Monday, June 30, 2008

58 - years a priest, and Fr. Albert still rocks!!

New Braunsfels born and raised, he was ordained in 1950!

Whether giving his homilies in English or Spanish, he still sets a worthwhile example for the Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish deacons and altar servers.

For example:

At the Saturday PM Mass, the Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul, Fr. Albert had the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon, plus no less than these three (3) excellent altar servers:

Ms. Icela Rueda
Ms. Bianca Terrazas
Mr. Adam "Charlie" Resendez

Then, at the Sunday morning 8:00 AM Mass he had Deacon James plus as his altar server he had the excellent assistance of:

Ms. Brenda Pacheco herself just back from the Big Trip to the Basilica of San Juan, Texas.

And, for the so - called example we're talking about here?

Well, it works like this: a priest like Fr. Albert who both believes in Jesus Christ and then proceeds to spend 58 years in the Roman Catholic priesthood acting like it, is himself a real - deal charismatic, as supposed to the superficial, shake and bake kind.

For him, as opposed to that aging group of apostate American - Catholic priests ordained by the likes of Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores, which is like saying those who go through the motions with no particular conviction, there will never be a lack of adequate ministerial help at the altar!


By their fruits ye shall know them....

UTEP's Danny Hanson takes on gas - price crises!!

"As gas prices soar, students find alternative"

Adapted from: The UTEP Prospector, June 25, 2008. By reporter Mr. Danny Hanson and photographer Mr. Fernie Castillo.

"As the nation's gas prices continue to rise, some students are trying to find alternative methods of transportation.

"In the blistering summer son, Mr. Adam Nazarian, UTEP sophomore engineering major, has recently started making trips to the loocal grocery store on foot, a nearly two - mile walk.

"While Mr. Nazarian has no problem with the current [gas] prices, he finds it easier to change his ways rather than complain about something that cannot easily be changed."

Gas prices should be much higher than they are

"[UTEP's] Mr. Nazarian said he is content to make the trip to the supermarket rather than pay to fill his car up with gas.

"He is also one of a small number of people who believe gas prices should be much higher than they currently are."

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

"Ms. Baillee Allen of Kinney County awarded $15,000 4-H scholarship"

Source: The Brackett News, Thursday, June 26, 2008.

"Katasase, susosase samusa ga kuru zo!"

William Manchester on Post WW II Japanese crickets, circa the fall of 1945...!

Source: American Caesar, by William Manchester, 1978.

Pages 454 - 465.

"Before Pearl Harbor, Japan had been called the workshop of Asia.

"Now it was Asia's scrap heap.

"[Emperor] Hirohito's empire had been reduced by 81 percent, from 773,781 square miles to 146,690.

"The metropolises were unlivable."

Plus, as the author has already cited earlier in a report by Japanese expert named Reischauer:

Not just the cities but the hearts of the people had been burned out.

Indeed, as Manchester continues:

"There were few phones, fewer trains, and virtually no power power plants.

"Soon thermometers would drop."

Enter the eloquent Japanese crickets' little song!

"Japanese crickets, more eloquent than Occidental katydids, are said to sing Katasase, susosase samusa ga kuru zo, meaning Sew your sleeves, sew your skirts, for the winter is coming, and each evening after the surrender they grew louder -- but coal production was at one - eighth of its peacetime level.

"Textiles had been the backbone of the country's prewar economy.

"In putting the nation on a war footing, 80 percent of the textile machinery had been converted to other uses, and now it lay shattered in th eruins of bombed buildings.

"[General Douglas] MacArthur set up army kitchens and cabled Washington that he needed 3,500,000 tons of food immediately.

"The Pentagon quibbled; the State Department demanded details; there were forms to fill out, officials to be consulted, bureaucratic channels to be explored.

