Monday, October 31, 2011

"Jehovah is not God's name, that word is the result of an error made by a 13th - century Catholic monk --

-- and Catholics are perceived as particularly misguided by JWs.."

Snippets from Joel S. Peters' article Ten Key Beliefs of the Watch Tower Society. In the Catholic Answers Magazine. November - December 2011 edition.

"Jehovah is not God's name, and in a twist of irony, that word is the result of an error made by a 13th - century Catholic monk -- and Catholics are perceived as particularly misguided by JWs.

"In the Hebrew language, God's name as revealed to Moses is rendered as YHWH -- or Yahweh, meaning I AM.

"Ancient Hebrew was a consonantal language (no vowels).

"Out of reverence for God, faithful Jews would not even speak his name, so when YHWH was written in the biblical scrolls, the scribes would write the markings for the vowel sounds a - o - a for the word adonai (Lord) directly over YHWH so that anyone reading the scroll would know to say adonai rather than Yahweh.

"Along comes our monk who, seeing the vowel markings over YHWH, thought they were part of the actual spelling of God's name and thus combined YHWH with a - o - a, making YaHoWaH, which eventually became Jehovah.

"So every time JWs insist on the[ir] use of God's name, they are actually promoting a corrupted form of it..."

Interesting, huh??!! :)

November 4. Feast Day of Saint Charles Borromeo.

November 3. Feast Day of San Martín de Porras.

November 2. Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed a.k.a. All Souls Day.

November 1. Feast Day of All Saints.

October 31. Eve of the Feast Day of All Saints, a.k.a. Halloween.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Now, for the downside of living in a still - developing part of the Third World!

And this Texas DPS warning is really grim:

"DPS warns parents that the Mexican cartels are recruiting Texas high school students"

"Last month, two Texas teenagers were lured into Mexico where they were kidnapped, beaten, ransomed and released in a remote area along the Rio Grande River..."

Some more snippets:

"Six of the seven Mexican Cartels have established established command and control networks in Texas and they are recruiting Texas students to support their drug, human, currency and weapon smuggling operations on both sides of the Texas / Mexican border.

"These Cartels and their operatives are extremely violent, torturing and killing thousands of people in Mexico, and they use transnational and Texas prison gangs to further their criminal operations in Mexico and the U.S.

"[S]aid Steven C. McCraw, DPS Director, Mexican Cartels have corrupted nearly an entire generation living in Northern Mexico and they seek to corrupt our youth as well to further their smuggling operations...

"The Texas border region represents 9.7% of the state's population, yet this region has 19.2% of the state's Juvenile Felony drug referrals, and 21.8% of the state's Juvenile Felony Gang Referrals.

"Last month, two Texas teenagers were lured to Mexico where they were kidnapped, beaten, ransomed and released in a remote area along the Rio Grande River..."

Original source for these snippets is cited by this week's Brackett News Weekly (Thursday, October 27, 2011) thusly: Submitted by Texas Department of Public Safety...

Upside to living in a still - developing part of the Third World!

Southwest Texas, U.S.A.

Brackettville 78832.

Kinney County Sheriff's Report.

Brown Cow Breaks Loose!

"Thursday, October 6.

"A man called to report a brown cow was loose on Hwy 674.

"Monday, October 17.

"A man called into KCSO to report a cow out on Hwy 693 approximately 2 miles out..."

Way to go, guys! :)

A tip of the 'ole cachucha to the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, October 13, 2011 and Thursday, October 27, 2011.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ms. Amy Willis of The Telegraph, rips the cover off yet another U.K. Sex - abuse scandal!

"Vatican orders inquiry into child abuse claims at UK schools"

Snippets from the original posted 2:11 PM BST 25 Oct 2011.

"The Pope has ordered an unprecedented inquiry into alleged child sex abuse by senior clerics at a Roman Catholic school in Ealing, west London.

"The top - level inquiry was ordered following investigations by the The Times newspaper, exposing four decades of sex abuse by monks and lay teachers at Ealing Abbey and St. Benedict's Independent School.

"The newspaper claims led to devil in a dog collar Father David Pearce, the former headmaster of St. Benedict's School, being jailed in 2009 for indecently assaulting five young boys.

"Father Pearce, who also served as a priest at Ealing Abbey, admitted to carrying out the attacks between 1972 and 2007.

"Other attacks by monks at St. Benedicts and other Roman Catholic schools are thought to date back to the 1960s.

