"Si illuderebbe chi pensasse che la missione profetica di Fatima sia conclusa."
Pope Benedict XVI's sensational remarks last month on Fatima's role today:
"One would be deceived who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded."As for the novelty that we can discover today in this message ...
Original source for these randomly compressed snippets:
The magazine Inside The Vatican, June - July 2010. The article is by Angela Ambrogetti and is called "That Vision is an Image of the Church."
"During the Pope's flight to Portugal on May 11, papal spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi read His Holiness three questions from the press pool.
"These questions are submitted several days in advance, so it would appear that the Pope had time to consider his remarks, and even to choose the questions he would answer.
"Here's is one of the questions:
"Lombardi: Holiness, what significance do the apparitions of Fatima have for us today? ....Is it possible, according to you, to frame also in that vision the sufferings of the Church of today fr the sins of the sexual abuse of minors?
"Here is Pope Benedict's answer:
"Beyond this great vision of the suffering of the Pope, which we can in substance refer to John Paul II, are indicated future realities of the Church which are little by little developing and revealing themselves. Thus it is true that beyond the moment indicated in the vision, one speaks, one sees, the necessity of a passion of the Church that naturally is reflected in the person of the Pope; but the Pope is in the Church, and therefore the sufferings of the Church are announced...
"As for the novelty that we can discover today in this message, it is that attacks on the Pope and the Church do not come only from outside, but the sufferings of the Church come precisely from within the Church, from sins that exist in the Church.
"This has always been known, but today we see it in a really terrifying way: that the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from enemies outside, but arises from sin in the Church."
Here, it seems Ms. Ambrogetti adds:
"Later, in his homily at the mass to commemorate the anniversary of the first Fatima apparition on May 13, the Pope declared..."
And, now the Pope's declaration:
"One would be deceived who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded -- Si illuderebbe chi pensasse che la missione profetica di Fatima sia conclusa."
At this point it appears that the ITV editor Robert Moynihan takes over from Angela Ambrogetti...
June 30. Feast Day of the First Holy Martyrs of the Most Holy Roman Church.
"UTEP Bookstore: the last resort"
The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Vanessa Juarez has the story.
¡Adelante, Vanessa!
Snippet from her article published online Wednesday, June 23, 2010."The woman at the UTEP bookstore checkout counter was angry.
"By angry, I don't mean mildly perturbed, no, I mean she was livid.
"Sometime last week, my appetite and I made our way to the UTEP bookstore for a bag of chips and an over -priced bagel sandwich.
"As I stood in line to pay, I couldn't help but overhear this woman as she complained to several bookstore employees about their book return and refund policy.
"Apparently, this particular student had already bought the book and was now asking to return it and get her money back.
"I left, jalapeño chips in hand, before I could hear how the situation was resolved, but the entire incident got me thinking about the us- versus - them attitude that I think most students have toward the UTEP bookstore.
"For one, the bookstore's textbook prices are easily the highest and almost any other bookseller to offer the same book for a much lower price.
"With websites like Amazon.com, eBay and Chegg.com, it's easier and cheaper for students to simply order their books ahead of time and often pay $20 to $30 less than what the UTEP bookstore is asking for.
"Additionally, the bookstore's return policy makes it seemingly impossible to get a refund for an unneeded book..."
Good points Vanessa! :)
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, Destino!
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly $$Enablers$$
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Original published source:
Parish bulletin labeled "The Weekend of Saturday June 26th & Sunday June 27th, 2010."
"Serving in the following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for July 4, 2010.
"Treva Schroeder, Jerry & Marian Weber, Carroll & Janis Wiseman"
2010 Kinney County Texas BHS Grads Ms. Cynthia Bland & Mr. Cody Clark are college bound!
Ms. Bland's life goal: to go to "South West Texas Junior College and major in Administrative Information Technology."