"The General grimly cabled again:

Give me bread or give me bullets... "

A good read...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Real deal Roman Catholic priest Fr. Vincent Serpa:

Note: This question reminds me of something the Pharisees would have dreamed up in an attempt to entrap Jesus Christ! But! Tough, cocky, the "Yo'mama" attitude stamped all over his face, it almost seems that Fr. Vincent Serpa is ready to pounce! It's just that well, we're not really sure why, yet!

Question (heh, heh!):

A very petite lady could only carry two of her triplets to full term without killing herself and two of them.

So she chose to abort one.

If she had not, there'd be only one baby with no mother.

What should someone do in such a situation?

Answer from Fr. Vincent Serpa, "This Rock," combined July / August issue.

"She had another choice, and it is the only right one:

"She could have chosen to not abort any and put the matter in the Lord's hands.

"He is never outdone in generosity.

"Why is it that we always think of him last?"


"I know of a case in which the doctors removed a cyst the size of a fist which was next to a baby in the [mother's] womb.

"Such surgery always causes a spontaneous miscarriage.

"But the family prayed and put it in God's hands.

"Not only was the baby not expelled from the womb, he is now the priest who is answering this question."

-Fr. Vincent Serpa

Jim Blackburn: "Have you been saved?"

"This Rock," combined July / August issue.

Original question:

"How should a [non - American, but instead Jesus Christ - believing Roman] Catholic reply to the question, Have you been saved?

"This question is answered in our tract Assurance of Salvation?, which suggests the following reply:

"As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5-8), but I'm also being saved (I Cor. 1:8, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9 - 10, 1 Cor. 3:12 - 15). Like the apostle Paul, I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11 - 13)."

"Why is hell eternal?"

Answer from Michelle Arnold, "This Rock," July / August 2008.

"Hell is eternal both because of the immortal nature of the souls in hell and the eternal quality of the choice that those souls ultimately made to separate themselves from God."

Lauran Paine on Hitler: "Und willst du nicht Genosse sein..."

Adapted from: Lauran Paine's D Day.

Page 40 - 41 As the Nazis steamrolled all and sundry, several countries found themselves likewise in the hot seat!

"German arms spread conflict in all directions.

"Romania, Finland and Hungary were faced with a choice without alternatives:

And if you will not join us, we will crack your skull!

Und willst du nicht Genosse sein, schlagen wir den Schadel ein!

"They joined, and on 22 June 1941 reinforced German armies rolled across Russia from the west..."

Friday, June 27, 2008

Michelle Arnold's "Witchcraft 101"

Adapted from: "This Rock" combined July/August 2008 issue.

"Witches do not believe in Satan.

"If there is one belief common to witches everywhere, it is that they do not believe in Satan and that they do not practice Satanism.

"Witchcraft's apologists are quick to point this out.

"Christian apologists should acknowledge that witches do not consciously worship Satan and that they do not believe he exists.

"But this does not mean that Satan needs to be left entirely out of the conversation.

"A Christian apologist should point out that belief in someone does not determine that person's actual reality.

"That's when you can make the case that Satan exists and that he does not require belief to determine his reality or his action in someone's life.

"In fact, disbelief in him can make it easier for him to accomplish his ends."

Perhaps the last bishop from the reign of Pope Pius XII dies!

RIP Cardinal Bernard Gantin...

As John Thavis tells us in the magazine "Inside The Vatican," June/July 2008 combine issue:

"Born May 8, 1922,in what was then French West Africa the future cardinal was ordained a priest in 1951."

Fifty - one years a Bishop!

"He studied canon law at Rome's Pontifical Urbanian University and in 1957 [while Pope Pius XII was still the reigning pontiff!] was made an auxiliary bishop of Cotonou, in what is now Benin."

He just kept getting promoted!

"In 1995, he informed French Bishop Jacques Gaillot that he was being removed from the Diocese of Evreux after refusing to modify his positions on married priests, AIDS and homosexuality.

"When, at age 80, he [Cardinal Gantin]
retired as dean of the College of Cardinals, a post that can be held until death, he had to convince Pope John Paul II to accept his decision.