"Another monk, Father Laurence Soper, who was the former Abbot of Ealing Abbey, is currently being hunted by police after jumping bail.

"He disappeared earlier this month from the headquarters of the Benedictine Order in Rome.

"However, an apostolic visitation at Ealing Abbey was today ordered by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome over concerns that the scale of the scandal is much greater than initially feared... "

And you can bet your neighbor's next pay check on that! :)

Punctual & Dedicated middle - of - the - week Altar Servers make a big difference.

At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Tuesday: Deacon's Communion Service. October 25, 2011. 5:30 p.m. Team Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

Thursday: Early morning Mass. October 27, 2011. 7:00 a.m. Team Mr. Patrick Ortiz.

Way to go, guys!

Keep up the good work! :)

Latest from Catholic Answers magazine, November / December 2011.

America has only 6% of the world's Catholic population, but 42% of the world's Permanent Deacons! :)

Latest from the Jesuits' premier magazine, America. Monday, October 24, 2011.

Good News: 23% of American Catholics kinda know, you know? That "things are about to change!" :)


Bad News: 77% of American Catholics are totally clueless, "Duh! What change??!!" :)

"If Satan talks of your past, tell him of his future!"

Southwest Texas, U.S.A.

Frontier Baptist Church's Marquee Magic.

The Rev. Ned Sitzes, Pastor.

Brackettville: Zip 78832.

October 28. Feast Day of Saint Simon & Saint Jude.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Americans not cutting it as farm laborers"

"Often, they don't show back up to do the difficult, low - paying tasks."

Snippets from the original article by Jay Reeve and Alicia A. Caldwell. Associated Press. The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS. Friday, October 21, 2011.

"ONEONTA, Alabama -- Potato farmer Keith Smith saw most of his Hispanic employees leave after this state's tough immigration law took effect, so he hired Americans.

"It hasn't worked out.

"The Americans show up late, work slower than seasoned farm hands and are ready to call it a day after lunch or by mid-afternoon.

"Some quit after a single day.

"In Alabama and other parts of the country, farmers must look beyond the nation's borders for labor because many Americans don't want the backbreaking, low - paying jobs immigrants are willing to take.

"Politicians who support the law say that over time, more unemployed Americans will fill these jobs.

"They consider it too early to consider the law a failure, yet numbers from the governor's office only nominal interest.

Farmer Keith "Smith said I've had people calling me wanting to to work. I haven't turned any of them down, but they're not any good. It's hard work, they just don't work like the Hispanics with experience.

"Alabama passed its law in June and it was immediately challenged by the Obama administration as it has been in other states.

"Unlike those states' measures, Alabama's law was left largely in place while challenges played out in court, frightening Hispanics and driving them away...

"Governor Robert Bentley, a Republican who signed the law, started a program last week to help businesses, particularly farmers, make up for the lost labor.

"So far, about 260 people interested in temporary agricultural jobs have signed up.

"About three dozen of them have been hired, said Tara Hutchison, a spokeswoman for the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations.

"She didn't know whether any had quit...

"A crew of four Hispanics can earn about $150 each by picking 250 to 300 boxes of tomatoes in day, said Jerry Spencer of Grow Alabama.

"A crew of 25 Americans recently picked 200 boxes -- giving them each $24 for the day..."

Oh, my! :)

October 24. Feast Day of Saint Anthony Mary Claret.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

1950s boast:

"Americans are in the pleasant predicament of having to live fifty percent better better than they ever have before."

And ....

"Between 1940 and 1955 the personal income of Americans rose 293 percent.

National wealth increased by 60 percent between 1947 and 1961.

Six percent of the world's people, Americans consumed one - third of the world's goods and services by the middle of the 1950s ..."

Snippets from page 9 of All Shook Up.

And then along came Rock'N'Roll, huh??!! :)

Memphis' All - American High Schooler, Elvis Aron Presley!

More snippets from All Shook Up, page 24.

"At Humes High School. he joined ROTC, the Biology Club, the English Club, the History Club and the Spanish Club.

"With his family, he attended the Pentecostal Assembly of God.

"He let his sideburns grow long and got kicked off the high school football team for refusing to cut his hair.

"He bought clothes at Lansky's on Beale Street, a store patronized by blacks, dressed often in his favorite colors. pink and black, and kept his shirt collar up in back and his hair pomaded in a wave.

