Friday, February 29, 2008

"The Communist approach is the pragmatic one"

Page 100. Douglas Albert Hyde's Dedication and Leadership: Learning from the Communists, Notre Dame Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 1966.

"The Communist approach to the choice of methods to be used, or rejected, where no Marxist principles as such are involved, is the pragmatic one.

"They test their methods by the simple question:

Does it work?

"They have demonstrated that being the best man at your job does work very well indeed.

"They have proven this over and over again."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Krazy Chicken's Ms. Natasha Smith knocks Math dead at Angelo State!!

And now, Spring Break is coming, her mom says! But I'm not sure when!

Mr. EDDIE TRAVIESO leaves Super S. Food Store!!

By now, he's back home in Devine, Texas, working a regular 8 to 5 shift. We wish him luck!

2007 BHS Marine back in town!!

Last night, Wednesday, we were all happy to see that Marine Israel "Izzy" Muniz at St. Mary Magdalene's Holy Rosary and Benediction service with his proud mom, Corina.

"UTEP Students work to deter crime"

Adapted from Mr. Marko A. Morales, The UTEP Prospector, February 19, 2008.

"The Eyes and Ears Program welcomes student volunteers to help keep the campus safe.

"Students interested in accumulating community service hours may consider helping the UTEP Police Department in their efforts to reduce property crime.

"Student volunteers will patrol UTEP campus parking lots in an attempt to ensure security and safety of vehicles."

Caption of photo by UTEP's Ms. Fernanda Espinoza tells us this:

"Ms. Elizabeth Villareal (left) and Ms. Gaby Gutierrez, senior criminal justice majors, patrol the Academic Services Building parking lot in cooperation with the Eyes and Ears Program."

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


"Drustveno - ekonomski sistem"

"(Govori I Clanci)




¡Guau! Wow!

Somebody must really digs the old regime in Tito's Yugoslavia.

"So, translate, boob!"

Nope! Because while I consider myself charismatic, I don't recall ever babbling in tongues, known or unknown.

Still, my guess is this book that came to the KCL by mistake just might be:

A. in the Serbian language.
B. something to do with economics
C. 100% Communist Yugoslavian
D. edited, as the word redaktori, which looks much like redacción does in Spanish.
E. certainly related to system -- as in some kind of economic system, or drustveno - ekonomski sistem.
F. most certainly in 1964, Tito's heyday.

"Are the Gospels Myth?"

Adapted from Carl E. Olson, "This Rock" magazine, March 2008.

"January 11, 49 B.C. is one of the most famous dates in the history of ancient Rome, even of the ancient world.

"On that date Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, committing himself and his followers to civil war.

"Few, if any, historians doubt that the event hapened.

"On the other hand, numerous skeptics claim that the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are myth and have no basis in fact.

"Yet, as historian Paul Merkley pointed out two decades ago in his article, The Gospels as Historical Testimony, far less historical evidence exists for the for the crossing of the Rubicon than does for the events depicted in the Gospels."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Asarco permit renewed, opponents outraged"

Adapted from: Adriana Gómez Licón, The UTEP Prospector, February 14, 2008.

¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

"AUSTIN -- At their Austin headquarters, the three commissioners of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality unaminously approved the air - quality permit ASARCO had been seeking since 2002, causing dismay from many of the smelter's opponents."

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church Brackettville FISH FRY !!

This Friday, Feb. 29, 2008, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 PM -- most likely in the Parish Hall.

Only $5.00 a plate.

If you want to, you can even get your tickets right now from the good folks at the pharmacy on James St.

This fund raiser includes the combined efforts of the Young People's Group, the Cemetery Committee, + most likely at least one or more others groups, too. Maybe even the Pastoral Council, who knows?

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Think the Archdiocese of San Antonio isn't constantly in big legal trouble?"

"Then dig this!!"

Adapted from Public Safety

"Quarreling turns violent"

"Web posted: 02/11/2008 12:31 AM CST"

By Brian Chasnoff / S.A. EXPRESS - NEWS

"A fugtive for more than three years, a 58 - year - old South side man shot a neighbor in the face as the victim's two children stood and watched, police and witnesses say.

"John Ward was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon."

After shooting his neighbor in the face, "Ward then walked back [to the] house he shares with his girlfriend and her mother."