"In an interview at that time, he said he was leaving Rome to return to Benin [in Africa] and [there to] end his life in prayer and simplicity."

"The Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Youth Group Offers


To their San Juan Trip Sponsors:

[Anton] Quang [Dinh Van], Mrs Julia Terrazas, Mr. and Mrs. Javier Valdez, Mr. and Mrs Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Gracie Escamilla"

Brackettville, Texas: "Catholic youth visit San Juan Basilica"

Adapted from this source: The Brackett News, Thursday, June 26, 2008. The caption under the B/W photo of the group tells us:

"The Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Youth Group recently visited the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle in San Juan [Texas].

"Youth leaders reported the trip was a success and a great time was had by all.

"The church plans to make the trip an annual event.

"Sponsors for the trip were Father [Anton] Quang [Dinh Van], Mrs. Julia Terrazas, Mr. and Mrs. Javier Valdez, Mr. and Mrs. Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Gracie Escamilla.

"Pictured front row from left:

"Ms. Bianca Cruz, Ms. Brianna Escamilla, Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos, Ms. Lily Valdez, Mr. Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Julia Terrazas.

"Second row:

"Mrs. María Molinar, Ms. Susu[sic] Seargeant, Ms. Lila Molinar, Ms. Nena Molinar, Ms. Brenda Pacheco, Ms. Bianca Stewart and Mrs. Janie DeHoyos.

"Third row:

"Mr. Cesar Cantu, Mr. Sam Stewart, Mr. Daniel Molinar, Mr. Jerry DeHoyos and Mr. Victor Cantu."

Note: The photographer is not identified!

Rev. Billy Sunday's observation:

"If you live wrong you can't die right"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fr. Michael P. Orsi: "Losing our understanding of life after death"

Adapted from Homiletic & Pastoral Review, July 2008.

If we lose our Catholic understanding of life after death, we will lose our understanding of how to live our lives in this world...

"I recently read the obituary of a priest in my diocesan newspaper.

"After telling the salient facts of his past ministry, it ended on the chilling note, In lieu of flowers and Mass cards, donations may be made to a memorial fund.

"The address of his parish was provided.

"The request for donations in lieu of Masses is indicative of two problems that have seeped into our contemporary Catholic culture and given rise to grave misunderstandings of life after death.

"The first is that it bypasses the Church's teaching on purgatory.

"The second -- even more pernicious -- is that it is totally secular and devoid of any understanding of true transcendence.

"The following statistics help to bolster these assertions.

"A recent survey asked Catholics, When you die, what do you think will probably happen?

"Of the approximately 1,400 respondents, 50.9 percent answered:

I will go to heaven.

"16.3 percent said:

I will go to purgatory.

"0.4 percent said:

I will go to hell.

"4.2 percent said:

I will be reincarnated.

"22.5 percent said:

I will leave my body and return to a source of divine consciousness.

"5.8 percent answered:


"Remembering the Dragon Lady"

Adapted from: Southwest Texas LIVE! June 2008. By Joe Hyde.

"World War III may have been prevented by the bravery of a select cadre of U - 2 pilots and the men who worked on that plane at Laughlin AFB [Del Rio, Texas] from 1957 to 1963.

"This is their history told in a unique way." Page 5.

www . swtexaslive . com

"7 Things You Better Have Nailed Down Before All Hell Breaks Loose"

By: Robert Wolgemuth.

"A car carrying a loved one careens off the highway; a monster hurricane flattens your home; a middle - of - the - night phone call fills you with dread ... staying afloat on life's tempestuous sea isn't easy.

"Wolgemuth throws you a lifeline!

"Sharing seven fundamental Christian principles, he will help you face calamity with calmness, clarity, and confidence. 224 pages, hardcover from Nelson.

"HT221692 Retail $22.99 ... CBD Price $9.99"

"Orders & Customer Service: 1 - 800 - 247 - 4784"

Sounds like a good read, and so far as the service furnished us by Christian Book Distributors, it's tops!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores and African - Americans: "He caused a stir... with a racial slur"

His first Mel - Gibson moment....!!