Mr. Clark's life goal: "to attend Angelo State University [w/ Mr. Raúl Rivas!] and major in Biochemistry and later get a degree in medicine."
Thanks to: The Brackett News. Thursday June 24, 2010.
Three Altar Servers make all the difference at Second Sunday Mass.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. June 27, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. Team Mr. Patrick Ortiz w/Mr. Dante Luna and Mr. J.T. Rosas.
June 29. Feast Day of the Apostles Saint Peter & Saint Paul.
June 28. Feast Day of Saint Irenaeus.
AD 140 - 202.
Bishop of Lyons.
Problems in proselytizing fellow prisoners:
The Sustainability Issue for converts.
When, for example:
Everything is based on high emotions....
"Fundamentalists are incapable of proving two things:
"The existence of God, and the inspiration of the Bible.
"[W]hile the recidivism rate for Fundamentalist converts hovers around 70 to 80 percent,
"... the rate for committed Catholic converts runs in the single digits."
Random adaptation from this source: Gerald Korson's article Faith behind Bars, in the July / August 2010 issue of This Rock magazine.
Career Catholic inmate - apologist Russell Ford's personal opinion regarding sustainability in his fellow inmates who become Fundamentalist converts as opposed to those who become Catholic converts.
In effect it's like: " Once I'm out of prison, what's next?"
"The Fundies, as he calls the, are full of enthusiasm but leave much to be desired.
"This is the most common type of Christian convert in prison: one who wants to fly straight but does not get the substance he needs to accomplish it.
"Ford said, Modern Fundamentalist Christianity provides little to hold onto spiritually or morally. Everything is based on high emotions. When the good feelings are gone, so is the right living.
"As a result, while the recidivism rate for Fundamentalist converts hovers around 70 to 80 percent, the rate for committed Catholic converts runs in the single digits.
"Substance is a need that Catholic apologetics fills."
"Substance is a need that Catholic apologetics fills.
"Through his First Century Christian Ministries, Ford and his converts publish a newsletter and provide catechetical materials to thousands of prisoners in dozens of other penitentiaries through their Catholic chaplains.
"[H]e said, Fundamentalists are incapable of proving two things: The existence of God, and the inspiration of the Bible. We can prove both, and convicts find this fascinating. They are also impressed with proofs from Scripture for confession, purgatory, and the Most Holy Eucharist..."
Way to go, amigo! :)
An Evangelical block - buster!
And in Christian Theology!
"As an Evangelical, I do not offer prayers to the saints; I have, however..."
Uh, oh! :)
Houston Baptist University Professor Louis Markos:
"Why We Still Need Plato: A Healthy Corrective"
Random snippets adapted from this original source:
The City Spring 2010. This journal defines itself on the cover as A Publication of Houston Baptist University. "and visit us online at CIVITATE.ORG .""Along with a growing number of my fellow evangelicals, I have learned to qualify the Reformation cry of sola scriptura by asserting the foundational authority of the ecumenical councils that formed the creeds.
"I have learned too to drink deeply at the patristic well: not raising Sacred Tradition to the same level as the Bible, but according a greater weight of authority to the sermons and treatises of Church Fathers from Irenaeus to Athanasius to Chrysostom to Augustine.
"Though it is probably too early to speak of an official Protestant Resourcement, I have been cheered by the enthusiasm with which evangelical colleges, presses, and scholars have reconnected with our ancient Christian heritage.
"And that reconnection has been taking place as well in the more theologically orthodox sectors of the mainline..."
Pages later:
"As an Evangelical, I do not offer prayers to the saints; I have, however, been able (with a little help from Plato) to get myself past the inbred Protestant resistance to the belief that was held strongly by most of the early and medieval Church Fathers: namely, that some Christians, through grace as well as merit, draw closer to God and, by so doing, gain a deeper understanding of the Good, the True, and / or the Beautiful ..."
"Louis Markos, (www.Loumarkos.com) Professor in English at Houston Baptist University etc... "
June 24. Feast Day of the Nativity of John the Baptist.
