"But can the Mad Mullah Fazlullah fill the now - empty boots of the late Mad Mullah Dadullah?"To find out, just pick up NEWSWEEK, for October 29, 2007, for the answer!It will be on pages 32 - 33."Where the Jihadi Lives Now"
UTEP CSC goon - team member to UTEP student: "f... your grandpa."¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA!¡Adelante, DESTINO!Letters to the Editor, the UTEP Prospector, Tuesday, October 23, 2007.Extracted from letter by Mr. Luis G. Martinez, UTEP senior, marketing major."As I anticipated an evenful Homecoming game, not only did I have to witness a disappointing loss, but unprofessional CSC staff behavior."I understand the need for security, but their demeanor is shameful."While I was trying to concentrate on the game I overheard a CSC staff member tell a student "fu... your grandpa."I can't help but wonder what representation the CSC staff is portraying to the community."Good point, amigo!
Phony UTEP "Medal of Honor Winner," phony vet's story, again ???Extract from a Letter to the Editor, the UTEP Prospector student newspaper ( Tuesday, Oct 23, 2007) from UTEP senior political science major, Mr. Leo Negrete.[ www.utepprospector.com ]"It has come to my attention that a UTEP student has been saying he was awarded a Medal of Honor."To hear anyone claiming to have been awarded the Medal of Honor is not only disrespectful, but also pathetic."What is even more pathetic is that this student is in a leadership position on campus."How can this student and president of this organization claim to have value and integrity when he is lying about being awarded the Medal of Honor?"Good, point, you all!Think about it!Remember the UTEP Communication's Department idiots, one male (junior or senior) and one female (sophomore, as I recall!) who conned the UTEP Prospector into publishing a front page "Veteran's Day" special full of shineola about the guy's father "who had escaped from the Viet Cong" (after killing four of them in hand to hand, combat, heh! heh!) and who had then hid out in the nearby jungle until he was rescued?You do?Neither UTEP Dean of Students Dr. Julie Wong nor the UTEP Prospector did anything then, either, so far as I know!
Martes (segunda sesion): La Causa de Pedro de Osma ... Adaptada de esta fuente: Páginas 560 y 561, Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, Tomo I, 1880.
[Martes, el 18 de Mayo 1479: un total de 58 teólogos participaron en la cuasa de PEDRO DE OSMA]Páginas 560 - 561:"Martes (segunda sesion)."Pide el fiscal Riazza que se proceda en la causa, á pesar de la peticion de Hoyuelos.[quien había presentado unas suplicaciones "que se prorogase el término."]"Aquel dia [martes, el 18 de mayo, 1479], a la audiencia de vísperas, rocogió el Arzobispo los votos de los doctores sobre las nueva proposiciones [de Pedro de Osma]."Casi todos las tacharon de erróneas, escandalosas, mal sonantes, etc., y juzgaron que el libro debe ser entregado a las llamas.[Y, ahora, unos ejemplos de aquel causa famosa, de hace ya unos quinientos y veinte - ocho años: doctores seguramente muy astutos y desempeños en llevar a cabo sus tarea exigiente.]"1. Fr. Hernando de Talavera, calificó la segunda proposición de indiscreta; la tercera y sexta de falsas; la quinta de contraria á los estatutos de la iglesia; sobre la primera dijo que no comprendía bien el mente del autor, sobre la cuarta , que él opinaba lo contrario."Sobre la séptima, que, en su opinon, la Iglesia de Roma no podia errar nunca en materia de fide et moribus; de la octava, que él creía lo contrario."Calificó la nona de opinable."
"¡Comando armado levanta a Güicho Martínez ! ""¡Secuestran a conocido lotero!""Se lo llevaron a empellones ayer a las 5:30 de la tarde a bordo de una Yukon color arena, sin que tenga pista alguna ni han presentado denunica formal."Adaptado de esta fuente: Zócalo/Staff -- Ciudad Acuña. Jueves 25 de octubre de 2007."Comando fuertemente armado levantó ayer por la tarde a José Luis Martínez Marín de 41 años de edad en su negocio ubicado en la calle Iturbide esquina con Cinco de Mayo."www.zocalo.com.mx
Distrito de Latinoamérica...