Adapted by World of UTEP from this original source:, etc. J. Michael Parker and Lomi Kriel, Express - News, Web Posted: 12/12/2007 11:41 PM CST.

Original posted article's name: "Archbishop Flores saga raises issues of health and safety"

"He caused a stir at a Mexican American Cultural Center anniversary dinner in October [2007] when he made an impromptu presentation about MACC's beginnings.

"He inaccurately said the center initially was founded to help blacks and referred to them with a racial slur."

Oh, my! Just like Mel Gibson when the California State Trooper pulled him over, and that other idiot, Don Imus, too!

Both men were severely criticized because they had referred to certain people with slurs, racial or otherwise...

Another fine fragment from the Mouse That Roared!!

From page 106 - 109: The Grand Fenwick Liberation Army has penetrated the vastness of downtown New York City during an Atomic Attack Alert Drill, and because of their medieval garb at the first encounter are thought by the above ground security personnel to be "Men From Mars!"

"Men from Mars, the cry went and it spread from the Ninety - sixth Street subway station to the Seventy - second, and on down the line.

"Somebody started singing, soon the chant was taken up with more vigor.

"From below the streets the voices emerged booming but still recognizable from manholes and gratings into the empty city.

"The wardens and police started to worry.

"Several called up Special Reports to say they didn't know how long they could control the people in the subways."

"The Little Doggie in the Window"

"Did half a million people in the New York subway system singing The Little Doggie in the Window constitute a pressing emergency?"

Sound trucks were dispatched to calm the New York masses!

"They sounded like giants shouting in the streets and their message There are no men from Mars around, did not get over in its entirety.

"Most caught only the phrase, Men from Mars around..."

Yep! It just keeps getting better!!

The UTEP Prospector: "$12.9 Million for GEAR UP Program"

July 18, 2008:

"U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R - TX) announced Monday that the U.S. Department of Education has awarded UTEP's Gear Up Program a $12.9 million grant over the next six years to help more than 3,000 area middle school students prepare for college.

"Gear Up helps establish programs that provide eligible low - income high school graduates the financial assistance necessary to attend institutions of higher education."

As Senator Hutchison assures us:

"The University of Texas at El Paso is the only major research [ha! ha! ha! What a joke.. .] university in the country whose students are predominantly Mexican - American."

¡Ora. MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO! ¡Ora, UTEP!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Ms. Amanda Marie Davis earns nursing degree!!"

Ms. Sarah A. Rose makes Dean's List at Dallas Baptist University...

SUPER S's Ms. Jolisa Wright wins their $1,000 college and university scholarship!!

Source: The Brackett News, Thursday, June 19, 2008.

Lauran Paine's "The Devil on Horseback!"

Shades of UTEP's Southwest Literature!

English 3365 (or whatever) Spring 2004...

"Calabasas was a growing town in New Mexico Territory, and no one had benefited from recent prosperity than Henry Drake, a merchant who owned most of the property in town.

"When a stranger passing through town mentioned Drake's past to the marshal, the businessman felt threatened -- enough to resort to murder in order to be sure that the information would go no further.

"Jim Rourke was often among the first to hear what was gong on in Calabasas and suddenly he was the target of a hired killer.

"Whoever or whatever his foe was, Rourke knew that surviving an encounter with this devil on horseback would take a miracle."

Page 204 Rourke and the Priest.


The priest says:

"Always when their duty is finished, they are castrated."

Rourke is bewildered.

"Maybe that's what he died of, Father. Shock."

"The priest faced Rourke as he said, What we must worry about is why the other one is still here."

Rourke is kinda of slow, just like we, the readers are!

"How do we know he is, Father?"

And the priest answers:

"Maybe he isn't, but believe what I tell you when I say they arrive in pairs, and each is found dead and castrated after they have done whatever they came to do ... if they are found at all..."

