Thursday, February 28, 2013

March 1. Viernes Primero -- First Friday.

March 1. Texas County Governments Celebrate Texas Independence Day.

March 2. Sábado Primero -- First Saturday.

March 3. Tercero Domingo de Cuaresma -- Third Sunday of Lent.

March 4. Feast Day of Saint Casimir -- San Casimiro -- 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Do you believe God had a hand in the Baltmore Ravens' Super Bowl title ...?"

From Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly. Sunday, February 24, 2013.

"If you say yes, you aren't alone ...

"Here's a look at how many Catholics believe God has a hand in who wins sporting events: 

 "29% believe God has a hand in determining which team wins.

"56% think God rewards athletes who have faith.

"46% approve of athletes publicly expressing their faith during or after games ..."

Wow! You don't say! :)

"Prayer + Penance = Change!"

Marquee Magic from the Rev. Ned Sitzes, Pastor.

Frontier Baptist Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832
Way to go, Brother Ned! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last Saturday's 5:30 pm deacon - less Mass still well - supported!

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Celebrant -- Fr. Antonio Moreno.

Altar Servers TEAM  -- Ms. Brittany Castilla and Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

TEAM Moms -- Frances and Patti 

Extraordinary Ministers -- Mrs. Frances Franklin, Mrs. Mary Sam York, Mrs. Rosa Cantu.

Lector -- Ms. Carole Whitworth.

Head Usher -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Before -- Mass Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Way to go, great and wonderful  people! :)

"Somos un pueblo telenovelero -- y como consecuencia -- todo el mundo somos integrantes del mismo elenco..."

Catón -- El auto - apuntado orgullo de Coahuila y consentido de México...

Monday, February 25, 2013

A whimsical look at the issue of gay sex in public servants -- reminiscent of pre - 2002 Catholic America!

Kinney County female supervisors are prompt to "circle the wagons and attack the accuser..." 

"Does a male Kinney County Library patron entitled  to freedom from male on male physical stalking and verbal harassment by a Kinney County employee?"

The short answer is NO!

A better answer may well be in the hands of:

 Del Rio Attorney Jacques L. Dela Mota, (830) 775 - 7780 -- If amendable! :)

The Honorable US Congressman Pete Gallego (202) 225 - 4511.

The Honorable Texas Senator Carlos I. Uresti (512) 463 - 0119.

The Honorable Texas Representative Tracey O. King (512) 463 - 0194.

Most likely by the end of this June we'll be rolling right along! :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

"Lessons from Mali

Snippets from an unsigned editorial  in Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly. Sunday, February 17, 2013.

"The symbolism of the al - Qaida assault on Mali should not be missed..."

"They imposed Shariah law and sought to destroy the magnificent historical heritage housed in Timbuktu's museum and library.

"But Mali, especially Timbuktu, was once the center of a vibrant Muslim culture and learning long before the United States was founded.

"Thousands of ancient manuscripts transcribed by Muslim scribes were housed there.

"What was eye - opening was that all of this was being imposed on an Islamic society horrified by these excesses.

"Mali's version of Islam and its relative tolerance of other faiths made the assault by the radicals that much more significant.

"Many Westerners blame it all on Islam, decrying it as a blood - thirsty creed, yet, the victims of the violence in Mali were themselves Muslim.

"They were Muslims who hid the manuscripts and hailed the French who rescued them.

"They were Muslims who spoke out against the horrors and Muslims who were killed for resisting ..."

Good points! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

From Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly, Sunday -- February 17, 2013:

"Priest, teacher convicted..."

"A Philadelphia jury on January 30 convicted a suspended priest, Father Charles Engelhardt, and a former Catholic school teacher, Bernard Shero, on charges related to the sexual abuse of an altar boy, age 10, that occurred from 1998 to 2000..."

"Baptism agreement ..."

"Representatives of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and four Protestant denominations, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Christian Reformed Church in North America, the Reformed Church in America and the United Church of Christ, publicly signed an agreement January 29 that recognizes the validity of one another's baptisms ..."