10 octubre 2007 R.P. Rafael Navas en México ."Entre las principales actividades del Padre Rafael Navas en México, han sido los encuentros que ha tenido con el Cardenal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, arzobispo de Guadalajara.
"La Santa Misa de clausura del Foro de Fe y Ciencia 2007 organizado en la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, [tuvo lugar] con la asistenica de más de 1000 personas."[También hubo una] celebración de la Misa Cantada en la Iglesia de María Madre, para la comemoración del Motu Propio Summorum Pontificum y del Inicio de las actividades de Una Voce México, organizada por miembros de la Delegación [de] Guadalajara de Una Voce México."http://www.ibp-la.org/noticias/?ss=news&a=&l=es#ordl
Falando em dogma igreja!"Igreja tenta recuperar tradiçao com missas em latim na França"¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!James Cimino, da Folha Online, 17/11/2006 -- 12h46."O Instituto Bom Pastor, órgao criado pelo papa Bento 16 com sede na Arquidiocese de Bordeaux, na França, tenta recuperar a tradiçao da Igreja Católica ao criar um órgao que pretende restituir a chamada missa tridentina -- rito tradicional que é celebrado em latim..."
Brother Paul's question after Bible 101 class !!Rev. Jeffrey "Jeff" Janca's class at First Baptist Church really rocks ... Last Sunday's class warmup included that militant hymn, Stand - up for Jesus, it's number 485 in the Baptist Hymnal.Now, back to Brother Paul's question!"If you were to die today, and the Lord was to ask you: tell me why I should let you in, what would you tell Him?"Answer. "Paul, I'm still working on that one, check with me this coming Sunday after Bible 101, and I should have your answer..."
¿Padres meramente blasfemadores, o qué?Rev. P. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. y una de sus obras "muy de moda" aquí en Brackettville, Texas: Curación A Través De La Misa.Páginas 16 - 17."Los empleadores, empleados, vecinos y personas de la Iglesia necesitan ser perdonados."Nosotros necesitamos especialmente perdonar a la Iglesia."Yo no creo que usted puede haber sido educado en alguna institución religiosa y no haber sido lastimado."En la Iglesia Católica necesitamos perdonar a obispos, sacerdotes, monjas, miembros del consejo parroquial, y superiores por ofensas del pasado y del presente."Y, ¿No del futuro, al mismo vez? (je, je, je) "También [tenemos que perdonar] a la persona que le haya hecho más daño en su vida."¿Quién es esa persona?"Ummm... a mí me parece que de repente acercamos a la famosa hechería fronteriza, ¿no?"A mí me gustaría pensar que cuando usted termine sus estudios sobre el proceso de la curación aquí, usted sabrá el nombre de la persona que más daño le ha causado."Y, ¿qué nos dice el Catecismo de la Iglesia Cátolica respeto todo esto?"Si usted no puede pensar en nadie, ore y pídale al Espíritu Santo que le manifieste quién es esa persona, dándole su nombre."Je, je, je -- ¿cuál espíritu? ¡Por favor!"Entonces usted puede aislar a esa determinada persona en su pensamiento y puede hacer una decisión para perdonarla."Para completar su decisión, la próxima vez que asista a Misa, ofrezca la Sagrada Comunión por esa persona."Umm .. de repente tanta piedad, ¿o nomás que otro consejo de un hechero de la llamada Regla de Ocho Cubano, disfrazada como cristianidad? Hasta mañana, entonces ....
"CSC: UTEP's Blackwater?"Adapted from Mr. Michael Reese, The UTEP Prospector, October 9, 2007."A funny thing happened to me on the way to the football game last Saturday night."As I approached the parking lot on the east side of the Union (where I have parked my motorcycle prior to each of the home games for which I have taken pictures in the employ of the UTEP Prospector), I was approached by a Contemporary Services Corporation (CSC) staff member who informed me that there were no available spaces in that parking lot."I informed him that I could see the very spot where I intended to park my motorcycle and it was very much unoccupied."For good measure, I told him my vehicle has a disabled veteran's license plate, which entitles me to park at any metered parking spot in the state of Texas, duty free."The CSC staff member was not dissuaded."I readily admit I do not know for certain but here is what I think is going on."UTEP contracting for out - of -town muscle ??"I postulate that the university has contracted out various police duties revolving around crowd control to a private corporation [like Mr. Paul Bremer's Blackwater in Iraq??], as this likely costs far less than paying the city an docuntyof El Paso or the state of Texas the necessary money to provide for the number of police officers, county sheriff's deputies, or state troopers necessary to guide and control a crowd of more than 50,000 people through an evening of college football."I want to be clear that I do not blame or begrudge the individual memebers of the CSC staff."