Man, this book is an awesome read!

Monday, June 23, 2008

One month with Bishop Reymundo Peña was as much as he could stand!?

Or, is Bishop Peña having difficulties with his religious order priests in general?

Source: "Today's Catholic," June 20, 2008. Clergy Appointments.


"Appointed parochial vicar of St. James the Apostle Parish, effective July 10, for a three year period.

"He was ordained in May in the Philippines.

"He recently served in La Feria, Texas."

Yet another OPUS DEI priest to San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas?

Tough, no - nonsense priest from Colombia at least seems to fit the Italian author Massimo's profile for South American OPUS DEI cadre.

Source: "Today's Catholic," June 20, 2008. Clergy Appointments.


"Appointed parochial vicar of San Fernando Cathedral, effective June 6, for a one year period.

"His most recent assignment was pastor of of Inmaculada Concepción Parish in Uvita Boyacá, Colombia.

"He is from the diocese of Malaga, Soatá, Colombia."

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Hospitalizan a mujer que intenta suicidarse"

Adaptada de esta fuente: La Stra. licenciada Lorena Carrillo, El Zócalo de Ciudad Juarez (en linea, pero con fecha desconocida) Sección: Eagle Pass.

"Una mujer residente en
Del Rio identificada como Mary Bridget Clements, intentó quitarse la vida disparándose con un arma de fuego y hasta el cierre de esta edición se encontraba en estado crítico en un hospital de San Antonio.

"El jefe del Departamento de Policía,
Antonio Castañeda, informó que el martes a las 23:08 horas se recibió un llamado en el sentido d eque había una persona herida en el cuarto 120 del Holly Inn Motel, ubicado en la calle Main 2400."

"Ella está adentro, ella lo hizo."

"Cuando los oficiales llegaron al lugar encontraron aun hombre junto a una camioneta Tacoma que agitaba sus manos y les gritaba: Ella está adentro, ella lo hizo...

"Los oficiales entraron a la habitación y encontraron malherida a
Mary Bridget Clements que se había dado un balazo en la boca, por lo que de manera inmediata pidieron la ambulancia para trasladarla al cuarto de emergencias del Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center, donde los doctores lograron mantenerla con vida, pero debido al estado crítico en el que se encontraba, la trasladaron al hospital Bamsey [sic] en San Antonio, donde la reportaron muy grave.

"El jefe del Departamento de Policía comentó que debido a la gravedad de las lesiones de la mujer, no fue posible recabar información sobre los hechos, por lo que los detectivos José Méndez y César Torres se trasladaron a la ciudad de San Antonio para investigar los motivos que tuvo la mujer para quitarse la vida."

"Aparentemente la mujer dejó escrita una carta a su novio ..."

"Aparentemente la mujer dejó escrita una carta a su novio, Rogelio Martínez, en la que le decía que le perdonara todo el daño que le había ocasionado a él y a su familia y que tenía muchos problemas con una compañera de trabajo en Del Río, ya que supuestamente la estaban acusando de robo.

"Las autoridades policiacas están investigando los hechos, ya que los padres de la mujer están inconformes con la versión de que intentó suicidarse, ya
que aparentemente Mary Bridget Clements presenta golpes en el cuerpo."

"El arma calibre .22 la compró Mary Bridget Clements..."

"El arma calibre .22 la compró Mary Bridget Clements en San Antonio el mismo día de los hechos.

San Antonio llegaron a Eagle Pass y luego de hospedarse decidieron ir al casino, pero antes, Rogelio Martínez tenía que ir a comprarle un sombrero y algo de ropa, ya que la joven no tenía ningún artículo personal, a pesar de que se encontraban de viaje."

"Rogelio Martínez fue arrestado luego de los hechos...."

"Rogelio Martínez, originario de Crystal City, pero con dirección en Webster, Texas, fue arrestado luego de los hechos, pero fue liberado, ya que en el momento del incidente no había evidencia de que hubiera tenido participación en el caso."