"One neighbor described Ward as a kind, easygoing man who recently taught Catholic doctrine to kids at a nearby church."

Further the witness goes on to say, "He's very sweet. He always worked with the church."

Thus, good friends, "said the neighbor, who would only identify herself as Susie."

NOTE: The crime took place on the 3200 block of Merriweather. Locating a nearby Catholic church shouldn't be all that difficult.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Mr. Mikey Flores and Mr. Sam Stewart hang out!!"

The Brackett News, February 21, 2008, photo caption:

"Teammates Mikey Flores and Sam Stewart hanging out in the dugout during the scrimmage against Natalia."

Friday, February 22, 2008

"Chapter Six: The Decline and Fall of Catholic Pentecostalism"

Adapted from Father McCarthy Smokes a Pipe and Speaks in Tongues. R. Douglas Wead, 1972.

Page 107 - 108.

"I concluded that there are two prominent threats that face the Pentecostal movement in the Catholic Church.

"First, it may strangle itself in fanaticism.

"The Catholic Church may not have the patience to understand some of the excesses which are potential in such a revival.

"Or secondly, the Church and well - intentioned organizations within her may attempt to legislate the revival and end up killing it with organization and planning.

"While Catholic Pentecostals feel confident tht they will never be susceptible to the same emotional extremes which marked earlier classical Pentecostalism, they are deceiving themselves if they conclude that they are immune to any form of extremism."

Team Manual for the Life in the Spirit Seminars...

Edited by Stephen Clark, Book 1 of the Servant Series. Published by Charismatic Renewal Services, Inc. Notre Dame, Indiana 1971. NIHIL OBSTAT: Lawrence A. Gollner, Censor Librorum. IMPRIMATUR: Leo A. Pursley, D.D.

Page 82.


"Goal: to help them to make an authentic commitment to Christ, to help them to be baptized in the Spirit and speak in tongues.

"I. The fifth team meeting

"3) discuss how to pray with people

a) how to exorcize them
b) how to help them yield to tongues
c) looking to the Lord for guidance"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"El obispo de Piedras Negras, Alonso Garza Treviño, ofreció una misa ayer en Pasta de Conchos"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo, Miércoles 20 de enero de 2008.

"Tenemos hambre y sed de justicia, clamaron deudos de los 65 mineros de Pasta de Conchos, quienes ayer recordaron a sus seres queridos en el segundo aniversario luctuoso de la tragedia, e insistieron en reclamar que saquen los restos de los 63 que siguen enterrados en el tiro."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Miedo en Iglesia por posesión demoniaca"

"Es la segunda ocasión que se presenta"

Adaptada de: El Zócalo / Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila. Miércoles 20 de Febrero de 2008.

Por: El Joven Dichoso Sr. Licenciado David González./ Agencia SIP / El Zócalo / Saltillo / Republica Mexicana.

"Por segunda ocasión en un mes feligreses de la iglesia del Ojo de Agua, en Saltillo, salieron corriendo,presas de terror al presentarse una aparente posesión demoniaca en una joven que fue exorcizada por el padre José Luis del Rio, párroco del templo.

"La víctima esta vez fue una mujer de entre 28 y 30 años, la que según testigos, fue presa de los espíritus del mal al comenzar a blasfemar en pleno acto litúrgico.

"Pedro, fiel seguidor de este templo, localizado en el sector del Ojo de Agua, como testigo, dijo qu elos hechos se registraron alrededor de las 20:00 horas del pasado lunes, cuando más de 50 personas celebraban una misa de sanación.

"El acto religioso era encabezado por el sacerdote José Luis del Río, cuando casi al concluir, una de la jóvenes que era acompañada por su familia, comenzó a convulsionarse ante la sorpresa de los asistentes.

"De inmediato, al percatarse el padre que se trataba de una presunta posesión diabólica, comenzó a rezar, mientras solicitaba que desalojaran el templo.

"Tras una larga jornada de letanías y rezos de los que han vuelto ya famoso a este párroco, la joven fue liberada aparentemente del mal."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"They Speak With Other Tongues"

By John L. Sherrill. Published by McGraw - Hill Book Company, New York, London, Toronto, 1964.

Page 156.

"[T]he Sponsor's List of tongues ... includes the Mother of Jesus, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew and Paul."

Humm .. you don't say ... well, my, my, MY...

"Should we build a Wall here?"