June 23. Solemnity of John the Baptist.
Fr. Vincent Serpa responds to this real - life issue:
"I am a lesbian but will not go to any other church besides the Catholic Church..."
From the July / August 2010 edition of This Rock publication.
"I am a lesbian but will not go to any other church besides the Catholic Church. I have been discouraged from going because I am living with my girlfriend. Is it possible for me to be a lesbian and receive the sacraments?"
Fr. Serpa's answer:
"There is no reason to be discouraged. The fact that you exist at this very moment is evidence of the Lord's love for you. He continually expresses that love with every beat of your heart. He also was willing to allow his heart to stop as the result of much suffering on your behalf.
"It is very possible to have same - sex attraction, be celibate, and live a very fulfilling life. He can make that happen if you want him to.
"For a firsthand perspective from a person in a situation like yours, The Courage to Do What Herod Didn't Do (This Rock, March 2009, available at catholic.com).
" -- Fr. Vincent Serpa "
"Eliminan escuelas turnos vespertinos"... injustificable mantener estos turnos vespertinos...
Fuente original:
Un comentario por el Señor licenciado Jaime Hernández Cruz. Zócalo Acuña. Miércoles 16 de junio de 2010.
"Por segundo año consecutivo, la Jefatura 01 de Escuelas Primarias Federalizadas en Acuña se verá en la necesidad de tener que desaparecer otro turno vespertino, en este caso de la primaria federal Coahuila, en base a la nula preinscripción de alumnos en el pasado mes de febrero.
"El jefe de ese sector, profesor Humberto Jiménez Garza, indicó que antier por la tarde se llevó a cabo una reunión en donde tanto la parte oficial como sindical estuvieron presentes viendo las necesidades del próximo ciclo escolar."Dijo que la eliminación obligada de los turnos vespertinos es un fenómeno que se viene dando, especialmente en las escuelas del sector centro, motivado sobre todo por el cambio de domicilio de muchas familias hacia colonias de la periferia, lo que va dejando a las escuelas con un bajo número de alumnos que hacen injustificable mantener estos turnos vespertinos..." ¡Andale, profe! :)
B.H.S. 2010 Grads Mr. Gerardo Jerry DeHoyos & Ms. Jessica Earwood got big plans.
Down in Kinney County, Texas 78832.
His plans: "I plan to attend SWTJC to study Mechanics."
Her plans are: " ..to attend South West Texas Junior College and later transfer to Angelo State University to earn my degree in Nursing."
Thanks to The Brackett News. Thursday. June 17, 2010.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Paulinus of Nola.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint John Fisher.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Thomas More.
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers.
Hard charging parishioners still zealously circling the wagons to protect ripoffs from detection...
At Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
'Way down in southwest Texas....
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
As we read the bulletin for The Weekend of Saturday June 19th & Sunday June 20th, 2010.
"Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for June 27, 2010
"Mary Meek, Regina Peña Salinas, Hortencia Peña, Yolanda Rueda"
Is the Very Rev. James Patrick Fischler, CICM, first in line to replace Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu ??!!
If Bishop Cantú should in turn take Archbishop Gomez's place early next year??!!
Since at least September 0f 2007, well - informed clergy were telling all and sundry that Archbishop José H. Gomez was desperately angling to become the next Cardinal of Los Angeles.
They were right!
Now, Pope Benedict XVI has made it clear that Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu could more than likely succeed Archbishop Gómez as the next Archbishop of San Antonio, with a "surprise appointment" being announced by the end of this December, to take effect maybe by the end of this coming February, 2011. If so, where's the evidence?? :)
Answer:Its the flyer enclosed in our own St. Mary Magdalene's bulletin this past weekend.
The one inviting us all to go to the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Del Rio there to learn great and wonderful things about something called "Archbishop José H. Gomez's Pastoral Letter."
