Thursday, March 28, 2013

According to St. Anthony's Messenger, April 2013:

New York's Cardinal Dolan had a cool way of getting rid of abusive priests back in 2003.

The  then - archbishop of some such place -- was it Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- maybe?

Authorized payments to abusers of $20,000  apiece to "go get lost, permanently!"


They had to "leave the Church," too!

By contrast, San Antonio Archbishop Patricio Flores sent a known habitual sex - offender as pastor to Brackettville, Texas -- 78832 -- where he carried on from 1986 to 1995.

Believe it or not! :) 

PS: Maybe the moral of the story here is that Hispanic archbishops like Flores could  be just as spiritually depraved as their Anglo counterparts, huh?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Speaking of homicides in Morelos -- roughly a dozen years ago this month -- 

a doctor of veterinary medicine -- Jesús Chuy Peralta -- literally died a gun - fighter's -- pistoleros' -- death  with his boots on and  his Colt .45 in his hand.

And with one bullet fired...

That's all the chance his enemy pistoleros gave him ... 

But at least he died a man's death ...

As El Zócalo de Piedras Negras  put it in Wild West - style:

"He died corraled!" 

Maybe 2 blocks from the PEMEX station... 

In his own horse - racing corrals ...

Now, 12 years later -- two young sisters are casually done away with -- like so much trash ... :(

This "Holy Week's" double - murder by strangulation of two young sisters from Morelos, Coahuila a grim commentary on "Mexico Bronco"

Bodies were found in a abandoned pick - up truck without license plates.

From last night's evening broadcast from Mexican News Radio -- Información sin fronteras. 

March 27. Wednesday in Holy Week -- Miércoles de la Semana Santa.

March 28. Holy Thursday -- Jueves Santo.

March 29. Good Friday -- Viernes Santo.

March 30. Holy Saturday -- Sábado Santo.

March 31. Easter Sunday -- Domingo de Pascua  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Southwest Texas U.S.A.

Brackettville 78832.

Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church.

Last Friday's 3rd and final K of C's Lenten Fish Fry rated a success!

Way to go, everyone! :)

March 26. Tuesday in Holy Week  -- Martes en la Semana Santa.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Last Saturday's anticipated Palm Sunday Liturgy beautiful and well - supported!

Saturday. March 23, 2013. 5:30 p.m.

Celebrant -- Father Antonio Moreno.

Deacon of the Mass -- The Rev. Mr. James Bader

Homilist -- Father Moreno.

Altar Server TEAM -- Ms. Brittany Castilla and Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

Transport Team Mom -- Frances and Patti.

Extraordinary Ministers -- Ms. Carole Whitworth and K of C Mr. John Carlson.
Lector -- Ms. Frances Franklin.

Before - Mass 5 - Decade Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Usher TEAM -- Mr. George Nicolai and Mr. Faustino - Lingo - Sandoval

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Note: The Liturgical Committee really did a splendid job in decorating our church in Crimson and Gold!

Way to go, great and wonderful people! :)   

March 25. Monday of Holy Week  -- Lunes de la Semana Santa.

Kinney County -- Southwest Texas, USA -- 78832.

And three Brackett H.S. Class of 2013 Seniors are ready to blast off into Earth Orbit.

Congratulations to Ms. Jacquelyn Yandell, Mr. Rolando Gutierrez-- and the sole survivor of "our" legendary  Summer 2010 KCL Interns -- Mr. Daylon Miller!

Way to go guys!

And the best of luck... :) 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flyer for Not Peace but a Sword  -- from Catholic Answers!

"What Are the Real Facts About Islam?

"And why are so many Catholics dead set on ignoring  them?"

"A Religion of Peace?"

"To hear many people tell it, Islam is a religion of  peace.

"It's understandable that Muslim apologists would say that about their faith, but even many leaders in the formerly Christian West are saying it, and it is patently false.

"To be sure, there are many Muslims who want nothing to do with violence, who want only to live their lives peacefully, the same as the rest of us-- but there is still an undeniable link between Islam and violence.

