jacinto Plaza in El Paso.
"[S]aid Ana Morales, one of the organizers of the event and [a] graduate student in sociology, This is important for our communities and being a part of this caravan shows support and solidarity with the victims off the drug war.
"The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity was organized and led by poet and activist Javier Sicilia, whose son was killed March 28 ..."
Way to go, good people, yet how sad to know the killing rages on and on, or at least seems to, though some reports recently say the killings in Juarez are "down" from last year... :(
* Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán = MEChA
Del Rio, Texas 78842
"Bear sighting reported"
Snippet from the Del Rio NEWS HERALD, Sunday, June 12, 2011.
"Officials said Saturday they believe sightings of a small black bear on the city's north side side to be legitimate and asked anyone encountering the animal not to approach it and call authorities immediately.
"The bears, with black fur and brown muzzles, live off plants, fruits and nuts.
"Deforestation and droughts in northern Mexico force many bears to seek food in cities.
"Attacks on humans are extremely rare.
"As always, in the event of an emergency, dial 911 ..."
Interesting article! :)
www . delrionewsherald . com
Memphis Bishop J. Terry Steib + two Protestant millionaire businessmen + Superintendent of diocesan schools Ms. Mary McDonald = WOW!
When a real - deal Jesus Christ - believing Catholic bishop decides to back Catholic education, watch out! :)
A snippet from Jeff Ziegler's article, "The State of Catholic Schools in the US," in The Catholic World Report, June 2011.
"In 1998, Bishop Steib hired McDonald to reopen some of the closed schools.
"The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported that McDonald's success followed a brief meeting with Pope John Paul II, during which she asked him to pray for the Memphis schools.
"A month later, two Protestant businessmen gave $10 million, allowing for the reopening of several inner - city schools in one of the nation's most violent urban areas.
"While the majority of the students in these inner - city schools are non - Catholic, all are required to attend Mass and pray the Rosary weekly, according to the Fordham Institute ..."
Way to go, great and wonderful people!
Keep up the great work you're so obviously doing, too! :)
"Celibacy vows ignored, journalist reports"
"Book claims widespread sexual activity among Roman priests ..."
Snippets from The Catholic World Report, June 2011.
"An Italian journalist has caused a stir in Rome with a new book that charges many priests routinely violate their vows of celibacy, with other men or with women ...
"Carmelo Abbate's book, Sex and the Vatican, expands on a magazine article that he published last year, claiming that many priests in Rome are active homosexuals.
"In response to that article, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, the vicar of the Rome diocese, suggested that priests who continued to take the benefits of membership in the clergy, while ignoring clerical discipline, should either reform their lives or have the integrity to leave the priesthood..."
Good point! :)
An uncanny echo of some Ingrid Bergman movie, like maybe the closing scene of The Seventh Seal? :)
San Antonio, Texas San Fernando Cathedral -- in the early days!
A real - deal ecumenical para - liturgical ritual involving Catholic Christian clergy & Pagans ...
... con - celebrating with live animal sacrifice ...
"There in 1749, the Spaniards celebrated their peace with the Apache nation ...
Snippet from James Wakefield Burke's A Forgotten Glory: The Missions of Old Texas. Waco, Texas: Texian Press, 1979.
Page 111.
"The Old San Fernando Church saw many interesting and exciting scenes enacted on the Main Plaza it faced.
"There in 1749, the Spaniards celebrated their peace with the Apache nation.
"Four chiefs in full paint and feathers danced around a hole dug in the center of the plaza.
"In it were a live horse, a tomahawk, a lance and six arrows.
"The chiefs danced holding hands with the Spanish officers and with the Franciscan missionaries; then the horse was buried along with the tomahawk and lance and arrows.
"Here in 1789 [year of the French Revolution!] six Apache braves, determined to assassinate the governor of the Texas province, forced their way into the Royal House and were cut down by the guards ..."
Rev. Ned Sitzes, Pastor of Brackettville, Texas' Frontier Baptist Church -- 78832.
