Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So, here's fellow Marine veteran Tim Staples, formerly a Southern Baptist.

As he assures us:

More than 1,000 Protestant pastors have converted since 1995...

They are coming over so fast we don't know what to do with them all..."


"[H]e laughed, adding that 6 to 8 million Muslims have converted in recent years, especially in Indonesia..."

As for Pope Benedict XVI??!!

"He has eclipsed Pope John Paul II in terms of theology...

"Think about what the Holy Father has done;

"He has exceeded all expectations.

"He is also the patriarch of the Orthodox Church..."

Adapted from the newspaper Today's Catholic. Friday, March 26, 2010. Page 7.

The unsigned article is deals with Catholic radio broadcasting stations and is titled : Helping thousands of people find their way home to the Catholic Church over the airways.

It reports to us on the Fourth Annual Pescadores de Hombres luncheon, "held March 4 at the Holy Trinity Church Banquet Hall," in San Antonio, Texas.

"Keynote speaker for the event was Tim Staples, director of apologetics for Catholic Answers in San Diego.

"He is a convert to the Catholic Church who has given hundreds of talks across the United States.

"Staples was raised a Southern Baptist who fell away from the faith in his childhood.

"He came back to faith in Christ during his teen years through the witness of Christian televangelists ...

"Staples told listeners that they are seeing the fruits of the Catholic - Pentecostal dialogue which began in 1972."

In Staples own words:

"More than 1,000 Protestant pastors have been converted since 1995.

"Those are unprecedented levels.

"They are coming over so fast we don't know what to do with them all."

Then, the unnamed archdiocesan mystery author continues:

"[Staples] laughed, adding that between 6 to 8 million Muslims have converted in recent years, especially in Indonesia...

"Staples converted to Catholicism in 1988 and spent the following six years in formation for the priesthood, earning a degree in philosophy from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Pennsylvania.

"He then studied theology on a graduate level at Mount St. Mary's College in Maryland for two years.

"Realizing that his calling was not to the priesthood, Staples left the seminary in 1994 and has been working in Catholic apologetics and evangelization ever since.

"Staples began his presentation by praising Pope Benedict XVI, describing the pontiff as the incarnation of the documents of Vatican II.

"[H]e said, [Pope Benedict] has eclipsed Pope John Paul II in terms of theology. Pope Benedict has had an amazing five plus years. Think about what the Holy Father has done; he has exceeded all expectations..."

"After the papal election, Staples recalled that Benedict removed one of the titles of the Pope: Patriarch of the West.

"[Staples] asked Why? -- followed by the answer: Because he is also the patriarch of the Orthodox Church..."

Congratulations to Mrs. Zulema Freeman!

Yet another great grandchild joins her family...

Tip of the hat to: The Brackett News. Thursday, March 25, 2010.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Roman Catholic point of view! :)

"Light blessed candles.

"The burning of a candle is a sign of our prayers,

"a bright, silent intercessor for the Holy Souls.

"Be their liberators!"

"We know there are no borders between us and those who have gone before us...

"The fruit of purgatory is purification..."

Random adaptation from this original source:

Marian Helper magazine. Spring 2010. . Susan Tassone's timely commentary, Remembering the Holy Souls all year long: Mark the seasons with devotion for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

As Susan reminds us:

"The souls in purgatory are silent voices that beg and implore our help.

"They suffer without any relief.

"They are forever crying out to the living, Have mercy on us, for we are lonely and poor...

"We urgently need Apostles of Purgatory or, if you will, Purgatory Busters to speak of them, pray for them, and plead their cause.

"Be their liberators!

"We have a unique opportunity to be their voices and echo their cries.

"If we could see the power of our sacrifices and the Masses offered for the Holy Souls, we would devote ourselves with such earnestness that the whole world would raise their eyes and take notice and would believe.

"What have we learned from the saints?

"We know there is a profound communion between the living and the dead.