And, for all the Very Rev. James Patrick Fischler's name is no where mentioned, it is his church.
Surely, then, in the course of time, Archbishop Sambi, Papal Nuncio to the United States will get the word....:)
June 21. Feast Day of Aloysius Gonzaga.
Hey, UTEP!
¡Hey, Familia!
The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Vanessa Juarez has this week's feature:
"Game changers"
"Ft. Bliss 3rd. Brigade Combat Team reshapes how war is fought."
¡Adelante, Vanessa!
Brief snippet from original published online: Wednesday, June 16, 2010.
"In the middle of the desert that surrounds Doña Ana, the wind roared around the ears of soldiers from the 2nd. Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, coating everything in sight with a fine, brownish - red dust.
"The soldiers are training [and] becoming familiar with each other and getting used to what life will be like when the brigade they are a part of -- the 3rd Brigade Combat Team -- is deployed to Afghanistan in the spring of 2012.
"Operation Bulldog Brawl, the month - long training exercise the brigade is now participating in, began June 1 and ends June 26.
"The brigade, which contains nearly 3,500 soldiers, is utilizing the rocky desert and mountains of Northeast El Paso and Southern New Mexico to field cutting - edge technology, including a small, roving robot that transmits images to its operator day or night..."
Way to go, Vanessa!
Wow! ¡Guau!
The movie Star Wars is here, now! :)
"Eternity is too Long -- To be Wrong"
"The Wages of Sin will be Paid on Time"
Thanks to:Rev. Ned Sitzes.
Pastor of Brackettville, Texas'
Frontier Baptist Church.
"Requieren apoyo las mujeres maltradas"
Fuente original: La licenicada Alma Proa. Zócalo Acuña. Miércoles 10 de junio de 2010.
Y así nos asegura la licenciada Brenda Berenice Salas Mata, Titular de Opciones Dignas:
"La comunidad puede donar ropa, calzado para todas las edades y artículos de aseo personal que se utilizan en el refugio temporal..."
Y, también:
"Dijo que este departamento recibe una ayuda mensual del Banco Internacional de Alimentos (BIA), que mes por mes les proporciona despensas par el sostén del refugio..."
¡Seguimos adelante!
Coahuila - El Gobierno de la Gente
"El Gobierno dota de mejores espacios de recreación a la gente de Acuña"
Looks like more early 1967 Vietnam War Marine survivors of Nui Loc Son / Hill 185 -- from 'ole Fox 2/1 -- a.k.a. The Big Outfit -- are being located!
B.H.S. 2010 Grad Ms. Tierra C. Kuykendall shares her plans for life after graduation!
Way down in Kinney County, Texas.
Zip 78832.
Her plans? "To attend college in hopes to become a teacher..."
Way to go, Tierra C.!Original info courtesy of The Brackett News. Thursday, June 10, 2010.
"I'll be remembered as the priest with a daughter, yet even this is a great blessing..."
Tribute to Father Samuel Heitkamp, "a retired priest of the archdiocese."
In Today's Catholic -- issue of Friday, June 4, 2010.
"My special joy is the inheritance of my daughter / ward as I assisted her adoptive mother in her final days as God called her from this life.
"This allowed my priesthood to experience the parenting side of life as well.
"Nicole called me Father Sam as her pastor but now she calls me her dad.
"I have have had the happiness and joy of having baptized and married hundreds over these years.
"There was the joy of bringing relief to families in the anointing of their sick.
"With this goes the miracle cures this sacrament has generated from time to time.
"Along with these times goes the opportunity to assist family members in their time of grief as I conducted the funerals of their loved ones.
"Yes, my 43 years as a priest have had many wonderful blessings and memories."
Again, the blessing of his daughter!
"It is the last blessing that I will that I will be remembered for over and over my other many blessings.
"I will be remembered as the priest with a daughter, yet even this is a great blessing..."
Local St. Mary Magdalene's YAs in the news!