Southwest Texas LIVE! magazine, February 2008 Edition.

By Bill Sontag.

"The Rio Grande -- Big River -- has one identity from its headwaters in the snowy San Juan Mountains of Southern Colorado, flowing quietly past pecan orchards and chile fields of New Mexico, until it hits the El Paso city limits at the far western tip of Texas.

"There it acquires a split personality."

Looks like a good read!

"Ellis is a rising star in the outfield"

Adapted freely from:

The UTEP Prospector, February 12, 2008.

By Herman Rojas.

"It was one of those late January afternoons -- not too different from others over the past few months -- breezy, sunny and one day closer to beginning the season.

"There are many days like these at the Helen of Troy Softball Complex during the offseason.

"Part of that is due to the emergence of UTEP Sophomore outfielder Ms. Ashley Ellis."

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Frontpage photo caption of curvy -- as well as buxom -- UTEP beauties, do'in it, the Middle Eastern Way!

"Members of the American Tribal Belly Dance group Bella Fusion perform Feb. 11 at Memorial Triangle with ASARCO protestors."

¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Father McCarthy Smokes a Pipe and Speaks in Tongues"

By R. Douglas Wead. 1971 edition.

Page 103.

"Catholic Pentecostals aren't the only ones pushing Christians to experience an effective personal faith in Jesus as Lord.

"San Antonio Bishop Flores, a non - Pentecostal, suggested that many Catholics have never been effectively evangelized but rather have been sacramentalized. (12)"

"12. Speech reported in The Texas Catholic, (Nov., 1970)."

So, what happened in the next 37 years? Like maybe things suddenly ran off the rails, pow! Just like that? At least in this diocese?

Burt Arthur's Sing A Song of Six Guns !!

The Big Quemado Show Down!!

A legendary work of Purple Prose!!

All about an avenging hero rides out of Uvalde outbound on a mission to settle some scores!!

Watch out Kinney County:

Back in the wild and wooly days:

Back when only the bad died old...

"Morgan Streeter had three bad reasons for heading out for the outlaw snake - pit called Quemado -- and he aimed to kill every one of them.

"The Bradlee boys had slain his brother and he was hell - bent for revenge.

"Morgan Streeter didn't believe in murder, but this was different.

"This was justice [Uvalde style?] -- dangerous, deadly and sure."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Good books, just in by Kinney County Library!

One: The New Life in the Spirit Seminars Team Manual: Catholic Edition. National Service Committee, Chariscenter USA, Box 628, Locust Grove, VA 22508-0628. 2000 AD.

Two: Team Manual for the Life in the Spirit Seminars, Edited by Stephen Clark. January, 1971.

Three: Dedication and Leadership: Learning from the Communsts. Douglas Hyde, University of Notre Dame Press, 1966.

Just in from Spofford:

Sr. Eddie Solis reports !!

He says this morning that San Blas / St. Blaise Church is getting in shape, that Sr. Solis and others have got a lot done already, including the plumbing, digging a ditch, you name it.

"The key will be communication, team work, determination, and pride in the results: you just can get no better than that," he tells us.

Mr. Solis than adds: "Our goal is to get it as close to perfect as we can."

Along with his mother, Mrs. Paulita Solis, Sr. Eddie is proud to have had the chance to work closely with his ant and uncle, Juan and Maggie Soliz, whose last name is pronounced just like his.

It's good to see that just as with Charimatic Renewal, Pope Benedict XVI's impending visit to the good 'ole USA is having repercussions, even 'way down here.

And in both cases, we all win, 'cause real deal charismatic action is a whole lot more than rolling our eyes, shimmying ourselves into some dance of trance shineola, why?

Real - deal charismatic work simply means getting the job done, soul, mind and body.

If you don't believe it, just ask Spofford's Solis and Soliz families.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big BISD Mitote last night at Old Rectory Building!!

Sponsored by, and for, St. Mary Magdalene's Altar Servers Group by Mr. and Mrs. DeHoyos and friends.

That's right!

The all - you - could - eat pizza, chips and soda pop bash of the month.

Everyone ate good while business was discussed!!

Afterwards, we all helped hang up six(6) pictures of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, three (3) in the Old Church Building, two(2) in Old Rectory Building, one (1) across the road in the New Classroom Building, right over the water fountain.

Maybe 13 to 14 of us, total, participated in the evening's events.