Y, así los es, hasta la fecha ....

Friday, June 20, 2008

TEXAS GARDENER: July/August. Vegetables & Herbs !!


"Hot weather has shut down much of our vegetable garden plants but there are a number of notable exceptions.

"Some plants actually love this heat; imagine that!

"Provide them plenty of water and they'll thrive on through the summer months.

"Here are a few summer greens to plant during the summer heat:

"Malabar spinach -- Not really a spinach.

"Vegetable amaranth is akin to pig weed, which is also edible.

"Vegetable purslane is a fleshy type of the common weed or ornamental flower.

"Water spinach is a relative of sweet potatoes and in fact is the same genus.

"It is a key ingredient in some Asian cusines.

"It can be cooked like spinach, stir fried or added to soups."

And here in Brackettvile -- Fort Clark - Las Moras Springs, everything they list here rocks!

Such things as:

Okra, sweet potatoes, winter squash, eggplants, you name it:

"It's all good!" :)

"Antenoche, miles de argentinos salieron a las calles con cacerolas..."

Adaptada de una manera devolada de esta fuente:

El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, miércoles 18 de junio 2008.

"Pide la presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández, aval legislativo ante el agro"

"La presidenta Cristina Fernández anunció ayer que enviará de inmediato al Congreso un proyecto de ley para ratificar un polémico esquema de impuestos a las exportaciones de granos, que ha orinado un conflicto con el secto agropecuario que y alleva casi 100 días..."

"[T]he kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world"

Pope Benedict XVI says it, I believe it, and that settles it!


Because it's based on Sacred Scripture!

Source: "This Rock" magazine, April 2008. Dr. Christopher Kaczor's article Man Needs Hope to Live.

Page 28, the pope's words:

"Since man always remains free and since his freedom is always fragile, the kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world.

"Anyone who promises the better world that is guaranteed to last for ever is making a false promise; he is overlooking human freedom."

"Freedom must constantly be won over for the cause of good..."

"Freedom must constantly be won over for the cause of good.

"Free assent to the good never exists simply by itself.

"If there were structures which could irrevocably guarantee a determined -- good -- state of the world, man's freedom would be denied, and hence they would not be good structures at all. (SS 24)"

Note: SS = Spes Salvi == Pope Benedict's encyclical .

"Women [sic] critical after failed suicide attempt"

Source: The News Gram, 06 - 09 -2008.

"Twenty - nine year old Mary Bridget Clements of Del Rio, Texas is clinging to life after shooting herself in the head Tuesday evening.

"Clements had apparently attempted to end her life by using a gun of unknown caliber to shoot herself in the head.

"Motives behind the suicide are unknown but the case does remain open and under investigation by detectives of the Eagle Pass Police Department."

Hummm .. is that so?

(1) Was there a gun found?
(2) Was there a suicide note "found" written in another's hand writing?

Most likely, time will tell....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"KC Library Summer Program Shines"

Photo by Leigh Volscko. Her caption reads:

"The Summer 2008 Kinney County Library program has started off with success.

"Children have [been] showing up with smiling faces eager to read and have fun."

That they have ....!

"Juárez violence sparks debate"

Photo caption: "Two Mexican military officials stand on the Mexican side of the foot path at the Paso del Norte bridge to question a man taking photographs"

Adapted from: The UTEP Prospector, June 11, 2008. By Victor Santana - Melgoza.

"The wave of violence that has taken place in El Paso's sister city of Ciudad Juarez, allegedly over a turf war between rival drug cartels, continues unabated..."

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

"María del Socorro quisó escapar por la puerta falsa ingiriendo pastillas"

Por Héctor Sifuentes, El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, la sección "Policiaca." Miércoles, 18 de junio 2008.

"Intenta suicidarse con pastillas"


¡Suicidio, el mejor amigo del diablo!

"Por una decepción amorosa una mujer de 29 años de edad, intentó escapar por la puerta falsa, al ingerir 40 pastillas diversas.