Brackettville, Texas' Las Guadalupanas president Betty Guajardo.
Named Good Neighbor of the Week.
By the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, June 15, 2010.
"... She loves being President of the Guadalupanas, at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, she loves her job at the United Medical Center..."
In short, good people!
She's a winner...
Last Sunday's a.m. Masses well -- served
By our up and coming generation!
At St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas. Zip 78832.
Sunday, June 13, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Britney Castilla.
Sunday, June 13, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. J.T. Rosas y/o Ray Sandoval + Mr. Justin Gallegos.
Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers.
'Way down in Brackettville, Texas' St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Where some clowns are so bold as to freely say that the K of Cs most accurate service -- oriented motto -- locally, at least! -- should be:
♪ We cool, we empowered, we embezzle and meddle as good as we walk ♫ :)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for June 20, 2010
"Mike & Twilley Young, Shirley Donaldson, Patti Hidalgo"
Original published source:
Parish bulletin of "The Weekend of Saturday June 12th & Sunday 13th, 2010..."
Thanks to all who sacrificed yesterday to make the Seargeant Family's Medical Expenses Benefit Loteria and BBQ Plate Sale a great success.
Folks, it takes a lot of dedicated people to make these fund raisers go...
And it can be all summed up in the word:
Lesson for such places as St. Mary's Magdalene's in Brackettville, Texas:
Knights of Columbus hoods can be either men or women.
... small time, or big time...
"California man indicted for embezzlement" I.
Source: CathNewsUSA -- a Service of Paulist Press.
Published: April 15, 2009.
"Federal prosecutors announced last week that a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging Thom [sic] Randle, 68, of Chico, with multiple counts of mail fraud, computer fraud and money laundering schemes.
"Randle is alleged to have engaged in a scheme in which he used his computer to steal funds from the Colombian Retirement Home, a nonprofit retirement facility operated by the Knights of Columbus."[H]e allegedly embezzled approximately $693,000 by opening bank accounts and unlawfully transferring funds to other accounts controlled by him.
"He then reportedly used the stolen funds to pay for personal expenses..."
"Bookkeeper charged with embezzling from Knights of Columbus." II.
Source: By Elizabet Dunbar, Minnesota Public Radio's MPR News Q. October 19, 2009."St. Paul, Minn. -- A bookkeeper who already had theft and fraud convictions on her record has been charged with embezzling nearly $65,000 from the Knights of Columbus."Darcella Lee Lacquay, 49, of Bloomington, worked as a bookkeeper for the Bloomington chapter of Knights of Columbus until she was fired in July, according to a criminal complaint filed in Hennepin County."When questioned by police, Lacquay said she had a gambling habit and had forged the checks to make house payments, according to the complaint..."
June 11. Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
"Bruce Sullivan was raised as a Southern Baptist and served as a Church of Christ preacher for seven years...
"... and was an ardent anti - Catholic."
Original published source:
From the listed speakers for the forthcoming How Firm a Foundation's "8th Annual Deep in History Conference."
October 22 - 24, 2010 -- Hilton Easton -- Columbus, Ohio.
All included within the SPECIAL EDITION June 2010 Newsletter.
"Bruce Sullivan was raised as a Southern Baptist and served as a Church of Christ preacher for seven years.
"As a Church of Christ preacher for seven years, Bruce was a zealous apostle for what he believed to be the true Gospel and was an ardent anti - Catholic.
"All of that changed, however, when he was confronted with the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith while trying to evangelize a Catholic family who had moved into his community.
"His studies precipitated by encounter with his Catholic neighbors eventually led Bruce to recognize that the Catholic Church is, in fact, the true Church of Christ.
"As a result, he was received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil of 1995.
"Bruce is a graduate of Auburn University and the Sunset School of Preaching.
"He has been a guest on EWTN's Mother Angelica Live, Bookmark, The Journey Home, Deep in Scripture, and Catholic Answers Live.