Personal note: yours truly was informed by a young associate pastor of Houston's First United Methodist Church -- away back in 1974! -- that they, too, recognized my Roman Catholic baptism as valid! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"♪El demonio colorado ...

No más me importa lo que piensas tú de mí,

Con este demonito rojo me quisiera  yo casar !♫

"♪Por la culpa de las estrellas que me illuminan por revés ...

"♫Me obligan a ser no más que otro borracho ...♪" 

Latest word on "missing" Kinney County, Texas KCL employee:

In effect we're told:

"He can stay missing -- on unpaid leave -- up to three (3) months before being fired..."

Thus, the fact that he refuses to answer his cell phone or to acknowledge urgent  text messages sent to him  by his supervisor are both legally irrelevant.

The more so as his supervisor confirms he did have the good sense to turn in his keys before leaving "for two weeks, maybe more..."

And, now it seems, the Kinney County Judge and his Kinney County Board of Commissioners are legally prohibited from hiring a replacement or taking any other action... 

So -- how much of the above is even true, if any of it? 

Because I -- What exactly constitutes a Kinney County, Texas employee -- for payroll and benefits purposes -- under the laws governing such things in Texas' Vernon's Statutes (or some such thing!)?  

Because II -- He was dropped from the rolls of a special grant last Fall -- for reasons no one cares to publicly discuss! -- and only then picked up by the official Kinney County payroll starting less than six months back -- as the replacement for a departing  long - time KCL employee -- Ms. Lydia Solis ... :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 24. Second Sunday in Lent -- Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma.

February 23.  Feast Day of Saint Polycarp -- Bishop and Martyr -- San Policarpo -- obispo y mártir.

February 22. Feast Day of the Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle -- Cátedra  de San Pedro Apóstol.

February 21. Feast Day of Saint Peter Damian -- Bishop and Doctor of the Church -- San Pedro Damián -- obispo y doctor de la Iglesia.

Friday, February 15, 2013


"Benefit for Ida Pacheco Sunday February 17, 2013 at 11:00 am Brackettville City Hall.

"Plates will consist of chicken, rice, beans and macaroni salad w/drink.

"$6.00 a plate and donations greatly appreciated..."

Glad to help, great people! :)

"Fish Fry Fundraiser

"The Knights of Columbus Council 8223 of the St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, will be hosting a fundraising fish fry on the following three Fridays:

February 22nd., March 8th and March 22nd., 2013 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm behind the church.

The plate will consist of catfish, coleslaw, French fries and drink at $6 / plate.

The proceeds will benefit various projects at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Thank you for all your continued support!"

Any old time! :)

"What Is Satan Still Telling You?"

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
305 S. Fort St.
Brackettville, Texas 78832

Contemporary Worship 5:30 p.m. Saturdays.
Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m. Sundays.
February 20th at 6:15 p.m.

Lenten Soup Sandwich and Worship

You are always welcome!

Way to go, good friends and neighbors... :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

U.S. Veterans of the 100 - days Gulf War 1991!

Starting now, until December 31, 2013:

"VA Extends Health Care, Compensation for Gulf War Illnesses"

Snippet from the DAV magazine, issue of January - February 2013.

And so, 175,000 Gulf War Vets have been more or less recognized as adversely impacted by what both the VA and DAV agree should be called "Gulf War Illnesses..."  

And to think that at least one Czechoslovakian Chemical Warfare combat intelligence unit reportedly warned that their poison gas monitors were starting to go ballistic.... :( 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church

Brackttville, Texas 78832. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013. 5:30pm Mass.

Celebrant: Fr. Antonio Moreno with the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon.

Homilist: Deacon Bader.

Altar Server Team: Ms. Brittany Castilla and Ms. Jackie Pacheco.

Extraordinary Ministers: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Susan Davis

Lector: Mrs. Leticia Carter.

Pre - Mass Rosary Leader: Mr. George Nicolai.