And as for package and personal searches ..."Obviously it is essential to good order and public safety that people entering the UTEP Sun Bowl must submit to reasonable searches."Further, because we live in a nation where the Constitution and the rule of law are supreme, the people conducting these searches must be duly appointed and overseen by the judiciary."The university can and should make the necessary allotments to provide a bona fide peace officer to supervise the reasonable searches of people and possessions entering the Sun Bowl."
UTEP Prospector's Ms. Cecila Cantú takes on sex flicks!"Good Luck CHUCK su*c*k*s, " she tells us !!¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, Destino!By Cecilia Cantú: Special to the UTEP Prospector. October 9, 2007. [an adaptation]"What the audience is really supposed to laugh at is Charlie's [Dane Cook] sexual antics, specifically the onslaught of women (and men) that throw themselves at Charlie."This movie isn't very funny, and it isn't very romantic."Anyone looking for a dinner and a movie might just want to wait a few weeks until the next romantic comedy comes out."Cecilia Cantú may be reached at prospector@utep.edu
"CONGREATIO DE CULTU DIVINO ET DISCIPLINA SACRAMENTORUM"[Warning: this is only our fragmented adaptation!]"
Letter from Cardinal Francis Arinze on the Translation of Pro Multis.""On October 17, 2006, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, wrote to the Presidents of all Conferences of Bishops concerning the translation of pro multis in the words of consecration of the Order of Mass."A copy of the Cardinal - Prefect's letter, as well as a resource entitiled Six Questions on the Translation of Pro Multis are provided on the following pages, for the information of our readers.Prot. No. 467/05/L Rome, 17 October 2006."Your Eminence / Your Excellency,"1. A text corresponding to the words pro multis, handed down by the Church, constitutes the formula that has been in use in the Roman Rite in Latin from the earliest centuries."2. There is no doubt whatsoever regarding the validity of Masses with the use of a duly approved formula containing a formula equivalent to for all as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has already declared (cf. Sacra Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei, Declaratio de sensu tribuendo adprobationi versionum formularum sacramentalium, 25 Ianuarii 1974, AAS 66 [1974], 661)."Indeed, the formula for all would undoubtedly correspond to a correct interpretation of the Lord's intention expressed in the text."It is a dogma of faith that Christ died on the Cross for all men and women (cf. John 11:52; 2 Corinthians 5:14 - 15; Titus 2:11; I John 2:2)."3. There are, however, many arguements in favor of amore precise rendering of the traditional formula pro multis:"a) The Synoptic Gospels (Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24) make specific reference to many for whom the Lord is offering the Sacrifice, and this wording has been emphasized by some biblical scholars in connection with the words of the prophet Isaiah (53: 11-12)."It would have have been entirely possible in the Gospel texts to have said for all (for example, cf. Luke 12:41); instead, the formula given in the institution narrative is for many, and the words have been faithfully translated thus in modern biblical versions."b) The Roman Rite in Latin has always said pro multis and never pro omnibus in the consecration of the chalice."c) The anaphoras of the various Oriental Rites, whether in Greek, Syriac, Armenian, the Slavic languages, etc., contain the verbal equivalent of the Latin pro multis in their respective languages."d) For many is a faithful translation of pro multis, whereas for all is rather an explanation of the sort that belongs properly to catechesis."e) The expression for many, while remaining open to the inclusion of each human person, is reflective also fo the fact that this salvation is not brought about in some mechanistic way, without one's own willing or participation; rather, the believer is invited to accept in faith the gift that is being offered and to receive the supernatural life that is given to those who participate in th1s mystery, living it out in their lives as well so as to be numbered among the many to who the text refers."f) In line with the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam, effort should be made to be more faithful to the Latin texts of the typical editions."4. The Bishops' Conferences of those countries where the formula for all or its equivalent is currently in use are therefore requested to undertake the necessary catechesis of the faithful on this matter in the next one or two years to prepare them for the introduction of a precise vernacular translation of the formula pro multis (e.g., for many, per molti, etc.) in the next translation of the Roman Missal that the Bishops and the Holy See will approve for use in their country. "With the expression of my high esteem and respect, I remain, Your Eminence / Your Excellency,"Devotedly Yours in Christ,"Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect"