"He is also the author of Christ in His Fullness: A Protestant Minister Discovers the Fullness of Christ in the Catholic Church published by CHResources, CHNI's publishing outreach.
"Bruce and his wife, Gloria, reside with their five children on a family farm in rural Kentucky..."
The UTEP Prospector -- Posted 06/03/10:
"New Student Body President Diana Gloria is Ready to Take Over"
Mr. Joe Velarde has the story...
"From the moment she accepted her position as student body president for The University of Texas El Paso in May, Diana Gloria, a junior communications major was ready to go...
"A member of the Student Government Association (SGA) since 2008, the former senator at large and executive assistant under past president Alex Muñoz has politics in her blood.
"Her brother, Art Gloria, was student body president in 2006.
"Despite having two large shoes to fill, one belonging to Muñoz and the second belonging to her brother, Gloria is ready to lead her schoolmates into the 2010 - 11 school year.
"Gloria is the first woman elected as student body president since Myrna Rodriguez, who served from 1999 to 2000..."
'Way to go, Diana! :)
I'm proud to say I was privileged to speak with your brother Art several times during his bid for reelection -- I guess this was most likely in Spring Semester 2006 -- on the STOP Party platform.
My lasting impression of Art is of a warm, supportive, caring person, who worked very hard to bring more UTEP freshmen and sophomore women into the SGA political scene via his Students Taking On Progress slate of candidates -- it almost seemed there was a STOP Party candidate for nearly all available positions!
Fr. Alvaro Delgado the pastor of Stockton, California's St. Edward Church:
... a predominantly Hispanic church in the Diocese of Stockton ...
"So it is that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church's spiritual life....
From the Homiletic & Pastoral Review June / July 2010. Section labeled "HOMILIES for Sunday Liturgies and Feasts. 18th Sunday of the Year -- August 1. Becoming what we pray. "
"The liturgy is the inexhaustible fount flowing into every private Our Father, Hail Mary, Rosary, novena or Chaplet of Divine Mercy that is prayed privately by the believer. ..
" This means personal prayers and devotions should never be substitutes to the liturgy, disconnected from the Body of Christ.
"The Catholic man or woman of prayer is never a Lone Ranger, engaged in a strictly me - and - God relationship.
"Every prayer should take the believer ever deeper into the paschal mystery of the Lord Jesus Christ, into his life, death and Resurrection.
"Every prayer should take the believer into a communion of love with God and his people.
"This is the mystery lived out in every Eucharist in the most powerful and perfect way..."
Ettal Monastery, Bavaria, Germany:
"Abuse alleged at Benedictine school. 100 former students join in complaint."
"[S]aid special investigator Thomas Pfister, My investigation quite clearly shows that for decades up until around 1990, children and adolescents were brutally, sadistically tormented and also sexually abused in the Ettal monastery..."
From CWR. June 2010
Germany: "Bishop apologizes, then resigns. Accused of physical abuse.
... orphanage funds were allegedly used for a tanning bed, wines, and an art collection ...
"Three weeks after five former residents of a Catholic children's home accused Bishop Walter Mixa of Augsburg of physically abusing them in the 1970s and 1980s, the prelate offered an apology.
"He soon followed the apology with his resignation.
"Bishop Mixa is also under investigation for financial irregularities; orphanage funds were allegedly used for a tanning bed, wines, and an art collection..."
From CWR, June 2010.
¿Novedades en la frente?You bet!
Allies of Pope Benedict XVI assist him in declaring war on militant homosexual predators and their Lavender Mafia and / or straight allies in the European episcopacy.Thus, this ongoing crackdown includes even those European bishops simply involved in cover ups of alleged child - abuse linked in turn to regular sexual hanky - panky.
"Norway: Bishop admits past abuse. Resigned in 2009""Bishop Georg Muller of Trondheim has admitted abusing a boy two decades ago..."
"Sweden: Bishop ready to resign.
