Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"It was a rewrite of Muddy Waters' Hootchie Cootchie Man"

Adapted from Smithsonian, August 2008. By Ned Sublette, "Who Do You Love?"

"Both sides of Bo Diddley's first single were one - chord tunes, cut at the same March 2, 1955, session, I'm a Man and Bo Diddley.

"The lyrics of Bo Diddley owed something to Hambone, Red Saunders' 1952 Chicago - made novelty hit, which in turn referred to a popular lullaby.

"But Bo Diddley ditched the bird and went straight to the ring, creating one of the iconic verses of rock 'n' roll:

Bo Diddley buy baby diamond ring,
If that that diamond ring don't shine,
He gonna take it to a private eye.

I'm a Man...Little John the Conqueroo...

"I'm a Man was recorded the year after the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education."

The third verse:

I'm goin' back down

To Kansas to

Bring back the second cousin,

Little John the Conqueroo...

"High John the Conqueror was a root that root doctors used.

"You might come back to Chicago from down South with some in your pocket.

"But in African - American lore, John the Conquerer was also an African king sold into slavery.

"Bo Diddley was claiming kinship to a king..."

Good man!!

Long - time Alamo Village pistolero Mr. David Hunter Hawk Pierce picked for local CEO by K of Cs !!

"The new Grand Knight is Mr. David Pierce who welcomes any men of the St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic parish to call him to join the Knights in their charitable works. (830) 563 - 7150."

UTEP's Nursing Instructor Lisa Hennessy & PR Coordinator César Ayala ...

Source: The UTEP Prospector, July 23, 2008. By Danny Hanson.

"UTEP Fast Track program creates more nurses"

"With the nationwide nursing shortage also affecting the El Paso region, UTEP is now offering a 15 - month curriculum designed to produce more nurses more quickly.

"The UTEP Fast Track Nursing Program is aimed at students with bachelor's degrees, who are considering a career in the field of nursing or interested in pursuing a completely different occupational path.

"[UTEP School of Nursing Public Relations Coordinator] Mr. César Ayala believes a career in nursing still remains a very under appreciated, yet integral part of the medical field.

He says:

"We not only need more students to major in nursing, but students who will also take on Ph.D. careers and become teachers in our [Texas] schools..."

'Way to go, guys!

¡Adelante, DESTINO! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, UTEP!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Source: St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Weekend Bulletin, July 26th and July 27th, 2008.

"Dear Parishioners:

"Effective July 18, 2008, at the request of Archbishop Gomez, the proposed remodel of St. Mary Magdalene Church was placed on hold.

"This request came after the Archbishop approved the medical leave that our Pastor, Father Quang Van requested, on Wednesday July 16, 2008.

"Until such time as Father Quang's health permits, the project will remain on hold.

"At the time the project is 99.5% complete and the Architect is ready to solicit Contractor bids.

"Our Architect has been notified to send his outstanding invoice to the Parish for payment.

"On receipt, the Parish will be notified as to the amount of expenditures that have been processed from the Building / Cemetery Fund in San Antonio.

"When Father Quang's health permits and he is able to resume his duties as Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, our Architect will be requested to solicit Contractor bids for the project and the Parish will have the opportunity to express their wishes as to whether we proceed or drop the project.

"To parents: Please accompany your child if he or she needs to go to the restroom.

"Do not let him or her go alone.

"Archbishop José H. Gomez and the Presbyterial Council want each parish in the Archdiocese of San Antonio to have a special Second Collection for Our Lady of the Lake University, which was burned at the main building.

"Please help the school as much as you can.

"Thank you, so much for your generosity.

"May God bless you.

"Father Quang D. Van"

"Welcome, cancer survivor Mr. Andres Peña and proud dad, Reggie!"

They came in this morning with their mom, and grandmother, Mrs. Maria Elena Mena Peña.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Prelados argentinos:

Adaptada de esta fuente: "Por el señor licenciado Phillip Thompson, Catholic News Service," mediante "Today's Catholic," July 18, 2008.

"BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Prelados católicos argentinos se entrevistaron con el vicepresidente argentino, Julio Cobos, para mediar en la presente disputa entre el gobierno y los productores agrícolas.

"El cardenal Jorge Bergoglio de Buenos Aires, presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina [la CEA], encabezó la delegación, en la cual también se contaba el arzobispo Luis Villalba de Tucumán, el arzobispo jubilado Rubén Di Monte de Mercedes y el obispo Sergio Fenoy de San Miguel.

"Las relaciones entre la iglesia y el estado en Argentina se han puesto tensas recientemente."

Hace la bola, el asunto de Iribarne?

"Las tensiones han aumentado desde que la iglesia rehusó aceptar el candidato, [el señor licenciado] Alberto Iribarne, que el gobierno había señalado como posible embajador ante el Vaticano, debido a su divorcio.

"La celebración de [la Presidente de la República Argentina] Kirchner del Día Nacional de Argentina, el 25 de mayo, con un servicio ecuménico en Salta, en lugar de la Misa tradicional de Acción de Gracias, fue vista como una evidencia más de las relaciones que se enfrían..."

¡Así nos habla el Señor Arzobispo José H. Gomez!

"La oración es el mejor uso de nuestro tiempo..."

Adaptada de esta fuente original: "Today's Catholic," July 18, 2008.

"Hay muchas razones para rezar, pero aquí pongo solamente dos.

"La primera es muy sencilla y contundente, y solía repetirla San Alfonso María de Ligorio:

"[E]l que no reza no se salva.

"Para los cristianos, que somos ciudadanos del Cielo, este argumento bastaría.

"Y la segun razón es tan importante como la primera: orar no sólo es un deber, es ante todo una necesidad.

"Esto lo expresaba muy gráficamente San Agustín en el inicio de sus Confessiones.

"[N]os creaste Señor para tí y nuestra alma estará inquieta mientras no descanse en tí.

"Resumamos todas estas formas [o, por lo menos las dos mencionadas aquí] de oración pidiendo a Dios por la paz en el mundo, por nuestra arquidiócesis, por nuestras familias.

"Démosle alabanza por su gran bondad y amor y pidámosle la gracia de ser hombres y mujeres de oración."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Me*rd*es - toi, pu*tain. Saligaud! Scé*lérat, si tu m'muertes ..."*

*UTEP's Detective Fiction Classes!

Yes! Both 300 - level and 500 - level!

Yes! Fall of 2008!

Yes! Do register now....

Yes! And start your UTEP - English - faculty approved personal reading list while there's still time, o.k.? OK!

¡Ora, UTEP English Department!

¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Adapted free - freewheelingly from this British 1968 source:

Heron Carvic's Picture Miss Seeton: A Miss Seeton Mystery. Curley Publishing, Inc., South Yarmouth, Ma. 1968.

The London production of the Opera Carmen is over, and it's a dark, dark night...

"Where was she now?

"If she turned right here -- gracious, how dark this alleyway looked.

"Should people park their cars all down one side?

"With their wheels on the pavement too?

" -- it should take her towards Tottenham Court Road.

"Or she might even catch her bus in Charing Cross Road.

"This walk was a good idea.

"Miss Seeton prepared to hurry by a couple pressed into an adjacent doorway, when the girl spat:

"Mer*des - toi, pu*tain. Saliguad! Scé*lérat, si tu m'muertes ....

"She ended on a gasp as the boy's arm drove into her side.

"Oh, no.


"Miss Seeton stopped.

"Even supposing the girl had been rude -- and it certainly sounded so -- that was no excuse.

"A gentleman did not hit ...

"She prodded him in the back with her umbrella.

"Young man ....

"He whirled and leaped.

"Deflected by the umbrella, he landed beside the prostate Miss Seeton.

"Grabbing her by the coat, he jerked her towards him.

"A blaze of light froze him as the headlights of a car farther down the alley were switched on and an engine started.

"[T]he boy jumped to his feet and ran.

"A car door slammed.

"A man's voice called.

"The thwack of running footsteps....."