"We know there are no borders between us and those who have gone before us.

"We know the power and great efficacy of our intercessory prayers.

"We know the path.

"Are we ready to begin the journey?

"The fruit of purgatory is purification.

"The remembrance of purgatorial souls will spur us to avoid sin at all costs; and we will bring glory to God, for heaven will be opened to a multitude of souls..."

Palm Sunday Lenten weekend religious services well served.

At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Friday, March 26, 2010. Stations of the Cross. TEAM Ms. Brittney Castilla.

Saturday, March 27, 2010. 5:30 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

Sunday, March 28, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Samantha DeHoyos + Mr. Justin Gallegos.

Sunday, March 28, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Nathan Pacheco Pérez + Ms. Danielle Gerardo + Mr. Prieto Chico.

B.H.S. 2010 Graduate Ms. Amanda Flores.

Looking forward "to being on my own!"

While attending first SAC, then UTSA...

'Way to go Amanda!

Thanks to: The Brackett News. Thursday, March 25, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

So what role does that pink -- or blue? -- padlock that Mrs. Voss alluded to?

In her office?

Most likely Friday, April 4, 2008?

From 11:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m.?

When she claimed that she alone had access to the St. MM's Collections?

And that she'd "try to find what happened to mine?!" :)

What role has Mrs. Voss' padlock in any massive, ongoing fiscal monkeyshines?

And who gave her the order to NOT "look for that %?!¡'s lana?"

After all?

And why?

Fr. Quang?

K of C Mr. John Traux?

K of C Mr. Roland Boysen?

My, oh my! :)

Quick question! How can you tell between a contractor's cost override & a kickback?


In the first case there will be tangible, physical evidence of work done.


In the second case, specific, physical work already spelled out in the initial signed contract, will not have been done!

Evidence for a kick back set - up w/ the recent St. MM's plumbing job:

Physical work agreed to beforehand, but not done, at least not yet:

1) drain holes in the middle of the floor in both bathrooms.

2) a door hanging at the entrance to the little hall way of the church vestibule.

Neither job has yet to be done, and the final bill was padded - hey, who knows? - if I remember it was from $1,500 to $2,500.

Operation Masquerade / Palace Guard lurches into Easter Sunday 2010!

From the St. Mary Magdalene's Sunday Bulletin, Saturday March 27th and Sunday March 28th, 2010.

Box 95.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for April 4, 2010.

"Hector & Gloria Jimenez; Mike & Lupe Cortinas; Martha & Paul Fernandez"

And, meanwhile, back at the ranch!

construction -- ha! ha! -- kick - backs -- thinly disguised as "overrides" -- most likely continuing to run amok.

persons -- assuming there are such, anymore! -- so rash as to enter the new parish rectory to ask for an accounting of their donations for 2009 most likely will get the same casually contemptuous dismissal as received our current pastor from two(2) of his own in - residence K of C stalwarts a couple of months back.

In his subsequent snail mail letter to us giving his own cocky version, and surely for reasons of his own, Mr. Roland Boysen refused to identify the parish book keeper by name likewise involved in all this -- that anonymous one whose opinion he claimed to have solicited -- solicited while both persons apparently were deliberately cutting our pastor out of the $$$ picture altogether.

Given that the last two years have been pretty significant ones -- in fact, very significant ones with an "official start date" of Friday, April 4, 2008, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. -- my own opinion is that outside Mr. Boysen himself, Mrs. Barbara Voss & Mr. John Traux likewise share Mr. Boysen's profound concern & as well as his own breath - taking depth of intimate knowledge of our parish's financial challenges.

What some hypothetically pending Val Verde Grand Jury proceedings will make of all this someday is totally unknown.


Given the variety of different personalities involved, most likely we will be treated to a real life example of what's been called "Laugh - out loud detective fiction."

With the Del Rio paper having a blast.