"Serían aproximadamente las 7:00 de la tarde del lunes, cuando desesperada por el abandono de su pareja, María del Socorro reunió 40 pastilas medicinales de diferente marca.

"Luego las ingirió en su totalidad, lo que provoca perder el sentido.

"Ayer por la mañana esta mujer fue reportada fuera de peligro por parte del personal médico que la atendió.

"Por otra parte la Procudaría General de Justicia, aseguró que una vez que sea dada de alta dialogarán con ella para saber qué fue lo que sucedió."

"Se quejan del mal servicio de SIMAS"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Miércoles 18 de junio de 2008. El joven dichoso señor licenicado Enrique González Correa.

"Lideran a 200 familias MT y PRI"

"El alcalde Evaristo Lenin Pérez Rivera no los recibe, y ellos amenazan con cerrar la presidencia el jueves si no son atendidos"

Así nos habla el señor licenicado Roberto de los Santos, señor Presidente del Movimiento Territorial, respeto el tema más de moda:

"No es posible que más del 60% de los usuarios del agua potable estén endeudos con SIMAS"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish YOUTH GROUP NEWS!

Source: Sunday Bulletin for Weekend of June 14th & June 15th, 2008.

"Mrs. Maria Elena "Mena" Molinar and Mrs. Janie DeHoyos, along with our parish youth group would like to thank the parish and community for their support with all of the fund raisers they have had this year.

"This weekend they are enjoying a very educational and spiritual trip to San Juan, Texas, to visit San Juan de los Lagos. [ Yea! "That's all a part of my ancestral turf, too!" :) ]

"Keep these wonderful ladies and this great group of young adults in your prayers.

"And thank Maria Elena "Mena" and Janie for a great job that they do with the youth, for they are the future of our parish."


You bet! :)

And one - hey of a vast improvement over the immediate past and present that future will be!

The Very Reverend James Patrick Fischler, CICM

A good priest to have as Dean of the Uvalde Deanery.

"Why aren't there more like him?"

Source: Del Rio News - Herald obituary section. In re: Mary Bridget Clements.

As the News - Herald tells us:

"Visitations will be Monday, 09:00 - 11:00 A.M., June 9, 2008 at Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church, Comstock, Texas [one of Monsignore Fischler's churches for which he is personally responsible].

"Funeral Mass will begin at 11:30 A.M. also at Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church with internment to follow at Comstock Cemetery, Comstock, Texas;

"Officiating will be Father Stephen Zigrang, SSPX [former diocesan priest from the Houston - Galveston archdiocese, now serving more or less independently with Archbishop Lefebvre's group, the so - called Society of St. Pius X :( ]."

Given the tragic aspects associated with this young woman's violent death and the law - enforcement questions allegedly surrounding it, I personally think that it was to Monsignore Fischler's credit that he let the shocked and bereaved family exercise their own religious preferences for pre - Vatican II Latin rituals in one of his own more or less archdiocesan mission churches.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

UTEP Prospector's NMSU competitor bites the dust on a sex rap!!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, UTEP!

Source for this free - wheeling adaptation:

Toni Morales. The UTEP Prospector, June 11, 2008.

"New Mexico State University's newly elected editor - in - chief of the student newspaper, The Round Up, Richard Reyes, a journalism and mass communication major, was arrested and charged with sexual assault two weeks ago."

If convicted, he faces "up to three years in prison."

Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein sends Father Edward Boren, OFM, to Archbishop José Gomez.

Source: "Today's Catholic," June 6, 2008. Page 43.

"Clergy Appointments

"Father Edward Boren, OFM

"Appointed administrator pro-tem of St. Timothy Parish in San Antonio, effective June 3, for a one - year period.

"His most recent assignment was in Hispanic Ministry at St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish in Indianapolis."

So? Who cares? :( !!