"Are you all right, madam?

"What happened.....?"


This mystery story justs keeps getting better and better....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jesuit's America:

Badly distressed by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone ??

And his new book, The Last Secret of Fatima?

The one with an introduction by Pope Benedict XVI?

Adapted from this up - to - date source: the Jesuit magazine, America, July 21 - 28, 2008. Book review by Ms. Sally Cunneen.

"Reading this slim and puzzling book is a little like receiving a message from another period of church history.

"Why do these distinguished church leaders find it useful now to revisit well - publicized information about the famous secrets associated with the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to three Portuguese children in 1917?

"Unlike many earlier apparitions, during which viewers were asked to have a church built on the site of Mary's appearance, a number of serial 19th - century appearances, beginning with La Salette in 1843, suggested divine punishment if people did not repent and pray.

"La Salette was also accompanied by secrets the children were told not to share.

"The events at Fatima [1917] followed in this pattern, but received far more attention for two reasons.

"First, because Lucia, the primary caretaker of the secrets from 1917, became a Carmelite nun and under her superior's orders, wrote four memoirs between and 1935 and 1941 revealing further details of the Virgin's visitations.

"And second, because those revelations were widely understood to apply not only to then but to all of 20 - century history.

"Only when Lucia seemed near death did her bishop tell her to write down the third and final secret, which was sent in 1957 in a sealed envelope to the confidential archives of the Holy Office.

"Pope John XXIII read the document in 1959 and decided to return it to the archives as irrelevant to our times.

"Pope Paul VI read it and also sent the the envelope back.

"But when John Paul II read the message while recuperating from his near - assassination in 1981, he was convinced that the bishop in white was himself, and that Our Lady of Fatima had saved his life."

Bullet that struck him was placed in the crown of her statue...

"A year later he made a pilgrimage to Fatima to thank he; he also had the bullet that struck him placed in the crown of her statue.

"One piece of evidence that convinced him of his personal connection with the secret was the extraordinary coincidence of a number of dates.

"For instance, Our Lady had appeared to the young visionaries on May 13, 1917; and John Paul was shot on May 13, 1981..."

A good read, this review... :)

Note: we are told, regarding reviewer Ms. Sally Cuneen herself, that she "is emeritus professor of English at Rockland Community college of the State University of New York and the author of In Search of Mary."

A Tip of the Hat to: "Before The Needle" website...

This by - the - seat - of - my - pants adaptation, from an excellent, well - informed original, is strictly concerned with the U.S. Military:

War of American Independence.

Eighteen - year - old Thomas Hickey. June 28, 1776. First American soldier to be executed by Continental Army.

In his unhappy case, we are told, for being involved in an attempt to kidnap and/or assassinate George Washington.

American War between the States / "Civil War." Union Army only.

(1) 267 Union soldiers executed.

WW II Pacific Theater.

21 GIs. Mostly in Milne Bay, New Guinea.

WW II European Theater.

(1) 98
GIs. Mostly at Shepton Mallet, England.

WW II England.

(1) 18 GIs.

Note: One of Stud Terkel's interviewees -- an ex - sergeant of M.Ps -- claims he knew of two (2) other soldiers, presumably American GIs, sentenced to death and hung in Paris, France, by an accomplished Texas' hangman, who he claims even brought his own rope! :) x 2!

Note Two: Hanging and shooting seemed to be the preferred option in those bad 'ole long ago days...

Note Three: I don't seem to have noticed any overlap between the lists of executed GIs in A) the WW II European Theater and B) in WW II England proper.

Monday, July 21, 2008

UTEP Accounting Major Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez:

"Tuition seems to go up every semester"

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

A free - wheeling adaption from this original source, Mr. Alex Hinojosa, Staff Reporter, The UTEP Prospector, July 16, 2008.

"Taming tuition trouble.

"One of the main issues concerning students is the amount of money spent each semester for tuition, parking and food.

"Accounting major Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez said:

Tuition seems to go up every semester, I wish there was a way I could just pay it in installments like a bill.