Especially so, if some clown with a vocabulary level on a par with that of the Rev. Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van is allowed out of his cage as a star witness -- to let us all have it with both barrels! :)

Believe you me, that measly
"$600.00 up in smoke" will be money well - spent just to have the chance to hear our St. Mary Magdalene's one - time Main Man of Men in front of a grand jury's microphone, invoking everybody from Moses to Bill Gates, as once again he wows us all just by do'in his "legendary thing!"

You bet! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Hundreds of Christians Killed in Nigerian Attacks"

Archbishop John Onaiyekan, of the capital city of Abuja:

"[P]eople don't kill for religion...

"but for social, economic, tribal and cultural reasons..."

Adapted from the Jesuit magazine, America. March 22, 2010.

"Reports suggest as many as 500 people were killed in pre - dawn assaults on three villages close to the city of Jos in the Ngerian state of Plateau on March 7.

"Archbishop John Onaiyekan, of the Nigerian capital, Abuja, warned against describing the violence as a religious conflict.

"He told Vatican Radio that the violence was rooted not in religion but in other differences.

"Initial reports blame the attacks on members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, who work as herders, against the Christian Berom tribe, for the most part farmers.

""[H]e said International media will say that Christians and Muslims are killing each other. But this is not the case because people don't kill for religion, but for social, economic, tribal and cultural reasons.

"Archbishop Onaiyekan said. The victims are poor people who don't have anything to do with all this and are not responsible. It is a classic conflict between pastoralists and farmers, except that all the Fulani are Muslims and all the Berom are Christians...

"The Nigerian government is weak and not able to contain the groups who are vying for dominance of the territory, the archbishop said...."

A good informative read...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Bomb threat case against student dismissed"

"When the FBI agents went to my house and arrested me,

"I didn't know what was going on.

"It took me 15 minutes to remember the jokes."

And the UTEP Prospector's Ms. Nicole Chávez has this weeks story.

¡Adelante, Nicole!

This snippet is from the Tuesday, March 23, 2010 issue.

"After three months under criminal investigation due to a bomb threat, Ahmad Fares - Hammad, senior electrical engineering major, was cleared of the charges.

"[An] administrative assistant, who had been working at UTEP for three years looked at Fares - Hammad's senior project, and asked him what's that? It looks scary.

"[A]nswered Fares - Hammad, who thought the woman was joking, It should look scary, it's a bomb.."


"Fares - Hammad said, Back home, people really like you if you are Arab and U.S. citizen, you receive better treatment. Here even international students discriminate against you ...

"Fares - Hammad said, Now I'm sure that I don't want to stay in El Paso after graduation..."

Some good points! :)

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora. MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group & B.H.S. personalities help score points in Tennis Match.

Ms. Priscilla Aguirre & Mr. Ramón Gutierrez were among them!

From The Brackett News. Thursday, March 18, 2010. "Brackett Tennis News"

The same thing with Track & Field events.

Mr. Joelson Terrazas, Mr. Sam Stewart, Mr. Victor Robledo

All scored points in the Pearsall Bulldog Relays February 25th, 2010.

So too, did Ms. Icela Rueda & Ms. Cheyenne Peña.

For the Varsity Girls Track at the Ingram Track Meet in Ingram for Ms. Rueda

And for the Brackett Junior High Girls Track Team at the La Pryor Track Meet for Ms. Peña.

March 25. Feast Day of the Annunciation of the Lord.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

President emeritus of St. Mary's University.

And Jesus Christ
- believing Roman Catholic priest Father John Leies opines:

"Are there pets in heaven?

"I have to say the answer is no.

"They have no souls.

"To make animals human is to make humans animals."

Adapted from Today's Catholic, from the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Published March 12, 2010.

"We are often advised to read the signs of the times.

"One sign today is the dechristianization taking place in traditional countries.

"Our Christian tradition has always seen human beings in a privileged light, as made in the image and likeness of God, uniquely persons with inalienable rights.

