Good Altar Serving at 8 a.m. Mass.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday, June 24, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM: Mr. J.T. Rosas.
Way to go, J.T.! As we told you after Mass, "Who knows but what God may have plans for you as a priest, someday! " :)
June 27. Feast Day of Saint Cyril of Alexandria.
June 28. Feast Day of Saint Irenaeus.
June 29. Feast Day of Saint Peter & Saint Paul.
June 30. Feast Day of the First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Latest UT El Paso "Summer update!"
June 24. Feast Day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Paulinas of Nola.
June 22. Feast Day of Bishop Saint John Fisher.
June 22. Feast Day of Saint Thomas More.
Good Altar Servers always make a difference.
As in the 8 a.m. Spanish - language Sunday Mass.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. June 17, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM: Ms. Brianna Flores & Mr. Alex DeHoyos.
Good job, great people! :)
Incoming Pastor Father Moreno isn't dragging his feet!
"June 21st. Joint meeting for all Committees and Organizations at 6:30 p.m. in the Original Church.
"The new Pastor Father Moreno would like to discuss changes and make plans for the change of Priests.
"Please try to attend.
"This meeting is very important!"
From insert stapled in yesterday's bulletin...
Fr. Kevin M. Cusick tells us:
"New Priests Offer Traditional Mass"
The Wanderer. Thursday June 14, 2012.
More info at:
"The E - edition of The Wanderer!
"Log on Today at:
"for a complimentary 3 issue trial!"
June 21. Feast Day of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
June 19. Feast Day of Saint Romauld.
June 17. Happy Fathers' Day!
Going on 46 year ago this August in Camp Pendleton, California..
A bunch of us U.S. Marine ITR trainees were jogging along with our M - 1s at sling arms,
chanting such inspiring lines as:
♪ Chesty, Chesty, can't you see? ♫
♫ This PT is killing me! ♪
♫ I don't want no BAR! ♪
♪ I just want a CANDY BAR ♫
♪ Lead me to a coke machine! ♫
♫ 'Cause I'm just a CANDY - A*SS Marine! ♪
Ah! Such memories of having been privileged to have served alongside those heroes of MCRD Platoon 1025:
The "Allegedly Mother - Fixated Bright Boys of the Summer of 1966!"
Published years ago on this same blog ... :)
Cristero Movie "For Greater Glory" now starting third week!
To see why it's a hit:
The TFP's online version of their Crusade magazine has some great features!
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Congratulations to B.H.S. student Ms. Selina Gerardo.
She volunteered to be the lector for the 10:30 a.m. English - language Mass.
Sunday. June 10, 2012.
Way to go, Selina!
Hey, UTEP!
¡Hey, Familia!
Summer Semester II is already in the middle of the second week! .
The Word Among Us magazine's special combined issue for July / August 2012.
Daily Scriptural readings for all the Masses for those months.
Plus, this issue's theme is Angels All Around.
We read about the roles played by both good spirits and demonic spirits.
And not let us fool ourselves: those demonic spirits are super - strong, too.
Likewise a fine article about the famous Catholic U.S. Army chaplain who died in a Korean War Red Chinese POW camp.
June 16. Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart of the Most Ever Blessed Virgin Mary.
June 15. Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Sunday's a.m. Spanish Mass well - served.
At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday, June 10, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. Altar - server TEAM: Mr. Roman Rosas & Mr. Xavier Herrera.
Way to go, great young people! :)
"Marians announce evangelization initiative
"Hearts Afire: Parish - based Programs launched on EWTN..."
By Dan Valenti. Marian Helper magazine. Summer 2012.
"On Divine Mercy Sunday, April 15, during the telecast on EWTN, the Marian Fathers announced the formal launch of the Hearts Afire: Parish - based programs for the New Evangelization (HAPP).
"Fr. Joe said it's vital to talk about evangelization, about spreading the fire of God's love and mercy to others.
"To find out more about bringing HAPP to your parish, visit
"email .
"Or call 1 - 877 - 200 - 4277 "
June 11. Feast Day of Saint Barnabas.
June 13. Feast Day of Saint Anthony of Padua.
"A Film Review ... Cristero War Hits The Big Screen"
By Michael J. Miller. The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. Thursday, June 7, 2012.
"Actor Ruben Blades gives a downright chilling portrayal of Calles as a brilliant, dispassionate, but ruthless leader who doggedly applies revolutionary logic in ruling a deeply religious nation.
"For Greater Glory is stirring in the scenes that show General Gorostieta, literally back in the saddle, taking charge of the assorted bands of rebels, some of them led by rustic heroes, others by a priest, Fr. Vega.
"Although vastly outnumbered by the federal forces, the Cristeros begin to win a series of victories once they have central command and a coordinated strtaegy.
"The battle scenes, filmed on location in picturesque canyons and rural villages, are spectacular.
"The film does seriously address the moral ambivalence of lethal combat in the name of the Christian faith.
"A speech by Gorostieta as he leads his men into battle describes the cause of the Cristeros as self - defense against violent repression.
"The general is gradually converted by the dedicated witness of his fellow soldiers ...
"The film was released on June 1.
"For a trailer and information about theaters, visit ..."
Sounds like a pretty good movie, huh? :)
Day II of Teen ACTS RETREAT in Del Rio, Texas, U.S.A.
Good luck, young people!!
June Changes in Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Saturday, June 16, 2012:
After the 5:30 p.m. Mass, there will be a goodbye potluck for Deacon Joe & Mrs. Elizabeth Goebel. They're relocating to Monahans after 18 years faithful service here.
Good luck, great people! :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012:
After the 10:30 a.m. Mass, there will be a sendoff for Fr. Pius Ezeigbo who has completed his "official" 3 - year tour of duty here this month.
The best of luck to you, Father! :)
Paris, France.
May, 1974.
French Cardinal Danielou's sensational death.
"Mimi Santoni, the prostitute saw him fall to his knees ...."
By Paul Likoudis in The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. Thursday, May 31, 2012.
Article's title:
"Conference in Rome ends Silence on Cardinal Danielou"
"But the mystery of his death and of the taciturn explanation that followed it must also be resolved.
"Mimi Santoni, the prostitute, saw him fall to his knees with his face on the floor before he breathed his last.
"And to her it was a good death for a cardinal.
"He had gone to bring her money to pay for a lawyer capable of getting her husband out of prison.
"It was the last of his works of charity carried out in secret, on behalf of despised persons in need of help and forgiveness.
"The Jesuits conducted exhaustive investigations to discover the truth.
"They ascertained his innocence.
"But they also shrouded the case in a silence that did not dispel the suspicions.
"The rupture between Danielou and his other Jesuit confreres in Paris and the rest of France was in effect the true origin of the neglect that fell upon this great theologian and cardinal ..."
Good story! :)
June 10. Sunday of the Most Precious Body & Blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A young Mexican Army officer in Santa Anna's retreating army in 1836 opened his daily journal entry one day with this laconic entry: "June 2. Corpus Christi."
June 9. Feast Day of Saint Ephrem.
UTEP Summer Semester I starts today!
"Have fun everyone!" :)
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
Holy Trinity Sunday's Spanish Mass well - served.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Holy Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. Altar Server TEAM: Mr. Justin Hidalgo.
Way to go, Justin!
Congratulations to 2012 B.H.S. Prom Queen Lauren Duncan & Prom King Grant Westbrook!
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Congratulations, too!
To all the Graduating Seniors of the Brackett Tigers H.S. Class of 2012.
June 6. Feast Day of Saint Norbert.