"Elvis later remembered that when his classmates saw him walking down the street, they yelled, Hot dang, let's get him, he's a squirrel, get him, he just come down outta the tress..."

What a guy! :)

Teenager "Little Richard" Penniman "[A]lso performed in drag with a minstrel show:

Sugar Foot Sam from 'Ole Alabam..."

Snippets from Glenn C. Anschuler's book, All Shook Up: How Rock'N'Roll Changed America.

Loosely adapted from pages 58 - 60.

"Ostracized by his friends and family, probably because they suspected that he was a homosexual, Penniman left home when he was fourteen to join Dr. Hudson's Medicine Show.

"He then signed on to sing with B. Brown and His Orchestra and also performed in drag in a minstrel show, Sugar Foot Sam from 'Ole Alabam.

"At the same time, he worked as a dishwasher at the Greyhound bus station.

"In the South in the 1940s, a black knew that it was most unwise to talk back to his boss, so when insulted Penniman masked his anger with the nonsense response Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bam Boom..."

And whenever he auditioned:

"With hair a foot high, Richard wore a shirt that was so loud it looked as though he had drunk raspberry juice, cherryade, malt, and greens, and then thrown up all over himself...

"Before Liberace went campy, Little Richard appeared with a puffed - up pompadour, heavy makeup, capes, and blousy shirts, prancing across the stage and letting loose a Woooo that Paul McCartney heard across the Atlantic and adapted to the music of the Beatles ...

"To [further] appear safe, Little Richard donned eyelashes longer than Josephine Baker's..."

Good book! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Southwest Texas U.S.A.

Brackettville, 78832.

Three Saint Mary Magdalene's Young Adult Personalities have a courtesy copy of Inside The Vatican coming their way.

YAs H.C. - Diana - Sam: you're all three (3) next! :)

Both Denver newspapers, The Denver Post & The Rocky Mountain News are mum -- so far! -- about the reported homicide of a recent Brackettville resident.

Reported victim's body allegedly found with two (2) bullet wounds to the head, indicating either A) this was a so - called "contract hit" -- or B) somebody wanted him really dead.

We'll just have to wait and see.... :(

"Angola: bishop speaks of witchcraft's challenge"

Snippet from 20, 2011.

"An Angolan bishop has told the Fides news agency that witchcraft is one of the major challenges he faces in his ministry.

"[S]aid Bishop António Francisco Jaca of Caxito, which is located in the northwestern part of the nation, Among our pastoral challenges is the material and spiritual poverty of the population ..."

The good bishop now elaborates:

"As regards to the first, the territory of the diocese is largely rural, and the population lives on subsistence farming.

"As regards to the second, the challenge is witchcraft and the spread of sects.

"Witchcraft is a cultural phenomenon that concerns the entire Country, and in Caxito is largely practiced just like [in] other parts of Angola.''

And to conclude:

"Bishop Jaca also spoke of the growing Chinese and Muslim influence in the southwest African nation, where life expectancy is under 40.

Numbers crunching: "55.5% of Angola's 15.9 million people are Catholic, according to Vatican statistics..."

Interesting report! :)

October 20. Feast Day of Saint Paul of the Cross.

October 19. Feast Day of Saint John de Brébeuf & Saint Isaac Jogues and their Companions.

October 18. Feast Day of Saint Luke.

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Bishop Cantú speaks on Mass confusion in understanding the new Roman Missal"

By Catherine Jass López, in Today's Catholic. Friday, October 7, 2011.

"Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantú kicked off the fall season of Theology on Tap at the Blue Star Brewery with a session on changes coming to the Roman Missal."

And as Y.A. Iltsen Correa "from St. Pius X Church" tells us about his reaction to Bishop Cantú's lively presentation:

"This is such an important topic - I have a much better understanding of why and how the changes have come about.

"It was great that he challenged us to be ambassadors; he made me believe that I am a valued member of the Church and I definitely plan to take him up on his challenge..."

Nor is that the end of the story:

"Theology on Tap continues at the Blue Star Brewery on Thursdays through October 20. For more information visit "

Way to go, great people! :)

October 17. Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Antioch.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"After End of Don't Ask, Chaplains Uneasy"

Snippet from the Jesuits' premier magazine, America. Monday, October 10, 2011.

"As Don't Ask, Don't Tell ended on September 20, uncertainty remained among chaplains to U.S. armed services.

"The military's official position is that the repeal of D.A.D.T. will leave chaplains' activities essentially unchanged.