"Wanted More Non - Skid Religion"
and ...
"The Feeblest Knock May Open Heaven's Door"
Way to go, Reverend!
I recall a couple of uninspiring lyrics in a ditty from years back, that make your point:
♫I jus' wanna ... ♪
♪Knock, knock, knock ... ♫
♫On Heaven's do ' ah ... ♪
Man, you want to talk about feeble ...! :)
Texas State Game Warden Rob Frets brought in to help solve this case:
"Large Cat kills five Barbados sheep"
Extended drought draws in predators
Kinney County, Texas 78832.
Snippet from the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, June 9, 2011. "By Ms. Leigh Jenkins, Contributing Writer."
"Local sheep farmer Larry Robinson reported a possible poaching incident on June 6, but after contacting the game warden, Robinson became concerned a mountain lion may have killed five of his animals.
"State Game Warden Rob Frets responded to Robinson's ranchito property in Kinney County Estates on Ranch Road 2804, approximately four miles west of town.
"Poaching was ruled out when the puncture wounds were determined to be the result of bite marks and not that of gunshot wounds.
"Frets said he believes the claw and bite marks strongly indicate an attack by a large cat, most likely a bobcat, but is not ruling out the possibility of a mountain lion being the culprit.
"Frets added [that] under the current severe drought conditions, predators will continue to make their way into populated areas in an effort to find food and water ..."
Good, succinct article! :)
Chicago's Cardinal Francis George to Father Michael Pfleger of Saint Sabina's Catholic Church:
"If you now formally leave the Catholic Church and her priesthood,
"it's your choice and no one else's.
"You are not the victim of anyone or anything other than your own statements..."
Snippets from news item labeled "Cardinal George suspends controversial pastor."
In The Catholic World Report. June 2011 issue.
June 13. Feast Day of Saint Anthony of Padua.
June 11. Feast Day of Saint Barnabas.
"How do they know he was gay?"
Oh, wow! :)
Hollywood's Encino Man had a real - life gay brother?
Or, Fred Flintstones a crossed - dressed twin?
Snippet from the original published by The Telegraph, April 6 edition.
And then picked - up in turn by the New Oxford Review. June 2011 edition.
"Archaeologists have unearthed the 5,000 - year - old remains of what they are calling the world's oldest known gay caveman ...
"How do they know he was gay?
The caveman's body was found "in a Prague suburb with the head pointing eastward and accompanied by an egg - shaped pot -- instead of a stone axe -- rituals previously seen in female graves ....
"[S]aid lead archaeologist Kamila Remisova Vesinova, from history and ethnology, we know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously, so it is highly unlikely that the positioning was a mistake. Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transsexual ..."
Way to go, professor! :)
Qué hablen las mujeres ... :)
¡Un nuevo triunfo de los PRI!
"Elecciones para Gobernador -- Coahuila 2011 ESPECIAL"
El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Jueves 2 de junio de 2011.
"Anuncia candidato Rubén Moreira Valdez el Banco de las Mujeres ...
"El capital inicial será de 300 millones de pesos ...
Por la joven dichosa Sra. licenciada Enriqueta Delgado, primera reportera.
"Tendrá sucursales en todas las regiones del estado ...
"Integrantes de todos los sectores acudieron al foro Qué Hablen las Mujeres, donde el candidato del PRI a gobernador anunció créditos para la mujer ..."
June 9. Feast Day of Saint Ephrem.
The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Aaron Martinez's timely comments on the killing of Osama bin Laden...
... ring as true today as they rang a month ago!
Brief snippet from his original published in the May 5, 2011 online edition.
"As former President Harry S. Truman, who ordered the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan said: When you have to deal with a beast, you have to treat him as a beast. It is most regrettable, but nevertheless true.. "
Way to go, Aaron!
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
A look at Captain Myles Keogh of Custer's 7th Cavalry
And his Pope Pius IX awarded "silver agnus Dei medal..."