"Bishop Anders Arborelius -- Sweden's only bishop -- says he is ready to resign amid claims that he failed in 2003 to address an abuse allegation adequately.
"A woman alleges that after she informed the bishop she had been abused by a priest who was having an affair with her mother, she was referred to a therapist..."
"Belgium: Bishop of Bruges resigns. Admits sexual abuse.
"Bishop Roger Vangheluwe of Bruges has resigned because of sexual abuse in which he was personally involved,,,"
From The Catholic World Report, June 2010.
June 9. Feast Day of Saint Ephrem.
"I think we will become a smaller, but more vibrant Church..."
"I don't know how we can retain those who are Catholic by routine..."
The Most Reverend Salvatore Cordileone, Bishop of Oakland California.
Third - generation Sicilian American prelate pulls no punches!
A snippet from this original source:
Interview with him titled Smaller But More Vibrant ... etc, by Jim Graves, The Catholic World Report. The edition of June 2010.
Question of Bishop Cordileone:
"Do you foresee a return in vitality to the Church in America?"
The Bishop's Answer:
"I think we will become a smaller, but more vibrant Church.
"I don't know how we can retain those who are Catholic by routine or occasion in a society that doesn't even support religious values, let alone Catholic ones."But others will tire of corruption and decadence in our society, and recognize the truth and beauty of the Church's teaching that we have received from Christ.."
'Way to go, your excellency! :)
Saint Mary Magdalene's in Brackettville, Texas, last Sunday's Bulletin:
"Announcement"A big thank you to everyone that helped make this 2010 Womens' ACTS Retreat possible...
"For helping, donating, and praying.
"for all your hard work and supporting our fund raisers and us.
"To the Women who said - Yes! - and to all the teams from Del Rio, Rocksprings, Uvalde, San Antonio and Brackett.
"But first of all to Our Lord Jesus Christ."Way to go, Sisters! :)
Operation Friendly Enablers / Palace Guard.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"Serving in the Following Ministries
"The Collection Counters for June 13, 2010.
"Tina Meek, Dan & Bernice Yandell, Ricardo & Dalia Rangel"
Original published source:
Sunday bulletin for "The Weekend of Saturday June 5th & Sunday June 6th, 2010."
Second a.m. Mass well - served at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. June 6, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Tony Flores & Mr. Justin Hidalgo.
"A Protestant Historian Discovers the Catholic Church"
"By A. David Anders, Ph.D."
"I grew up an Evangelical Protestant in Birmingham, Alabama.
"My parents were loving and devoted, sincere in their faith, and deeply involved in our church.
"They installed in me a respect for the Bible as the Word of God, and a desire for a living faith in Christ.
"Missionaries frequented our home and brought their enthusiasm for their work...
"I suppose it is no surprise that I became a Church historian, but becoming a Catholic was the last thing I expected......"
Fast forward...
"In addition to the truth, I found Jesus in His Church, through His Mother, in the whole company of His saints.
"I entered the Catholic Church on November 16, 2003.
"I am grateful to my parents for pointing me to Christ and the Scriptures.
"I am grateful to St. Augustine for pointing me to the Church..."
From the May 2010 Newsletter.
The Coming Home Network International
P.O. Box 8290
Zanesville, Ohio 43702.
UTEP Summer 2010 has already finished its first week!
"The heat's on..."
Jesuits' magazine America on:
"Sin Inside the Church"
Monday, May 31, 2010. A random snippet follows...
"En route to Portugal, Pope Benedict XVI spoke bluntly about the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
"[S]aid the pope, The suffering of the church also comes from within the church, because sin exists in the church ... today we see it in a truly terrifying way. The greatest persecution of the church does not come from the enemies on the outside, but is born in sin inside the church..."
"On the other hand, the pope's words did signal a rebuke to the Curial cardinals who have blamed the media and other so - called enemies for a problem that was of their own making...
Way to go, Holy Father! :)