Since it goes up every semester, it begins to get hard to afford and there are so many fees.

I would prefer that instead of paying 50 percent we could just go ahead and put down less than that, maybe 25 percent.

"In an effort to alleviate students' main concerns, university officials are making changes that, once implemented, promise to make UTEP a better place.

"Mr. Victor Pacheco, [UTEP] assistant vice president for business affairs said:

Students have voiced their opinions through the Student Government Association (SGA) as well as through a student focus group for parking that SGA developed.

SODEXO has conducted surveys as well.

With all this, we have developed several plans to put into action by the fall [of 2008?] to make UTEP better.

"The UTEP EasyPay Plan, which will go into effect this fall, will require students to pay their total tuition bill in five 20 percent payments during the semester...

"Food for thought.

"Mr. Pacheco said:

We realize that sometimes students don't have time to eat a full meal or head over to the Union.

With the mobile food carts and the addition of more food venues in different areas of campus, we are hoping this will help students stay energized as they head to their classes...

Humm ... o.k.! ... Good luck everybody, at least this all sure enough sounds good! :)

Condé Nast PORTFOLIO on STARBUCKS' CEO Howard Schultz !!

If UTEP's STARBUCKS have already folded, where was Frances Nuera, when we needed her??!!

Adapted from the article, "Tall Order," by David Margolick and photographer Art Streiber, the July 2008 edition of Condé Nast Portfolio: Business Intelligence...

"Starbucks' chief caffeinista faces penny - pinching customers, a plunging stock price, and competition from Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's.

"Can Howard Schultz keep his company from getting creamed?"

Project Ferrari is what it's called...

"Project Ferrari is what it's called around the Starbucks Center in Seattle.

"For the past several months, behind locked doors on the sealed - off seventh floor of corporate headquarters, they've worked on it.

"Few people have ever seen the the stuff, and almost no one has tasted it.

"And suddenly here it is, swirls of yellow, red, white, and purple in parfait cups, bathing in grapefruit or blueberry juice, or espresso.

"Two of Howard Schultz's partners -- that's what Starbucks calls its roughly 200,000 employees -- approach the door to his office, carrying the cups on silver trays.

"Schultz shouts at them cheerfully, Come on in!"

Looking back to where it all began: the coffee

"Starbucks, Schultz says, will look forward by looking back to where it all began: the coffee.

"The company's Great Satan is the poor breakfast sandwich, which, while it earns handsome profits, embodies Starbucks' deviation from its core business, besides stinking up the joint and obliterating the heavenly aroma of freshly ground beans.

"Schulz has ordered it banished.

"Another distraction was Starbucks' music business, the one that plants all those CDs en route to the cash register.

"With breathtaking speed and even a bit of masochism, Schultz scuttled most of the division in May.

One victim of the music purge

"One victim of the music purge says Howard [Schultz] is just focused entirely on getting the business back on track, and he will do anything or eliminate anyone to help him do that...

"One Starbucks executive tells me. He wants to go back to the point where everyone was happy and everyone loved us and then make a left turn instead of a right...

"Starbucks is closing 100 underperforming stores and cutting way back -- at least by its own expotential standards -- on expansion in the U.S.A..."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Congratulations to US Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, Retired, Mr. Robert "Bob" Nelson!!

With a distinguished military career spanning many a decade, in both the Navy and the Air Force, the presence of the Rev. Mr. Robert "Bob" Nelson on the 2008 Independence Day Committee made a difference, you can bet your life on it!

Along with the equally vital presence of Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Mary Sam York, and U.S. Congressman, the Honorable Mr. Ciro D. Rodriguez, and Texas State Representative Mr. Tracy King, as well as that of so many other fine folks around town here....

Adapted from this original source: The Brackett News, Thursday, July 17, 2008.

Emerging pattern of non - conformity at the Kinney County lock - up?

Adapted from this primary source:

Ms. Allison Taylor, Editor, The Brackett News, Thursday, July 17, 2008.

"Detention Center: trouble for TV"

Inmates erupt over television turnoff.