The Brackett News's Ms. Allison Taylor states the facts !!"Former judge granted deferred adjudication"By Allison Taylor, Managing Editor. The Brackett News, Thursday, October 18, 2007. "Serving the communities of Brackettville, Fort Clark Springs, Spofford and Kinney County."Don't ask me why but these kind of stories always seem to depress me like few others can do.Yeah, we all know the jargon, that when such Bad Things Happen to such Otherwise fairly Law-abiding if Mediocre People, the persons pleading guilty to, say, "Theft by Public Servant," are themseles victims of some terrible thing called: Late Onset Pyschopatholgy, which simply means they never worked up the nerve to do anything really bad until they were at least 40 years old."Ford tells court he will not run for office again"Whopee! "But does that also include Fort Clark??"Heh, heh!Anyway, here's Ms. Taylor's opener:"John Ford, III, former Kinney County Justice of the Peace, was granted deferred adjudication by [real - deal District] Judge Thomas F. Lee on October 1, after previously pleading guilty to Theft by Public Servant."www.thebrackettnews.com
"Ms. Dooley's loyal Brackett High friends...... can view their recent comments on entry for 7/25/07: "Fernandez ... U.T. Austin ... etc..."
"Dan una guía a curas para tratar [¿bien?] a niños"Por la Stra Licenicada Leslie Gómez / Agencia Reforma / El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. Miércoles 17 de Octubre de 2007.www.zocalo.com.mx "Por instrucción del Cardenal Norberto Rivera, la Arquidiócesis de México hizo llegar a sus sacerdotes un manuel de comportamientos adecuados en el que les pide que eviten conductas inmorales y acciones que puedan considerarse lesivas hacia menores de edad."
"Student tuition forums to discuss possible increases"¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!THE UTEP PROSPECTOR, Assayer of Student Opinion...By Alex Hinojosa, October 16, 2007."If proposed increases in tuition are approved, students may see a seven percent increase in tuition next fall and another 6.5 percent hike for the fall of 2009."For students who would like to know the reason behind thge proposed tuition increases, three Tuition and Fees forums will be held to answer questions."For more info:www.utepprospector.com
"We heard from our Archbishop's Office..."...via Return receipt Requested green card... sure enough confirming (if nothing else!) that our letter to Ms. Fernández - Sardina was received yesterday, Oct. 15, 2007, by the legendary Ms. María Hinojosa, in person! ""We also heard, via email, from Mr. Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, re Fr. Degrandis."
THE UTEP PROSPECTOR!ASSAYER OF STUDENT OPINION !!http://www.utepprospector.com/October 9, 2007.
"UTEP student burned by pipe leak..."By Daniel Collins, The UTEP Prospector."A UTEP student recovers at home this week after being burned on campus by a leaking hot water pipe."Ms. Alma Garcia, a 22 - year - old senior, was rushed to Harnar Burn Center in Lubbock after suffering second - degrees burns to her lower body."Bless you Alma! Here's to a speedy recovery...
Brackettville's St. Mary Magdalene's Parish Faith Sharing pretty cool, yesterday p.m.!!Subject of our letter to Ms. Fernández - Sardina cussed and discussed. Our leader left for home with a personal copy. ¡Guau! Wow!
Montaillou, village occitan de 1294 à 1324...Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie.P. 356. Archéologie de Montaillous: Du gete au mythe."Le petit nombre des livres disponibles, simultanément actifs et rarissimes, nous renvoie aux structures de l'analphabétisme, de l'alphabétisation, de l'acculturation, déjà évoquées précédemment."Distinguons du haut en bas, en ce qui concerna Montaillou et ses maîtres à penser:"A. Une élite lettrée et "charismatique", uniquement représentée, en l'occurence, par les Authié et par quelques parfaits comme Issaura ou Castelnau, qui circulent dans la diaspora catalane."Ces gens ont accès, eux, aux distinctions de la double écriture, comme dit Jacques Authié:"la mauvaise écriture, fausse el malade [omitted in the English version!], qui émane de l'Église romaine; et la bonne écriture, celle qui sauve, connue des bonshommes; celle-ci vient naturellement du Fils de Dieu (III, 236; II, 504)."