I'd just like to suggest that the good people of St. Timothy Parish in San Antonio, Texas had better care, and here's why:

Click on the Archdiocese of Indianapolis' own official website, dealing with clergy assignments going over the past month or two, and one "Father Edward Boren, OFM" isn't there, period!

Unless, of course! We simply missed him.

Thus, the obvious question is:

"Was this priest relieved of his ministerial duties sometime recently prior to being dispatched almost as far south as his own Archbishop could send him?

"If so, why?"

Current American - Catholic clergy - deadbeat file for:

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish, Brackettville, Texas!!

Oh, my! If you're so naive and stupid as to loan these deacons so much as the time of day, you're really asking for it...

"After all, folks, we are talking so - called American - Cathoic clergy here, right?"

Transitional Deacons:

The Rev. Mr. Clay Hunt. One(1) long - overdue video. Approximately six(6) months.

Permanent Deacons:

The Rev. Mr. James Bader. Two(2) long - overdue videos. Approximately nine(9) months.

Monday, June 16, 2008

"The Slave Who Said My Life is Good"

Loosely adapted from this source:"THIS ROCK" magazine, April 2008.

"In Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI recalls the story of Josephine Bakhita, who endured more than her share of unjust calamities:

"At the age of nine, she was kidnapped by slave - traders, beaten till she bled, and sold five times in the slave - markets of Sudan.

"Eventually she found herself working as a slave for mother and the wife of a general, and there she was flogged every day till she bled; as a result of this she bore 144 scars thorughout her life...

"[A]fter the terrifying masters who had owned her up to that point, Bakhita came to know a totally different kind of master -- the living God, the God of Jesus Christ.

"Up to that time she had known only masters who despised and maltreated her, or at best considered her a useful slave..

"She came to know that that this Lord even knew her, that he had created her -- that he actually loved her.

"What is more, this master had himself accepted the destiny of being flogged an dnow he was waiting for her at the Father's right hand.

"Now she had hope -- no longer simply the modest hope of finding masters who would be less cruel, but the great hope:

I am definitively loved and whatever happens to me -- I am awaited by this Love.

And so my life is good. (SS 3)

"After being freed from slavery, she reached out to serve out of love rather than fear.

"The liberation that she had received through her encounter with the God of Jesus Christ, writes the pope, she felt she had to extend, it had to be handed on to others, to the greatest possible number of people.

"The hope born in her which had redeemed her she could not keep to herself; this hope had to reach many, to reach everybody."

Hey guys, check out Tommy J's website!

This book look's like it really rocks!

"Even the Top Marine recommends it, Semper Fi!"

"I am Tommy J's niece"

In re:

Pfc. Thomas J. Holtzclaw III, USMC. Old Fox Two - One, and the Battle of Binh Son I.

As her email puts it: "I am Tommy J's niece. He was killed April 21, 1967..."

She's kind enough to give this website for her uncle's letters from the Viet Nam War:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dr. Jay Boyd, PhD. Psy. U.C. Santa Barbara, 1989, tells us:

"We've been robbed!"

Adapted from Homiletic & Pastoral Review, May 2008. Pages 60 - 66.

"We've been robbed.

"But, thanks be to God, we have a pope who apparently plans to restore those treasures to the whole Church.

"It was Easter Vigil, 2002.

"I was being received into the Catholic Church.

"I had been robbed, and I didn't even know it.

"Having not been Catholic prior to Vatican II, nor even for much of th epost - Vatican II era, I had no knowledge of the traditional Latin Mass, the forma extraordinaria.

"I'd had no exposure to Latin until a year or so after I'd been received into the Church, but when I had received that exposure to the official language of the Church, I was sold -- another treasure had been discovered!

"I started teaching myself Latin, and began memorizing some of the tradional prayers in Latin.

"When the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church was published, I was delighted to discover a whole section of prayers in English and Latin...."

A good read!

The Homiletic & Pastoral Review.

Subscriptions from $9.90 to $26.00 a year, depending how good you are with your computer keyboard!

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