"That link goes back to Muhammad, the founding prophet of Islam, who grew up in the brutal world of ancient Arabia.

"Muhammad's status as an Arabian warlord left an enduring stamp on the religion he founded, and since his time,  jihad has been a goal and an obligation for his followers.

"That means that when Christians engage in dialogue with Muslims, they need to be clear - eyed about the attitudes they are dealing with ..."    

Interesting perspective, huh? :)

March 23. Feast Day of Bishop Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo -- El Señor Obispo San Toribio de Mogrovejo.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homily theme update!!

While otherwise both Deacon - less + Altar Server - less -- last Saturday's 5:30 pm Mass still supported

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832 

Saturday March 16, 2013.

Celebrant -- Fr. Antonio Moreno.

Homilist -- Fr. Moreno. "Only three times in Scripture does Jesus call someone woman: his own Blessed Mother, Mary Magdalen and the Woman - taken in adultery ...  Jewish males normally called no one woman except for wives and mothers..."

Extraordinary Ministers -- Ms. Elena Luna, Ms. Frances Franklin and K of C Mr. John Carlson.

Lector -- Mrs. Leticia Carter.

Before - Mass Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.  

Head Usher -- Mr. George Nicolai

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew

Note: Dozens of teenagers, their CCD Teachers, parents and sponsors were participating in an  all - day  Charismatic Youth Renewal  120 miles away in San Antonio -- in preparation for Confirmation -- so, maybe our deacon went, too! :) 

March 24. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion -- Domingo de Ramos  de la Pasión del Señor.

Third and last K of C Lenten Fish Fry!

Friday, March 22, 2013.

4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832. 

"B There or B Square!" :)

Hey, UTEP!

¡Hey, Familia!

Mid - Terms are here

Good Luck, everyone...:)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday morning News Flash from Mexican Radio:

"Pope Francis may visit Mexico  in May!"

Friday, March 15, 2013

Great Team Support for last Saturday's  5:30 pm Mass.

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832

Saturday, March 9, 2013.

Celebrant -- Father Antonio Moreno.

Deacon of the Mass -- Rev. Mr. James Bader.

Homilist -- Deacon Jimmy -- "The Prodigal Son!"

Altar Server TEAM -- Ms. Brittany Castilla

Transport - TEAM MOM -- Frances.

Lead Extraordinary Minister -- Mrs. Susan Davis.

Lector -- Mr. Lloyd Davis.

Before - Mass Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Usher TEAM -- Mr. George Nicolai and K. of C.  Mr. Frank Rodriguez.

Choir Director -- Mrs Lynn McNew + Mrs. Leticia Carter.

Way to go, great and wonderful people! :) 

"Habemus Papam Franciscum!" :)

March 17. Fifth Sunday of Lent -- Quinto Domingo  de Cuaresma -- Día de San Patricio.

March 18. Feast Day of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem - Bishop and Doctor of the Church -- San Cirilio de Jerusalén - Obispo y Doctor de la Iglesia.

March 19. Feast Day of Saint Joseph - Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary -- San José - Esposo de la Virgen María

March 19. Texas Ag Day!! :)

¡Viva Papa Francisco I! :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gallup asks "Do you rate yourself as very religious?"

Mississippi: 58% say YES! I DO!

Vermont: 19% -- less than a third of Mississippians! --  say YES! I DO!

 Quoted in Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly. Sunday, March 10, 2013.

Interesting huh? :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Last Friday's of  C  2nd Lenten Fish Fry grossed close to $2,000! 

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Way to go Caballeros! :)

The religion "of this world" defined -- from The Heart of Newman -- page 185.

"[T]he religion of the children of this world [consists of those] who would, if possible, serve God and Mammon, and, whereas religion consists of love and fear, give to God their fear, and to Mammon their love..."

Way to go, Blessed Cardinal Newman! :)

Friday, March 08, 2013

Mexico's Armando Fuentes Aguirre -- Cáton -- 

contrasts the UK's treatment of the River Thames with his country's abuse of its rivers!