Saturday afternoon!And still no return of service by the Brackettville, Texas, post office regarding our letter to Ms. Martha Fernández - Sardina who is our hardworking:
Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization...¡Guau! Wow!
"Vatican preparing follow - up document on motu propio"http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=54135"Defiant ex - nuns attempt to re - enter convent after eviction"http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=54132"6 Nuns in Ark. Excommunicated for Heresy"http://www.cwnews.com/ -- Click on search cwn box, then type in the words "excommunicated nuns" for original story!!
The Brackett News !!"Grand Jury reviews twelve indictments""Class of 1957 returns to celebrate 5oth" Thursday, October 4, 2007.www.thebrackettnews.com "BHS Homecoming candidates prepare for [last!] Friday night's pageantry"Royal Tiger Court -- photo by Leigh Volsko."Haley Harris, Manny Rosas and Bianca Stewart, Julie Castillo, Albert Flores and Lane Nowlin."Truth to tell, it was a swell parade we all had!!
Más del asunto (o la causa) de Pedro de Osma (Siglo XV) !!Adaptado de Don Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo:Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, Tomo I. España, 1880.Página 549:"El libro herético, causa de todas las persecuciones de Pedro de Osma, se intitulaba De confesione."Página 558:"Las nueve proposiciones."(1) Los pecados mortales, cuanto a la culpa y pena del siglo futuro, se borran por la sola contricion, sin el poder de las llaves."(2) La confesion de los pecados in specie [??!!] es estatuto universal de Iglesia, pero no de derecho divino."(3) Los malos pensamientos no deben confesarse, hasta a borrar los la sola displicencia [??!!] , sin el poder de las llaves."(4) La confesión debe ser secreta, en el sentido de confesarse los pecados secretos, y no los manifiestos."(5) No se ha de absolver al penitente sino depués de cumplida la penitencia."(6) El Papa no puede conceder a ninguna vivo indulgencia de la pena de purgatorio."(7) La Iglesia Romana puede errar en materia de fé."(8) El Papa no puede dispensar en los estatutos de la Iglesia universal."(9) El sacramento de la penitencia, cuanto a la colación [??!!] de gracia, es sacramento natural, no instituido en el Antiguo ni en el Nuevo Testamento."
The Reform of Renewal !!by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. Published by Ignatius Press, san Francisco, 1990.Pages 67 - 68:"I was appalled recently [1990] when crowds in Ireland flocked to hear an American [catholic] priest presenting teachings that come very close to denying the Catholic doctrines of original sin, redemption and salvation and encouraging pseudoliturgical practices that include elements of paganism euphemistically called natural religion or witchcraft."How did the the people become intrigued by such original nonsense?"They at least implicitly ignored or rejected a significant part of the Catholic theological Tradition while responding to their own impulses or needs."The Gospel Call to Faith"The only effective solution to the problem of personal insight versus faith is to return to the foundation of our Faith in the New Testament."Christ called His hearers to repentance, but He also called them to faith."And that call is as absolute [today] in the Scriptures and in the Church as it was the day Christ called out:Repent and believe the Good News.
"Hans Urs von Bathasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ's Descent into Hell..."Pitstick, Alyssa Lyra. Light in Darkness: Hans Urs von Bathasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ's Descent into Hell. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Comany, 2007.Our borrowed copy: Kinney County Library Interlibrary Loan via Samford University Library, Alabama, Beeson School of Divinity Collection, ISBN 4705 . B163 P58 2007. "ALYSSA LYRA PITSTICK, who holds degrees from the Angelicum [one of Kinney County seminarian Clay Hunt's former schools, too!] in Rome, [the] International Theological Institute in Austria, and Gonzaga University, is an independent scholar in Spokane, Washington."This is her first book."I guess you might say that as she was about to do battle a la David vs. Goliath, Ms. Pitstick was shrewed enough to contract some first - class spiritual muscle in advance on her own behalf.If there's any doubt, humm..., just check out the dedication page, where she tells us:"Dedicated to our Lady of the Rosary, under the patronage of St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Thérese the Little Flower."More to come ...you can just bet on it!