Former Irish student at St. Patrick's
-- along with his faithful horse Comanche --
gained respect from Indian warriors.
At the Battle of the Little Big Horn
June 25, 1876.
Snippets from John Koster's Custer Survivor: The End of a Myth, the Beginning of a legend.
Pages 177 - 179.
"Comanche, ridden by Captain Myles Keogh, was found on the battlefield near the body of his owner, a man honored by the Indians as the bravest of the brave.
"Brn in Limerick Ireland in 1840, to a family of Catholic gentry, Myles Keogh had studied at St. Patrick's College for two years, then taken ship for Italy where he served in the army of the Pope in the struggle for Italian unity.
"Captured by the Piedmontese, he accepted a parole and was decorated for his service with a Papal medal he wore around his neck for the rest of his life..."
He then "...joined the Union Army in the Civil War [1861 - 1865], and was cited for gallantry in dispatches more than once ...
"The Irish adventurer finished the Civil War as a colonel.
"Keogh took a demotion to stay in the Regular Army and spent most of his time in the 7th Cavalry...
At the Battle of the Little Big Horn, "... an Indian bullet smashed through his left knee and toppled man and horse side by side..
"Keogh drew his side arm and kept fighting despite agonizing pain.
"[O]ne Indian told a scout years later, Like the flame of a coal blazed his eyes. His teeth glistened like a fighting grizzly ...
"Keogh's courage was contagious and his [troopers] rallied around him and fought while other soldiers panicked.
"They all died but the Indians were so impressed with Keogh's defiant courage that they they left his body intact.
"The Pope's medal was left untouched around his neck ..."
Incoming PhD. candidate Mr. Danny Garland, Jr.Ave Maria University, Fall 2011, discusses:Cardinal John Henry Newman & Papal Infallibility."The development of the dogma of Papal Infallibility
"The dogma of Papal infallibility fits Newman's criteria for authentic doctrinal development"
Random snippets from his article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Issue of June / July 2011.
"For Newman, the Incarnation is, of course, the essence of Christianity from which all true developments flow.
"Accordingly, we are right to maintain that the doctrine of infallibility flows from the Incarnation ..."
He then goes on to prove his point! :)
Dr. Frederick W. Marks & Saint Peter:
The First Catholic Pope!
... a homicidal attack on a servant of the chief priest was most likely a capital offense ...
"The grandeur of Peter
"We can all benefit from contemplating St. Peter's virtues and failings ..."
A random snippet or two from Dr. Marks' article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Issue of June / July 2011.
"From Gethsemane on, Peter was a marked man, as a homicidal attack on a servant of the chief priest was most likely a capital offense.
"Yet, with the exception of John, who had priestly connections, he alone followed Jesus into the courtyard of the man whose servant he had slashed, and subsequently he sat through three interrogations when he could have slipped away after the first.
"In sum, he risked his life four times within the space of a few hours ..."
Looking at Peter's continued denials, Dr. Marks thoughtfully opines, on Peter's behalf:
"What FBI or CIA operative, having gained access to a source of intelligence as valuable as Caiaphas' courtyard, would dream of blowing his cover?"
Good point, Doctor Marks!
You bet! :)
June 6. Feast Day of Saint Norbert.
Father Andreas Hoeck:
"The Trinity in John's Apocalypse and Holy Orders
"Reflecting on the mystery of the Trinity gives insight into the three degrees of Holy Orders ..."
A snippet from Father Hoeck's article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. June / July 2011 issue.
"The early Church Fathers recognized all three offices of holy orders and regarded them as essential to the structure of the Church.
"Especially significant are the letters of St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, who traveled from his home city to his execution in Rome around A.D. 110.
"On the way he wrote letters to the churches he passed.
"In every church there was the same threefold ministry.
"Ignatius said that without this threefold ministry a group cannot be called a church.
"In his Letter to the Magnesians (2) he compares the bishop to God the Father, and recognizes Christ in the priest..."