"Nowlin and Stewart Chosen Prom King and Queen"

The Brackett News, Thursday, February 7, 2008.

"Courtesy Photo: Mr. Lane Nowlin and Ms. Bianca Stewart were voted to be the King and Queen at the 2008 BISD Prom on Saturday, February 2."

"UTEP, city commorate Black History Month"

By Kathryn Holly, The UTEP Prospector, February 5, 2008.

"As Black History Month kicks off, El Paso and UTEP have a calendar full of events to celebrate and honor African American contributions to society."

Good, solid history in this article, you bet!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

"UTEP Students rally against parking issues"

By Ms. Adriana Gómez Licón, The UTEP Prospector, January 31, 2008.

"Ms. Marilyn Corbin, junior history major, accidently bought two parking permits for perimeter zones one and two and, since she said Parking and Transportation Services would not refund her money, she had to keep both permits."

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

So, what happened then?

Ms. Melody Parra's photo caption below says it all!

"From left: Quame Henry, Kathy Zurlinden, Claudia Gomez and Tyler Kraften hold signs and encourage students to sign parking petitions Jan. 30 at Memorial Triangle."

Red Chinese comrade diplomat to speak in El Paso??

¡Guau! ¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!


By Miguel De Santiago, The UTEP Prospector, January 31, 2008.

"China's Minister of Culture, Sun Jiazheng, has traveled around the world to educate people about Chinese art and culture."

Bush Appointee Adair Margo welcomes CCP Member

"Margo was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as chairman [of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities] in 2001.

"Jiazheng joined the Communist Party of China in 1966."

And now, Ms. Yixin Chen, self - described as UTEP's "vice president Chinese Student Association," whose own relations with the Communist Party of Red China may well be frayed, had the good sense to give her best in this sound bite:

"The CSA has the greatest honor to welcome our respectful [but not worshipful??] minister of culture.

"This is probable the first time that one of our country's top figures has ever visited El Paso."

Friday, February 08, 2008

"Border crossing rules change Thursday"

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

By Daniel Collins, The UTEP Prospector, January 29, 2008.

"El Paso residents planning to cross at the city's international bridges will soon have to bring more documents with them.

"Beginning Thursday, new travel requirements under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative take effect, meaning oral citizenship declarations and driver's licenses will no longer be acceptable to cross by land into the United States from Mexico or Canada."

Thursday, February 07, 2008


¡Un curso! ¡La Universidad de Francisco Marroquin!

"Viviencia de lo sagrado en las Hermandades de Guatemala"

Por Anibal Chajón, de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"Van 15 mil casas, y ninguna escuela"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Lunes 4 de febrero de 2008.

Por el señor licenciado Enrique González Correa:

Monday, February 04, 2008

Excerpts from Kathryn Kuhlman's Personal Credo...

Random bits and pieces excerpted from her book, I Believe in Miracles. Kathryn Kuhlman has been described as "an ordained Baptist minister," in the foreward to this edition, at least.

Page 221 - 223.

"I believe in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as Three separate individuals; equal in every Divine perfection.

"I believe in God the Father Almighty creator of heaven and earth,...

"I believe that Jesus Christ is the very Son of the Living God, co - existent and co - eternal with the Father, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary,...

" I believe that ... As a member of the eternal Trinity, the Holy Ghost has aided in the creation of the earth, and its forms of life...

"I believe that the only way Jesus, Who is now at the Right Hand of God, as Great High Priest, can manifest Himself to the world, is through His Body, the Church..."

Friday, February 01, 2008


Adaptada de esta fuente:El Zócalo de Piedras Negras, Martes 29 de Enero de 2008.

"Ejecutan a ex fiscal: José Gerardo Muñoz Hernández, 47"

"Dos sicarios lo acribillan por la espalda y se dan la fuga; la víctima fue agente del MP en Francisco I. Madero y Matamoros, Coahuila"

"Seis balazos en la espalda y en el rostro"

"Defrauden a cientos"

"Ofrecen Casas y Terrenos sin Enganche ni Mensualidades"

La Voz, Diario de Verdad, Martes 29 de Enero de 2008.

Por el señor licenciado Carlos Desmocct / La Voz.

"La empresa Fraterno ofrece viviendas con problemas legales como los que SCRAP pretende enajenar, realizando cobros a incautos."