"Un nuevo y no pequeño titulo de la Iglesia a la gratitud del genero humano" (Papa León XIII)Evangelación de América 1492 - 1092, por el muy Rvdo. P. Alfonso María Durán, M.J.Página 1:El perjuicio contra todo lo hispano es parte de la herencia de los pueblos de habla inglesa.Está en su sangre. "Así escribe el obispo Rdmo. Señor Francis Clement Kelley, obispo de Oklahoma City y Tulsa, en su libro Blood - Drenched Altars."
"Assault occurs at SFC"¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Hooray for Multi - Diversity!Male on Male Sexual Assault...By Elida S. Perez, The UTEP Prospector. October 2, 2007.www.utepprospector.com "A recent sexual assault at the UTEP Swimming and Fitness Center has some students concerned for their safety."According to an incident report from the UTEP Police Department (UTEP PD), the assault occurred at 9:30 p.m. on Sept 18."It stated that a student reported he was the victim of a sexual assault by another man."Although the names of the victim and assailant have not been released due to an ongoing investigation, and arrest was made and the individual was detained at the El Paso County Detention Facility (EPCDF) until he was realeased on bond.I'll be watching my back more often, said Edgar Machado, electrical engineering sophomore."Oscar Cuebas, an electrical engineering junior who sometimes works out with Machado, said he would try to defend himself if assaulted."In response UTEP PD Chief Cliff Walsh suggests the following safety tips:"Be aware of you surroundings at all times."
il Cardinale Italiano sta molto, molto male !!*"A pontifical conciliar embarassment"Adapted from the above named article, by George Weigel, Today's Catholic, August 31, 2007."June brought us Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road, an effusion from the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples."Why on earth is the Vatican concocting such stuff?"At a Roman press conference, a reporter noted the Fifth Commandment -- Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and dominatin and an occasion of sin, and asked when a car became an occasion of sin. "Cardinal Renato Martino replied, when a car is used as a place for sin."[He] may or may not have been referring to certain scenes in American Graffiti, George Lucas's classic tribute to the drive - in."* por lo menos dentro su propia cabeza de calabazota Italiana...
"HUGO ANTONIO Y ADELITA""Celebran bodas de Rubí""Hugo Antonio y Adelita se juraron amor para toda la vida hace 40 años."
"Cuarenta años de casados festejan el señor Hugo Antonio y Adelita Mejia."
Por la licenciada Isela Zapata, El Zócalo, Ciudad Acuña, Martes 2 de Octubre de 2007.
"Las bodas de Rubí por sus 40 años de feliz vida en matrimonio se encontró festejando la distinguida pareja formada por el señor Hugo Antonio Treviño Bosque y gentil señora Adelita Mejía de Treviño quienes reciben felicitaciones y un sinfín de buenos deseos."
"UTEP enrollment exceeds 20,000"Source: The Prospector, September 25, 2007.By Daniel Collins.Photo caption: "This year, the university had 20,154 students enrolled as of Census day, Sept. 11."See: www.utepprospector.com for this week's headlines !
Good Book !!Good News, Bad News......Evangelization, Conversion and the Crisis of Faith.By Fr. C. John McCloskey, III, and Russell Shaw.According to the cover, Senator Rick Santorum tells us: "'Evangelizing' sometimes has a bad name, but Father McCloskey and Russell Shaw show why this need not be the case."In fact, they explain why evangelization is every Christian's responsibility and how to evangelize with both zeal and genuine respect for others."
The Late, Legendary, Godfather of Soul!Bares his own!Adapted from Jet Magazine, May 8, 2006.And so, Mr. James Brown, who came to see us all in I Corps, Vietnam, back in the Spring of 1968 lets fly:"Some Jewish cat told me I wasn't Black enough.""Some Jewish cat told me I wasn't Black enough."I can't tell him he's not Jewish enough."I can't tell a Latino that he's not Latino enough."I wrote that song [Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud] because I saw Black people running away from everything."They wanted to be Negro, they wanted to be light-skinned, high yellow."God made people in all colors."Basically, I remember his radio message to us all, broadcast out of Da Nang AFRTS (or whatever) as a simple straight - forward one, much like the one we've quoted above.