"Losing sight of that truth leads to the present tendencies to humanize animals.

"To make animals human is to make humans animals.

"It is interesting to note that in recent years I have been asked more than in the past whether animals go to heaven.

"I have to say the answer is no.

"They have no immortal souls.

"It could be possible for God after the resurrection of the dead to give us pets but I do not think he will.

"And we will not miss them -- nor relatives and friends who did not make it to paradise.

"God alone will suffice ..."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Oprah's Sisters"

From U.S. Catholic April 2010.

"Oprah Winfrey turned her attention to the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist on her show in early February (oprah. com/ oprah-show/ Lisa-Ling-Goes- Inside- a- convent).

"Correspondent Lisa Ling spent the night at the Ann Arbor, Michigan convent, founded in 1997.

"It's 98 sisters have an average age of 26, according to their website,

"Time will tell whether the influential talk show host's favor will affect vocations, but the sisters report a very positive response to the show so far ..."

"U.S. Anglican Parishes To Join Catholic Church"

Source: The Jesuit publication America. March 22, 2010.

"About 100 traditionalist Anglican parishes in the United States have decided to join the Catholic Church as a group.

"Meeting in Orlando, the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church in America voted on March 3 to seek entry into the Catholic Church under the guidelines established in Pope Benedict XVI's apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus / Groups of Anglicans.

"The request means that the 100 parishes of the Anglican Church in America will ask for group reception into the Catholic Church in a personal ordinariate, a structure similar to dioceses for former Anglicans who become Catholic.

"The Anglican
Church in America is the third group of Anglicans to accept the Vatican's invitation, following the United Kingdom branch of the Traditional Anglican Communion and the Australian branch of Anglican traditionalists, Forward in Faith..."

March 23. Feast Day of Saint Toribio de Mogrovejo.

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Christ as the first tomato

"For God so loved the cosmos...

That ...

"When the Word became flesh, he became stardust, too...

"For that reason even the stones have a share in salvation..."

John Muir:

"God's charity is broad enough for bears."

Random snippets from a prominent Fordham University Theologian, recently beamed down to us from the farthest reaches of outer space!

Here's some of the highlights of Elizabeth A. Johnson C.S.J.'s Comedy Central routine as she bares the naked truth, American - Catholic style. :)

In U.S. Catholic magazine, April 2010 edition.

"Quite literally, human beings are made of stardust.

"Since Jesus of Nazareth was composed of star stuff and earth stuff, and since his body existed in a network of relationships extending to the whole physical universe, his resurrection signals the beginning of the redemption, not just of other human beings, but of the whole creation itself - the whole natural world, all of matter in its endless permutations.

"In the light of the risen Christ, hope of salvation for sinful, mortal human beings expands to become a cosmic hope, a shared hope.

"Love for the Earth and all its creatures flows as a response...

"If you've ever grown tomatoes, you know the joy of picking the first juicy one.

"Christ, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep, is like that first tomato..."

The good sister even claims that John Muir lashed out at humans who believed heaven excluded non - humans.

Instead, as she tells us, "Muir believed .. God's charity is broad enough for bears..."

Great Altar Server turnout at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.

Brackettvile, Texas 78832.

Saturday. March 20, 2010. 5:30 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Ray Sandoval + Mr. J.T. Rosas.

Sunday. March 21, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos & Ms. Samantha DeHoyos + Mr. Justin Gallegos.

Sunday, March 21, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Britney Castilla.

Operation Masquerade / Palace Guard

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for March 28, 2010

"Ruby Muñoz, Candy Bader, Tony & Nancy Frerich"

Keep it up, good people!


Can you really be sure that the watchers watching you are being watched in turn??!!

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Third consecutive K of C Fish Fry abruptly canceled.

Ongoing parish - wide $$$ combination Vendor - Credit Meltdown gathering speed?