"According to a Defense Department statement: Chaplains will continue to have freedom to practice their religion according to the tenet of their faith. Chaplains are not required to take actions that are inconsistent with their religious counseling ... or modifying forms of prayer or worship.

"But some chaplains are not so sure.

"A group of veteran chaplains from various denominations is urging Congress to pass protections for chaplains.

"They fear that after the repeal, chaplains from faiths morally opposed to homosexual behavior will be marginalized and even punished for being true to their faith ..."

Good points, good people! :)

October 15. Feast Day of Saint Teresa of Jesus.

Friday, October 14, 2011

"My bulletproof jacket? It's the crucifix on my chest ..."


"Cardinal says Chavez planned to kidnap him"

Snippet from the The Catholic World Report, October 2011.

"Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez once plotted to kidnap Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucilgapa, Honduras, the cardinal revealed to a truth - and - reconciliation commission in his own country.

"The Honduran cardinal reported that Chavez was outraged by his support for a coup that ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, a Chavez ally, in 2009.

"Today, Cardinal Rodriguez says he has no regrets about his role: conditions in Honduras have improved, he says, and he is now praying for Chavez, who is suffering from cancer.

"In an interview with Vatican Insider, the Honduran cardinal -- whose name is often mentioned among the possible candidates for the papacy -- acknowledged that his life has been threatened, but indicated that he is not worried about his own security.

"He said: My bulletproof jacket? It's the crucifix on my chest. While the Rosary is my loaded pistol, containing 50 shots ..."

Way to go, Vuestra merced!

Spoken like a real - deal Salesian Missionary father of Saint John Bosco would speak, huh??!! :)

"Paul was a unique case in every sense of the word..."

A snippet from Alberto Ferreiro's article St. Paul and Apostolic Succession. Published in Inside The Vatican magazine, October 2011.

"Paul was a unique case in every sense of the word: he did not need, nor did he seek out, the laying on of hands or anointing of oil to make his calling valid.

"God used him to reveal that the Gentiles too were included in the salvific work of Christ.

"Paul sought out Peter and the apostles to gain their acceptance in order to assure the Galatians and Corinthians of his calling.

"This resulted in his receiving the right hand of fellowship.

"Paul then had the weight of the authority of the Apostles to preach, found churches, and appoint other overseers, and this became an ecclesial paradigm in the ensuing centuries to our day ..."

Southwest Texas, U.S.A.

Marquee Magic from the Frontier Baptist Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Reverend Ned Sitzes, Pastor.

"Your Faith is your steering wheel, not a spare tire"

Way to Reverend! :)

"[A]n estimate of 7,000 deaths -- 6,000 civilians and 1,000 soldiers..."

Peking, China, June 1989.

Tienanmen Massacre.

Likewise a snippet from Red Dragon Rising.

Page 29.

"Three days after the massacre, NATO intelligence offered an estimate of 7,000 deaths -- 6,000 civilians and 1,000 soldiers.

"Some Soviet - bloc estimates were even higher -- 10,000 killed.

"A PLA defector in 1996 claimed that a document circulating among military officers had estimated that 3,700 people had been killed.

"But even the PLA doesn't know how many people disappeared into the crematories or died secret, agonizing deaths without medical treatment..."

On the Chinese - Indian Frontier:

"India, 1962.

"The Indians fought to the last man.

"When the final round of ammunition was gone, they met the invaders with the bayonet.

"There were no deserters..."

A snippet from Red Star Rising. By Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett.

Page 61:

"Without warning, just before dawn on October 20, 1962, the PLA simultaneously attacked Indian positions on the eastern and western sectors of the border.

"The heavy artillery and waves of infantry had overwhelmed the Indians by 9 AM.

"Two Chinese army corps that had seen heavy combat in Korea did most of the fighting.

"The Indians fought to the last man.

"When the final round of ammunition was gone, they met the invaders with the bayonet.

"There were no deserters... "

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 14. Feast Day of Pope Saint Callistus I.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kinney County, Southwest Texas, U.S.A.


Zip 78832.

"Brackett High Homecoming 2011"

And among this year's royalty are:

"Homecoming King Adrian Juarez and Queen Lauren Duncan ... representing the B.H.S. Band were Duke Garon Rueda and Duchess Meghan Flores ..."