Here's a translated snippet from  a recent radio broadcast:

"The Thames River flows these days fresh and clear.

"Fishermen with the endless patience required of them line it's banks.

"There are no less than 80 varieties of fish in its waters.

"Entire families are free to picnic nearby -- while young couples stroll hand - in - hand  its adjacent paths.  

"Not so our rivers in Mexico!

"We need to start taking care of our natural resources, too!

"That way Mexico's rivers will once more run blue and clear, just as they do on the geography maps used by our school children ..."

Way to go, Señor! :)

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Second Brackettville, Texas 78832 -- Catholic Lenten K of C Fish Fry -- tomorrow from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. 

"Near the Big Mesquite tree in St. Mary Magdalene's parking lot!"

¡Ganará uno de mis gallos papabili!

¡Ganará uno de mis gallos papabili!

One of my papabili fighting cocks is sure to win!

One of my papabili fighting cocks  is sure to win! :)

Most likely: Cardinal Francis Arinze or Cardinal Peter Kodwo [Monday] Appiah Turkson!

As reported by Akua Hirsch, of the London Observer

There are "feelings of optimism that two cardinals from West Africa, Ghanian Peter Turkson and Nigerian Francis Arinze, were front-line contenders to be next in line..." 

For the Papal Throne! :) 

This snippet from The Wanderer Catholic newspaper.

Thursday, February 28, 2013.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

"Tim Staples Travels with Steve Ray to Mumbai, India"

A ten - day trip during Diwali -- the 5 - day Hindu festival of lights...

Tim and Steve had up to 600 attendees at several all - day conventions, too!
Snippet from Catholic Answers Report by Celina Ortiz, Development Officer.

"India is the world's second most populous country with more than 1.2 billion people, of whom almost one billion practice Hinduism, the country's official religion.

"Undaunted, Tim Staples, Catholic Anwers ' Director of Apologetics, traveled with Steve Ray to Mumbai, the fourth most populous city in the world, to inspire the hearts of that city's minority Catholic population ..."

Way to go, guys!

And good luck! :) 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013.

From: The Most Reverend Gustavo García - Siller, M.Sp.S.
Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas 78228.

To: Bad 'ole Dennis

 "...Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your gift of $153.85 to the 2013 Archbishop's Appeal.

"I am both humbled and profoundly grateful for the generosity of faithful Catholics like you who support  the essential work  of the Church in the Archdiocese of San Antonio...

"May the Lord richly bless you and your loved ones....

"Faithfully Yours in Christ,

"+ Gustavo M.Sp.S. ..."

Glad to help, Your Excellency! :)

Loyalty down begets loyalty up ....

March 7. Feast Day of Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity -- Martyrs -- Santa Perpetua y Santa Felicitas - Mártires.

March 8. Feast Day of Saint John of God - Religious -- San Juan de Dios - Religioso.

March 9. Feast Day of  Saint Frances of Rome - Religious -- Santa Francisca de Roma - Religiosa.

March 10. Fourth Sunday in Lent -- Cuatro Domingo de Cuaresma.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Last Saturday's Deacon - less 5:30 pm Mass well - served!

Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Saturday, March 2, 2013 -- 5:30 pm.

Celebrant -- Father Antonio Moreno.

Altar Server TEAM -- Mr. John Thomas Rosas + Mr. Roman Rosas + Mr. Moses Hernandez, Jr.

"Transport - team" MOMS -- Chica and Alex.

Extraordinary Ministers -- Ms. Elena Luna and  Mr. and Mrs. Pat Melancon.

Lector -- Ms. Patti Hidalgo.

Pre - Mass Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Head Usher -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Way to go -- great and wonderful people! :)

Last two Sundays' "Youth Explosion" $$ Fundraisers $$ a success! :)

February 24th -- it was BBQ Hamburgers!

 March 3rd -- it was BBQ Chicken Plates!

Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

"Now an officially - recognized Pilgrimage Site -- one of 18 in this Diocese of San Antonio, Texas..." :)