Usher Team Leader: Mr. George Nicolai.

Interim Choir Director: Mrs. Leticia Carter.

Way to go, great and wonderful people! :)

February 14. Feast Day of Saint Cyril -- monk. San Cirilio -- monje.

February 14. Feast Day of  Saint Methodius -- bishop. San Metodo -- obispo.

February 17. First Sunday of Lent -- Primero Domingo de Cuaresma.

February 18. Presidents Day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monsignor Owen F. Campion of OSV Newsweekly. Sunday, February 10, 2013.

Roman Catholic Countries and Same - Sex Marriage Stats

"...Of the 11 nations in which same - sex marriage is legal, five are very high in percentages of citizens who identify  themselves as Roman Catholics: Argentina 93%, Belgium 73%, Brazil 85%, Portugal 88% and Spain 93%.

Yet! He says, two kings and three presidents "all signed these legislative acts into law...

"This is startling and unsettling ..."

You bet! But! Not surprising... :(

Militantly gay "Quebec Priest's Lawsuit Advances -- Targets ..."

Poised now to casually grab half a $$$million$$$ plus all his own legal expenses ...

Snippet from Paul Likoudis' original article  in The Wanderer. Thursday, February 7, 2013.

"JOLIETTE, Quebec -- A Quebec judge ruled January 11 that a defamation and libel lawsuit against, filed by a Quebec priest will advance to trial.

"Judge Paul Mayer's ruling means that Joliette priest Fr. Raymond Gravel, a former male prostitute, [as well as] a self - described pro - choice advocate, supporter of gay marriage, women's ordination and euthanasia, and long - time critic of the Church's official moral teachings will have his day in court ..."

Well ... o.k.!! :)  

Friday, February 08, 2013

Weekend Liturgical Readings for such Catholic Churches as Saint  Mary Magdalene in Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Readings for February 10, 2013.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary time:   

Isaiah 6: 1 - 2A, 3 - 8
Psalm 138: 1 - 2, 2 - 3, 4 - 5, 7 - 8
I Corinthians 15: 1 - 11 or 15: 3 - 8, 11
Luke 5: 1 - 11

So, now we know! :) 

Snippets from OSV Newsweekly. Sunday, February 10, 2013.

 "Coroner: Friar killed self"

"A Franciscan friar in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania died January 26 from a self - inflicted knife wound.

"Friar Stephen Baker had faced abuse allegations and was discovered in his room at St. Bernardine Monastery...

"I never saw a water fountain that said gays only ... 

"Former Senator Ed Jones, who is African - American, criticizing those who depict same - sex unions as a civil rights issue..."

 Valentine's Day U.S. A. stats! :)

"73% of all  flower purchases are made by men.

"14% of women send flowers to themselves on Valentine's Day.

"85% of all Valentine's Day card purchases  are made by women.

"180 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually..."

Interesting! :)

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Full Ministerial team shines at last Saturday's 5:30 pm Mass ...

...  at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

In Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Saturday, February 2, 2013.

Celebrant: Father Antonio Moreno assisted by the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon.

Altar Server TEAM: Ms. Danielle Gerardo, Mr. Xavier Herrera, Mr. Moses Hernandez, Jr. and Mr. Eddie Argíl.

Eucharistic Minister Team Leader: Ms. Carol Whitworth.

Lector: Ms. Elizabeth Rangel -- as part of her 15th Birthday celebration! :) 

Before - Mass Rosary Leader: Mr. George Nicolai.

Usher Team Leader: K of C Mr. Frank Rodriguez.

Choir Director: Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Special Announcement:

"Congratulations to:

"Israel Andres Martinez and Orlando Reyes -- on their Baptism during Saturday's 5:30 pm Mass on January 26, 2013." 

Way to go, great and wonderful people! :)

San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Elite Mexican para - military combat  unit re - captures 2 more fugitives from last September 16's jail break in Piedras Negras -- across from Eagle Pass, Texas.

Plus 2 high - powered rifles plus grenades and 100 plastic bags of cocaine.