Way to go, great people! :)

Snippet from the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, October 11, 2011.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"A local connection with St. Pius X -- The First Polish Pope"

Snippet from Carol Baas Sowa's fascinating article in Today's Catholic. Friday, October 7, 2011.

"SAN ANTONIO -- Patricia Szalwinski recalls the big buzz made in the media when it was discovered that Pope John Paul II had a cousin living in America.

"To her and other members of the Krawietz family in South Texas, it was no big deal.

"After all, there were hundreds of Krawietzs here and they were related to a pope too -- the first Polish pope, St. Pius X.

"As a grade school student in Falls City, Szalwinski whose paternal grandmother was a Krawietz, remembers all the commotion that was made when her Aunt Gladys Szalwinski Collins traveled to Rome for the canonization of Pope Pius X on May 29, 1954, because she was related to him.

"It was as Giovanni Sarto that Jan Krawiec began a new life in Italy, first in Godero, near Treviso, and finally in Riese where he delivered the town mail.

"Three sons were born to Sarto and his wife: Giuseppe, Marco and Angelo.

"Giuseppe's younger brother, Angelo, remained in Italy, where his great - grandson, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, became Pope Pius X, rising from humble beginnings as a country curate and village pastor to the throne of St. Peter...

"With Giuseppe Sarto ascending to the papacy as Pope Pius X, a frantic and very thorough cover - up began, according to Szalwinski's research, in a political effort to wipe out any semblance of Polish glory, leading to the destruction or changing of all records involving the Krawiec connection ...

"None - the less, the relationship between Pope Pius X and his Polish Texas relatives did surface in time for his beatification and canonization allowing U.S. family members to bask in the glow of his sainthood..."

Good story, yea! :)

October 10. Columbus Day.

October 10. Columbus Day.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Baptist Flagship Baylor University's Roman Catholic Associate Professor of Patristics Michael P. Foley reviews Pope Benedict XVI's newest book:

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection.

"[T]he one thing that remains consistent is the Pope's theological teaching that the true lamb present at the Last Supper,

whether there was a cooked junior member of the sheep family there or not
, was Jesus Himself ..."

Yea! Baptists! Go Baylor U.! :)

Snippet from Foley's original in the Latin Mass magazine Summer 2011 issue.

"Dating the Last Supper

"One of the interesting features about Pope Benedict's own combination of theology and historical criticism is its ability to remain stable in the former even when the latter shifts beneath his feet.

"For example, the apparent contradiction on the dating of the Last Supper has puzzled exegetes for centuries.

"The synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) claim that in the year that Jesus was crucified the Passover fell on a Thursday and that the Last Supper took place during the Passover meal.

"Saint John's Gospel, on the other hand, states that the Passover began Friday evening, and hence the Last Supper could not have taken place during the Passover meal.

"Indeed, with John's dating, the lambs for the Passover meal were being slaughtered in the Temple at the very moment Jesus died on the Cross.

"In both explanations, the one thing that that remains consistent is the Pope's theological teaching that the true lamb present at the Last Supper, whether there was a cooked junior member of the sheep there or not, was Jesus Himself.

"As the Lamb of God whole body was the true Temple (Jn 2:19), Jesus did not need to rely on any calendar; and because He knew He was going to die, the Last Supper was truly the beginning of His Passover into death and new life and thus was a true Passover meal, the truest of them all ..."

Way to go, Professor!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Brief snippet from "Ask a Marian -- with Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC"

Marian Helper. Fall 2011

"Is Osama bin Laden in hell?"

"Q. Are notorious sinners such as Osama bin Laden damned to hell?"

"A. The short answer is -- we don't know.

"While the Church has definitively stated that the saints and the blesseds are in heaven with God forever, the Church has never definitely proclaimed anyone to be in hell -- not even Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ.

"We must leave the final judgment of each soul to God.

"In a general audience on Oct. 18, 2006, Pope Benedict reflected on the fate of Judas which is a mystery.

"The Pope states, Even though [Judas] went to hang himself (cf. Mt 27:5), it is not up to us to judge his gesture, substituting ourselves for the infinitely merciful and just God ..."

And as Father Joe concludes at the end:

"So let's plead for God's mercy for sinners especially unrepentant sinners who are dying..."

Amen to all that, Padre! :)

Southwest Texas!

78832 U.S.A.

And Young Adults (Y.A.s) from Brackettvilles' Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish are making the newspapers.