Usual sullen reaction to the question, by parents of cheerful, hardworking Youth Group members:

"Duh! Why??!!" :)

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas. 78832.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Catholic Church's priestly sex scandal, 2002.

Cardinal "Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a Colombian who was head of the Congregation for Clergy...

"... worried that accused priests weren't getting a fair hearing..."

But these days?

Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, "His replacement at the clergy congregation, has taken a much different approach..."

From an article by John Thavis of CNS in ITC for their March 2010, edition.

The article's title is The Pope Summons the Irish Bishops.

At a Vatican press conference in 20o2, Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who was then the head of the Congregation for Clergy "worried that accused priests weren't getting a fair hearing, suggested that priests were being unfairly singled out as a category of professionals when itcomes to sex abuse, and implied that money was a factor in the cases coming to light.

"His replacement at the clergy congregation, Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, has taken a much different approach.

"While defending most priests as honest and honorable pastors, Hummes recently said instances of priestly sexual abuse were extremely serious and ... criminal facts that need to be brought to the attention of the civil justice system and not just to Church authorities..."

England's Sir Sigmund Sternberg writes to Inside the Vatican magazine.

With a cordial invitation to Pope Benedict XVI.

" step inside one of our splendid synagogues..."

The editors tell us:

"Sternberg is Jewish and was born in Hungary on June 2, 1921..."

This material is lifted from the ITC letters to the editor section March 2010.


"Your February 2010 issue quite rightly devoted a lot of space to relations between Catholics and Jews, especially the Pope's visit to the Rome Synagogue.

"I was privileged to be among the welcoming party when John Paul II visited the same synagogue in 1986, the first by any pontiff to a Jewish house of worship.

"That visit and the one by Pope Benedict XVI are widely welcomed, particularly on the Jewish side, as indicators of the ever -strengthening ties of respect and understanding between our two faiths.

"I appreciate that Pope Benedict will be busy during his forthcoming visit to the UK, but it would be a warmly welcomed gesture of fellowship if he could find time to step inside one of our splendid synagogues during his stay.

"Yours sincerely, Sir Sigmund Sternberg..."

To which the editors respond, in part:

"For our readers, we note that Sir Sigmund Sternberg is a British philanthropist, businessman and Labor Party donor who has worked in promoting dialogue between different faiths.

"He established the Sternberg Foundation in 1968.

"He emigrated to Britain in 1939 and was naturalized as a British citizen in 1947.

"In 1998 he was awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion; he has also received recognition and awards from many other countries..."

March 19. Feast Day of Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Piden denunciar a curas pederastas"

"El Vaticano, en 2006, sancionó a Marcial Maciel porque sí lo encontró culpable de pederastia"

Guillermo Tamborel, Senador por el PAN:

Así como hay incongruencias en los partidos que degradan el quehacer político, también hay religiosos que perjudican a la Iglesia."

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Universal / Zócalo / México, DF. Lunes 15 de Marzo de 2010.

"El presidente de la Comisión de Grupos Vulnerables en el Senado (PAN), Guillermo Tamborrel, llamó las autoridades religiosas a no quedarse en el simple reconocimiento de que existen sacerdotes pederastas, sino a dar un segundo paso y denunciarlos ante la autoridad civil..."

El Senador:

"Tamborrel Suárez aplaudío la visita apostólica -- similar a una auditoría -- que representantes del Vaticano realizan a la orden de la Legión de Cristo, para determinar si hay más casos de abuso sexual, y que concluye la próxima semana."

También, opinó éste:

"Esto daña a la Iglesia, les resta fieles. Así como hay incongruencias en los partidos que degradan el quehacer político, también hay religiosos que perjudican a la Iglesia."

Mientras tanto:

"Cabe señalar, que El Universal dio a conocer que Marcial Maciel, fundador de los Legionarios de Cristo, fue sancionado por el Vaticano en 2006 porque sí lo encontró culpable de pederastia..."

Ms. Martha Fernández - Sardina.

"Are you listening?"