"Early Sunday morning, July 13, federal prisoners in the Kinney County Detention Center (KCDC) rebelled after a sergeant on duty turned of the television.

"Monday morning, inmates in a second story cell rocked a metal bunk bed loose from a concrete floor and used it in a failed attempt to break down the door.

"At the same time, in another 10 - man cell, a inmate set fire to a shirt and hung it over the cell window.

"Correctional officers quickly doused the small fire with a facility fire hose."

Friday, July 18, 2008

"Auch ich war ein Junglein mit lockigem Haar"

American GI meets German youth on the day Hiroshima was nuked: Win Stracke's war story in The Good War by Studs Terkel.

"On the very day we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, I was walking down a lovely German road.

"It was a beautiful time of the year.

"Everything was lush and green.

"I had decided to visit my brother - in - law, who was stationed in Bad Bischofsheim.

"I see a farm wagon approaching from a distance.

"There was a young German sitting on the crosstrees.

"His was virile and full of ginger.

"He was singing.

"I could barely hear him.

"As we came closer, I recognized the song.

"It was an aria from a German light opera, Der Waffenschmied -- The Armorer.

"I had sung the title role at the University of Chicago just a few months before I was drafted.

"As he finished the verse, [that starts] Auch ich war ein Jungleim mit lockigem Haar -- 'I was a young man with curly hair' -- I sang out and took the chorus away from him:

, das war eine gluckliche Zeit ...

"-- Yes, that was a wonderful time.

"I resisted the impulse to look at him.

"I kept my eyes straight ahead.

"I just wanted him to get the shock.

"I kept walking without giving him a glance.

"Finally, after about a quarter of a mile, I couldn't resist any more.

"I looked back.

"There he was staring at me.

"I felt he had been looking back at me all that time.

"Bewildered , I'm sure.

"He must have had a very rude awakening.

"It was a grand moment for me.

"I was showing him it was not only his culture, it was mine.

"It was the culture of anyone in the world who loved music.

"I came back from the war primarily concerned with making a living to support my new family.

"I studied voice, paid for by the GI Bill......"

According to his brief biographical sketch, Mr. Win Stracke finally became A Chicago balladeer, founder of the Old Town School of Folk Music.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Peter Verkhovensky in Dostoevski's The Possessed ...

Adapted from Claire Sterling's The Terror Network, page 210 of paperback edition.

Here's the advice of what she calls the satanic Peter Verkhovensky -- in this story most likely written in the late 1870s -- to all his little Russian homeboys and girls:


"First we'll start unrest!

"Do you know that, even now, we are terribly strong?

"We have people other than those who cut throats, set places on fire, go in for classical assassinations, and go around hitting people ... I have them all in hand already.

"We have the teacher who makes the children in trusted to his care laugh at their God and at their families;

"[W]e have the lawyer defending the well - educated murderer because he has reached a higher stage of development than his victims;

"[T]he school boys who, to experience a strong sensation, kill a peasant, are also with us;

"[T]he juries who acquit criminals are all working for us;

"[T]he prosecutor torn by his anguished fear of not being liberal enough does us a service.

"Ah, we have so many high government officials with us, and so many literary figures who don't even know it themselves!"

More Witchcraft 101:

"Witchcraft is ... Catholicism emptied of Christ and stood on its head"

Adapted from this source: Witchcraft 101 by Ms. Michelle Arnold, "This Rock" July/August 2008.

"Witchcraft is an inversion of Catholicism.

"Observers of witchcraft have claimed that it is remarkably similar to Catholicism.

"Catholic journalist and medievalist Sandra Miesel called it Catholicism without Christ ('The Witches Next Door', Crisis, June 2002).

"Writer and editor Charlotte Allen noted that Practicing Wicca is a way to have Christianity without, well, the burdens of Christianity ('The Scholars and the Goddess,' The Atlantic, January 2001).

"But to say that witchcraft has uncanny similarities to Catholicism is to understate the matter.

"Witchcraft is an inversion of Catholicism: Catholicism emptied of Christ and stood on its head.