Three recent, randomly - selected examples from both newspapers:

YA Yolanda Rueda -- pioneering BISD's "Culinary Arts Academy." And it's already a go! "Seven Strong," we believe ... :)

YA Javier Valdez -- BISD's Maintenance & Custodial Supervisor... his department is a.k.a. the "B.I.S.D. Secret Service Agents..." 'Cause they are -- unhappily! -- all too often! -- invisible! :)

YA Diana Hernandez Flores -- BISD's Migrant Educational Aid -- self - described proudly as both "Catholic" and "Republican!" :)

Funny statistical thing:
We'll bet you that at least TWO(2) of these great people have had at least ONE(1) free complementary copy of the Inside The Vatican magazine.


At least ONE(1) of these good people has not! :(

So, if someone is that "people" they need to let someone know, so this sad oversight can be speedily remedied! :)

October 7. Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

"As certain as truth and God exist, the admission of Texas into this Union will prove, sooner or later, an element of overwhelming ruin to the Republic..."

Citation of Congressman Daniel Barnard of New York's remarks "on the floor of the House of Representatives, January 1845."

Snippet from Joel H. Sibley's fascinating study, titled Storm Over Texas: The Annexation Controversy and the Road to Civil War.

His masterful book is one of a series called Pivotal Moments in American History.

Another book in this series has this fascinating title, for someone like myself who studied The History of Jazz to Rock at UTEP in the Fall of 2004: All Shook Up: How Rock 'n' Roll Changed America. By Glenn C. Altschuler. :)

October 6. Feast Day of Saint Bruno.

October 6. Feast Day o
f Blessed Marie - Rose Durocher.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

"Mr. Owen is the convert son of Sir David Owen, a former secretary general of International Planned Parenthood Federation...'

"Creation Debunks Evolution at TFP Bureau"

By Kenneth Murphy.

Snippet from his item in the TFP's magazine Crusade -- September / October 2011.

"On June 22, Hugh Owen, director of the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, spoke at the Washington TFP Bureau located in McLean, Va.

"Two of the many examples Mr. Owen used to debunk evolution are butterflies and hummingbirds.

"To form a butterfly, the caterpillar must first dissolve all of its organs while in its cocoon.

"How could a gradual slight successive evolution change the caterpillar overtime?

"All the genetic information for the metamorphosis must have been placed in the caterpillars from the beginning.

"Meanwhile, hummingbirds rely on their ability to hover in mid - air by rapidly flapping their wings 80 times per second, approximately 10 times faster than any helicopter's main rotor.

"Like the transformation of the caterpillar, the hummingbird's marvel of aerodynamics is clearly the result of an intelligent design.

"Mr. Owen is the convert son of Sir David Owen, a former secretary general of International Planned Parenthood Foundation.

"For the past years, Hugh has dedicated his life to the service of the Church as a writer, editor, teacher, and lecturer.

"To learn more about his work visit:"

October 4. Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish & San Blas / Saint Blaise Community Members ...

Plus CCD / Youth Group personalities in the news!

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

The Varsity Tigrettes Volleyball Team:

Por lo menos dos Reinas de la Cancha -- Ms. Priscilla Aguirre & Ms. Selina Gerardo.

Brackett Tigers Varsity Football:

Mr. Adam "Charlie" Resendez & Mr. Rolando Gutierrez & Mr. Joelson Terrazas.

Varsity Girls' Track Team:

Ms. Elvia Guerrero.

Varsity Boys' Track Team:

Mr. Joelson Terrazas & Mr. Dante Luna & Mr. Garon Rueda.

Seventh Grade Girls' Track Team:

Ms. Dani Gerardo.

Seventh Grade Boys' Track Team:

Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

And all this is just a random sample ...! :)

Raw data for the above is to be found in the Brackett Weekly News. September 29, 2011.

Southwest Texas, U.S.A.

Zip 78832

And as in any other part of the still - developing Third World, livestock is running loose all over...

The Kinney County Sheriff's Report has it all!

"Tuesday, September 20

"A man called report loose goats on Ann St. and 334.

"Thursday, September 22

"A Border Patrol agent called to report loose goats on Hwy 674.

"Friday, September 23

"A woman called to report a loose horse in Hwy 672 just past the BISD Academy School.

"Saturday, September 24

"A man reported a loose cow on on 693, four miles south of the railroad tracks..."

Original secondary source: The Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, September 29, 2011.

Way to go, great people! :)

October 1. Feast Day of Saint Thérese of the Child Jesus.