LECTIO DIVINA = Lectio - Meditatio - Comtemplatio - Oratio.

Is that so, profe?

Well, I'll be doggone ... ! :)

From Today's Catholic March 12, 2010.

We are told: "Martha Fernández - Sardina is director of the archdiocesan Office for Evangelization."

, some people continue to believe that Catholics are not interested in the Bible, and that the Catholic Church discourages personal reading and study of sacred Scripture.

"Nothing could be further from the truth!

"The evidence in our archdiocese points precisely to the opposite: we see a tremendous and growing interest in hearing, praying with, learning, loving, living and sharing the good news found in sacred Scripture.

"As for the Catholic Church's commitment to divine revelation in sacred Scripture, the deliberations and conclusions of the 2008 Synod of Bishops on The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church clearly point to the fact that we are and will always be a Bible - believing church, one that continues to urge all its members and the world at large to make sacred Scripture a guiding force for daily life.

"The word of God can change our lives and our world!

"So as our Archdiocesan Bible Initiatives logo states:

"Hear it.

"Pray it.

"Learn it.

"Love it.

Share it..."

March 18. Feast Day of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The exorcist priest Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer.

Tip for today:

"The book Generation Hex notes that this generation of American kids is the first ever to grow up in a society...

"... in which Christianity has been stigmatized and the occult normalized."

From the good reverend father's Líbera nos a malo series in the New Oxford Review, March 2010 edition.

"My journey to the Catholic Church spans a lifetime.

"My parents were Sunday school teachers at our Baptist church.

"I did have one professor who introduced me to a man named Luke Timothy Johnson.

"Some of the Catholics seemed to think it was ok to sin as much as you want...

"...sort of using the Eucharist as a spiritual morning - after pill..." *

"I was accepted into full communion with the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil ...

"...on March 22, 2008."

These highlights are from the testimony of Mr. Brad Smith, "currently studying to be a registered nurse."

From the March 2010 Newsletter of The Coming Home Network International.

*Much as clergy within the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas are allowed to use this same Eucharist as a psychiatric placebo.

This most certainly applies here locally at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church, Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Ms. Claudia Rocha, Mr. Victor Cantu & Ms. Aracely "Chely" Salazar all have one thing in common.

They're three B.H.S. 2010 grads with life goals oriented towards the Real World.

Claudia -- Life's Goal is "...finally being an independent person.'

Victor -- Life's Goal is ".. living in a big city."

"Chely" -- Life's Goal is "...starting my life outside of the B - town."

Good luck y'all! :)

Adapted from The Brackett News. Thursday, March 11, 2010.

March 17. Feast Day of Saint Patrick of Ireland.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Afectan el inicio de Spring Break"

"Atemorizan al turismo el Éjercito y Aduana"

El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Domingo 14 de Marzo 2010. Por el Sr. licenciado Enrique González Correa.

"Bajo la mirada atónita de los turistas, el Éjercito desfiló fuertemente armado y con vehículos blindados por los principales sitios turísticos de Acuña, reflejando una imagen de inseguridad.

Identity of Molinar family's "Chapo" publicly revealed.

And no!

He's not a beloved -- if awkward -- two -legged child.


He's a warm and fuzzy four - legged one!

Indeed, Mrs. Maria Elena Molinar says Chapo "is spoiled rotten! " :)

Thanks to the Kinney County Post, Tuesday, March 9, 2010.

St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group / Altar Servers well - represented ...

... on B.H.S. Tennis Team!

, Mr. Ramón & Ms. Abby Gutierrez + Mr. Tony Flores are among them!

Source: The Brackett News. Thursday, March 11, 2010.

Ghosts of Parish Festivals Past really starting to haunt St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish now?

Since we're past due for beginning Parish Festival 2010?

Maybe the K of C's are right, after all!

"One Fish Fry every 2 weeks will do the trick!"

No organized / disorganized fraud and crookedness!