"This is most readily seen in witchcraft's approach to authority."

Witchcraft's approach to authority ...

"In his book Rome Sweet Home, Scott Hahn compares authority in the Church to a hierarchical pyramid with the pope at the top, with all of the members, including the pope, reaching upward toward God (46 - 47).

"With its antipathy to authority and its reach inward to the self and downward to preternatural spirits, witchcraft could also be illustrated with a triangle -- every adherent poised at the top as his own authority and pointed down in the sort of Lower Command structure envisioned by Lewis's Screwtape."

"Llega a México narcoterrorismo"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Universal / El Zócalo de Piedras Negras / México. Miércoles 16 de Julio de 2008.

"El hallazgo en Culiacán de autos-bomba armados como lo hacen las organizaciones terroristas en Medio Oriente, empleando cilindros de gas butano y un detonador, confirma el paso de las organizaciones del crimen organizado al narcoterrorismo, indicó un funcionario del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos.

"Este martes sumaban cuatro carro - bombas encontrados en Culiacán, mientras que autoridades civiles y militares mantienen un operativo para detectar otros posibles artefactos montados en autos particulares de tipo compacto, confirmaron a EL UNIVERSAL funcionarios de los gobiernos de México y Estados Unidos."

Celulares como detonadores ...

"Dos de los carros - bomba contaban con celulares como detonadores, otro un control remoto de una puerta de garaje, para ser detonado y uno fue rociado con gasolina, mientras que dos autos fueron encontrados en una exclusiva zona residencial donde se encuentran ubicados grupos de personas vinculadas con crimen organizado."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Texas Southern case limps to end"

"Spending scandal led to just one conviction"

Adapted from: Juan A. Lozano, Associated Press, via The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Sunday, July 13, 2008.

"HOUSTON -- Students at Texas Southern University
often have to work their way through college, and most of them need financial aid to follow in the footsteps of alumni Barbara Jordan and Mickey Leland at the historically black, open - enrollment university.

"But the school's president, Priscilla Slade, dressed in Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana.

"Her 25 - place dinner set cost $40,000.

"Her couch cost $17,800.

"The former accounting professor was using university money to dress,decorate and landscape her house, take spa treatments and exercise classes.

"The scandal outraged the city and Slade, with her sleek - coiffed hair and dazzling smile, became a symbol of excess.

"Prosecutors charged her and two associates with crimes that could have put them behind bars for life.

"It didn't happen."

TSU Senior Mr. Jarel Brown: "I'm mad."

"The fizzle with which the scandal ended disappointed some students.

"I'm mad, especially after tuition started going up and all, and then this happens, said senior Mr. Jarel Brown.

Junior Ms. Nancy Oluwatopi: "I'm pretty upset at what she did."

"Junior Ms. Nancy Oluwatopi said the suspension of state funds meant she didn't get the financial aid she was counting on.

"I'm pretty upset at what she did, I'm extremely upset, she said.

"It's just too many problems that weren't supposed to be there.

"Prosecutors said they had to weigh the importance of retrying Slade against the cost of another trial.

"They might have had a difficult time in a retrial since several jurors in her trial expressed support for her.."

Humm ... or were they outright tampered with? :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Pelean sicarios con bombas"

Adaptada de esta fuente: EL UNIVERSAL / Zócalo / Culiacán. Martes 15 de julio de 2008.

"Sinaloa vive por cuarto día consecutivo una jornada de violencia extrema.

"Este lunes, en Culiacán, un grupo armado lanzó bombas molotov y baleó la fachada de una casa de seguridad, dañando a tres más vecinas; además de incendiar tres vehículos.

"El ataque, que fue repelido por los habitantes de dicha residencia, ocurrió al filo de las 4:40 horas en la colonia 10 de Mayo y duró aproximadamente 60 minutos, causando terror e incertidumbre en el vecindario, sin que fuerzas federales ni militares arriban al lugar de los hechos."