Makes for 46 caught and 16 more shot dead...

And 68 still running loose!

Way to go, amigos! :)

From Mexican News Radio Información sin fronteras ...

"Former Priest Arrested"

From Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly. Sunday, February 3, 2013.

"The arrest of suspended priest  Monsignor Kevin Wallin on drug charges has surprised the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut where he once served as pastor of the Cathedral parish.

"Monsignor Wallin was arrested January 3 and charged with six counts of possession with intent to distribute crystal meth ...

Well ... o.k.! :) 

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Meanwhile - in a remote, vast and lonely corner of the still - developing Third World:

Southwest Texas U.S.A. -- Zip 78832

A legendary two - fisted  Brackett ISD Superintendent comes out swinging...

Big time!

"Making a Difference"

By Taylor Stephenson. Snippet from his original in the Kinney County Post. Thursday, January 31, 2013.
"I attended a school administrator's conference in Austin the past two days.

"The financial outlook for the state of Texas is good, but the projections are that there will be no new money for schools in Texas.

"The last legislative session cut about $5 billion from educational appropriations.

"So, it looks like another year of school cuts throughout Texas.

"The Texas rainy day fund will grow to about $12 billion this year."


"The funding formula for schools is unfair and inadequate.

"Some districts receive  twice as much per child as others ..."

And friends? He is right: that's not cool! :(

Monday, February 04, 2013

February 5. Feast Day of Saint Agatha -- Virgin and Martyr.  Santa Agata -- Virgen y Mártir.

February 5. Feast Day of Saint Philip of Jesus -- Martyr. San Felipe de Jesus -- Mártir.

February 6. Feast Day of Saint Paul Miki and Companions -- Martyrs. San Pablo Miki y Compañeros -- Mártires.

February 8. Feast Day of Saint Jerome Emiliani. San Jerónimo Emiliani.

February 8. Feast Day of Saint Josephine Bakhita -- Virgin. Santa Josefina Bakhita -- Virgen.

February 11. Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes.

February 13.  Ash Wednesday - Miércoles de Cenizas. 

According to the whimsical opinion of Patrick J. Buchanan. In The Wanderer, Thursday, January 31, 2013. 

"Today, the minimalist slogan -- General Motors is alive and Obama bin Laden is dead -- is enough to get you re - elected President ..."

 OK! But! What about foreign policy issues the next four years?

"[I]t is abroad where the problems and perils seem imminent.

"Iraq is drifting toward sectarian -- civil -- ethnic war.

"The Taliban of Afghanistan's past may be her future ...

"In East Asia, escalating tensions between Japan and China are spawning a new nationalism in both nations, and now warships and jet fighters of both have begun circling the Senkaku Islands..."

So, what might also happen when ...

"... a re - elected Bibi Netanyahu and his neocon and War Party allies demand of the President an ultimatum to Tehran, followed by US airstrikes in its nuclear facilities at Natanz and Fordow if Iran does not capitulate ..."

 While in fact...

" ... most of us would settle for no more wars and no double - dip recession ...

Because "[t]oday, the minimalist slogan -- General Motors is alive and Osama bin Laden is dead! -- is enough to get you re - elected President ..."

Interesting points, Señor! :)

Friday, February 01, 2013

Our 2013 San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García - Siller's $$Appeal$$ Letter:

 "The outpouring of more than 26,000 faithful Catholics like you to the Appeal last year encourages me to  a new hope in 2013 ..."


So here's the math:

He needs $4 million from a proven data base of 26,000 households.

That equals roughly $153.85 per household.


In Brackettville, Texas 78832 -- Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church:

Of roughly 70 households, an average of $153.85 apiece will more or less equal our 2013 total assigned parish quota of maybe $10,000 all together...

Well, OK! :)

February 1. First Friday -- Viernes Primero.

February 2. First Saturday -- Sábado Primero.

February 2. Feast Day of the Presentation of the Lord -- La Presentación del Señor.

February 3. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.