What follows is St. Ignatius' own words:
"Now, therefore, it has been my privilege to see you in the person of your God - inspired bishop, Damas; and in the persons of your worthy presbyters, Bassus and Apollionius; and my fellow servant. the deacon, Zotion.
"What a delight is his company!
"For he is subject to the bishop as to the grace of God, and to the presbytery as to the law of Jesus Christ..."
As our author comments:
"In other passages of his letters Ignatius interchangeably links bishops, priests and deacons to Christ..."
And the article just keeps getting better! :)
Because after a brief, detailed discussion, the author is able to convincingly assure us that:
"Ignatius, therefore, emphasizes the mysterious relationship that exists between the Blessed Trinity and the three orders of the ordained priesthood in the Church ..."
As, indeed, he does ... ! :)
Neighbor's cow breaks loose in Brackettville, Texas 78832!
"Kinney County Sheriff's Report
"Sunday, May 29
"Several calls came into KCSO in reference to a cow being loose on HWY 90..."
Source: The Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, June 2, 2011.
The Telegraph newspaper, online.
1:49 BST 29 May 2011:
"Hay Festival 2011: William Shakespeare was probably a Catholic
"The Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on the Bard's religion"
Synopsis of story line:
"William Shakespeare was probably a Catholic, according to the Archbishop of Canterbury in an exploration of spirituality and secularism in the Bard's plays.
"Dr. Rowan Williams discussed the themes with Simon Russell Beale, the great Shakespearean actor, in one of the most eagerly - anticipated talks of the Hay Festival.
"Little is known of Shakespeare's life and there is no direct evidence of his religious affiliation, but Dr. Williams said he believed him to be a Catholic: ... for what it's worth I think he probably had a Catholic background and a lot of Catholic friends and associates ... He wasn't a very nice man in many ways -- it's very shocking, that. The late Shakespeare was hoarding grain and buying up property in Stratford -- it was not terribly attractive ..."
¡Guau! :)
Hello, UTEP !
¡Hola, Familia!
First week of UTEP Summer I is drawing to a close ...
June 3. Feast Day of Saint Charles Lwanga and his Companions.
The Times of Malta & Christian Peregin:
"Gozo Bishop's comments on Eucharist draw mixed reaction"
... do not make a mistake, there is only one door ...
Snippet from their Wednesday, May 18, 2011 edition.
"People are divided on the proclamation by Gozo Bishop Mario Grech, who hinted that Catholics promoting divorce legislation are wolves in sheep's clothing.
"Mgr. Grech said those not in line with Church teachings should not expect to receive the Eucharist, a comment which some interpreted as a spiritual threat against those planning to vote yes in the referendum [which 53% of them sure enough did!].
"But while comments flooded in online to label him intolerant, ridiculous and arrogant, others defended his homily on Sunday as being in line with Church dogma.
"Fr. Charlo Camilleri said the homily had to be taken in its context.
"The bishop, he said, was speaking during the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation, explaining the gospel of the Good Shepherd, where Christ presents himself as the one door.
"Bishop Grech said: If we want to find the right door, shortly ... and adults, understand what I'm trying to say ... do not make a mistake, there is only one door..."
Good point, your excellency! :)
June 2. Feast Day of the Ascension of the Lord.
A little over a year ago today ...
"Suicide victim named
"The Bexar County medical examiner's office has released the identity of a woman who was found dead by a groundskeeper at a downtown health clinic early Monday morning.
"Monica Ortiz, was found dead between two air conditioning units at the University Health Center -- Downtown ...
"Officials are still looking into how she got up an interior staircase and out the door on the rooftop without the alarm going off, but San Antonio police said they found the door ajar, a single pair of footprints and a pair of woman's shoes.
"Clinic executives are evaluating policies to determine if anything needs to be changed to avoid a similar incident in the future..."
Snippets from this source: San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS online Thursday, May 20, 2010. By Eva Ruth Moravec.