Monday, July 14, 2008

"Punishing the Wayward:

"Flores Has Disciplined Nine Priests, but Still Faces Some Criticism"

A free - wheeling adaption from this source: . Their cite:

"By J. Michael Parker
"San Antonio Express - News [Texas]
"April 28, 2002.

"In the past 16 years, San Antonio's Catholic archdiocese has dealt with nine wayward priests, including four indicted on child molestation charges and a priest who admitted three years ago to several affairs with women and who fathered a child when he was pastor of a local church.

"[Archbishop Patrick] Flores is still vulnerable to criticism.

"A Survey USA poll conducted for [San Antonio's] KSAT - TV showed last week that 40 percent of adult Catholic respondents disapprove of how he has addressed the issue of sexual misconduct by priests, while 28 percent support his handling of it.

"The survey had a margin of error of 5.7 percent."

At least one suspended priest got through that net....

"Any priest coming to the archdiocese from elsewhere must have both the permission and recommendation of his bishop or religious superior, and Flores said he relies on that.

"But at least one suspended priest, Father Mark Matson, got through that net.

"A member of the Theatine Fathers religious order, he celebrated Mass at several local parishes in 1999 without requesting or receiving faculties from the archdiocese.

"He returned to Hawaii in 2000 and was convicted of sexual assault and attempted sexual assault stemming form a 1998 incident involving a 13 - year - old boy.

"Matson is now serving a 20 - year sentence..."

Dr. Michael DeBakey:

As only one of some 70 years - worth of orderlies could remember him! I.

That's right!

Because there would have been literally thousands of us crossing his path over that stretch of time.

Each with his own unique impressions.

Throughout much of late October to late November of 1971, I was picking up some extra money at the Houston Methodist Hospital 's Cardio - Vascular OR.

I knew, and cared less, what I was going to be doing.

I needed some bucks.


Boy, did that ever change.

Mops and buckets were not all that was involved, by no means.

We learned the fine art of holding up some luckless sucker's leg while DeBakey team members Doctors Crawford and Martin did their legendary thing.

The trick, as my Port Arthur partner told me, was this: "Lean into it, just don't let them see you straining while do'in, hear?"

Meanwhile, Doctors Crawford and Martin would be saying crazy - sounding things to each other like:

"So! Do you wanna go ahead and put the goop on now?"

And the answer would be:

"Naw. Let's do the other jazz first."

Meanwhile Dr. DeBakey would be running from one OR to the adjoining one, carefully overseeing everyone and everybody....

And from this brand - new orderly's point of view?

After that first, traumatic day shift, things just kept getting better....!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Diocese location:

"San Antonio, Texas.

"Bishop's Name:

Patrick Flores.

"As an auxiliary bishop in San Antonio in the 1970s, he helped Xavier Ortiz - Dietz become a priest despite poor performance in three Mexican seminaries.

"One of the schools sent a report concluding that the student suffered from marked sexual conflict, ... obsessive manias, pronounced paranoid characteristics, delusions of grandeur..."

$4 million payout

"In 1998, the archdiocese paid about $4 million to seven victims of the priest, who has been imprisoned.

"Two women gave sworn statements saying they alerted the archdiocese of possible abuse in the 1980s; Archbishop Flores' attorney has said he was not warned.

"In the late 1990s, the archbishop testified in a deposition that the priest remained fit for certain ministries despite his criminal conviction.

"In the late 1980s, meanwhile, Archbishop Flores settled a lawsuit over alleged molestation by the Rev. Federico Fernandez.

"He [Archbishop Flores] has said he didn't remember an earlier complaint from a man who warned that he had seen the priest naked in a swimming pool with two young girls.

"Father Fernandez was also criminally charged in the late 1980s, but the case was dismissed at the request of an alleged victim."

"Special Reports: Catholic Bishops and Sex Abuse"

Adapted from this source: etc.

"Roughly two - thirds of top U.S. Catholic leaders have allowed priests accused of sexual abuse to keep working, s systematic practice that spans decades ad continues today, a three - month Dallas Morning News review shows.

"The study -- the first of its kind -- looked at the records of the top leaders of the nation's 178 mainstream Roman Catholic dioceses, including acting administrators in cases where the top job is vacant.