Just Plain Good Eating! :)

At least in Brackettville, Texas. Zip 78832.

Source is last week's bulletin notice:


"The Knights of Columbus of the St. Mary Magdalene Church will be hosting a fund raising fish fry on Friday, March 26, 2010 from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM behind the church ... etc."

Monday, March 15, 2010

"So, what's up at your mom's 'ole alma mater?" :)

UT Pan Am's Ms. Pamela Morales has the story!

"Coca - Cola quenches Spring Breakers' thirst at SPI"

¡Adelante, Pamela!

Published in the UTPA online paper, The Pan American this past Thursday, March 11, 2010.

"Finally, midterms are over and a relaxing weekend would do some good ... or maybe a week long vacation would do better.

"Spring Break, perhaps?

"How about the Coca - Cola Beach on South Padre Island [SPI]?

"Starting March 7, South Padre Island and Coca - Cola will once again partner to renew a 15 - year collaboration to create another three - week of fun experience for college students from across the country...

"Although this one of the biggest parties for college students to enjoy, many Broncs at UTPA were not aware of Coca - Cola Beach.

"[S]aid Brenda Garcia, a junior education major, I've never heard of it, because I never go to the beach during Spring Break.

"[S]aid Gracie Samaniego, a junior in nursing, We'll go when nobody is there..."

Way to go, good people, and thanks for dropping by...:)

Second Mass well - served at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Sunday: March 14, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Justin Gallegos.

"Operation Masquerade / Palace Guard" well into its 5th month!

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for March 21, 2010

"Manuel & Antonia Peña, Jim & Bobbie Voss, Jean Householder"

Original source:

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic church bulletin.

"The Weekend of Saturday March 13, 2010 & Sunday March 14, 2010.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Early into his pontificate...

"Pope Benedict blocked the planned beatification of Father Leon Dehon (1843 - 1925).

"Roy Schoeman notes that Dehon had called the Talmud a manual for the bandit, the corrupter, the social destroyer.

"and had recommended that Jews not be permitted to own land or serve as judges or teachers."

Adapted from Jeff Ziegler's article, The People of God with Israel: Catholic - Jewish relations deepen under Pope Benedict XVI. In the March 2010 edition of The Catholic World Report.

Six weeks after his inaugural Mass in April 2005 Pope Benedict XVI. addressed the concerns of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations:

"I wish to assure you that the Church remains firmly committed, in her catechesis and in every aspect of her life, to implementing Nostra Aetate's decisive teaching.

"In the years following the Council, my predecessors Pope Paul VI and, in a particular way, Pope John Paul II, took significant steps towards improving relations with the Jewish people.

It is my intention to continue on this path."

In response...

"Myrna Shinbaum of the Anti - Defamation League told CWR [that] this talk was particularly significant because it comes very soon after his election and because [Pope Benedict XVI ] commits to following the historic path of Pope John Paul II in working to improves relations with the Jewish people.

"A few days later, Pope Benedict blocked the planned beatification of Father Roy Dehon (1843 - 1925).

"Roy Schoeman, author of Salvation is From the Jews, notes that Dehon had called the Talmud a manual for the bandit, the corrupter, the social destroyer and had recommended that Jews not be permitted to own land or serve as judges or teachers..."

Yet, it might appear, Pope John Paul II's Vatican bureaucracy had been all ready to rubber - stamp Fr. Dehon's candidacy! :)

Yet more ...

"When Joseph Ratzinger was nine, Pope Pius XI issued his anti - NAZI encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge -- With Burning Anxiety.

"The following year, the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities published its Syllabus Against Racism and urged Catholic educational institutions to combat NAZI racial theories.

"Five months later, Pope Pius XI told a group of Belgian pilgrims, Anti - Semitism is a revolting movement,of which we Christians cannot be a part. Anti - Semitism cannot be justified. Spiritually we are [all] Semites..."

Interesting points... :)