"Excluded from the study were auxiliary bishops who, in larger dioceses, serve in subordinate roles but still can vote on many matters before the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the 17 bishops who lead eparchies, which are diocese - like entities that worship according to the Eastern rite.

"In checking whether a bishop had protected priests or other church representatives accused of sexual abuse, reporters Brooks Eggerton and Reese Dunkin relied on published reports, court records, interviews and church records obtained in civil litigation."

Primarily adolescent boys...

"Most protected priests were accused of sexually molesting minors -- primarily adolescent boys, but also younger ones, and a sizable number of girls of various ages.

"The newspaper's study also covered behavior that indicated a sexual attraction o minors, such as viewing child pornography or, in one case, trading sexually charged e - mails with someone a priest believed was a minor. "

More Brackettville, Texas, Veterans: "saluting those who serve!"

The Brackett News, Thursday, July 10, 2008

Matt Smallwood

James Stafford

Orlen Scott

Valerie Terrazas

Monica Rodriguez

Juan Falcon

Severo DeHoyos Jr.

Miguel DeHoyos

James Volcsko

John Hernandez

Richard Moore

Pedro Peña

Oscar Garcia Jr.

Joseph Shipman

Nacona Breen

Tony Frerich

Friday, July 11, 2008

UTEP's Ms. Adriana Salas!!

"Increase in summer courses provides revenue"

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

Welcome everyone to UTEP's Summer Semester II!

Or are we back to just one, again??!!

Adapted from this source: The UTEP Prospector: Assayer of Student Opinion. July 9, 2008. By UTEP's Ms. Adriana Salas. Media credit to UTEP's Ms. Melody Parra.

The caption below her photo caption tells us:

"Professor James Quinan teaches a Painting I, II, and III class during the Summer semester, which is normally only offered in the Fall and Spring semesters."

What follows is from Ms. Salas:

"Many students are taking advantage of the increased course selection offered this summer in order to expedite their studies and graduate sooner.

"A total of 133 more courses sections [sic] are being offered this summer than in previous years in an effort to increase revenue.

"Provost Richard Jarvis said the summer was never looked at as an opportunity for students to get ahead in their studies until now."

Hey! Baloney! Try Summers 2003 and 2004! H*e*l, I was there!

"Jarvis said: We want to grow and increase the opportunities for students to progress in their studies, the interest was in seeing the summer as another kind of semester.

"Another major change also affecting summer courses this year are the times at which they are offered.

"Classes are now offered at later times of the day to accommodate more students."

Enter UTEP's Ms. Silvia Fuentes, senior education major!

"Ms. Fuentes said: I still think they should try to increase the number of courses for next summer because it really helped me out, but I know some other students weren't able to find courses they needed this summer.

Communications Department
's Top Loser weighs in on faculty salary caps !!

"The university also recently placed a cap on faculty salaries in order to bring more professors to the university.

"[UTEP's Successful Latina - hating Communications Department] Associate professor Thomas Ruggiero said he isn't feeling the pinch in his salary and believes this new approach will lead toward a more student - centered university."

He's lucky he even has a job. Period! :)

Hey, this is an over - all good read, Adriana, keep up the good work!!

Lepanto: la battaglia del 1571 VII.

"La ragioni storiche dello scontro"

"Lo svolgimiento della battaglia"

"All'alba del 7 ottobre 1571 una gigantesca flotta ottomana, la più numerosa mai schirata nel Mediterraneo, avanzava lentamente, con il vento di scirocco in poppa.

"Circa 270 galee e una quantità indescrivible di legni minori formavano un semicerchio, una enorme e minacciosa mezzaluna che occupava tutte le acque che dalle coste montagnose dell'Albania, a nord, arrivano alle secche della Morea, a sud.

"Al centro della mezzaluna che avanzava, sulla nave ammiraglia, chiamata la Sultana, sventolava uno stendardo verde, venuto dalla Mecca, che recava ricamato in oro per 28.000 volte il nome di Allah."

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